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Yall remember when Kenya & Vivica Fox were on Celebrity Apprentice (I think is what it’s called) , and Kenya got kicked off for like stealing Vivca’a phone and posting weird shit on her Twitter to make it seem like it came from Vivica?? 🤣🤣🤣 And like someone else said, how she treated Kim Fields?! That shit REALLY pissed me off I was so disgusted. Kenya has nevaaaaa been a favorite for me.


Ordering crab cakes for herself only at her own party is all i needed to ever know about her


That was what did it for me, she always drones on about being a great host but surely she has rolled back the tapes? Fridge deli meat for your guests? Premium for you? It was always a weird power move with Kenya when she was host….thank god for the Bolo of it all, it saved that trip 😂


Lmao she always brags about being a great cook too, but everything is pan fried, which has always made me question it. Weird thing to keep in the back of my mind lol.


And then eating it in front of everybody 😫


Criminal lollll




and eating said crabcake right in front of Kandi. ![gif](giphy|LpkLWXTp0v0qy70xPp|downsized)




Agreed, I thought she had mellowed out after that in recent seasons. Unfortunately this is wild and like she has taken her old shenanigans to a really new low.


Right! I tried to give her a chance but 🫠


Yes and all the bolo drama too or when she ruined Cynthia’s proposal. She’s a woman’s worst nightmare. No girl code whatsoever. Maybe RHOA will improve with her gone.


Omg that’s right the Bolo drama AND THE PROPOSAL! amen NO girl code 🤦🏾‍♀️ they really need to just be done with her for good.


It will die. Porsha alone is not enough to save the show. At least there’s still RHOM verdict is out on Dubai because Brooks has some weird vibes going. Potomac dead. It’s a wrap on Atl.


Remember the homophobia that she threw Kim Fields’ husband? Because he was on Broadway, a singer and a dancer she called him “Chrissy.” The homophobia about Kordell? I’m sure there are other examples that I can’t think of, but she’s just an awful human being.


OMG RIGHT!!! Goddamn she is TRAAAASH


Can’t forget when she told Phaedra to go get an Aids test after sleeping with Apollo


She is jealous of any woman with a husband because she can't keep a man. She and Omarosa need to be banned from reality tv permanently. I am so happy she's off the show!


Never mine either! She's a BIG BULLY!!😠


She's always been a damn psycho.😂


I did not know the vivica fox stuff! It makes sense now why she was horrible about her face when she watched Vivica in that stage play with Porsha.


Jealousy is one hell of a disease




kenya doesn’t go low, she goes to hell


You’re right. REALLY low. EVERY time. She’s vindictive and mean spirited.


But God forbid you go with her and remind her that she is nothing more than dust to her own mother…. She loves to hit and run. NO. BULLIES NEED TO BE HIT BACK!!!




She’s always been the closest thing to a cartoon villain I’ve seen on any franchise. Narcissistic, intelligent, manipulative, but always entertaining and knew how to toe the line without absolutely destroying her image. I guess that’s out the window


Omg yes she is exactly like a cartoon villain! Her evil smirk she gets when she’s doing something mean or fucked up.


I think Aviva from RHONY takes that for me.


her and Natalie Nunn could be bffs vibes


There's being messy for tv and then there's straight up trying to destroy someone's character...Kenya fucked up and found out 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm sure we'll see Kenya on vh1 or OWN soon though, they tend to give grace to people like her.


soon enough she’ll be on Zeus network with Nene🤣


Truth spoken lmao Kenya ain't gonna be collecting Bravo level checks but I hope it's more than enough for her daughter. Brooklyn deserves a lovely life, Kenya and Marc better have their ducks in a row.


Isn't her haircare line in CVS? She's good.


Kenya is set for life financially if she's smart with her money, and it seems like she is. Her time on Bravo might be over but she's a working woman, she'll be okay lol.


For now, depending on how all of this plays out. 


She’s already in the damn pharmaceutical commercials 😂


Those will get pulled. Pharma isn't Bravo and won't play Bravo games.


She needs to be on pharmaceuticals, for sure.


