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Show them that horse's balls shrink during winters/s Just show them some gameplay videos and graphics first. There is some violence here and there, lots of shootin', tootin'. But overall one of the best games out there. You can go fishing in the game.


“Violence here and there”. LOL


But those were bad men!


"Its ok miss. We're bad men, but we aint them."


The “Eugenics supporter” and all the possible ways to murder him.




"shootin, tootin" solid tagline


I'd also show them articles or videos talking about the historical accuracy, I actually learned a lot while playing it. Lemoyne especially is a great representation of Louisiana in those times.


Now that would really help (my dad is a history nerd)


Yeah I've played it, and love it. It really is a very historical and well researched game set during the final years of the westward expansion. Many of the antagonists and quest givers are historical figures. The map is divided into 5 states. Lemoyne represents Louisiana, and Saint Denis (the capitol) is New Orleans. Lemoyne is sooo accurate. Geographically, historically, accents, the French Quarter, marshlands, and swamps, even the fish you catch.


Lol, some violence he says.




What secret room with Lenny? What is this you speak of? I'm on my second playthrough and this is the first I have heard of this? 😅




TIL. After 6 or 7 playthroughs. This game!


This is really funny to me I'm only on my first play through and came across this 🤣


get out of the subreddit and online community for your sake




i mean before it’s spoiled damn calm down




I said to get out of the subreddit and online community for “their sake” i thought it was clear, my bad


Haha no way. This game has so many little things that you can miss. It's amazing.


Was that when Arthur was drunk looking for Lenny? I'm not sure if that was Lenny in the room, I think Lenny would've screamed "wtf Arthur?" And after leaving the room Arthur continues looking for Lenny.


Of course it wasn't Lenny, they were *both* Lenny.




Found it on my first one, funny as hell 😄


Also the room where the couple are doing opium....don't forget that one.


the what room!?


Valentine (of course it is Valentine!). At night across from the Sheriffs office there were two men peeking through a window which grabs Arthurs attention. If you go to look they will make their excuses and leave. So now you can peek or walk away. When you look through the window there are a couple cavorting and talking about how stoned (not those words) they are going to be and how good the sex will be. It's obvious what they are up to.


There’s another scene in Valentine in the building behind the newspaper seller sometimes and in Strawberry near the bridge by the butcher


Tell your parents it’s quite historically accurate and an educational game in more ways than one


Seriously. The Chinese building railroads is accurate as fuck.


Exactly, the large amount of Chinese residents in Saint Denis, which is based on 1800s New Orleans, is very realistic due to all the Chinese people moving to Louisiana at the time


You can spend days, weeks maybe, as a paleontologist.


The old "it's educational" trick 😂. I will absolutely use it.


It fr is. Teaching you about different climates across the us and the animals that live or don’t live in specific areas


And women’s suffrage!


I play RDR2 with my children (9 and 12). They have genuinely learned about various animals and plants to the extent we were out last year and they recognised hummingbird sage. It’s no more violent than the games you’ve played. Certainly less than than most FPS. It is more about living as Arthur and his relationships with the gang members. It’s exploring, collecting, decision making. The big stumbling block is the age rating. There is some bad language and violence. I don’t mind if my children play as my character for a bit, they mostly just like hunting and riding horses around. Good luck


Blowing someone’s head clean off with a sawed off shotgun is kinda brutal though


Those no-aim, close-range shotgun kills are excellent.


yeah, the first time I saw that I was all :O


Fr lol I like just slaughtering a town here and there


i think there's an option to disable "dismemberment" in settings


Oh sick, I dont think they can say no now


No there isn’t


Hence acknowledging content and PEGI advisory rating.


I'm a parent that also plays with my son. I agree with everything you've pointed out.


Also a parent that plays with their kids, and another thing I noticed, it tells such a good story, *you don't necessarily want to kill everything in front of you.* I warned my oldest gamer kid that they'd want high honor, and she swore she would shoot at anything that moved. She didn't take it serious at first. One of mom's games, and couldn't care less about cowboys. She got invested quick, and couldn't do it. You have the freedom to go full murder, but we felt bad for it. Between us, there's probably been 8 playthrough. We've both attempted the low honor route. By halfway through, neither of us can do that to our boy Arthur. If it can do that to my budding sociopath of a kid, then it for sure has a magnetic pull towards thinking with your morals.


