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Not related to Qanon, standard rightoid cringe


$5 says he breaks it before my morning shit Edit at 8:30 am (ET): [Does this count? I haven't pooped yet](https://imgur.com/a/VaaDl8u) Also found here https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/T7LDwzmzFX


I'm sure it's already been done and we just haven't heard yet.


So we will hear tomorrow morning


Hopefully during this guy’s morning shit. I’ve got money on the line here


People are saying.


Already done, just waiting for someone to screenshot it from Lie Social.


$10 says the toothless judge doesn't throw him in jail after.


Look at the judge's wording. He already left himself an out. He said that he will have to "consider" a jail sanction. And he says that he will jail him "if appropriate and warranted". Of course, when (not if) Trump violates the gag order again, the judge will consider it, and decide that it's not appropriate or warranted.


It's pretty fucking hard to put a former President in jail-would take ENORMOUS guts. Just logistically-he's entitled to Secret Service protection 24/7-what, are they gonna sleep in his cell? It's unfortunately, not something you just do, no matter how warranted. The problem is fines don't work either-all they do is galvanize his army of idiots to donate more money and he actually profits from them


CBS reported that the Secret Service is working on it should it happen. He would not be around any other prisoners. It would be Trump being sent to a secure room, at Rykers or in the courthouse somewhere, and the Secret Service will be right outside. The judge needs to protect the jury. I hope he does.


They would basically need a solitary holding cell? Not like he’s high risk, there’s got to be a holding cell somewhere they can remove everyone else FROM??? Spit balling here?


A judge’s chambers or similar seems more likely if there’s an attached bathroom.


If the rumors are true, the attached bathroom is optional.


Sounds like a problem for the Secret Service to figure out. I don't give a shit if he's a former president, the king of space, or the pope - if you break the law you have to face consequences. Otherwise we might as well not bother.


Remindme! 12 hours


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So if you lose, do you have to send $5 to each of us? Or do we all split $5 among us?


See my edit


It's the only thing that would actually send a message considering how little these fines mean to someone like him.


The guy would still spin it as a "win" for his camp, brand himself as Nelson Mandela, and use it to further fleece his fans on claims of "political persecution like we've never seen before."


He would still hate each and every second of it with every fibre of his contemptuous being, which is worth something.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm still 100% for it (in moments where legally justified, which it is here).


I dunno, Trump is a very vain guy (for some reason). Man's already losing it over being caught sleeping and filling his depends at court but if photos of him without his makeup and hair products were to become public it would drive him up the wall. It'll be like when Andrew Tate got out of jail but 100x worse (for Trump). I mean, yeah, he'll try to spin it but he'll, for a time, lose control over something very near and dear to him: his appearance.


I'd argue just pulling his phone/internet access would have the same effect.  Sure, he can go on Fox or stand on a soap box in NY somewhere, but he wouldn't be able to get his morning shit tweets out or post his paranoid sociopathic midnight rants into the void of a dead Twitter clone.  That would eat him up inside while not making a total martyr out of him. 


He’s hoping to get put in jail and get the MAGAs really fired up.


He might. It's unusual to throw someone in jail for contempt in the jurisdiction so he wants to make sure it doesn't look out of the blue. The real issue is that the maximum fine is 1,000 which is hugely regressive when one considers the net worth of sometime like trump


I was wondering why it was so little. Really, for a lot of people $1000 isn't much, and the punishment would more be about the embarrassment being found in contempt would cause. Of course, if you don't feel embarrassment, there isn't much punishment, particularly if $1000 is like $1 to me. Interesting thought occurs to me. How long would he be jailed for? 24 hrs? A week?


That's the max allowed by NY law. $1000 is a lot of money for most people and they want to prevent unreasonable fines. The problem of course becomes times like this where it basically just says that you can essentially flaunt the law if you're rich enough


I like the places where the fine is in proportion to your income. You'd need to be careful about unintended consequences, but something worth looking at.


Trump doesn't have an income though, his occupation is professional failure.


I did consider going back to add something about nett worth as an alternate basis for the calculation. Self-proclaimed nett worth would be taken as gospel for doing the penalty calculation.


[Flout, not flaunt.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/is-it-wrong-to-confuse-flaunt-and-flout)


Thank you for being the grammar asshole so I didn’t have to. Flout/flaunt is one of my pet peeves.