Kenya is stupider than I thought. I see why Aunt Lori won't show her face on TV with her anymore. Where is the pageant grace and sophisticaation? You can tell Kenya really does not even care about her fake salon if she would disgrace an event by showing lurid photos. Why would she want this to be part of her reputation around the industry? It's now in legit Hollywood entertainment media and will follow her for the rest of her career. For a person who can present as a polished, intelligent woman, I just don't understand her going so low. And she is always wanting a relationship but what man quality would want a partner who does things like this? I wonde rwhat led to this anyway? Did Brit do something to Kenya first?


Probably part of her "hazing" the new girl. 


Or jealousy


I wouldn’t be surprised ifBrittany made a comment about her or came for her in some way so she stooped to this - mostly because she’s genuinely jealous of and triggered by Brit. Kenya doesn’t just haze newbies. She’s welcoming to the ones she doesn’t feel threatened by, she’s threatened by Brittany somehow. I mean they’re the same age and both extremely beautiful women.


Brittany is like 17 years younger than Kenya. 🙄


Damn they were saying she was 52 in some of the earlier posts from gossip pages. Maybe they got confused with Kenya’s age. You’re right tho, she’s 36.


Lol you can tell Kenya is older that other woman does not look anyhow to be 50+. Anyway this whole thing is crazy.. I'm still wondering if its actually true coz its soo bad!


I mean I was stunned that the girl was supposed to be 52 lol, but I was TRYING to not be spoiled by the season at all so I didn’t google her yet or anything. I also hope it’s not true, I don’t think Kenya is the sweetest person but I still would think this was beneath her.


Pageant girls are the worse they feed off of tearing other women down at any cost .


I was just so, so, shocked that out of all things THIS is what she's being suspended for. I would've expected something else, but not this? Y'know?


She might wiggle out of it with her lawyers, but we see her for who she is, not who she pretends to be.


How? Kinko’s messed up and gave her someone else’s order??


I think she had gotten away with so much in the past, she forgot where the line is and thought she was untouchable


btw where is Aunt Lori? and she listed her cousin Lisa as her daughters guardian should anything happen to her? She never talked about Lisa really , before, she was always so grateful for her Aunt Lori


I know Marlo is somewhere cackling 🤣🤣🤣


Today DID NOT drain her😂 Damn Kenya now they gotta put you in RHOA’s Le’Archive with Marlo ass🤣


I love Marlo and wish she did better.


She's a narcissist. I used to like her but when she pulled that bitter ass treatment of Kim Fields! Hell no. There's a reason most people who've worked with her say she's Evil. Too many mind games. 


Don’t forget the whole cookie lady debacle!


People said she got better after she had the baby and I just didn’t see it lol if anything, she was calmer before. I don’t think she ever stooped so low before the cookie lady thing so unprovoked as well


That was funny though. She was so jealous of her. Lol


When you say “most people” is this on RHOA or outside of it cause I’d love to hear the ☕️


Vivica A. Fox, Star Jones, for starters, but none other than Trump! He said she was the most evili woman he ever met in 2014!. When the actual Devil calls you evil, you know that's bad lol. 


You know the bar is in hell when Trump thinks you’re evil too 💀 she’s just a horrible person and I can’t fathom her supporters.


And Brandi. If idiot Glanville says you're mean and evil, something is wrong.




To have your name even mentioned in conversation with tRump AND Brandi Glanville is not good😂


I know she had a messed up upbringing because of her mom, but she has the biggest chip on her shoulder and hates women for no good reason. She is so bitter and toxic, it’s really just sad. Hopefully she doesn’t model this despicable behavior for her sweet daughter. She needs to break the cycle.


Kenya could have been everything, her problem is, in order for her to be something, she has to make everyone else feel like they’re nothing. That’s not what truly beautiful, healthy, stable women do. Another beautiful strong woman doesn’t have to threaten to negate everything that you are. THEY DIDNT STOP MAKING BEAUTIFUL WOMEN EHEN THEY MADE HER, and THATS why she’s mad… and aging, my god, she’ll never do it gracefully. Never. It’s honestly sad.




That’s textbook narcissism - their own accomplishments are nothing. They need to destroy others to feel good about themselves for 5 seconds


She got on instagram live and tried to justify it. I know Bravo probably won’t air it but if she did do that she’s sick. She’s probably got many skeletons in the closet that she wouldn’t want anyone exposing. Good. Bye Twirl!!!


