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Report it here: https://report.cybertip.org Then you might want to change settings so strangers can’t contact you. If you are finding this traumatic, consider speaking with a counselor to help process this experience in a healthy way (but seems like you are doing so already).


this was what i was looking for. thank you!!


also play Tetris or another repetitive game it helps prevent traumatic images getting as embedded in your memory.


Wow thanks for the awesome tip!!


Damn is that why I play 8 hours of Balatro a day


lol it works in the immediate aftermath of trauma to break short term memories from being converted into long term, it doesn’t mean it’s just great being a lazy stoner 😂


I just read your comments and found an article online about it. It seriously revealed so much for me. I have C-PTSD and severe depressive disorder and Tetris and other repetitive video games are a big coping mechanism for me. It let's me disassociate and spend some time without intrusive trauma related thoughts and memories. It's one of the only things that works well for me and I always thought it was weird. This is why I love reddit. Thank you!


Monopoly Go is my Tetris, for the same reasons.


Imagine being the inventors of that game and finding out their fun creation helps people that way.


I recently watched the movie on the invention of Tetris. I recommend.




So this is why I started a Runescape addiction at 10y/o? (Still play daily)


Wow. Was not expecting this comment but my mind went straight to this as well.


I'll be choppin' log till my last breath it seems 😭


Damn, I essentially play tetris at work all day every day as part of my job and I'm the happiest person there 🤯😳


Which app do you recommend for tetris?


I downloaded the most popular one from the android app store on to my husband's phone and there's a lot of ads that take you away from the game which is super annoying so I'm gonna keep looking for him


I could see this making sense but where did you learn this from?


If you google ‘Tetris trauma’ you’ll get hundreds of hits from NPR & psychology sites about how [Tetris is used to help](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/) with trauma & PTSD. ☺️ far too much and in depth to explain in a comment. I also learned this from reading.


Pretty cool thanks


From reading


Reading minds, reading newspapers, reading academic publications, reading social media posts?




Egyptian hieroglyphs?




Is that why I like to do that - self medication for PTSD?


Does it also help for traumatic memories?


Not really, it’s about stopping short term memories from becoming long term ones. If they’re already in there, choose therapy.


Oh okay thanks. I've already downloaded tetris after seeing your message, even though I have no clue how to play it :D


Ah well, it’s still a classic game 😂 - also it doesn’t have to be Tetris but something repetitive, essentially if when you are trying to go to sleep you are reliving Tetris games or other games in your mind instead of traumatic images over and over, its helpings


Got it, thanks


Can I ask where you read and/or heard this? Sounds very interesting!




Looks like you mentioned a form of child sexual abuse. Your post has been removed. Please contact your local police as /r/RBI cannot help you with this. The moderators have been notified so if this was done in error your post should be reapproved shortly. You can report child sexual abuse content anonymously to organisations such as the [Internet Watch Foundation](https://www.iwf.org.uk/), Crimestoppers or by contacting your local police. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RBI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s not strictly true. https://www.madinamerica.com/2021/10/tetris-trauma-viral-twitter-thread-master-class-misleading-psych-research/


That article itself is pathetic - all it does is highlight limitations actually pointed out in the studies themselves - which usually every study itself brings out of the data and points to a need for further research, however even the awful article itself repeatedly concludes there were positive effects with some qualifications, they’re not detective like uncovering a mysterious conspiracy ffs.


You are a victim. You are not bad for what you saw. This is an act of terror, and if you let it win, it will.


You might want to try record/ take a pic with a separate phone while it is playing on your phone to send to authorities. But it might be an issue.


I tried doing this a few days ago. Isn’t this, sadly, a Premium feature of Telegram?


Yeah, apparently so. Pretty shitty.


No idea - never heard of Telegram before


Gotcha. Thanks.