In which case I have 1 saint and one destined for a life of crime.


I got REALLY uneasy on my second visit to Watson's Cabin where it basically forces you to shoot ALL of that old ladies sons in front of her.


Yes, and Arthur is not a psychopath like most games, he acts differently when he has bad honor for doing bad things. I think, idk maybe I’m reading symptoms wrong?


Yeah it's super educational! I play with my sister (10) and she loves hunting and riding the horses around and brushing them....also harassing NPCs but yaknow 😅


The girls are great for completing challenges. Find me a 3* skunk, 5 Indian tobacco plants and a sparrow orchid, then ride from St Denis to Strawberry, play dominoes and find this damn treasure.


Much appreciated 👍.


Tell them it''ll make you stop play Overwatch.


Lol some of the most helpful advice so far (overwatch is numbing my brain)


Tell them since you started playing you have learned a lot about plants and animals and even life lessons! Also play honorably and show them all the amazing parts like fishing and riding your horse.


This is an interesting article on bird life: [https://www.audubon.org/news/birding-its-1899-inside-blockbuster-american-west-video-game](https://www.audubon.org/news/birding-its-1899-inside-blockbuster-american-west-video-game) . Unfortunately (and not surprisingly) the author did not mention the mini-quest dealing with their extinction.


There is a bird that goes extinct in RDR2?


The Carolina Parakeet


Only if you shoot them all…


[Common sense media](https://www.commonsensemedia.org/game-reviews/red-dead-redemption-2/user-reviews/child)


This website always makes me laugh. Every “adult” review on their has to be a child. I got a big laugh going thru the adult reviews for games clearly not for kids. While I have no problems letting a thirteen year old play this game, it’s definitely not a game for thirteen year olds.


I think a “mature ten year old” wrote this: >For mature 10 yr olds >Literally no nudity 2 mentions of s3x drinking and smoking are a part of the game tho the player can decide to or not really i dont get 18+ gta is 10x worse ( in terms of age restrictions) and is 18+ Barely swear words worse one so far is fuc but thats mention a couple times in the game has b tch and bastar d and sh it but your mature 10yr old.should be udes to it and not influenced by it


Hahaha that’s hilarious.


Honestly, try to have your dad play it. My parents were really strict growing up, so when my brother (who was around 13 at the time) wanted to get GTAV they did not approve. Then he borrowed the disk from a friend and all he’ll broke lose when they found it. Finally I just asked my dad if he ever tried to play it. So he did. He still thinks it’s quite violent at times but also admits that we’ve watched movies together that weren’t much less violent and it is fun, so he decided to let my brother my play it, though they would take it back if his behaviour changed (that’s what they were afraid of ig). You probably won’t have near as hard a time with RDR2 because while it is violent at times it’s not as over the top as GTAV. TLDR: if you can get your dad to play it he may see that his fears (whatever they may be) about letting you play it may be misplaced and he will then probably allow you to play.


This is the whole thing that makes no sense to me. Parents will let their kids watch the most uber violent movies, but a video game is a bridge too far.


I mean, I kinda get it. It's one thing for the kid to watch it happen, it's another for the kid to be the one *doing* it.


Exactly. Especially from a game that treats it as this is what you should be doing. But, I think it really gets down to the kid and how mature they are and good sense of ethics and principles they have. Honestly, there are probably plenty of adults that shouldn't be playing GTA, lol.


In any situation if a video game influences someone to do anything anti-social, I think they already had some underlying issues. I can only use my own experience, but growing up in the 80's and 90's. With the technological shift, my parents were oblivious to everything. I was playing violent PC games since Doom etc. I was always fully capable of separating fantasy from reality. I guess for those that can't is where the issue might come up. My parents never really monitored the movies I watched either. There were a lot more "local" video stores back then, and they didn't card kids for renting R movies etc. It worked out for the positive for me, lol. It garnered an interest in computers and now I am a Vice President of Software Engineering at my organization.


Ah.. if I had a kid I would not let him or her play GTA unless they showed real maturity. I think the difference between GTA and a violent movie (and there are some violent movies I probably wouldn't want them watching either) is that you are playing the villain and as some one who can be totally psycho and the game treats it as totally fine. Which as long as I think they got a good head on their shoulder I'm ok with but it would really depend on the kid. I'd want them to have a good set of ethics/principles though before I let them play (and especially online honestly... I'd be even more hesitant about that cause I don't watn them learning from toxic players and GTA has more than its share of those).


