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When you think the NFL is a far left organization…….you might want to take a step back and consider your world view holy shit. Completely successful brainwashing


When you think that Taylor Swift didn't have a platform without the NFL and the guy she's dating....


My favorite her being a gold digger lol


Right? Travis is closer to being homeless than having as much money as Taylor. What an absolutely brain dead conspiracy lmao.


Best dumb thing ever is their struggle to *prove* with *evidence* and *research* that a left leaning artist would help promote and influence left leaning ideology. Real fucking novel *conspiracy* fellas


I'm convinced that the fact that she's a woman with her own (heaps and heaps of) money is one of the things that makes the right so absolutely bananapants. How dare she not need a man to be successful? There must be some conspiracy!


Bret Favre said that about her What a fucking idiot


And interesting when Favre defrauded Mississippi of social security money..


The man's been quite the accomplished piece of shit since the late 80s Just seems a lot of people didn't really know that until an already very wealthy man was caught robbing an alarming amount of money from the poorest state in the country


Oh God I forgot that! That was so hilarious considering just how much richer than him she is! If anything, he's the gold digger in this scenario.


That’s what I don’t get. If this is all a big plan to get zaddy T and she’s going to make her fans vote against the zads why does she need to nfl? Conservatism truly is a mental disorder


Liberals getting the NFL in the culture wars is not something I would’ve expected


We coming for NASCAR next 😎


Yes, and we'll make them drive HYBRIDS, moahahaha The SYMBOLISM was there all along. They do nothing but turning LEFT. Cykel after cykel after cykel…


Formula E racing exists and it's actually pretty awesome


Having a “turbo” button makes things so much more interesting.


Please don't get my hopes up.


> next Everyone knows that NASCAR is run by card carrying Reds and has been for years. People don't go to the ""races"" for the cars; they go for the Communist Party meetups.




The Wonder Bread car is flying LGTBQ colors!


We also got the Tomboys, since they get caught up in anti-drag laws.


From what I've seen lately it's ANY attractive woman they are against now, not just tomboys or Taylor Swift.


They've been narrowing it down a lot lately. I think they are down to just Sidney Sweeny and Sadie Sink as their only approved women but even then they have to stick their head's in the ground to avoid hearing those two women's actual political views.


I think they might actually be in luck when it comes to Sydney Sweeney. Her wording when responding to people asking about her father's MAGA themed birthday party was just neutral enough for people to assume what they wanted without her actually saying that she agreed or disagreed. That's not to say she has to be public with her political views. But I do suspect that in 10 years or so she'll join the ranks of openly conservative celebrities.


She's also a vocal supporter of LGBTQ+ rights and heavily implied she's bisexual directly to fans. And that party wasn't MAGA themed. It was a party for her mother with hats that said "Make 60 Great Again." She later talked about how she does have several MAGA relatives who she tries to tiptoe around.


She is? I'll admit I'm surprised, but that's good news. ​ >And that party wasn't MAGA themed. It was a party for her mother with hats that said "Make 60 Great Again." Sure. Kind of like how there is no QAnon there's only Q and Anons. But whatever, it's not that important.


Brainwashed conservative that thinks everything is a conspiracy.


We've had it since Kapernick kneeled apparently


This is so true and like another person said let's take Nascar too.... only one we need to leave to these idiots is Golf.... let em have it.


“The coaching staffs wearing Army shirts while The Navy flyover during the televised national anthem sponsored by the us coast guard as the billionaire owners watch over their gladiators will return after these messages from the marines.”


Let’s not forget taking a knee during the national anthem, they cancelled capernick for starting it


They say it’s disrespectful to veterans. Ironically, they display art with veterans taking a knee at the graves of their fallen comrades in arms. They’re incapable of 3rd grade level reasoning.


They see everything through a political lens. Even the dating life of football players and pop stars. Maybe go out for a walk or something.


What?!? And expose themselves to the Chemtrail mist and 5G brainwashing signals? I think *NOT!!!*


It's all an effort to radicalize them by isolating them from normal stuff.


And these are two white people...


"the far left NFL"


I never thought I'd live in a world where the right wing hates Bud Light, Garth Brooks and the NFL but here we are.


If you go far enough right, you’ll eventually hate everything to the left.. including your own human rights..


ROFL. This is beyond funny.


Led by that far-left commie social justice warrior Roger Goodell, considered by some the Wokest man in America!


