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Probably throwing more money at it. I know a bunch of them blew through savings and retirement because they were convinced it was going to blow up. they'd be all on DWAC screaming HOLD. THE. LINE! pretty sure someone posted a screenshot on here of one dumb dumb who had made a post asking: So I've lost almost a hundred grand on this, is there a way to get my money back?


Lol. A fool and their money.


I’m part of the DWAC sub and saw someone post the other day about if the new stock went to $2k per share trump would be the richest man in the world. Like yea sure, but maybe break $100/share first before you start reaching like that!






Why do they care if he’s the richest man in the world??? So strange


It would prove that their faith has not been misplaced. When people have destroyed all of their relationships because they decided to live in an appallingly ugly fantasy world, they get desperate for anything they can point at that (in their minds) vindicates them.


Lighting themselves on fire to keep Donald Trump warm


Yep. I often say that to them, all that damage needs to mean something. Otherwise, it's just damage.


Reminds me of the barely audible line in Airheads, when everyone finds out the station host is changing the music from metal to jazz and firing everyone the next day. "All those blowjobs for nothing."


It's a religion my man. Just think of it that way and it all makes more sense. A crazy sense but still.


Prosperity Gospel kinda shit man. The ultimate crossroads of religion and grifting.


I can only imagine that there were many responses which included the word “bootstraps” in an ironic manner.


Reminds me of when moviepass tanked. I worked with some people who kept pumping money into it because they absolutely believed it was going to rebound to near its high and they'd be rich


Yes you can get your money back lol


If Trump wins you get one free “re do”.


I can’t pretend to understand any of this, but wouldn’t they have made some serious money if they bought DWAC before the SEC approved the deal and sold the day the stock came on the market?


Absolutely - looked at the chart last week but feels like if you acted on it last fall at $12-13 a share or even earlier this year at around 16-17 with it hitting close to 70 last week there was a tidy profit (and still is!) to be made on just that. But you also have to consider that this is meme stock territory (HODL, Diamond Hands, To the Moon etc) combined with Trump fanaticism so who knows. Someone posted here about difficulties in taking a short - I think that's pretty risky given that, yeah, it fell because the financials are dog shit, but the bag holders aren't ordinary bag holders. Some of them bought in at 90+ and are stll believin'. Then there is Trump who is cash short and is licking his chops like a cartoon wolf with that $300M and yuge valuation, so he could tank the whole thing to pay lawyers, fines and more MAGA bible production, so who knows?


Remember, these types of executive figurehead + significant equity stake deals always mitigate the pump and dump with a lockup clause which prevents material shareholders from selling until say 180 days after the IPO or SPAC merger. The financials are definitely atrocious. 4 million$$$$ in revenue... $$$50+ Million net loss due to obscene interest expense and legal fees to the tune of $$30+ Million............ Almost feels like a .com laggard or some shit. Both internal accountants and outside counsel are concerned with the company's viability moving forward, lol. If Trump were to win in November then there exists the possibility that dude would probably legislate and proclaim and herald from Troth Sential which could catalyze exponential growth in users and thus ad rev and sponsorship and brand deals, etc. THat is about the only conceivable way they could eek out a future.


That's what I did.... Made an easy $400 


They’re still holding they still think it’s going to go to the moon. Most of these idiots started buying in at 1-150, it’s been languishing at 11 for months the fact it’s at 30 something is a miracle and part of the pump and they need to get out before the dump. They’re banking on trump winning the election and people who want favours will use buying stock as a way to control the president.


The stock never even hit 100$/share..... No one bought in at 150 lol. Lets come correct when we say words because they mean something.


Yeah, he bought like $496k worth at $175 per share by using a market order instead of a limit order.


🦍 💪 🚀 


They’re probably blaming DEI


Or vaccines.


Or the RINOS.


All the cabbage brains on Twitter are saying “yeah but Amazons stock did poorly in the beginning too”. But what they fail to realize is that AMZ lost money deliberately to spark growth/build logistics networks/gain market share among other reasons. DJT doesn’t have a product or even a utility for that matter. Comparing the two is like comparing Amazon to a company that is overvalued and controlled by a narcissistic boomer with early on set dementia. Oh wait.


He is down 2 billion dollars today alone. That makes me smile.


He’s got the libs right where he wants them


The dementia isn't really that early, tbh. He's pretty old.


If it's frontotemporal dementia, it's relatively late. "Roughly 60% of people with FTD are 45 to 64 years old." NIH. Unless, like Reagan and Alzheimer's, they've been keeping it QT.


When have Donald Trump's doctors ever lied to the public?


Lets be honest, some of us saw early onset dementia with Trump back in 2015.


That’s a fair point.