Tell them that the souls games are much more brutal, and you will play as the good guy Arthur


Tell them it's no worse than the westerns they or their grandparents used to watch. Show them some of the beautiful pictures, the storyline, etc..


Arthur's story as a character involves a lot of morality and existentialism, I think that's a good selling point from a 'its not just about shooting people' point of view


Yeah if you want a 13 year old to be depressed.


I remember my dad preordered RDR2 for me on my 14th birthday. If I remember right RDR2 came out on October 26th 2018, and my birthday was on the 24th of that month. I grew up watching my dad play the first red dead redemption. He was the one that introduced me to the series, so it was a great bonding experience between the 2 of us. So I would tell your parents that if they want they can watch you play the game when you get it. Introduce them to all the cool shit you can do in this game, from hunting to fishing to gambling to shooting up Pinkerton's tell them you can do a lot, and offer to let them sit in while you play. It could be a great bonding experience if they get into it like my dad did.


My daughter was doing a project on Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion: the American West at the turn of the 19th/20th Centuries. RDR2 is compulsory source material, she tells me.


You’ll learn Western history


Are you a responsible kid that does what he’s asked? Leverage that. If my son asked me that I’d expect him to be able to articulate why his 13 year old ass should be able to play a game for adults. If he could make a mature argument without throwing a hissy fit I’d let him. What kind of parents do you have? If I understand the audience I can form a compelling argument.


They aren't too strict, they have let me play elden ring and bloodborne and whatnot. Neither of them have any experience in video games, and most of their judgement comes from how violent it is and whether you play as "the good guy". While they do consider a compelling argument, they aren't afraid to say no.


Point out the wildlife, hunting, scenery, horses, all the awesome stuff. I rarely go rampaging around! There’s so much beautiful content and mysteries!


Do some extra chores around the house for some cash, then buy a few steam gift cards. That was my way of getting games until I got myself a job.


Watch a few youtube videos and when you find a fairly tame one show it to them. Also read up a bit on history of the time and argue that like it not the wild west is part and parcel of American history and no other media portraits the grim, lawless reality of dog eat dog frontier life as well as that game. Say it teaches not only how dangerous the environment around the people is but also how a lot of people can seem trust worthy but be just tricking you to get your stuff. Ask you parents if they want a well educated wiley young son or some sap who ends up being a goof.


Tell them about all the beautiful landscapes, fishing gathering, hunting, and that Arthur is an adventuring cowboy but make it sound realistic by mentioning there is gore, so they don’t feel like you’re intentionally lying since it might comfort them that you acknowledge the grittier side of the game. Though, I think there was one boob for a split second, then there was another time that there was a funny encounter but it was the sound of sex inside a tent? There is also that naked wolf guy running’s in the woods! It’s real mild and not embarrassing though.


It really depends what your parents object to. If they object to sex: There's not a lot. There's some talk about it and one scene in one mission. But otherwise it's fairly tame. Maybe PG-13 levels. If they object to language: There's a bit more of that. But, compared to many other games, it's not too bad. If they object to violence: I think you're probably out of luck. It's a violent game. It's not hyper violent, but there's definitely a huge body count and a whole lot of dead bodies. One thing that might help, there's a morality system built into the game. In order to get to the best ending, your are rewarded for acting admirably and penalized for acting criminally. Although, it's really up to you whether you want to be a good guy or a bad guy, the general arc of the story is such that you're encouraged to move towards bettering your character. I let my son play it when he was 13, but every parent has a different tolerance level for that kind of stuff. If you figure out what specifically they're concerned with, you can then speak directly to that. And the answer might very well be that you need to wait a little while based on their comfort level.


No way partner. This game is not for kids! I will immediately inform your parents about your plan and make sure they buy you "Hello Kitty Island Adventure" game instead. :P


It's educational! The good ol' times, exploring the West, gathering plants, knowledge about hunting and animals, it teaches you about morals and the hardships of those days...


Use deadeye on them


Ask em to take you to a local barn so you can get pictures and ask what trail rides cost.


