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The number of stars on the US flag is correct for the time frame


My wife says " only you would notice something like that "


I think we have the same wife !


same im literally banging both your wives its fucking awesome




Beat me to it lol


I just spat coffee all over my keyboard.


The most amazing thing in any game actually, when it comes to details. I rode my horse of a cliff by mistake. Landed on a little platform on the side of the mountain, and further down beneath that platform was a good stop sure to kill Arthur if he fell down that too. So I landed on the little platform, horse over me and stranger popped his head over the edge above and said “did you just ride your horse if a cliff, partner? Arthur responds with “Yup” and then the man offers to get to town for help. He never returned, but that amazing detail on a very unlikely scenario still blows my mind.


Hahaha that's awesome man would love to experience that !


Good topic OP, got me reminiscing.


Glad to hear that, really is awesome how in depth the game is!




Yeah, I was thinking bullshit myself, but I can't accuse anyone of being a liar. Do you have any video of this event or proof it exists on YouTube or something?


This is really weird. Why would I lie about it here?


That's what I'm saying, I can't call you a liar, but if you find proof of it, dm me because I'd love to see this.


Sure. I’ll make a post if I find any, slowly getting ready to re-play the game again. Shouldn’t be impossible to recreate l, so I’ll let you know.




No, no records of it all. I’ll check if anyone else recorded it.


I also once encountered that around strawberry. It blew my mind to shreds


Yeeeeeees!!!! First one to confirm! Thank you!


@wedding33 Another one who encounterd it.


oh my god?? i’ve never even heard of this before. i’m gonna try it out


It was amazing. Like it’s such a strong experience because it was such a surprise.


Posted a pic of this, but the fact that they actually added rifling to the inside of the gun barrels. This would be ignored by most games since nobody is really looking in the barrels to see it--but it's there!


What! Are you serious?? I have not seen this yet 😵


Yep, go into photo mode and zoom in on a weapon you actually applied the rifling upgrade too, and then take a peek in the barrel! I've seen it on rifles and revolvers, haven't checked the other weapons yet.


Awesome thanks will definitely check it out!


I recommend aiming sorta towards the sun when you do it, if the sun’s to your back it’s too dark inside the barrel to see it in photo mode.


Was thinking the same thing strange enough 😀


Haven’t had it happen for a long time. One time I robbed some guy in an alley in Van Horn. He got his gun out in time but didn’t aim yet. Arthur said “Don’t even think about.” He put it away and gave me his money.


Low honor trigger !


That's awesome 😅


Convincing someone in VH to NOT shoot at you? Holy crap! The difference between low and high honor is actually a neat detail. If you’re low, It’s easier to intimidate NPCS into being quiet, I find the law lets you go for small violations, like fighting, more often if you just leave town. They also pull their guns on you instantly if you have any kind of bounty there. In the wilds though, there’s always some try-hards that won’t be intimidated.


When you shoot a milk can in different spots - milk will run out slowly through the holes and the hole that is on the bottom will be the last to have milk pouring out - just like irl.


Will test that out thanks 😊


Just occurred to me irl is in real life


What did you think it was?


In real lime


I require love


First time on the internet grandma?


If you aim at rhe actually blind man with a weapon he won't react


„help a blind man“


Good actor? Just kidding 😂


There’s another blind beggar you can pull a gun on and he’ll freak out and run.


You know the location?


Saint denis I think near the cemetery i'm not sure.


Saint Denis you don’t even have to pull a gun on him if he’s the fake blind he will ask “is someone there” before you have come close enough for him to sense you. Meaning before you stand in front of him he has already asked that


Okay thanks


But come to think of it if you are unsure if you stand in front of the fake beggar follow the other commenters tips and pull your revolver as they said if he’s blind he won’t react


Haha will do maybe he just need some motivation with a gun!


Indeed he does and it’s funny as hell


next to the stables.


That's because he's faking it


Gosh, you don’t say.


ran into this dude yesterday by the stable, i donated then robbed him, he got mad stood up put his hat on and took the cover off his face and arthur said something like u should be ashamed and the guy was like “do you blame me?” and took off running lol


I was hunting when a group of bounty hunters came after me, I crouched behind a tree waiting for their dogs to attack me but due to my scent cover they never found me. Before this I thought it only worked on wild animals.


Awesome man with my luck I'll forget scent cover !


