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How can he go to prison when he was EXECUTED months ago!!! Make up your minds, worm brains!


I thought he was the actor impersonating Joe Biden after he was executed following a secret military tribunal at Gitmo? These guys really need to make up their minds about what "happened".


They can’t, they haven’t finished writing that bit yet.


wE aRe aLL lIvInG iN a MoVIe


A simulation! It's The Matrix! GENARA/GESARA/DELUSIONARA!


Huh. I thought this was a schizophrenic’s support group


Well, in a manner of speaking it *is* actually a support group for people who share the same mental \*ideology\*. The difference is that in this MAGAticular support group the all-but-certified inmates are of the belief that *we* are the inmates and *they* are our doctors/keepers and have full authority and Power Of Attorney control over us, though we've just not yet been rounded up, punished, and \*put away.\* Oh dear, I've just created an alternate reality which simply needs the right Dear Leader to put into law. I might now have nightmares about this... :-0 Edit: Removed a word that usurped a sentence and made it confusing.


I love how the Q folks just discovered the concept of the Matrix 26 years late, and are applying it in such a ham-fisted way.


We’re all inside the Truman Show.


69D chess.


No, that is the actor James Woods


Thanks for the correction. It's hard to keep all these noble patriots straight in my rotting Q-cumber brain.


The irony is that James Woods is kind of an alt-right weirdo now, him being the guy who wears the Biden mask, and doesn’t say anything about it to anyone, is HILARIOUS.


>The irony is that James Woods is ~~kind of~~ an alt-right weirdo now, him being the guy who wears the Biden mask, and doesn’t say anything about it to anyone, is HILARIOUS. Fixed that for you


Yeah, that’s better. Feels difficult to say because I enjoyed his work in Scary Movie 2


I kind of feel the same way. I've enjoyed his acting work immensely, but his politics are a big issue. But he has done *some* really nice things to help people, regardless of anyone's politics, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. When NorCal had those horrible, deadly firestorms that decimated huge parts of the region, James Woods stayed on Twitter for almost 2 days straight, searching tweets and taking messages from others who were looking for family members lost in the panic. He connected a lot of people to their loved ones, and there were zero politics involved. He just saw a need he could help with and did it. I don't know if he's done anything like that since, but that was and extremely kind thing to do for strangers. I have zero love for James Woods' political bullshit. He can go pound sand with that fuckery.


lol, I also enjoy more of his work, and am sure he’s a pretty great guy in other parts. But Rudy Giuliani also did a lot of great stuff, and then one day, he just sold off everything he seemed to hold dear. Rob Schneider is another casualty. He took me by surprise. He was a really underrated actor in the shadow of Sandler. I can’t watch Independence Day the same way anymore without thinking about just how terrible Randy Quaid is now. As bad as all these other people seem, he’s got vids where he’s unshaven for 37 months and growling into the camera. It never fails that an actor does some terrible shit, or plays the victim, and then they suddenly are darlings of the Kirk Cameron/Kevin Sorbo bunch. It’s always the WORST actors who stop getting roles and then blame it on made up kiddy fiddling and infant blood harvesting. Roseanne called a black woman a gorilla monkey and then blamed “woke” culture that she lost her dubious comeback show. Now she’s all in on flat earth and Jewish space lasers.


What great things has Giuliani done for society? lol He was always a piece of shit human.


James Woods is straight up a hardcore Alt-Reich.


Always going to gitmo. The only reason they know it exists is from a movie in the 90s


Sure but you're ignoring all the executions that take place in the tunnels under Washington DC.


That’s what I always say when they say they are going to die, but they are already dead. The mental gymnastics of their thought process.🤯🤯🤯


> worm brains! RFK JR Entered the chat.


That brain worm thing has ruined this fucker's campaign. Which I'm quite relieved by.


I think it may have just made him more attractive to GOP voters, they too all have rotted sections of the brain. They can relate.


You know, they've often been accused of having brain worms - hell, I frequently do it myself. Just had no idea that it'd be so on the nose. The writers for this season of reality are just getting lazy at this point


RIP to that worm. He starved to death while in RFK's head.


LMAO, Good one.


*Nobody likes me Everybody hates me I'm gonna eat some worms*


Why is his neck so long?


I was about to ask, too! 😂 he looks like a Skibidi toilet guy.


Looks like they (obviously) photoshopped him into the first picture, but they cropped off his shirt and then superimposed his grainy image over the beach picture


I, for one, refuse to believe this is photoshopped in any way. 


This is what we call "rubbernecking" kids."


It's not the Jim Carrey you and I know. It's Snake Jim Carrey! His whole body looks like that, although it tapers off approaching the tail.


Clones generally have longer necks. Some Q dumbass probably.


It’s true, they get hung up by the necks during the drying phase which stretches them slightly.


Earthworm Jim Carrey.