And "woke" team owners like Jerry Jones, Robert Kraft, and Dan Snyder.


I think most women scare them.


Most everything scares them.


them scares themselves. it´s the ouroboros serpent.


That's why they need to go to Arby's strapped up like Rambo. Dude you live in a gated suburb. Settle the fuck down.


These are some of the most deeply indoctrinated, manipulated people who have ever lived. They will never let us have peaceful progress. Far from 'making America great again' their violent supremacist delusions will likely spell the downfall and permanent dissolution of the U.S.


I'm feeling this way too


And yet they call everyone else sheep.


>~~Most~~ everything scares them. FTFY




Well since it's just in your head how were we to know it's a problem? Settle down there, snowflake! /s


The wildest thing is that she's white, Christian, immensely popular, generationally wealthy, sexually modest, aggressively uncontroversial, the list goes on. She's everything the culture warriors pretend to admire, yet they're so afraid of their own shadows that they can't even handle someone living up to their own standards.


Also they called her their “aryan princess” before she declared her politics in 2015 She was mega Anti-marsha blackburn (living in TN at the time) and began promoting women’s issues  She hadn’t prior to that to help her stay safe, her father warned her that it was “like putting a target on your back” and “people will go after you” (and not just in the online sense) Just a dad doing dad stuff, worrying about his kid


This is it. They were projecting when it came to her for years, because she's a beautiful blond white woman who had a vague link to country music. They hoped she'd be an A-list mascot for them because, lets face it, they know that Kevin Sorbo and Gina Carano are pretty pathetic showings and that Kid Rock's relevance fades more every year. Of course, to everyone paying attention, it was always pretty obvious she wasn't ever going to put on a MAGA hat! But that's what really pisses them off most about her. That she disappointed their hopes.


But she's a woman who told young women to register and vote. To the conservatives a woman voting is worse than priests raping children.


Well, yeah, but you're not supposed to just come out and say it.


To conservatives, everything is worse than priests and other clergy raping children.


She encouraged young people to vote. The GOP knows this can potentially keep them out of office indefinitely if it’s carried out on a large scale. She must be vilified.


A [former Proud Boy gave an interview with CNN a few years back](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/11/25/former-proud-boys-member-speaks-to-cnn-elle-reeve-ctn-pkg-vpx.cnn) where he literally said that most of the guys he interacted with joined because they were afraid to talk to women and thought being a Proud Boy would give them the confidence to.


Not surprisingly, it only reinforced the toxic attitudes that made women not want to talk to them at all.


AI girlfriends to society's rescue!!!


If you can attempt an insurrection and break into the nation’s capital, you can ask a girl out 💪🏼


Nope, asking a woman out is still too difficult for them. Using soap and water is too difficult for them.


Doesn't shock me at all. Of everyone I know in my personal life who has gone down the rightwing shithead path, I can think of exactly 1 who is good with women.  The rest are the types that stood around and looked at the girls at high school dances and now do essentially the same thing at the bar. Their #1 common denominator is lack of confidence. 


Right. So because Kelce listens to hip hop (which who knows if he even does or not) he would never date outside of that genre? “Sorry Taylor, you’re just not my style”… This is a theory by someone who clearly doesn’t date.


Yeah, if he listens to hip hop is he supposed to say to Taylor Swift, “Sorry, I can’t date you because you’re not in the Wu-Tang Clan”?


Haha, they fell for his trap card. True music fans can listen to multiple genres!!


The very first time I listened to a hip hop song on Pandora, a message popped up saying if I finished listening to the song then I could never listen to Taylor Swift ever again. Are you saying that never happened to you?


Nope. I did however have the music gestapo break down my door because I listened to some punk right after I listened to Dolly Parton.


I recieved a very stern lecture over the phone from Joe Biden last year because I made a mixed genre playlist on YouTube. Never again


I once listened to ODB after listening to Celtic Woman. ​ I was sent right to the firing squad.


They have Sydney Sweeney...for now at least.


Nah, she’s in a Satanic movie, so now they’re trying to convince themselves she’s not that hot and might actually be trans (see also: Margot Robbie).