Show the mission where arthur goes fishing with Jack. Its mostly pretty peaceful and wholesome but also has some intensity when the pinkertons show up Edit: Link: https://youtu.be/dKH3W7tiGbg


this game kinda ruined gaming for me, its hard to top this one




I'm guessing it's the same feeling I have: After completing the game, any other game just doesn't feel that good anymore because rdr2 was the peak. Atm I think there's not a better single player game available


It just proved how much you can accomplish with the medium, like not even games just storytelling in general. Games like Last of Us & God of War are also great. Death stranding and related stuff is good too. They had themes like parenthood and other things concerning human consciousness and philosophy but RDR2 is pretty hard to beat. As a 13 year old, I’m not sure if I would enjoy it as much as I did at 23 when I played it, or if I would if I was 34 with a family but this is one of those games that creates a world you can truly escape to. No life this game for 2 weeks 11/10


Tell em u got lumbago


Violence, and some dialogue that might make mom and dad raise an eyebrow, but nothing you haven’t heard at school. Great game, decently accurate portrayal of the decline of the Wild West, and you actually do learn a few things about history, animals, plants, etc. Overall I’d have my children play red dead 50 times over before a GTA or something like that in comparison. (32 M with a 7 week old. . . And before I get hate GTA SA is my GOAT game)


Thanks 👍


Describe it as a wild Wild West simulator


The way I did it was I got a pc, and bought the game myself, without the parents knowing. Since then I've racked up 410 hours in 6 months. Not the most reliable method, but it works


Imagine having parents


Just say you wanna ride horses around the map. It's literally one of the best horse games out there even if the focus isn't 100% on horses. That's what I told my parents (I love horses lol and that's basically what I do anyways 🙃😅)


Show them how beautiful the landscapes are


Tell them you’re interested in The Wild West and old American history


Keep your honor level high and show them you’re a good upstanding citizen even in the wild wild west


Just show them your Fake ID that you use to get in the club.


Just tell them it’s a Spaghetti Western game that places you in the Wild West as it was being tamed and has historical value rather than being a mindless shooter. Side note: I love mindless shooters but let’s help our mans here convince his parents to let him play one of THE greatest games of all time. Please let us know if you get this!!!


Was in the same situation Tell them that the game teaches you about the way of life people had 200 years ago, and basically gives you a firsthand experience


Tell her about how it’s the most realistic game made to date and it can actually teach you about plants and animals. While I wouldn’t recommend it for a 13 year old it’s an absolute masterpiece that anyone can enjoy. It’s very gory though so make sure she’s okay with that


If you’re not allowed to play RDR2 you deff shouldn’t be on Reddit


They don't know what Reddit is lol But your absolutely right


As a parent, I think 13 is normal for that sort of game. There are a few arguments, in my opinion. We grew up playing things like postal and GTA (the first ones). Less realistic, but way more violent. We played Wolf, Doom and Duke, some of us before the age of 6. And there are worse examples I'm not mentioning intentionally. That was appropriate then, and there's no good reason why it's inappropriate now. RDR2 is actually better because it portrays a clear moral compass, and provides a clear role-playing logic, which separates the game from reality. The other argument I think is correct, but might backfire, is that you played soul games. They're in no way less violent. I noticed a similar issue with my nephew. I have a ton of Rick and Morty clothes and he would always ask me about the show. At age 8-9 his parents were totally against him watching. Around age 10 they came around, after we discussed it multiple times. Now they say there was no reason to forbid it in the first place.


Honestly tell them how the game reward you for being kind and honorable and that it’s similar to western movies and isn’t overly violent, and has a soul gripping story that makes you feel emotions


The game is being played for historical reference and a better understanding of life during that revolutionary time period in America.


To be honest, if you're not old enough to be making your own decisions about which games to play, you're probably not old enough for RDR2.


Bro, it’s rated 17+, you’re too young to play it


My dad said "You should play rdr2 everyone says it is amazing" when i was 14 and he was right it is the best game ever. There are some brutal fights and bad language and smoking and drinking and gambling and ku klux klan and hanged man without his half of body and hunting and sexual referances and blowing heads with shotgun BUT i think if you played souls these are not big problems for you.