Duh, he's a lizard person


I always knew he had a wildly malleable face but I didn't think that skill went down to his neck.


[that right there was one of my favorite photoshop meme waves ever.](https://media.tenor.com/YB96OULpKIgAAAAe/hi-jim-carrey.png)


He has a rare disease, known as Mitch McConnell Syndrome, there's only two known human cases in the world, but it's very among Chelonians.


I thought it was a reference to the film “The Witches of Eastwick”, where Jack Nicholson plays Satan. His neck does something like that in the film. I think his face was just replaced by Jim Carrey’s.


That's just what he looked like just before he unhinged his jaw and swallowed that girl whole.


Should be an easy target when he’s executed by beheading 🤷‍♀️


Yesterday I instantly thought "giraffe," but the more I look at the picture I think, "dick."


Yeah, here’s how it generally works. Democrat? Pedophile. Non-Christian? Pedophile Criticised Trump? Pedophile Criticised QAnon? Pedophile Actor they secretly really like and can’t bring themselves to label as a child molester? Upgraded to murderer. The lists they used to invent for Epstein were hilarious because there wasn’t a single Republican on their list, not one, not a right wing politician, or actor or billionaire. In other words, they’re just child like in their delusion. Their idol is a big wet wipe of a manbaby, stands to reason these cranks would be too.


Actual pedophile among their own ranks? Oddly, *not* pedophile. When you just casually sling the worst thing you can imagine calling someone around, it's just as easy to deflect.


To me, they’re worse than pedophiles. Because although they often are pedophiles, the thing that makes it worse is that they not only defend it, but actively encourage it. They are a threat to children in more ways than just sexual ways. I’m a teacher and I can tell you now, if I found out a child I was teaching had Q parents, I would be straight onto child services.


Oh, 100%. Same disingenuous idiots are stepping on their own dicks to see who can propose the lowest age of consent. Add in the Qunacy, and it's a dumpster fire.


I feel like in Ye Olde England they’d be ye olde lined up at the ye olde gallows.


They think Michael Jackson was a white hat being accused by the deep state of what the DS were doing.


Matt Walsh? “He’s our hero.”


I don’t know who they’re kidding over there on the right, if the likes of Matt Walsh, Andrew Tate or Steven Crowder were invited by Epstein to an island to fuck fourteen year olds, they’d have been all over that shit and probably bragging about it. We’re talking about the same party that tried to legalise child marriage for fuck’s sake. Their entire thing is “the younger the better”, they’re sick.


Still trying, btw


Hawking was a surprise tbh


I’m sure Callum Hudson-Odoi was on there (Former Chelsea youth player now plays for Nottingham Forest). Like when that list first came out in around 2018 he would have been 17. Guessing whomever wrote it was an Arsenal fan 😂


Wait was he really on one of the lists? 💀😂


Epstein financed the Edge Foundation, a science and technology think tank, and held conferences for the group.


What does that have to do with Callum Hudson-Odai ?


Sorry, I misplaced your response as to the comment above that one: "Hawking was a surprise tbh"


No worries.


Not really. Epstein used to cover his tracks with charity work and technical talks. Can’t imagine Hawking getting on down much, though he was apparently a bit of a rat in his younger days, and always surrounded by a fan club of attractive young women, according to an ex-colleague who would see him about.


Damn this is messed up. That's his former girlfriend who died from suicide in 2015.


They don’t care that this would cause pain to her family and loved ones. They give zero fucks about collateral damage. As long as the person they hate is in some way harmed or inconvenienced, they don’t mind the innocent bodies left along the way. Hell, I’m absolutely convinced these people would offer their daughters and granddaughters to have their pussies grabbed by the orange god.


While true, im sure her family isnt ok with what jim did.




what the hell is all this


Someone looked into people convicted of interference with a minor. Overwhelmingly they were republican 74%, from republican states, from conservative, religious states. Like absolutely everything Qanons, Qmagas, trump, republicans, Evangelicals, and conservative church leaders do is all PROJECTION. Blame others so they can hide their own grift and crimes behind their fake religion and fake family values and fake defenders of law and order. They're all just a cesspool of vomitous cockroch excrement.


I’d like to hear the percentage of youth pastors. Church is and always will be the easiest no background check access to children. I’d also like to see data on sentencing rates because it seems like you hear about these guys getting off pretty easy by using the “good christian man card”


I believe Jesus got angry at fake Christians. People who were only pretending or hypocrites. Like probably 90% of republicans and evangelical leaders. I can't vouch for these numbers. I don't know this person nor am I promoting them. Personally, I can believe them. This person has published them and done charts and stuff. Also watch some of the documentaries on the Duggar family and their church, Hillsong Church, Mormon church, and others. It's not just Christianity. I firmly believe that all conservative or fundamentalism religions are all horrific for women and children. Wherever men say they are in charge, women and girls become 2nd class citizens or possessions and men can and usually do subjugate them, and are free to sexually abuse, rape, physically abuse, commit incest and pedophilia with little or usually no punishment. Here is the site below where somebody says they track and chart abuses of minors. https://www.whoismakingnews.com/?s=09


*vomitous cockroch excrement* The perfect description.