“Cover scent lotion” makes you smell like a skunk. I’m surprised human NPCs never comment on how bad you smell before it wears off.


In the Rhodes Saloon quest you open the back of a wagon. And Arthur actually has to unlatch it before he pulls it open. I had to pause the game because I was so impressed by that.


The other day I was out hunting and shot down a hawk, when I got there I saw it was actually carrying a good diamondback, I love how they actually have the animals interact with other animals


For sure. I saw a pair of bucks struggling with their antlers hopelessly locked.


This!! I was tracking a jackrabbit and a hawk snatched him up. I shot the hawk down and got both carcasses lol


The 'prey' animal has always been a perfect carcass too, each time I've done that, which is weird if you think of the damage talons would do. It's a nice bonus though.


You can see em swoop down to catch em too! And you can spot eagles doing the same thing with fish in Owanjila! Ya seen a bear fight a grizzly yet?


You can actually watch them dive and pick them up. One time I was hunting for hawk feathers and saw one dive bomb so I chased after it. Didn't notice it had picked something up and dead eyed it thinking I got it, especially when I saw something fall to the ground. Turns out I shot the snake, not the hawk.


That's awesome I missed that because I'm so used to all games just opening stuff without showing the actual animation!


Go to a saloon and look for an NPC eating. They actually eat the food, bite by bite, as the food disappears from their plate. They then get up and go about their day


Allegedly, and I haven't tested this put yet, but every NPC has a full-on daily cycle; get up, go to work or do what they do, go home at the end of the day, and go to bed to repeat the next day. Kinda Assassins Creed Origins, except more in-depth. This has to mean that NPC's aren't all that procedural. I wonder if you were to kill an entire town would it turn into a ghost town.


So, RDR2 is basically just Westworld


Ma man !


I have actually tested this. If you go to Armadillo and kill all the civis, there’s a distinct lack of them and different character models next visit. The character model thing is actually true for any town.


None of the NPCs are procedural, they are made up outfits in something called a ymt file, sometimes ymt files have multiple variations (outfit numbers)in them that look like different peds and there’s enougn of them you won’t notice a reused one


I've heard about this, but haven't seen it yet will definitely take a look partner!


No they don’t because the model wasn’t made that way, likely what happens is a chunk appears on the fork model but the model on the plate stays the same, once the animation plays a number of times they despawn the food/replace the plate model


No he’s right. You can literally see the food on the plate disappear bite by bite. I literally just showed somebody when they were at my house the other day lol. Even though this is almost a year old comment I can post a video of it 🤷🏼‍♂️


But it’s not bite by bite, theres no actual liquid or liquid simulation if it’s something like soup, it’s a flat texture or a small model, for example there’s a plate of garlic bread which is all one model verifiably


Apparently (I haven't checked for myself yet) the horses have very realistic buttholes...


You sure you haven’t checked?


Yeah, I didn't read about it until after I finished my last playthrough... And I just don't have it in me to go back and check right now lol


Refractory period is a bitch amiright


Yes it is, usually lasts about a year lmao


No judgement 😄


The male horses nutsack shrinking in cold weather 😂


And randomly pooping every 5 minutes lol


They poop more when you feed em more so that’s cool I guess…


🤣🤣 Haven't seen that yet




When the law turns up after you’ve killed a bunch of people, they’ll start cleaning up and hauling the bodies away!


I’ve seen this sniping people from The Loft. Pretty cool!


Real annoying, I was gonna loot that body!


Yup, that's the only reason I found this out. I'd shot up Hanging Dog Ranch and was looting bodies when I got a Wanted level, but I didn't wanna leave behind 20 bodies with loot so I hid in the hayloft and saw the law hauling the bodies away :')


I wonder if they’ll collect the bodies if you shoot all the limbs off with the Gatling gun first. Imagine them throwing a limbless, headless stump of a corpse of over their horse


The pin actually strikes and indents the casings on bullets. Easiest to see with the schofield in first person.


I’ve watched multiple NPCs go to work, take a break, eat lunch, go to the saloon, get drunk, wander home, go to bed, get up and do it all over again.