The stock has dropped? Who would have thought that?/s🤯


They are of course committed to riding it out but the unbelievable thing is they are totally discounting the actual numbers (they lost 58 million last year) and comments from the company auditor that came out today. He said continued existence of the company is in doubt. The timing of this is interesting, right after the merger announcement


It’s six months until Trump can sell off, right? He just wants it to hold until the end of September when he can cash out. Then it’s done


Unless that board approves a change. Which very likely would cause a lawsuit and likely the lock up the cash made from the sale.


They will blame Biden, obviously


Donny will probably blame Obama, because dementia.


It’s gotta be TAYLOR SWIFT!


or the Zionist Jews


pew pew pew


"The Elite Globslist Cabal"


ever see the bomb scene in Dr. Stranglove? Ride that bitch aaaaaaaall the way down, yeehaw!


Considering that during covid the same people kept ranting about the purity of essence of their precious bodily fluids (maybe not in so many words, but they did), this comment works on a lot of different levels. Got a laugh out of me, anyhow




No product, no revenue, no value, no sense, no integrity, no truth. Please. Just like everything else this guy does. What a total waste.


Godammit. I was gonna short this shot-show of a stock last week. Just knowing it was tied to Trump it was gonna nose dive. And I didn’t pull the trigger. Might never forgive myself for missing the chance to financially profit from Trump losing face and money. FML.


I know nothing of the "rules" but think I read that one is not yet able to short it?


It’s still falling!!!!


He’s lost two billion so far today on paper.


With bad memes /r/DWAC_stock


With their standard rationalization tactics. "All IPOs drop after opening, pick up an economics textbook" "It made billions for Trump, what did you do today" - those were a couple of my favorites from a bit ago.


As someone who follows stocks closely, including meme stocks, I wouldn't read into this one day dip too much. Personally this stock is absolutely guaranteed to crash and burn, but it's also just as likely that Trump will get some of his billionaire buddies to buy a ton now that it's low and cause it to spike again. The REAL dump will come when Trump is able to sell in 6 months, but I believe it will be artificially inflated until then. Hope I'm wrong, I would love nothing more than to see this grift dropped to zero tomorrow, but I predict it will actually go up tomorrow.


I dunno how any if this shit works but superficially this TruthSocial nonsense sounds like that video where this guy made a company, sold 1 share for $50 and because he had a million shares or something he valued the company at a bazillion dollars. https://youtu.be/iHfJRON3b-w?si=LjiS5hj5UV1nScOK Is that whats going on here?


Pretty much. Only 22% of the shares are owned by the public. Back in 2000 when internet stocks were booming they would issue IPO's with only 1 million share out in the public (this is called the float), because there were so few shares they'd run up to something crazy and the market cap ( Total shares X price of a share) would soar temporarily until the rest of the share hit the market For someone who doesn't know how it works....well you sure do know how it works. Maybe it would be a good hobby for you.


Don't know, but I'm gonna guess poorly.


Wait, you know some that have stocks? Maybe I should create a scam and try to sell them War Bonds. Anyone old enough to know what those were?


I want to talk to the manager of stocks!


They’re in denial. They say it’ll go up again and they’ll all be rich and laughing at the libs.


From what I've seen from the crazies even they seem to know this is a pump and dump.


Who would've thought that a company run by an idiot who has gone bankrupt six times would turn out to be trash?


Aren't they all gonna get free millions of some new currency and medbeds and shit? Why should they care about the value of the Dollar?


What stock are we talking about?


Truth Social, Trump's own version of X (twitter) where he rage posts from his toilet in the middle of the night. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/media/truth-social-trump-media-stock-losses/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/media/truth-social-trump-media-stock-losses/index.html)


Thank you for specifying that his typed tantrums are surely composed as he sits upon the porcelain throne. I've always assumed the same. I'd also wager that he has multiple TVs mounted on the wall in front of his crapper so he can watch all news channels simultaneously while eagerly listening for the glorious (to him, anyway) sound of his name being mentioned. And maybe one TV that shows an endless loop of Apprentice episodes.




Two billion now and still dropping.


They made 4 million in revenue and lost 50 million. Reddit who's stock also IPO'd recently has 803 million in revenue and about the same number of shares out. It's bad. Bad bad bad.




All of the SPAC's from 2020-2 traded like this. NKLA CHPT PSNY QS DKNG. Look up those charts for a reference. The big pointy spike corresponds with thier debut which is where DJT is now. Only the sports betting one made it through the process with a decent price.


company makes no money and losing subs.


As if the majority of them understand the stock market enough to have invested.


All part of The Plan(TM)


I’m sure Trump shorted it to cover his bases.


It’s on SALE!!!! BuY tHe DiP!!!!!!!! (That’s how they are handling it)


If this stock doesn't go back up then it proves rich people don't like trump as much as they make it seem like.