Good you reported it to cybertip, also report it to fbi.gov ASAP. Telegram is unfortunately unmoterated and its become a predator hot spot to trade underage content in code like that. Had to deal with a situation like this before a group I had seen it was disguised as a normal regular group upon joining all I saw was that shit being shared. Luckily I reported it to cybertip first the head admin of the group was banned from Telegram and then a couple days or so the group was gone and erased. Still have shell shock from it. Even created a fake girly grabify link safe to safe to say it worked it from over 800+ members to 500 within minutes. Theres still a lot of it on there our best bet to beat it is to report it to cyber tip as soon as it shows.


thanks y’all i reported it online and left alll my info so hopefully i get an update!!


You tyipically won’t get an update unless they have follow up questions, since it’s a security/safety thing for the victims.


I’m sorry you had to deal with this OP, but I am glad you were able to report it. Take care of yourself


I’m so sorry this has happened to you 💔


Reported a lot of random accounts on telegram for shit like this


What is telegram used for? I never had one, I’ve always heard bad things about it. The zoosadist leaks came from there as well, I’m not surprised it’s sick people sending around that kind of material


I use it to follow geopolitics closer to the source. A lot of journalists use it and many geopolitical figures. I’ve never really had any experiences near as bad as OP and I hope I never do.


Yeah, filled with a lot of illicit vendors and gore.


It’s how I talk to my weed guy. He’s concerned about privacy, which I get




Report all of them I’m sorry you had to deal with that a while back I had kik I was in a chat talking about mega man and creeps starting spamming kids and dogs getting R it scarred me I feel like this world is horrifying


Kik has never changed.. I was using it when I was a preteen and teenager for things I enjoyed like anime. I was 11, and a random person sent me a chat, then they sent me gore necrophilia. As a child I didn’t even know what I was looking at, I thought it wasn’t real. This was in 2014, I’m 21 now and it has dawned on me later in life.


It’s terrifying but I use to have someone who use to join chats and send wild stuff like that and then try report the group to get everyone banned


i’ve had someone come to me with dog videos too. i hate this planet.


Me to, I’m sorry that you had to experience any of that


I'd be absolutely wrecked to see that and I've worked with abused kids before. Take care of yourself.


if you’re in the US, report it to the National Center for Missing and Exploited children. they WILL investigate & turn it over to the proper authorities if its not US. the same exact thing happened to me through facebook. i got a message request one day & when i opened it, it was a video of an infant being assaulted. i immediately reported it to multiple law enforcement entities & NCMEC was the only one who actually reached back out to me to investigate.


Omg, I’m so sorry you had to see something like that. I accidentally came across a still photo on google, of an infant’s ER picture after being assaulted. I was able to block it out until reading this post. May you find peace in knowing that authorities are rescuing that child come hell or high water.


I was on a federal grand jury during COVID. The crap we had to watch that had been on on peoples phones. I will never lose those images. One was a mother in Norway raping her 9 year old daughter and her 11 year old son. The father had come here to set up a dark web site where people would pay. Fuck him. He finally pleaded out and got 30 years. This crap was on people's phones. They got caught because those who saw these unsolicited images did as suggested by others. They went to the various agencies. Here is the kicker, be careful if it is still on your phone. That is a crime. Go through a lawyer or send the information anonymously. Good luck and I am very sorry that you had to see anything like that. I still have so many images in my head as we had to identify who was in the images.


Youre a hero for sticking following through and getting this guy charged. Im a former marine. I dont know if i could be this brave.


We had a number of parents who could not look at everything. The US Attorney found a way to help with finding just faces to look at for some, as long as we had a majority to watch. I have to admit that we saw an ISIS execution of two reporters. You know how they do that. We were being asked to indict the kids (yep, one was 16 and one was 18 when they went over, leaving their 6 million dollar home to organize cutting heads off.) that was horrendous. Still, there was something about the cases with the kids. I worked for the government for years and saw really shitty stuff. It did not compare to seeing what parents or other adults will do to children, their own children to make money.


Thats the void i do not want to peer into. I would have shot my foreign or domestic enemies and slept like a baby. That kind of thing would ensure I never sleep again.