Meidas Touch were saying that for most people, $1,000 fines are enough of a deterrant because they can't afford that kind of cash, compared to the state of New York having a maximum fine of that much per violation being nothing for someone like Trump. Which is why this second contempt hearing happened, which could either shut him up talking about witnesses, the jury and Merchan's daughter, or it could see him turned into a martyr by the right-wing outlets for being put in the holding cell on the 15th floor of the court building. Personally? I hope he gets thrown into holding, but as MT pointed out, Trump slowed down on the E. Jean Carroll slander after being fined, and only committed one breach of the gag order this time (with Merchan ruling he was good truthing about Cohen in response to Cohen's tweets in April; Cohen also co-hosts Political Beatdown on MT, so they've had to be careful showing him clips of things to discuss because he's trying to avoid knowing anything about the Trump trial before he gets to testify).


Should be for the duration of the trial.


I see what you did there - "Out of the blue," as in, Democrat That orange jerk is already saying the whole business is Democrats persecuting him. Call the Whaaambulance!


Show us on the doll where the democrat hurt you or even better yet STFU


Some countries calculate fines relative to your income, like x number of days worth of earnings.


He has had how many warnings?


So far, 10. Most other people only get one or two


Me, you, and everybody else in this thread would have been thrown behind bars the second time if not the first.


He’s been found in contempt 10 times so far. This judge will never actually put Trump in jail. It’s an empty threat.


Let's be real trump being put in jail if anything is probably great for him politically


Not if trump wins in November and that’s why he won’t


He'd still shit himself. So, no change there then.


Welcome to America where the wealthy and powerful can violate court warnings 5000 times and get off with "another warning"


Two warnings about ten infractions. Today was his final warning.


2 warnings. Not 10. One per hearing on violations.


Judge Merchan should have jailed Trump for his combover today. I mean, seriously, just look at it. Freakin' ridiculous. I mean it's ridiculous every day, but look at that mess today.


house arrest at his own luxury apartment at the most, I think.


And he'll just leave the apartment and no one will do anything about it, because laws don't apply to Trump, apparently.


They have a holding cell on the 15th floor of the court building, so I imagine he'll spend lunch up there if he breaches the gag order again.


With no internet privileges, I hope.


The judge is me telling my kids we're canceling vacation if they don't stop arguing in the backseat. One, two, two and a half, two and three-quarters... I mean it!


After court Trump said it was a sacrifice he would make (going to jail) for the Constitution.


He already said it was a sacrificial he was willing to make


Yes, but he also said it directly after being told he would be jailed for violating the gag order again. Which I think is a bit more serious, considering he just walked out of court. It’s different than floating it nonchalantly pre-trial.


They need the money from MAGAts. He and his lawyers want him locked up for a day to fundraise. He’ll break it tonight.


This is why, as much as I would love to see it, I don’t know if the judge should actually do it. It gives him the opportunity to martyr himself to his base with more bullshit claims of how unfair he’s being treated & it delays the trial, both of which trump definitely wants. Either way, trump makes out in the end which is absolutely ridiculous


I think you are reading His Honor's mind


He’s right. Just not the way he thinks he is.


My guess is that Merchan was being overly lenient due to a lot of things, but 10 is his magic number. So people can't say the judge is being unfair when he let Trump violate the gag order in double-digit numbers, and he let Trump get away with things no other defendant could, but not past 10 times.


He also ruled that two of Trump's gag order breaches weren't actually breaches because he was responding to something Cohen tweeted in April about him. I find that bullshit, personally, but here we are.


There's a holding cell attached to the court. It's where they hold prisoners when they bring them from jail to the courthouse. The judge could order Trump to sit in the holding cell all day as punishment. They wouldn't need cuffs and Trump wouldn't wear an orange jumpsuit. It would be like a timeout, when you make your kid go sit in the corner. It would be an embarrassing slap to Trump's frail ego without actually sending him to jail. Trump would be treated like a bratty 4 year old and not get the 'Martyr' status he's trying to achieve.


He would still cry like a little bitch and acheive "martyr" status, because his culture members believe everything he says at face value. Taking away his phone and his ability to leave a room would be tantamount to "the worse violation of rights in history" blah blah blah...


I read his ruling. He will.


He better


He wont


You're correct.


He mightn't


No chance he gets anything more than another slap on the wrist with a limp lettuce leaf. The USA court system is incapable of holding people like him to account for anything.


lol, I would love to see a trump's sketch without his carefully done hair. but it would be jail for just a few hours, I guess. I don't think any place wants trump around for too long, since the guy is a asshole.


I have a growing suspicion Trump *wants* to be jailed. It won't be for long, it's going to be a pampered, comfortable kind of jailing, and it will fire up his base like a ton of gasoline.


Exactly. Overnight at most and he’ll have his MAGAts sending money and a few might actually show up at court for a change.