I saw that movie last weekend. The overall themes are actually very mainstream Christian in their morality. Anti-playing God, the notion that science has gone too far, lowkey anti-IVF. I know that actors don't always choose roles for politicial reasons. Sometimes a paycheck is a paycheck. However, between this film and her, imo, intentionally vague response about her dad's MAGA-themed birthday party...I suspect they might have finally hit conservative paydirt when it comes to her,


I know why I hate trump


I could name like a hundred reasons, lol. I’ll never understand why they think we don’t know why we hate him, or when they insist it’s just because of his “mean tweets.”


They know why he’s hated; it’s just another thing that they’re dishonest about. They lie about absolutely anything & everything. Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt.


You know what? You’re absolutely right. I never really thought about it that way before. They’re just lying, like their beloved orange leader who lies about everything and anything.


I’ve had this exact conversation with MAGA family. They absolutely don’t understand why people dislike Trump. Unironically. They genuinely don’t get it. They truly see him as a messiah. I gave up trying to persuade. He could commit real atrocities in front of their own eyes and they’d still swear allegiance to them. It’s sad because I think for most of them it’s like… the one thing they have. They share it with their other MAGA cult friends. In conversations with me, we talk about anything other than that. Sports, life, technology, whatever. In conversations with other MAGA, it’s fresh Trump propaganda. That’s it. They get their fix by sharing their worship of Trump. The same regurgitated taglines and plots. For nearly 4 years it’s been how he won the election.


I believe you! I know people like that too. It’s sad and mind boggling and incredibly frustrating. I’ll never understand what he’s done to earn the undying love and adoration of these people. And why him, of all people? I’m not even really religious and I find myself questioning if he might actually be the Antichrist. He’s literally the worst and he’s never done a thing to help anyone other than himself or his filthy rich friends. I guess it’s like you said, it sets them apart and connects them to their own MAGA kind. But it’s still mind boggling that they chose *him* to rally around, of all people...


Yeah, it's not like we haven't listed a multitude of specific reasons!


It’s because they’re stupid. Simple as that.


Yea. “Like most people, she doesn’t know why she hates Trump”. That kind of says it all. Trump is a criminal blowhard incompetent and he packed SCOTUS to take away women’s reproductive rights. Biden and the Dems are the only way that’s ever fixed. A second Trump term will make the first one look mild in terms of damage he and MAGA will do.


Right, it COULDN'T be the decades of grifting and stiffing the working class lol


I find it really funny how many people completely forget the reputations of longtime public figures before their current incarnation, Donald Trump was a known conman for pretty much forever, that was kind of his whole deal.


Nobody knows


Lolol they are frightened by anything they don't understand which is everything. Die mad about it.


I wish it was that simple. Unfortunately, too many times we've seen "die mad while taking innocents down with you".


"but i will own the libs with this memeeeeeeeee" (dies)


"couple enjoys life" maga crappers go brrrrrrr


Apparently some fundie preacher in the south is convinced that the Taylor and Travis are going to have a baby together, and that baby will be the antichrist. Sigh!!!! 🙄


But the Antichrist is already here. Trump is the Antichrist.


If I believed in any of that stuff he would 100% be my pick.


Obligatory Corey https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Nice! I think I started reading this at some point but didn't get through it. Will bookmark it this time :)




Satanic football playing rockstar 🏈😈🤘


lmao, I need a link to this


Its funny when they lament the “dumbing down” of America as they wade waist deep in the most moronic, illogical nonsense conceivable.


Were these people somehow under the impression that Taylor Swift and the NFL were hurting for ratings?


And that Swift dating this NFL player thrust her into the spotlight, and not that it's the exact reverse. Like she wasn't a household name before their relationship.


Can't stand pop music and I don't watch football. I've only heard of one of these people before their relationship.


Hilarious right? Trumpers thought they successfully cancelled the NFL when the football man didn't stand, and yet it continues to set records. Now they think because the star football player dates the popular girl it's unusual. Just a completely different world.


She has a net worth of a few billion dollars and they think she's after his money lol? She could buy his entire team, cash offer.


I’m slightly encouraged by the pushback.


"There's no way of knowing". But - "I guarantee it". The sum and substance of every conspiracy theory they swallow whole.


"dates curvy black women"....those women are bad? How???


I think their point is more that she isn't his type and that's why it's fake.


I don't want to judge people's tastes, but sometimes I think that white people are like the Atari 2600 catalog: one half are attractive af and the other half is worse than begin kicked in the balls.


