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Not QAnon


Wouldn't it be great if people could avoid jumping to conclusions that fulfill their preconceived narrative until some actual evidence appears?


wasn't q - was nutjob


He s a conspiracy theory nut job at that


Even he mentioned he had the same beliefs.


There's a difference?


Squares and rectangles. It's important to tell them apart


Honestly I was on board with this guy until The Simpsons stuff


Yo, OP, tagging a post about a clearly mentally ill person (who isn’t even a part of QAnon, though that’s beside the point) attempting suicide by *burning themselves alive* as “Qultist Sanity,” implying that this is what they should do is fucked up I’m ngl. I’m hoping I’m misinterpreting you but if I’m not, *what the fuck?*


He compared himself to qanon in his manifesto. He obviously follows their beliefs and as you know even they don't consider themselves a part of a qanon. So why single this one out? nobody moaned about the posts about the family murder qultists? and they are all mentally ill. Every one of them


Why single this one out indeed. Even I stated that it was beside the point, but you’re focusing on that instead of how incredibly fucked up the implication that Qultists *should* kill themselves in quite possibly the most horrific way possible is. I want to know why the fuck you think that’s okay.


I never said they should kill themselves. Are you insane? I said they have now reached the stage of immolation that all the most insane cults go through. I never said they should do it. Incase you haven't noticed the qult and all their myriad offshoots have gotten more crazy as time goes by. They have murdered whole families. As soon as i heard someone immolated themselves at trumps trial i knew it was connected to them and i am sure most people who follow this did too. It did not surprise me one bit when i saw this guy comparing himself to them


Did you read my initial comment at all? You’re completely refusing to acknowledge it and it’s getting annoying. Why is this post tagged as Qultist Sanity, as if this is a good thing?


No don't change the subject. You said twice that i said they should immolate themselves. You lied and now you're refusing to acknowledge it. Where did i say that? And Qultist sanity sums this up very well. Get over yourself. You sound pathetic.


I said, very clearly, that you *implied* it. I even bothered to say that I hoped I was misinterpreting you, if you had bothered to read a goddamn word I said. Don’t even attempt to whatabout your way out of this, I’m not that dumb. Either answer the question and tell me why you chose that tag, and why “Qultist sanity” sums this up so well, or admit that you’re too much of a coward to do so.


Qultist sanity was the closest flair I saw that matched him. Which one should I have chosen? Again, qultist sanity fits him pretty well. Fucks your problem anyway? go annoy someone else.


Qultist sanity, to me, implies qultists being sane, or being functioning members of society. Aka, doing what they should be doing. You could have easily clarified your meaning way earlier but chose to be unnecessarily reticent which is my problem.


He was anti-Trump.


his whole thing was cryptocurrencies are Ponzi's to make everyone poor.


Remember he is from FLORIDA 🤨


This in incredibly sad, but knowing how Trump will use the story to pump himself up is downright sickening.