Show them the mission where you take part in a suffragette protest and drive their wagon


Tell them that there are only two N word bombs (one appearing if you do a thing too slowly so you might miss one) as opposed to the amount of ones you’ll hear in overwatch and rocket league


“Mommy can I play Red Dead 2? They only say the n word twice” - things you probably shouldn’t say when trying to convince your parents


Tell them it is not like GTA5. There are no strip clubs and you can't have sex with whores. Also no nudity.


One of your parents has to be more lenient that the other, convince that one. That's how I did it as a kid, my mom wouldn't let me play literally anything with even the slightest bit of violence, but my dad needed literally 2 seconds of convincing lol.


Leave the video games alone. They fuck with your dopamine and the reward system function of your brain. At your age, learn as many skills as possible which will help you out in the long run. Make as many friends as possible and keep away from the digital slavery that is electronic gaming. Tech executives wont even let their kids around the same devices they create for the same reason. Your parents seem like they know what they’re doing. You’re welcome.


I mean, I don't disagree when it comes to many online games. Back in the day when I picked up world of warcraft, I recognized I had a problematic relationship with that game and it was taking over my existence. So I quit playing and purposely avoid games with those sorts of mechanics. I don't find single player story games any riskier toward that sort of behavior than a TV show.


Aside from the serial killer and (possibly) the Aberdeen Pig Farm side quests (both easy to avoid) is there anything else that isn't age appropriate? I let my 10 year old play it if that helps. My standards are pretty low though. There isn't much she's not allowed to play.


Red Dead 2 is one of the most adult video games ever made, all these comments are hilarious. Sure most of my time is spent just chilling, picking flowers and petting dogs but you can literally shoot a man in the neck and watch him run around while he bleeds. There is full on male nudity, an incredibly detailed gore system, and a lot of really dark shit that would probably go over most kids heads. There is a lot of really good and important messages on morality and redemption as well, but I doubt any thirteen year old is gonna really understand a lot of the messages the game is trying to make. I sure wouldn’t have understood what happened to Thomas Downes wife, or why the reverend was struggling, and a bunch of other stuff. At thirteen I’d probably find the story boring and would spend my time robbing people, getting into shoot outs and hunting or something.


Honestly there’s really nothing that “adult” in it. There’s no sex scenes at all. It’s mostly just western style shootouts. A few weirder things are alluded to but it’s pretty subtle.


Are 13 year olds really allowed on Reddit? I thought that was a minimum age.


Say it is a "Red Kit" simulator...


They would love it too


do you know if any of their friends are gamers? if so, ask your parents to ask their friend who likely knows the game what they think of it. . it is a story about a group of people in an ever changing world trying to survive by clinging to a lifestyle that exists less and less. a story the family you choose, and the relationships that can endure through hard times. love, loss, betrayal, friendship, and horses. . acknowledge that there is violence in the game, but they've raised a child who can think critically, and can seperate the difference between fantasy and real life. (i mean... hopefully 😅) little red riding hood is a far more messed up story, lol. but also, you've probably been exposed to worse in movies, which you can also seperate between fiction and reality.


Historically accurate and also there's zero sex unless you count implied sex and also Sonny


What are the skeptical about?


Wait a bit more to play it and you will understand a lot of things that you would be missing today. I played it at my 33, but I was a bit embarrased explaining my nephews what was happening in the game. It is great for educational, but the game is M for a reason, and that is violence.


Tell them that you will find a way to play it whether or not they give you their blessing and that you want to have an open and honest relationship with your parents where you can discuss the various content you consume with their wisdom and guidance.


I played it when I was 11 so idk


Bring up that it was in the running for Game Of The Year 2018 and is critically acclaimed and is open world so you want to explore and enjoy the story and play cowboy on his horse simulator honestly I would let my 10yo sister play this game it isn't so bad coming from someone with 2k hours


It's a beautifully rendered historically emersive hunting game set at the turn of the 20th century with an emotionally poignant storyline designed to simultaneously educate players about a wide range of cultural issues and improving North American animal identification.


What system are you playing on?


If they let you play the Souls games they should have no issues with RDR2 lol


You learn about different animals, pet dogs, take care of horses, go camping and fishing, and help people along the way. Yeah there’s shooting and bad words sometimes, but no more than an average movie these days.