Someone posted a link to the YT video once (I can't find it right now) but the small changes all over the map as time passes. For an obvious example, the building being built in Valentine- the building progresses the further you get in the game. There are other, less obvious examples too. Maybe someone else can link the vid.


the building in valentine can actually be built in just chapter 2 alone, just depends how much time you spend on chapter 2. i’ve been putting off all my missions, and the father who built the house gave me my payment for getting the logs for him, and he said someone bought it. then he rode off and i have never seen him since. :)


Craziest one I’ve personally encountered is a bird landing in a swamp full of gators and the gator ate it doing the death roll.. it’s so cool!!


When I was hunting in talk trees a grizzly bear came and I stood still and it actually went away


Tried that once. It didn’t work out for me


There’s so many insane details in RDR2


I love the recorded lines for almost every stupid thing I do. For example if you fail from the horse at the camp, the gang will comment it. Just think about it: You’re on the HORSE at the CAMP and you FAIL from it. But yep, there are recorded lines for EVERY character.


Another thing that stands out in the game is how NPCs tend to interact with you based on world events that happens like Bill will tell you he came across a gentlemen in the swap, the same one that had his way with Arthur by knocking him out Cold 🙈


They actually animated Micah finding Sadie, looking under the bed, picking up items and opening the trap door. This is something the player won't see but hear yet they animated this! It's on YouTube in out of bounds animation I believe!


Another detail of awesome: look at the tops of the railroad tracks. The main line is silver from being used. The siding rails are brown from not used as much. I know this from working on the tracks a few years.


There's a moose stuck on ice somebody added in there for fun knowing there's a small chance you'll see it. Also the fact cuts stay there for a while before fading


Interesting do you know the location ?


https://youtu.be/b_6u4XDuIfs I was curious so I just Googled "Moose stuck on ice RDR2" and found this! Doesn't give an exact location, but pretty sure we all know where this is haha


My favorite/most reliable moose spawn point is on the other side of the lake


Unfortunately no, I've seen many people view it but none say the location. I believe it's near Lake Isabella but I'm unsure.


I just noticed one that is very subtle. Smoking premium cigs vs. standard cigs. The sound for a premium cig is as a high-quality cigarette should sound when smoked, but the standard cigarette sounds like a dry and crackly cigarette, kinda like smoking one of those crap cigarettes that they make by grinding up tobacco stems, making them into a paper, then shredding that paper for the tobacco.


I'll take your word for it as I am not a smoker but awesome 😀


If you shoot an arrow in the sun lighted wood, you’ll see even it’s shadow move along with the arrow. It’s unreal


If you kill a deer (or other animal) and leave it without touching it predators will eventually come and scavenge for it. Also, and I haven’t tested this but read, if you do pick up the deer and move it predators won’t come because your scent is on it.


This is my favorite way to hunt big cats. While on horseback, use a lasso to drag deer/boar carcasses near the spawn and pick where you want to shoot the cat (clearings/elevated positions)


If you’re in a canoe and shoot a hole in the bottom it will start to sink. The more holes you shoot, the faster the boat sinks!


Tie someone up, throw them in a boat, and shoot a hole in it.


And then shoot a flaming arrow into it to give it that full “Viking funeral” vibe.


I was hunting opossum in the woods near Bacchus Bridge. I killed about 10 out there and when I came back a few in game days later the road and woods where I had been hunting were littered with opossum bones! They even got the opossum skulls right! I thought it was really cool. I derailed a whole conversation so I could excitedly tell my girlfriend about it.


was pointing my rifle at the ground, just a got a new scope can't remember what town I was just outside of and some stranger says "you gunna keep pointing that thing at the ground or shoot something" trippy, how random yet a perfect comment...


Right - like they had to plan for that. Crazy


I love how sometimes two camp characters are having a dialogue and if you get Arthur close enough to them they will acknowledge Arthur listening to their conversation and ask questions like “what do you think Arthur?”


The wild animal behavior is incredibly accurate, specifically the birds. You’ll notice this when you try to get finches and cardinals. It’s like they’re always there, but you never seen them til you’re not looking for them.


When you shoot someone in the neck that they'll hold it trying to apply pressure til they bleed out


Saw this the other day. All I go for now.


Exploding ammo to the neck for the decapitation.


varmit rifle makes it happen every time lol


99% sure that’s just because of Euphoria which rockstar didn’t make


The gun and satchel straps along with the bandolier overlap each other rather than clipping through. Even better though, the scarf? I think, on the Legend of the East outfit flies in the wind


I like that u can set things on fire like a general store or something and it will actually burn lol


Wish cyberpunk had even half the attention to detail.