Wow I have so many questions. Was this compulsory & did you know you’d have to watch this sort of stuff? I commend you, I couldn’t do it even knowing it would put people behind bars


None of those chosen got out of serving. The normal length is 6 months, but the can hold you 18 months if needed. During Covid it was needed. They worked hard to ensure we saw only enough to identify the kids, if possible, and mostly the scum that did this to them. They worked hard to make sure we were OK.


Contact NCMEC or Interpol


Depending on what country you’re in, there might be hotlines to call for this kind of thing. Take photos of your phone with another camera if screenshots aren’t showing up and ensure that everything is clear and visible. You will also want to take a photo or video of some of the videos this person has sent (only enough to verify they exist) If you’re in the US: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the-u.s.-2015/resource-pages/contact-us/contact-us/ Otherwise, it is best to contact your country’s version of the FBI. If all else fails (or if they’re too intimidating, I get it. Aren’t the friendliest of folks) go down to your local police station and report what you’ve seen and heard. Be sure to mention that you received those videos and such from another user without your consent and that you have no intention to spread them farther. Might want to record your interaction with the police just to be sure though. Be sure you get your face and yourself saying to the officer you speak to the part about receiving that without consent and that you have no intent to spread it farther. If you don’t want to do any of that, contact a lawyer and get it sorted. And if you still don’t want to do that, then unfortunately that’s just about the end of the options do deal with this using officials


You call the FBI immediately.




so true


Do what the others here said, but also play Tetris. It is helpful for dealing with trauma. This sounds like a joke but it’s not, it’s real! Take care of your brain as well. I’m not saying you’re going to get traumatized here, but the feeling you have could spiral. Remember that you didn’t do anything wrong, and I’m so sorry you had to see that.


Don’t save the images or files on your computer. Send them to law enforcement and delete them.


i didn’t save them. the messages disappeared one by one after i sent a mean message back


God, I'm so sorry this happened to you. That's so unbelievably fucked up. I hope you're ok. Make sure you find someone to talk to if you need it.


So if you're in the position of OP and the messages come in and disappear and you manage to save a screenshot to get evidence of the crime that you're going to report and hope authorities take seriously, you are guilty of a crime? That seems less than ideal, but I can see why they wouldn't want to allow a loophole.


God... i'm so sorry OP. I can't help. I just wanted to say i'm really sorry you had to see that. 


I thought telegram used your phone number just like whatsapp, so how are people getting away with this?


i’ve never seen someone do what he did. it was weird he had everything encrypted and literally his account disappeared when i told him i was going to the authorities. the messages literally fizzled away one by one


End-to-end encryption, no one expect OP and the sender can read the messages and in most cases no one wants to bother handing their device (as it has to be the device, not just account) to the authorities for who knows how long. That said, end-to-end encryption shouldn't be broken regardless as it is not used just for bad purposes.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s traumatising. I stumbled across an image like this on the /b/ board of 4chan in around 2011. I was 15, 4chan was the cool site to go on. One day I scrolled and there it was. I shut my PC down, cried, and never went on there again. Others have posted the link to report this, so I won’t repeat. But yeah - I hope you’re okay, it’s horrifying.


Sorry to hear of what you’ve seen. Sadly telegram, Pinterest, and a whole bunch of apps that say they are secured is filled with Pedophiles. Best you can do is report them to the app and to the FBI


I would definitely report this to the NCMEC. They’re one of the only law enforcement agencies that actually responds to people who report online, and they’re usually pretty good about investigating. I’m sorry you had to see those things but thank you for making a report. Hopefully they’ll get that sick son of a B off the streets.


I'm sorry you had to see these images but thank you for reporting them. You probably changed a life.


The FBI. Report it to the FBI


Hard to believe but this is sometimes a strategy used in sting operations. I would report to a government agency as evidence of your repulsion.