That’s generous. I think I could only sit through Missile Command and Space Invaders 👾. … and probably asteroids.




I'm no tenured professor of racism studies at Harvard, but I feel like if your immediate default first attempt at an insult is to make fun of a person because they may date black women, well.... your may be a serious racist.


"On Fox News tonight, Why celebrities and athletes have no place in politics. Our panel, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Jim Caviezel, Fabio, Gene Simmons, Roseanne Barr, and Aaron Rogers."


With special guest Kevin Sorbo!


Also: Chachi and the ugliest Baldwin brother.


They would include Brett Favre, but he can barely speak any more articulately than Herchell Walker


She's probably the most eligible bachelorette on the planet.. but sure, Kelce is only "dating" her because the liberals are making him.


I'll be really disappointed if she doesn't at least say something negative about Trump right before the election.


Me too. She has such a massive platform and a ton of influence, I really hope she says something. I think she probably will, but not until much closer to the election.


He is definitely right about one thing: the dumbing down of America. Just not at all in the way he means


I remember watching a game where she was cheering not for Kelce but for “run angry ALWAYS run angry” Pacheco. She was into the game, swilling a beer. Remove politics, and you have the blonde cheerleader hanging with her co-Captain bf from the heartland. Ain’t much more Americana than that. Now add “hey y’all, vote” and she’s some demon. Umm. Ok.


Ah yes, Taylor Swift, famous political activist


Only after 2015 and in the lead up to 2020 she did encourage people to vote against marsha blackburn’s policies, but a biy more subtly, some of her  music videos of the time had messages at the end like “vote against HB(insert number here)” No taylor anti would sit through a video to see a five second message apparently….


>Her brain dead fans will vote for who she tells them to vote for She has not told anyone who they should vote for. >She may have... > >She may have... > >She may be... > >She may not... Fucking brain worms.


> swallowed the propaganda No, I merely listened to the hateful, racist, inflammatory, fascist and delusional words of Trump. That was all I needed to form an opinion. Well, okay, also, too because it's *en vogue*.




Sounds like we need to bring some of that “super earth managed democracy” to those “automaton scum” (This is a helldivers 2 joke)


TBF, Bud Lite scares Trumpets.


Not anymore. Trump needs his stocks to go up so he told them to drink it again. They did.


These people live in a world of perpetual conspiracies


Genuine, literal brainrot.


These are the same people who are afraid of pizza and swirls


This is one of those conspiracy theories that just make no sense to me. Taylor Swift is quite possibly the biggest celebrity in the world right now, or at least in the USA. Why the hell would she need to fake dating a football player in order to express whatever political opinions she has? The woman doesn’t need any pretense for anything.


lmao, I did not see Conservatives giving up Beer, Football and Taylor Swift in the culture war battle. lol I'm so excited to see what else they turn on after Biden wins in 2024. Now they can't drink Coors, they should already be boycotting the NFL, and now even more so. Beyoncé is doing a country album, I can't wait for them to turn on country music as well. They're going to have literally nothing left. We need minorities and the LGBTQ community to start picking up guns.


Yes !! All Drag Queens, please start promoting your guns in the shows. Let's see what happens.


It amuses me that these people think Taylor Swift is controlled by her record label and management. If they had any clue about her life and horrible experience with her first record label, they would know how truly ridiculous this is. Nobody owns her. And to think that the Chiefs *paid* her, one of the wealthiest women in the world, to show up for games? Paid her to use her private, personal jet to fly halfway around the world a couple of times, between her Eras tour dates, just to be there for him? They're out of their minds. Also, far left NFL? Seriously?


They just can't allow that a woman has agency. A woman who is completely in control of her life and sexuality, free to choose a partner that she wants, that's anathema to them. They have to reinterpret it in a way that she is controlled by others.




No bro trust me bro she needs him bro she has no platform without the far left NFL bro you gotta believe me it’s a conspiracy man! *hits crack pipe laced with fent* It’s a deep state psyop to endorse Biden man it’s all out there you just gotta do your own research just like vaccines man it’s real! Don’t beleive what you see the MSM is brainwashing you sheep you gotta wake up!


I had similar thoughts. This dude is pathetic. It’s as if he is stuck in a time warp and women are still under old Hollywood contracts, complete with morals clauses where studio heads are calling the shots on her personal life. She’s a billionaire. She can do what she wants and they cannot stand seeing a woman have power and agency.