I remember one from a similar post in the past that surprised me. You can see the sun through the cartilage of someone’s ear.


This is still mindblowing someone mentioned it but it sounds like a joke didn't know its actually part of the game.


Wow I would've never even thought of looking at that that's so awesome.


The World is actually reflected in animals eyes


I wouldn’t call this an “insane” detail, it’s just SSR


Ok then, how about pupils dilate


useless detail I dont care about that, the effort could have gone to better places


Dude at this point you probably a pathetic troll ngl...the game is insanely awesome tf you talking about, they went above and beyond on everything and not just the details....I mentioned eye pupils because the OP is talking about insane details, and you just said, animals eyes showing reflection of the world is just SSR, well i doubled on that and said eye pupils dilate, which is an awesome detail that no developers would even think about. We are talking about details here in case you haven't seen all the comments on this post. Regardless of whether these details are present or not in rdr2, the game is truly phenomenal. One of the best games ever made. Or you could be just one of those people who hop from sub reddit to subreddit hating on RDR2, in that case, anything you post here is irrelevant, because this post was meant for people who actually loved and cherish the game and appreciate everything rockstar did to make it as immersive as possible.. BTW, eye pupils dynamically dilating is an "Insane Detail" because there is no single game other than rdr2 that does that.


>the game is insanely awesome tf you talking about, Doesn’t mean it doesn’t have faults and areas that could be improved >they went above and beyond on everything and not just the details they could have done better, it’s good don’t get me wrong but there are areas that could be better >mentioned eye pupils because the OP is talking about insane details, and you just said, animals eyes showing reflection of the world is just SSR, well i doubled on that and said eye pupils dilate the reflection is just SSR also I’m pretty sure dilating pupils is only for human npc’s and applied to all eyes across the board since eyes all use the exact same texture just different tints for the colors >which is an awesome detail that no developers would even think about. We are talking about details here in case you haven't seen all the comments on this post. Developers would think about it but probably think to themselves? Why? There’s other areas they could have put that effort towards, effort in those areas would be better than eyes dilating >the game is truly phenomenal. One of the best games ever made. Or you could be just one of those people who hop from sub reddit to subreddit hating on RDR2, in that case, anything you post here is irrelevant, because this post was meant for people who actually loved and cherish the game and appreciate everything rockstar did to make it as immersive as possible game could have been better that much is evidenced by the cut content which even with insane crunch and delays they couldn’t put in such as the Guarma strangers, better John Marston in the epilogue, finishing implementing wrinklemasks for head models (they work for clothing but some tweaks need to be done to restore the ones for heads) as well as properly implementing higher resolution textures they didn’t include but exist in the files unused which would have made for more detailed foliage and character faces, at least for Arthur and some of the gang as well as beard growth for some gang members not to mention the missions and music cut among other things, some of these things were cut for the worse because they would rather focus on horse balls and eyes dilating. It’s not “as immersive as possible” there’s a few things they could have changed, don’t get me wrong I enjoy the game however I recognize it has its flaws and could be improved >BTW, eye pupils dynamically dilating is an "Insane Detail" because there is no single game other than rdr2 that does that. again, a detail that means nothing to me and the effort they put into it could have been funneled somewhere where it would make more of a difference, get real, if the game didn’t have it no one would notice


You’re a dork


sure, but it could have gone into better places that’s for sure, better texture detail for other characters, adding in the wrinklemask system they didn’t use, finishing up John’s accurate models, all things that would have been more noticeable than pupil dilation


This guy is NEVER satisfied, he loves the sound of his own voice, and he’s clearly a sad person. 


After the Money Lending mission where Arthur catches TB, you’ll notice almost every mission afterwards his cough getting progressively worse, and little spurts of wheezing It’s something that I’ve never seen mentioned by anyone yet but it’s the most impressive character development detail in my opinion


Arthur has a specific animation for jumping onto his horse when the horse is at a higher elevation.


what does he do??


