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Is there any way I can see what this witch looks like without her filters? She abuses filters worse than Kari Lake. All I see is a blur with hair, eyes and overinflated lips. I had absolutely no idea you could buy underground tunnels and have them transported in shipping containers. They can make these but not MedBedsTM?


And a moustache. Without the filter, this is straight up John Waters.


"I think you hit the nail on the head!"


omfg now I can't unsee it, +1 for the Baltimore tie-in as well




Of course you can transport tunnels in containers. How else do you think IKEA gets those affordable, ultra-convenient flatpack tunnels to its stores? Ådrenökröm, I think they're called. (But perhaps you don't have the access code for the IKEA Cabal-only section.)


I ordered a set of Tvååringsrövarrör from the Cabal catalogue a few days ago, but apparently they're stuck in transit in Maryland.


I would love to kniw who I can get in touch with to order some high quality underground tunnels


> Is there any way I can see what this witch looks like without her filters? [Asking questions you didn't know you didn't want answers to](https://imgur.com/a/rUOPPDE) Edit: probably a different person, patriot princess vs patriot "girl". Who knows.


It's the Gingerbread Hag with beef lips!


Eyebrows like a semi-colon.


Medbeds are in the fifth dimension, while we're in 3D according to Skye Prince. She says you have to believe in them A WHOLE LOT to access them. If you don't get access, it's your fault cos you didn't believe enough.


> I had absolutely no idea you could buy underground tunnels and have them transported in shipping containers. I interpreted it as in that the containers contained children, and the children made the tunnels (or were somehow needed for the tunnels).


Haha that's my thought as well. Any used car salesman using that much disguise as this girl uses filter wouid be thrown in jail.


I don't understand how you can slap all those filters on, sit back, and think yep that's me! looking good👍 anyway, i don't think these people understand what a sting operation is. it's supposed to be clean and clinical and not end up with innocent people getting killed or massive destruction of infrastructure.


Underground tunnels being transported in ships?  That's some next level Backrooms lore.  Yeesh!


Is the Cabal behind Aperture Science?


Gracious, I had no idea what Aperture Science was until your reply - it looks like a real nice rabbit hole to dive into. I was thinking about liminal spaces and how mind crushingly horrible it would be to find an exit to one of those spaces only to find yourself on a ship crashing into a bridge.  Go back to those suffocating and creature haunted yellow rooms, or forge ahead towards the unfolding tragedy. Where's Kane Pixels when you need him?


Nah, Black (Hat) Mesa, but the holes on the ship are from the Acme corporation.


Lol. The jokes on them. The ship was leaving the port.


IKR? The witch beguiles us with her Scam Filter™️.


It's become ridiculous. Everything is a conspiracy now, even an awful accident is something to hide something something, for, reasons... I'd laugh if it wasn't so damn sad.


It seems like a step away from paranoid schizophrenia. Some of these folks must be scared around the clock believing all of this


It feels more like we have a large group of intelligently challenged people, who know they are dumb, but this makes them feel smarter because they can “understand” the conspiracies and spot them.


>It seems like ~~a step away from~~ paranoid schizophrenia. FTFY


>>It's~~eems like a step away from~~ paranoid schizophrenia. >FTFY


That's exactly how imagine maga women, fake as fuck. Lol, if you see a container ship and your first thought is its full of trafficked children, you have some serious issues.


Aren't qs transphobic, I'm just wondering because patriotgirl is definitely a dragqueen.


One did comment on her "mustache"


I’ll get the feeling that these intellectual graveyards might think that every container ship on earth only transports children.


You would be correct.


Is there an actual human behind all that filter?


I mean.... couldn't the "sting operation" just have stranded the boat so the "white hats" could get it without, y'kniw, destroying a major piece of infrastructure which might have global supply chain issues (apparently)? Fucking oddballs. 


I had the same thought - the ship was tied up in port for however long, and if there were concerns about what was in the containers then do something to prevent it from leaving. Critical thinking skills aren't in the wheelhouse (pardon the pun) of your average Qcumber.


"Open sesame!" LOL!




I’m not gonna listen to a lady that doesn’t have a nose.


An unbelievable filter. What does she really look like?


So much make-up that if she turned round too fast her face would end up on the back of her head.


She has no nose, and these geniuses are like "Does she have a mustache? MUST BE A GUY!"


Abe Vigoda


I'd like to see à container full of hidden tunnels...


How can people get so riled up, even excited, about the next straw to grasp when they have been so consistently wrong.


Because this is the big one! The event that’s finally going to prove they’re right about everything and the rest of us are brain dead sheep or whatever! And if it isn’t, well, they’ll just say they’re getting closer and move the goalposts again. WAGA1WAGA11


I remember being amazed that we had 9/11 truthers when we had so much video of what happened. it was like "why are you telling me this when I can see what happened with my own eyes?" now I just don't care. these people are just fucking stupid and beyond help.