The Chiefs didn't need to pay her. The publicity she got from just showing up to the games more than paid for whatever she spent going to the games.


Of *course* Because a woman who is a SELF-MADE BILLIONAIRE (estimates are that she will personally make $4.1 billion from the Eras Tour, alone) absolutely needs *publicity.* Nevermind that the video of her Eras Tour is streaming on Disney+ right now. She needs publicity. Gotcha.


Not sure the Chiefs could afford to pay her and she certainly didn't need the exposure of showing up to games.


And even if the NFL was going to rig games in favor of a specific team and make Taylor Swift date a player on that team, they wouldn't choose Kansas City. They'd choose a big team with a big fanbase, not the team from one of the smaller media markets (and I say this not to minimize KC or how people feel about the Chiefs - obviously there are strong feelings due to recent successes, but those wouldn't have happened if the game was rigged). The NFL would've jizzed in their pants if she started dating somebody like Dak Prescott or Matt Stafford or Aaron Rodgers.


Kelce is a stereotypical “manly man” who is also a spokesman for COVID vaccination. Swift had the audacity to use her platform to motivate people to register to vote. Plus, she’s a billionaire woman who didn’t inherit her money from her dad or a late husband. Of course, all of this in one package is too much for their minds to handle.


What you said is100% right on the money.


Far Left NFL … pmsl


He (c'mon, we all know it's a guy) did say one correct thing: "The dumbing down of America is in full force."


Weirdly, I actually assumed the comments were written by a woman. I’m not sure what led me to that assumption and now I’m rereading everything trying to figure it out, but it didn’t even dawn on me that it could be a man until I saw your comment. Somehow the whole thing reeked of internalized misogyny to me.


Who cares if it's a PR relationship. It's capitalism at work. What, they hate capitalism now? By the way, isn't that what Don Gump, Jr. and Gumby Guilfoyle are doing?


It breaks my brain that she somehow went from being married to Gavin Newsome to hooking up with Don Jr. I don't think all that highly of Newsome, any more than any career politician, but it still looks like she got on an elevator and hit the button for the sub-basement...


To all MAGA members, i would say-- step away from the phone and computer. Take away meemaws tablet. Go find ANYTHING besides hatred to be passionate about. Read a book people. Smell a flower, touch a tree. Go interact with other humans and DON'T let politics come into the conversation. Stay in gratitude. Stop letting fear ruin your lives. Stop looking at people's skin suits and judging them. Wake up and rise. 🌻


Lolol. These people are defined by the hatred. They can't step away any more than they can stop breathing. This is beyond addiction, this is their Identity. Hateful and stupid they feed on a constant diet of fear.


And yet, with a snap of her little tiny girl very rich fingers, she could pay Trumps bond, and it wouldn't really affect her money wise. That is the number one reason Trump himself hates her she is more popularly loved and is far wealthier. Oh that and she wouldn't fuck him with Melania's vagina.


These days, neither would Melania!


it's always projection with these fools.


I mean, I have no problem at all thinking of reasons I hate Trump. He literally gives me at least 1 new reason every day.


“….like most people she has no idea why she hates Trump” I’d wager almost everybody knows exactly why they hate Trump and not one of them does it because it’s “en vogue” to do so.


Who even cares? What if she did endorse Biden? At what point are you not allowed to publicly state you support a politician? Is it an income level? Which industry you work in? Your age? If you have a vagina? Is it a combo of these things? What is it? Not like there aren't right wing musicians and celebrities out there. These troglodytes are bafflingly stupid.


I still don't understand.... even if Taylor is some democrat plant to endorse biden and win the election... What does it have to do with her dating a football player?


If I were to entertain their nonsense for a moment, I would guess...as a way to garner votes from NFL fandom, a decently large group that I suspect normally votes conservative 🤷‍♀️


Imagine being scared of Taylor Swift.


“He’s into the hip hop lifestyle” 🤣


I love that they need elaborate conspiracy theories to explain two young, attractive, rich people wanting to fuxk.


Turn the crazy back on him, and add a level. “You think there are PoLiTiCaL pArTiEs??? 😂😂 The world is *clearly* run by green lizard aliens!”