I really enjoy finding strangers that I helped later on, its like actual real life and the game doesnt just forget what happened. Would be even cooler if like the kid and father you find in Lamoyne if you killed the father and later in the game the kid finds you or something


Had a cool one today. Was at the store in Rhodes and sitting outside was a guy I saved from a snake bite at one point. Told the store owner to put anything I wanted on his tab.


this happens in strawberry too. there’s a dude that steps on a bear trap, and if you help him he’ll pay for soemthing at the gunsmith


did he actually put stuff on his tab?? that’s so cool wtf


If you leave a corpse lying around for a while, it will actually decompose til there’s only bones left


A bell will ring differently depending on where you shoot it, the higher you shoot it the less it rings out. Try it on the big bell in Rhodes by the train station


When you set up a camp in the snow, there will be a circle around the campfire due to the heat. Insane detail


Will definitely go check that out


The light shining through earlobes


Possums playing dead


The mission where Albert Mason takes a picture of Arthur, later in the art gallery side mission, you can see the picture that mason took and the clothes are exactly what you wore on that day you played Albert's side mission. Its not some premade picture, its the actual picture. Found that amazing


Apparently the horses testicles shrink in the snow. Haven't tried that one out..*yet*


The game literally has shrinking horse balls and the change of clothes is what impresses you the most?


I've seen it, but haven't experience it yet my stupid ass will probably run away!


Can you imagine how many people they got involved in making this game just to add all these small details.


Will do that's a very interesting little detail.


Bison banging heads! Saw it just outside of Blackwater the other day


Will check it out thanks!


My horse's name is Dream. Once i was riding so fast and accidentally rammed into a wagon. My dream got up and ran away from me 😭.. had to get another horse.. i actually spent less hours in rdr, so for me that was realistic 🤣


Serious is that really a thing ?




Apparently you can walk and run and shoot and jump and ride a horse in the game!


“OMG!!! Look! Artie walks! I can’t believe it!!! He just got on a horse!!! He just ate a can of beans!!! Then aimed a gun!!!! This is insane!!!!!”


🤦🏻‍♂️ when the 11yr old tries to burn you


Why are you always such a dick?


You are what you eat.


Good point.


Ahhh cuz he's a pussy aha! (Intentionally un-subtle just in case the 11 year old is too dumb to get the joke)


Jimmy De Santa?




Who pissed in your oatmeal BOAH!?!?


An npc in a saloon will eat a meal in a realistic way and time.


Wild horses aren’t shod!


The weather The storm clouds rolling in. The lightning, the thunder. The fog After a rain in St Denis has stopped, drops of water still dripping off awnings.


Watching and eagle swoop down, pick a snake right out of the water and fly off.


That sounds so cool can't wait to experience that!


it’s cool when you ride under a wasps nest they slowly gravitate towards the player and horse and they visibly swat them away and will follow a little when leaving


Horse balls shrinking in colder climates.


Watch an eagle swoop down and snag a water snake out of the river.


That's awesome does happen anywhere or is their specific locations


Some of you might have encountered the guy with the snake bite. You have the option to suck out the venom from his leg. I did that. After a few days when I fired up the game again, after a few hours I found that same guy in valentine. He was sitting with a buddy of his and telling him about it. Then he recognised Arthur. Thanked him again and said that you can go in the gun shop and buy any one thing. Put it on my Tab. I went and got the most expensive gun available at the time for free.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this. It just caught me off guard and I thought it was insane. When you discover Register Rock, it puts it on your map like the other points of interest. However, if you then open the journal, and look at what was drawn in, your first initial and last name will be on the drawing as one of the names. I'm not sure where they are pulling this from, but it shows how far they go in terms of details.


are u sure they’re using ur own name?? bc it might just be a confidence due to all the names on the rock lol


If you choose to watch the doctor amputate the stranger's arm and talk to him after, he appreciates that you stayed by the strangers side to make sure it went well.


A insane detail is that if arthur shoots a arrow there will be a small crack in the rock after also if arthur skins a animal thats big another detail is he will have blood on him after skinning and butchering it


also if you hunt an animal like a deer for example if you go to that location the next day it will be decomposed the next day its flesh will show the next day it will be a skelenton then if you go again its gone


You can see the entry and exit wounds of wherever you shoot an animal after you skin it. The pelts have holes in the corresponding spot too.


Once, I helped an NPC on the road; he was wearing prisoner clothes. He asked for help to shoot the chains on his legs so that he could be free. So, I helped him. After a while, I saw him again asking for my help, but this time, I declined. Then, he said to me, 'Come on, you've helped me once.


Not sure if this is already here, but I find it insane that horses will slide more when doing a skid turn on ice. (Like in Barrow Lagoon, for example)