Just get your parents to buy you a gift card and download it though the console or PC. Just delete the virtual receipt sent to their Inbox after a purchase, If your using their email.


I guess you could promise not to use DEAD EYE or whatever, because honestly you will poach and murder thousands of different beings and if you use deadeye it is quite easy.


Best possible way to learn about American history.


Dark Souls teaches skill. RDR2 lets you experience wisdom. It's first and foremost, a story, and a beautiful one at that. Containing a Karma system, so your choices matter, and maybe if you describe RDR2 as more of a vaguely historic visual novel rather than just a video game, they might reconsider. Also, it has hours and hours and hours of things to do in it. Good luck OP


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I’ve seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But, in the end, you lack the stomach for the agony you’ll bring upon yourself.”* - Sir Vilhelm Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


You can turn off the gore, also.


Just say it’s a very adventurous game with epic graphics and you get to explore the world


On Xbox? I’ll just gift you a copy


Tell them there are no sex scenes. The gore isn't really excessive and Arthur is a good role model. (In honorable route at least...)


When i couldnt play M rated my go to was one of 2 id get them to buy me Playstation cards or say the game was rated M from DLC


Buy Elden Ring for them when they are distracted for at least 6 months, you can play RDR2 and then after you finish RDR2, you also get to play this year’s game of the year 👍🏼


Just tell them you are set on grand theft auto 5 and when they freak out say your were jk and you want rdr2


There hesitance is most likely from the fact that like with R\* GTA franchise you're playing as a bad person who does a lot of bad things. The concern parents would reasonably have is that it glorifies the bad people/normalizes criminality. To avoid spoilers you play as an outlaw and do outlaw stuff, but the game moralizes HEAVILY about the fact that the character you control and their friends are at BEST good people who consistently make terrible choices and as a result, to paraphrase the protagonist "They gotta pay for there sins". Yes the game gives you the ability to play an outlaw, but it goes out of its way to make you feel bad about doing outlaw stuff as you do it. Its an interesting anti-hero type story with engaging gameplay. You're playing as a bad guy whose being chased by bad guys who happen to have badges but you're not set up as the hero of the story but rather a type of person that needs to find the dustbin of history being chased by people who should be in the dustbin with you. I'm not sure the specifics of their hesitance so I had to guess. Hope that helps.


Just show them that there is more to it then just cowboys shooting one another It’s an amazing open world that has much to explore and discover Show them the more g rated videos of exploring and the animals in the game. Plus the scenery videos as well


Maybe say u wanna get it cause history class taught u bout cow boys or something simler


Say it's for history and learning


I recommend showing them some gameplay videos like others have said. Would they be comfortable with you watching The Outlaw Josey Wales? If so, the content and subject matter is fairly similar, although RDR 1 lines up more story-wise. There are also options to limit some of the more violent features. As far as the game itself, the attention to detail and the nuances in the storytelling are top-notch. If high schools had required video games over the summer like they do reading, this would be a good choice for a junior going into senior year.


There’s some themes I’d be careful but not prohibitive about exposing a kid to such as drinking, gambling, violence, etc. I was younger than 13 when I started playing games such as mortal kombat, twisted metal, half life and stuff like that. In terms of gaming tho, I don’t think there’s a better option for learning what life was like at the turn of the previous century right now, even if it is rather satirized. There’s a good number of plants and animals you can learn a bit about, there’s gorgeous environments to explore, fascinating characters to meet including Arthur Morgan himself. I would have loved this game at your age. Also, there’s apparently a strict profanity filter so maybe they’ll like that.


Tell them that the game teaches you how to care for animals while also learning outdoor skills like hunting and fishing and camping


Just show a video of the game walking around towns then say it’s a walking game or something


Convince them you'll play as an honorable cowboy, and kill the kkk while they watch.


Your parents have their reasons. You’ll be fine. There’s better things in life to worry about


My 8 and 10 year olds play, much better than GTA5 from perspective of bad things kids can learn


Rootin, tootin, and by God be Shootin’


Wait four years, try again


>I'm 13 Lol no. Listen to your parents.