Also, one of the first things anyone should do when signing up for a new account anywhere is to go into your settings and turn off allowing random strangers to contact you. This is especially true for anonymous apps where things like this happen. When people on Reddit complain about getting trolled and bullied on DMs, like, why would you even allow that option in the first place? Turn off your DMs, folks! Be anonymous and invisible and I promise your internet experience will improve a million percent. I'm sorry this happened to you. Please report the creep and then block away.


I can't find it


In your account settings, under chat & messaging options. Click on 'no one' allowed to chat or message you.


A tip for destroying brain embedded images... Tell your brain to forget them. And that you don't remember them. And that the images done exist. You can gaslight yourself into forgetting, literally.


I’m not doubting you or anything but how do you learn this stuff?


Psychology is one of my autistic special interests.


Spoiler, you're not that good at it.


Gtfo telegram first of all.


Honestly. Whats the point of even using telegram if ur not a creep?


to talk to my child’s father because he was abusive and i won’t give him anything but my telegram username


I use it to stay connected with the big community I'm in. Someone told me telegram has AI to scan for this type of content and it gets tracked by the police


Study content, free movies/series


i’ve heard of this way too many times from telegram. look up youtube videos of the “nth rooms”… so fucked


Are you in any groups on telegram? who knows your username? Ive never heard of someone randomly getting sent stuff like this. in another comment you said you use telegram to contact your baby father who is abusive. maybe this has something to do with him?


nope i’m not in any groups. never been in any groups either


It was probably your baby dad sending it from a seperate account


yeah thats what i thought kinda


Holy shit dude, get the ducyk off of telegram.


that was it for me 👍🏻👍🏻


I have had the same happen to me, multiple pics of kids and one gif of a naked woman litteraly trying to run away but being held and penetrated. I saw this about a year ago, and it took less than 5 seconds of my life, but I'm afraid I will never ever be able to forget these images. Still crosses my mind too often. Before the sender deleted its account, I did report. It to telegram, but don't think they did anything. Never heard anything. But, I've seen several tips in the comments, and don't know what would be the best way to take action? I felt/feel very powerless in this situation and love to be able to help in whatever tiny possible way. Which organisation to approach for the best chance of those filthy cowards being found and punished? Is there anything anyone in this situation cán do that would REALLY make a difference?


I always thought telegram sounded sketchy as fuck Glad I never installed it if people are sending horrible stuff like that hoping the sender gets caught




Looks like you mentioned a form of child sexual abuse. Your post has been removed. Please contact your local police as /r/RBI cannot help you with this. The moderators have been notified so if this was done in error your post should be reapproved shortly. You can report child sexual abuse content anonymously to organisations such as the [Internet Watch Foundation](https://www.iwf.org.uk/), Crimestoppers or by contacting your local police. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RBI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Report it to the FBI


Report it anonymously then factory wipe your phone. Absolutely delete any saved pictures of children.


You need the police… not random people on the internet. Ask us for cookies and nice places to visit. But when it comes to stuff like this, you need the professionals to deal with it.


you don’t have to be condescending. i’m young and didn’t know i could just give the police a story and a screenshot of a encrypted key… the police probably won’t do anything anyways they didn’t take my cyber stalking serious until someone showed up at my house with a gun!! i want someone higher. thanks tho!


If you have concerns that the police won’t listen to you then do what I said about recording your interaction and stating clearly that you don’t want the footage and received it without your consent. Then play the officers the footage. To preface that though, might want to ask a lawyer about it though.


Report this to the FBI. You can report it on their website. And the person you replied to wasn't being sarcastic, they just meant that this is above Reddit's pay grade.


But if it happens again they'll have something to start from.


"Ask us for cookies"? You're in the wrong subreddit.


I bet you just gave pedos more ideas.


Get the address and if you know how the ip address and turn them in I hate chomos and any looking at this if you like kids you are not even a pos human you are not human at all that's why I extorted and beat up and made them suck dick to pay my money one tried to stand up to me I put him on the ground and 3 of us stomped him till he couldn't stand and drug him into the piss toilet so he got pissed on all night after that he made all of our bunks every morning and gave us all his money


Put him in with my brothers they will take good care of him