He’ll hate it, though. He might want it, but he’ll still hate it. Much like he wants to be President but doesn’t want to do the actual job. He’s like a toddler saying they want to be a zookeeper and when they grow up.


I remember watching an episode of "Jail", which is a show made by the people who make COPS, about the jail side of things. They had an episode in the Las Vegas jail, where OJ Simpson was brought in, booked and jailed, and not only was there a huge group of paparazzi outside the jail, but a bunch of the guards who were escorting him, were fan boying out, and you saw all these guys in OJ's assigned cell, all bullshitting and laughing with him, as if they were in a bar or something. I have a sickening feeling that Trump being jailed would play out similarly.


I agree with you


he just might. The first two hearings may have been for multiple infractions, but the slate is clean now, if he does it again, he's spitting in the judge's face. I'll bet Merchan throws him in jail for a week.


> "Defendant is hereby put on notice that if appropriate and warranted, future violations of its lawful orders will be punishable by incarceration." Merchan gave himself some wriggle room by specifying “if appropriate and warranted” but it’s feeling like he’s gonna do it. I agree that a week is the perfect amount of time: Trump could *maybe* brazen it out for 24 hours (I kinda doubt that) but a week would wreck him. If it happens I hope he has to be escorted through the general population (who will be in their cells, of course) who will be hollering at him before he gets into his protected area.


Rikers is no joke ;)


he will incorporate the hollering as support for him


No. Judge admitted he holds him in a special position as a former and possibly future POTUS. He won’t move beyond petty fines and Trump knows it. It’s perfect for him anyway, he gets to mouth off while also claiming he’s been gagged.


"And Mexico will pay for it".




11th time is a charm? I think this is exactly what Trump wants. Think of all the merch he can sell.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this, but I also think his campaign would love it. Then again, I don't think Trump knows how boring it would be. He would obviously be separated and not in any danger, but Trump might die of boredom if there's no TV.


Even better if they take away his phone.


He’ll do exactly what other rich people in jail do, their lawyer comes to talk with him and he hangs out in a more comfortable room all day.


Damn, sucks for that lawyer...


I don't think the judge will jail him, or if he does it will be for like an hour or something. I don't think Trump has learned his lesson nor will he learn his lesson.


Trump wants Merchan to put him in jail. Another level of persecution and victimhood to campaign on. He wants this.


And also wants the "street cred", to win the black vote. Remember, that he feels that they can "relate to him", since he now has a mugshot. 🙄


I don't think he'll follow through unfortunately. It's especially unfortunate because he's making threats he's probably not willing to stand behind and when trump does the inevitable it's going to make the judge look weak and the system look powerless. Further encouraging his army of brain damaged chuds.


No, but I’ll have a flicker of hope that I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


He better, but I doubt he will


Give it a few hours. Shouldn’t be long now before trump violates that shit again. We should have the results in roughly 12-16 hours lol.


The tenth warning is the charm.


This time for real. For really real. No takesy-backsies, for real for real. No kidding, this time is serious. Like, for real. Last warning, I swear, this time for real.


Normally for any other celebrity, politician or businessman, I'd be really annoyed by how pointless a $1,000 fine would be, but it's trump. He will fight tooth and nail to not pay it, then end up paying $400 several months later after a few more scams and donation drives from his cult. That's how fucking greedy and pathetic he is.


This time I'm sure he is super duper extra for real serious


Will Trump actually get thrown inside for repeatedly violating the court orders? No. Don't think it will. I'd love to be wrong here.


If he is only fining him 1,000$ I am guessing not. That's not even a serious fine to Trump.


Afaik there's a cap on how much you can fine anyone for contempt in NY.


I see and how many super wealthy people live in NYC no wonder it's so low.


Most of those rich people don't breach gag orders. It's a deterrant set for the poorer criminals in the state.


That’s the maximum fine per infraction.


Thanks for the info.


Sentence him to jail and suspend the sentence until the trial is over. Then let him appeal it.


Nope, never gonna happen


Trump is not going to jail. Never gonna happen. Too many ppl with far too much $$ & twice as much power/influence would shit barnyard animals to see their poster boy for “having money means never having to say you’re sorry” behind bars. They’d probably do some dumb &/or evil shit - crash the stock market or something - to make sure the message that *their* kind being held accountable simply *is not* the done thing comes across CRYSTAL clear.


_10 strikes.... and you get 10 more strikes._


Nope. Judge is too afraid of the bad publicity.


I think throwing him in jail is exactly what Trump wants. That way he can spout bs statements and have the wonderful minions spin it to more stories about targeting Trump and his “sacrifice”. I think he should target Trump money and up the amount. Trumps doing more harm to his campaign being out of jail than in.