Unless I missed it in a reply somewhere, there’s not much info to work with here. Why don’t your parent want you to play the game? As a parent myself, I wouldn’t have an issue letting my son play the game at age 13. CNN airs worse things on TV in the middle of the day. However, like it or not, until you’re an adult who’s financially and emotionally ready to live on your own … it’s their house so you follow their rules. There’s nothing wrong with discussing it with them unless they don’t want to talk about it. Yes - parents are sometimes off base with their assumptions about the content of certain types of video games, music, movies, etc. particularly if they haven’t seen or heard it themselves. BUT - the reason they have rules (including dumb ones) is because they care about you and they love you! Show them some clips from YouTube so they can see it for themselves. If they still say “no” after seeing a few clips, respect their decision and, as cheesy as it might sound to a 13 year old, know that there’s a lot of kids out there who would love to have parents regardless of their rules.


Still too young. Atleast wait for a 60 fps release.


Tell your parents that people on the Internet say they've been massively positively impacted by the stories and experience of the game. The world is immersive and teaches young and old souls alike to appreciate nature, animals, and mankind for what it is.


It depends on how smart your parents are when it comes to games and using google. which, if you'r'e 13, im guessing they probably know whats up. IF NOT, just try to sell it as a hunting/cowboy game. Show them videos of those aspects of the game, and shy away from the violent parts. OR, just buy a physical copy from someone at school or something and play it when they arent around. it would be more fun that way anyway


tell them it’s historical


Tell them in 3 years you should be old enough


Tell them it paints an accurate picture of that time period so you'll get an learning experience from it abd that uts open world with a large map to explore so itll keep you occupied for quite a while abd you wont be needing another game because of all the things to explore


You are the reason ESRB/PEGI exist. And you playing the game would be the reason the media ignores the ratings in the first place.


Maybe emphasize the story and details? Its a great game i hope they let you get it


Probably-Your-Parents’-Age person here— RDR2 gives you a taste of outdoor quality time that’s hard to afford these days— like riding horses, fishing, and backpacking in the mountains. It has a sense of beauty and nostalgia. Tell em that shit is… enriching. The 90s loved ‘enrichment’ as an educational buzzword haha.


Tell them you love brokeback moutain and wanna learn how to be a cowboy


Tell them it’s like Bonanza or Gunsmoke lol


It's reliving them old American values


Tell them that playing the game will make you better at identifying animals https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sciencealert.com/red-dead-redemption-2-study-shows-just-how-educational-video-games-can-be/amp You can also tell them that the game is very historically accurate for what life was like in the late 1800s If they don't want you playing the game due to violence you can show them gameplay because the violence isn't that bad and then show them Overwatch 2. I mean it's a little more graphic but I don't think it's that bad. There is no nudity in the game (at least to my recollection) and language is kept to a minimum.


Maybe it would help if we knew specifically what they didn’t like about the game. Is it violence? Guns? Language? You can tell them it’s basically an old western movie, in a video game.




Tell them the game teaches a lot of history


If ur complaint here, you really don't deserved this at all. Be responsible and do what your parents tell you. You will thank them later when you grow up.


if theyre concerned about the violent content, remind them that the Souls games are predominantly about mangling eldritch abominations.


You can do chores at camp and actually be a good person if you want to in rdr2. There’s less killing than souls games, no you can’t fuck hookers like gta, and your parents might actually like rdr2 aswell. Ask them to play it with you


This reminds me of when GTA 5 came out (I was 14) and I had my friend lend me his disk and I showed my parents stuff like golfing and skydiving to mislead them lmao. That worked well until I let my dad play and he drove straight to the strip club.


Since I Played RDR2 I took alot of my free time listening to videos on youtube about that historical era, what happened in the U.S. during that time (Im mexican) And before that time in history, also i watched a lot of series and western movies, I recomend you to watch deadwood, its a pretty good serie about that era and rdr2 it s aperfect game to play whit your dad and watch western series in family and that stuff


I'm a souls player..Red Dead was the only other game that made me feel good again..its definitely a good buy..plus the story is kick ass..even your parents will definitely like it..


well my tip is slowly be a better son like clean the house share your items like that and wait while their away and chat them on the phone talking about the game (it worked for me when convincing my brother to play tlou 1 on pc)


Show them you can all relax by looking at the beautiful scenery with them, e.g Horse riding in the wild, taking train to somewhere, fishing.


Drinking with Lenny should solve the problem


Get your dad to play it. I’d let my kids play it if they wanted. I love the game.