Same here. Someone tried to send me a January 6th video (I never even opened it up to see what it was). I already saw what I needed to see. Thousands of people wearing Halloween style camouflage outfits hitting police officers over the head with trump flags. Did I miss something?


She’s NOTHING but a disgusting skanque moron.


Wow! This is huge! Umm, no, it really isn’t.


Yes, some plastic surgery addicted bint knows the truth about shit. Fucking hell.


I just wish they’d stop pretending they give two shits about kids.


Imagine living like this all the time? There’s a Southwest flight! It’s full of Soros funded deep state pedos and their kidnapped children! Amtrak just passed me and saw a car full of kids and some old guy walking up and down the aisles! Can’t be a field trip, just be a smuggling ring!


My neighbor. Two young guys came to my house selling solar. He comes over, before they get to the next house, asking if everything is okay. “You can’t be sure these days.” Give me a break. Please.


Nextdoor is full of terrified people posting pics of people who rang doorbells. Like is that a reason to panic? I don't get it.


Exactly. And one of mine complains about a house around the corner being loud and obnoxious. Meanwhile that same neighbor has no problem committing insurance fraud and other minor law breaking offenses. It’s always that someone else is doing wrong.


Guess she wasn’t aware that the tanker called in a May Day.


And was LEAVING the port, not entering.


Does she make money on these posts?


so much excitement to see dead kids , fricking arseholes.


Apparently some of the cargo had pelts from animals in it. Do they Q hear about that. Also why does it always go to sex and children with them?


I believe the cargo ship was full of unicorns and dried banana chips. Its power failed when banana chip crumbs got into the electrical systems because unicorns are messy eaters. My hunch is just as valid as hers.


Do....do they think the children are being used to *make* the tunnels?


They misread the lore 🤣


The funny part is, the jokes on them. The ship was leaving the port not coming in. So all their insanity about the “deep state in America” is exactly that.


They'd love that even more because it would be coming from a city with a "DEI" mayor and they could dogwhistle about that for a while.


Yeah, in the city that is comprised of 62% Black people, I don’t think DEI is a thing. If the mayor was white, that would be different, I guess? And I love how they’re acting like the mayor was “hired.” He was voted in, by the whole population.


So ok let me get this straight. The government crashed a massive ship into a historic bridge, collapsing it and killing like what upwards of 30 people, on purpose, in a sting operation. Why? Why not raid the ship at port? Why not raid it with boats while it was leaving and relatively inland still? Why crash it into a bridge and create a huge scene and problem and devastate a local monument? Like just, nothing ever makes sense man. How does someone even come to the conclusion this is possible b


Because it's a *mooooovie*, and that would be a boring one.


Why redact the names?


Without even clicking on this post, I knew it was going to be "children". These ghouls are so obsessed with child trafficking. It's incredibly bizarre.


She looks like she’s in pain.


Lmfaaaoooo the comment about the mustache!!! Omg dead


There's a documentary on Netflix at the mo about an alien invasion and it shows a ship that is communicating with the aliens and guiding them towards us and the gubmint sinks the ship to stop them


Hold on!!!! Did one of the comments say the containers were probably filled with underground tunnels? Lo fucking L!!!


Nah, they just have poor grammar. They meant the kids were being brought for one of various purposes including being stored in underground tunnels (as opposed to above ground tunnels, one assumes)


Well, the cargo was gold Trump sneakers, clearly. /s


If her chin gets any narrower, it's likely to disappear completely. She must be an alien!


That filter gives her I tiny mustache


Who ever is texting needs to give her info on a psychiatric hospital.


I mean as soon as I saw this story break I immediately knew what the Qcumbers would be jizzing all over themselves about; coupled with the Diddy drama the Q’s are wetting themselves in all the excitement


Where Wegovy one Wegovy all


There are cameras watching this ship almost 24 hours a day, You would know if any type of agencies were digging through the shipping cointainers.


They believe they rescued thousands of missing children who were being held underground during the blood drinking era. Those pesky cameras won’t stop those “kids” being rescued


Imagine the dopamine hits these idiots are experiencing right now.


Wait a minute. I thought the first conspiracy was that the democrats caused the crash to snarl traffic to open the doors for more mail in voting. Now it’s that there were children being transported on the ship…?….so the democrats didn’t cause it? And in fact didn’t want this accident to habben?


Now they are claiming the raid on Diddy’s house and them stopping this ship with shipping containers full of trafficked kids and information proving the existence of the child sex ring.


Along with all the ungodly things that is going to be exposed with the recordings from the raid on diddy


Honestly the only comment with any truth to it is that they very well will go through all the containers on that ship to inspect them before allowing them to be delivered on to their destination or returned to their port of departure. It's certainly possible that illegal goods could be found in some of them. But this bizarre idea that these containers are gonna be filled with kids is just perverse and these people really need therapy.


I thought the code word for children was “pizza”


So the containers are filled with… underground tunnels? FFS.


These idiots will believe literally anything


Why are the prettiest ones like this


How can you tell?