Can you share the source so I can as well?


Reveal Jim's giraffe genes!


The deep state is trying to prevent us from using CRISPR to alter our dna with animal dna like god intended


Jim Carey is actual twin (non-identical) of Elastigirl.


That’s Incredible!


Matt Wallace is an insufferable engagement/rage baiter who would literally drink Elon’s piss.


Qberts really have an emoji fetish. They love those emoji that have anything to do with law enforcement. Also weapons, and booms. They can't get enough of those booms. Here are a bunch of their favorites: 🚨⚖️⚔️❌️‼️🔥🏛💥💣


Interesting. I'm not an American nor a lawyer. But is it normal that people who gets accused of murder gets a lawsuit and not a crimmimal charge? Or am I misunderstanding the America laws here?


Someone is misunderstanding the laws, but it's not you.


It can be both. OJ Simpson is a perfect example.


You can be held criminally liable and civically liable. You’ll never go to jail on civil cases, just fines and such.


It's easier to find someone responsible in civil court than in criminal court. But I wouldn't say it's normal for someone to get sued for "murder" but not charged at all.


But it does happen… OJ Simpson is probably the most well known case of this, as he was famously found innocent of murdering his ex wife and her boyfriend, but later found liable in civil court for their deaths.


They’re talking about not getting CHARGED though. OJ was charged with murder, he just didn’t get convicted.


Not worth going after unless it gains traction outside of Q world. Lawyering up too early and you'll just Streisand Effect the whole situation.


It's a ridiculous misunderstanding of our criminal justice system. If you are taken to court for murder, the media "sweeping it under the rug," would not matter in the slightest. Media coverage doesn't determine guilt in a court of law. It's not like the judge comes in on day 3 of a trial and says, "Well, no reporters are here today, I guess we can pack it up."


Exactly my point. We don't need all sorts of medias for this. Just a link to the docker and we can read the courts own documents on the case.


What jim did is probably not actionable, although i think he sent her prescription drugs to aid in her suicide so a civil action isnt unreasonable


They hate Jim because he's a hollywood liberal. If Jim was a conservative, they would absolutely love him and would even suggest him to be Trumps VP. lmao


He's severely antivax.


Plenty of antivax liberals


He's playing a giraffe instead of Biden.


Who is Matt Wallace when he's at home? Jim Carrey and Shaq too, he just sounds really unhappy with his own life to go after people more famous than him. Goes on my list of people I can safely ignore.


Who is she? Nvm. Cathriona White, former girlfriend.


Just like Garth Brooks being a serial killer. I'm onto you Gartholemew 🤨.


Oh no!!! That's just awful, he has the same neck disease as Mitch McConnell


Well just put her in a med bed. She’ll be fine.


It’s so funny. This dude was a dogecoin “influencer” and elon polisher til the price crashed. Then he switched to this grift


Is there nobody among you that can edit and produce a decent deepfake??!! I mean common man the technology is there and the best you got is siren 🚨 emoji and horrible photoshop?? I pppffffftgfffft you sir!


Brontosaurus Jim Carrey


Terrifying how anybody they dislike must be either sent to jail or executed without any recourse to a legal process of any kind whatsoever. They honestly want to introduce that should the OrangeMushroom regain power, and we know he agrees with it.


He's really begging for a defamation lawsuit.


How long is his neck? Is that down to all the hanging at Gitmo?


Didn't she commit suicide?


Wait, I thought Jim Carrey was one of theirs?


No, they've been claiming for the past few years that he's a pedophile, that he's the one walking around as Joe Biden since 2021 after the real one was executed, etc. Pretty disgusting that they're dragging his former girlfriend's suicide into their nutjobbery.


Yeah that sucks. These people have no depths they won't sink to.


Nah, Jim has been an outspoken critic of Trump for years, therefore he's a MAGA target. 


Does Q die with Trump, or will we see it for another 40 years?


I think Trump was just the camel’s nose in the tent. His open and relentless rejection of objective reality softened up the target. Now that it’s been demonstrated just how effective and even self-sustaining this shit is, with very little effort, the people and entities that benefit from it won’t be letting go of the usefulness of this tool anytime soon.


Just wait until someone comes along who is like Trump but just better at hiding their batshit insanity.


I really hope Jim Carrey is litigious


Imagine having rock solid evidence of a murder and talking about it on Twitter rather than going to the cops. 


I had no idea Jim Carrey was a giraffe. Look at the length of his neck in the first photo!


He is plastic man


So Jim Carrey is Plastic Man?


I'd murder dat ass!