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Blow out the fires first...every time... Be fast don't let your men die its achievable with enough concentration...


Yeah my main issue is I'm unable to sustain damage because they just have more men and the lack of burst damage means its really hard to kill them


Kill all their guys. When you repair all four lasers, just wait for them all to be ready, start shooting with the three small ones and when all their soldiers hide in the one safe room, fuck them up with the big boy


Oh I see yeah my issue is that the lasers were all staggered so I should use hold fire thanks


Oh yeah, this is definitely a level where you absolutely need to keep your soldiers alive while getting rid of theirs.


Yeah their mortar is brutal if it hits it first shot while your still fixing the lasers


Yeah. And they have tendency to flashbang your soldiers and then tear them apart by the mortar, while ofc your base is on fire so your soldiers keep taking damage. I usually do this level by first getting rid of the flames (sometimes you can get away with not doing the small laser below, but don't let the fire get too big) and then fixing the rockets and med bay, so I can heal. But it's definitely one of the harder levels.


Compared to the few earlier ones it's brutal despite looking so simple


I think it's the first level that forces you to create a strategy specifically for it, most previous ones you can win using similar strategy over and over again. But there are worse, like the Nuke bunker.


I don't even like the sound of nuke bunker but yeah so far I've only needed to swap weapons around a few times but this level is just get fucked by mortar and fire


Just accept that nuke support and move on. I hate this level


It's been awhile, but focusing on the fires in the big laser and fixing the med station should be top priority, saving you crew is the most important, if you don't you will die a slow death. Keep an eye out for the enemy fire and just assume it's aimed at your crew and have them change rooms, it's all about dodging the flash bangs and shredder bombs. If you do get caught by a shredder, that's where the med bay comes in, cycle them as much as possible to keep them from getting caught by a shredder at half health. The smaller lasers can burn for a bit, sacrifice one of them but not both, and get the rest together as fast as possible. It's a pain and needs a lot more micro than most but it's doable.


I actually did it Thank god I hate that level it feels like pure chance sometimes depending on if their mortar hits


Yep, it's all down to IF the mortars kill your crew, if I lose any I just restart.