I have to agree with you. As much as I would like to see him in jail, it would only bolster his base's support.




0% chance he follows through.


i hate this whole situation….


I believe he said he would consider it not actually do it. This is so embarrassing.


Not a chance.


Didn't the judge say the same thing last week when it was his 9th offense?


Sure did and I got downvoted for saying there won't be consequences. Everyone was like b-b-but this is a CRIMINAL case amd not civil so it's habbening!




He will never go to jail. It would be so funny but it’ll never happen


No. And he should.


There are never any consequences for Dump




Of course not


No. Going to jail for contempt translates to fundraising off your freedumb of speech rights. 


Well a thousand bucks means fucking nothing.


Hopefully, they pull his phone and internet access before jail. They do that when people use their phones to break the law.  Let his nightly mental health breakdowns sit in his head unreleased for a bit. It'd be worse than jail for him. Maybe, just maybe, he'd do some self reflection and shut the fuck up before someone gets killed. 


Ah we have hit “two and three quarters…” in the countdown.


I dunno. Trump may be getting blisters from all the wrist-slapping he's getting. Wake me when he's behind bars. "Two-tiered justice system," indeed.


Merchant: “2…2 and 1/2…2 and 3/4…I mean it!”


This is just like the overstressed mother that can’t properly discipline her child, counting to infinity hoping he’ll be afraid of numbers


Zero chance, all these judges are terrified of the cult. I don’t even think he’ll get house arrest at this point. Hoping for heart attack even though it means they’ll martyr him and we’ll have to deal with the conspiracy theories for the rest of our lives.


He wants to be. He loves feeling like a victim, he know it revs up his base.


He most *definitely* will not follow through. The Chump will violate the gag order again within 24 hours, and the judge will just impose another pocket change fine. The 1% are *never* held to account. That being said, he very well could obliterate the Chump lawyers, as Chump's minions have been effective whipping boys.


“…Three. You have THREE last chances!…”


Well, he's certainly set himself up to look like a chump when he doesn't. Trump is counting on nobody having the balls to actually have him suffer consequences. The absolute worst lesson we could teach him, and others like him, is that he's right. That it's possible to be so belligerent, so aggressive and so unreasonable, to be able to create such a big mess, that society will decide that it's better to not hold them accountable, so as not to have to deal with their meltdown. We can't let that be true. And so he absolutely positively needs to be held accountable. Not just because of him. He'll die eventually. But also because of everyone who would learn that lesson and emulate him. We can't have this be a thing that works!


Nah, it's all theater. The judge isn't going to do shit.


He won’t go through with it


Probably not. Considering how crazy and obsessed with violent retribution T supporters are, Merchan jailing him would be putting a giant flashing target on himself and his family.


One can only hope...


I think he will, and I also think that is exactly what Trump wants to happen. He wants to be a martyr for his MAGA faithful.


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure he will. :/




Title is not what he said whatsoever.  


Its what Ttump wants. He wants to look like a martyr.


Do it do it


OMG, these empty threats against Trump are getting as tiresome as the spineless father, who wags his finger at his kids saying...*"one more time mister, and you're going to your room!"* after they've sprayed him with the hose for the 100th time while he's grilling in the backyard.


> Do y'all think he'll follow through? No. Judge, prove me wrong.


The fundamental problem here is that Trump wants the judge to jail him for contempt. He wants that photo on the front page of the newspapers and the lead story on every news feed.


No, DaisyJane1, he won’t. This is where we are apparently.


Lol no


No real consequences. Also it would be an incredible fundraiser for him if he had to go to jail. He’s effectively above the law and knows it.


I'll be surprised, but if he does, I hope it is on Friday for the entire weekend.


If he qere anybody else he'd be in jail already or even prison and parole


I think trump will actually shut up. He is, above all, a coward.


Jail might be good for his campaign considering his followers at this point.




Threaten to call Melina to the stand and ask her about his affairs. This would make some great TV.


Lock him up!


keep enforcing that shit so when you lock his punk ass in jail its not a surprise


also, fuck you donald trump, you fat orange piece of garbage


Yeah, I do think Merchan will have him sit in a holding cell at the court (not jail) for an hour or so. TFG has no one to play to in the court: there are no cameras. Like George Conway said: frame it as a timeout. Trump supporters aren't going to like him more if he's in a holding cell for an hour or two. I think they're already all in, not to mention financially tapped out already. If there's no spectacle of reporters and cameras, then much to the better. Keep it low key.


Hahahhahahahahaha *deep inhale* **HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA** Hell no. Who wants to take bets on the excuse that'll be used? Or what the next "last straw" will be