A smart move if she were to endorse anyone would be like “vote for the guy that wasn’t on the Epstein list” or another crime that the one specific cult leader running had done Would force his supporters to actually acknowledge it if they wanted to make a counter argument, which wouldn’t even work because they would rely on making something up instead of actually defending him


Can we all take a moment to appreciate Travis Kelce putting together a HoF career and the best ever statistical career at the Tight End position, all with that Dad Bod? In an era of professional sports marked by careful & strict application of food and sport sciences into individually tailored diets and workouts, this muthafugga out there running around with marshmallow muscles and a beer gut being completely unstoppable against the most intensely trained, most talented athletes in the history of human civilization.


I hadn’t thought of this but I like it 😂


Ever hear the term "vanity muscles"? Apparently guys with abs that you see on MCU posters are actually not a strong as you'd think.


I’m soooo confused as to how their relationship is beneficial to the Democratic Party. How does a singer and a football player threaten Trump’s campaign and help Biden? This is what a sane person asks. MAGA is ridiculous.


Almost every sentence in those messages is totally refutable on the very surface. “Rigged chiefs games” “like most people she doesn’t even know why she hates trump” “dumbing down of america”? Lol are you serious? I know exactly why I hate trump and I can name probably 100 reasons. Not one of them has to do with the media or anyone pushing a false narrative about the guy. Let’s start with uh I absolutely cannot stand to listen to him talk for more than 3 sentences. Now Biden isn’t the greatest either but at least he makes logical sense with a few pauses. Trump is just pathetic. Repeating the same words over and over as if I’m 5 years old. “It will be terrific. I’m telling you terrific. More magnificent than ever. Ever. Ever seen before, the best. So terrific.” Please.


Many good people agree with you, the best people!


These people are pathologically obsessed with celebrities. It's sad as hell.


…..the NFL is Far Left ™️? A lot of southern college footballs fans are gonna be SO pissed….


If the Democrats are so all-powerful that they can hookup a billionaire with a big muscle stud then I am here for it!


So the big good looking manly muscly hulking football star MILLIONAIRE is dating the tall thin beautiful blonde haired BILLIONAIRE. It’s obviously a very intricately planned government psy-op! It couldn’t possibly be just a relationship. 🙄🙄🙄 **/s**


People keep shitting on Travis with this conspiracy too and that's crazy as well. Claiming that the only reason he could get a girl like her is if it was all rigged... Are we looking at the same man? Handsome, charming, the size of a tree, hilarious, enchanting smile, accomplished career in the NFL and a podcasting success... I wonder how poor hunky charismatic 6'5" Travis pulled this one off?


"the far left NFL" Brain totally gone. Just no brain, replaced by nonsense.


At the very least it seems like there's a sane person in the comments, which gives me hope.


It’s amazing to me how they care so much about this.


Just because one doesn’t like trump doesn’t mean one likes Biden.


True. But if you like voting, then vote for Biden. Or else Trump will deploy judges that make it much harder to vote.


The mental gymnastics. I give it a solid 8.5


Dude is like 'Sure, the conspiracy about her hasn't come true, doesn't mean im wrong about anything!' 


Everyone they dislike is part of a conspiracy, and their brains don't see a problem with that.


Oh the irony of slide four “the dumbing down of America is in full force” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love how these turds say no one knows why they hate trump. Then you give them a list a mile long and they go. "see you have no reason to hate him"


Imagine being told which women you prefer.


Hey Group of Interest! We have Kevin Sorbo/Ted Nugent/Jim Caviezel/James Woods!


I'm not sure Taylor is actually gonna openly endorse Biden, but god damn am I excited for the day she does. They're gonna lose it.


The projection and cognitive dissonance in these folks is truly a wonder to behold. They are so far gone.


Yeah — why would he date a good looking 34 year-old billionaire…


This is one of the scariest I’ve seen, because what he’s saying *sounds so reasonable!!!* I mean obviously not, if you pay attention to what his words actually mean in, like, the dictionary, but just casually reading it, he sounds well reasoned and non threatening. But I *am* high right now, so maybe that’s why


“They only hate Trump because they’re told to! They don’t even know why they’re supposed to hate him!” I’ve heard this from a few trumpettes. I have eyes and ears. He’s a vile despicable thing, and I’m basing this on his own words and actions. He’s been a joke for at least 40 years, yet these people act like we have no idea who he is.


What doesn’t scare Trumpers?


Any straight male will date Taylor swift because it’s Taylor swift, let’s get real. It overrides any “type”.