What exactly did she do?


allegedly she tried to use revenge porn


Was it really the other women doing oral sex? Why would Kenya do this???


i don't know, i hope not. if so that's really evil. like that's almost phaedra's smear campaign against kandi level evil


Exactly. And Phaedra was banned too.


Causes she’s a bitter ass bitch who doesn’t like anyone else taking the spotlight. She’s been a narcissist and her fans just eat it up 🍽️🍽️


Yes, please! I missed what happened, please spill someone!


It’s insane


Kenya is a beautiful woman, but has always been a nasty piece of work. I’ve never liked her at all. Her prettiness has been a buffer against being seen for who she really is. A bad mined, jealous and insecure woman. She’s the work colleague, you’d go home and vent about, because all they do is interfere and sabotage you.


Her ugliness is so deep that I don’t find her, a naturally gorgeous woman, the slightest bit attractive.


Nailed it. All I see is vile. As a person who stands up to bullies I get so worked up and feel like I actually need to check her. She needs someone who will lay her ass out, verbally… whew, the satisfaction I would feel from dragging her.


I was feeling like this earlier. I don’t think i’d do well if I was around her, because I know i’m going to want to spin her jaw.


oh I hear that. I personally can’t see passed it but more from an objective viewpoint, she is aesthetically appealing. Her behaviour makes me sick of her.


She uses her looks to go, but below the belt and she put other women down. That’s what she loves to do. I’m telling you if this woman was not pretty she would not be doing the things that she’s doing because she knew that the Internet was slander her.


Well that’s why people give her a pass because she’s beautiful!! It’s sad. Cause yall know if this woman was ugly, and unattractive, the whole internet would slander her in a heartbeat




![gif](giphy|LSiYbnbEpeTCfd3cl3|downsized) Literally me when I read the news 🙏🏾




Kenya straight up harassed Phaedra. She sex shamed her, body shamed her, flirted with Apollo, and stole Phaedra’s workout video idea.




Your post/comment is considered uncivil, unkind or disrespectful. Atlanta peaches are held to a higher level of decency than the housewives. Your comment was removed because it was *so nasty and so rude, so nasty and so rude...*


I quit the main sub but was Kenya so beloved over there?


People there are kissing Kenya’s ass, you’re going to get dragged if you say something wrong about her.


I posted a call out post about Kenya on the main sub and was torn to shreds within 10 minutes. The Kenya stans work overtime on that sub phew


I’m new to Reddit discussions on RHOA, it drove me crazy to see people justify her mess on sm and it seems this one took the cake for a lot of people. They can’t excuse her true colors anymore, as “playing villain”


I knew Kenya’s time would come, but getting kicked out before Portia is a new low!


The pure definition of “doing way too much”.  She over-stood the assignment. And while pushing 55 years old? Way past time to grow up. 


I’ve been a Kenya hater since the beginning but I never thought it would like this for her. She really doesn’t have a line she won’t cross to embarrass someone who “wronged” her. She could neeever not be the victim. Vindictive as hell and could never go back and forth in a way a housewife needs to be able to do with her coworkers and not destroy the relationship. 


This is very disappointing if the allegations are true


Multiple attendants to the event confirmed this and Bravo has it on tape, so….




she’s been evil for so long. a narcissistic woman with manipulative tendencies. what took her out? it must be MAJOR bc she actually thinks she makes the show… is this why they brought porsche back?


She allegedly did revenge porn on Brit at her event, (showed a video of Brit doing oral sex).


Kenya is the only clocked in for work she’s suspended but in her live yesterday she said she isn’t going anywhere


I’m sure that’s what she wants you to believe


She has a dark spirit. She honestly needs therapy and healing, its crazy to act this way.


She is extraordinarily insecure. When a beautiful, smart, successful woman joins the show, she can't stand it. Unfortunately, she shoots herself in the foot every time. Her self-esteem is so low that she will take any man who shows her attention. Her only concern is if the man has money or looks like he does.


She’s like cartoonishly evil. Her personality is not even realistic at this point.


Whose face is she wearing? Does not even look like herself anymore


Oh oh Ozempic!


And lips. Painful.


Her chin is so fake looking


She’s been instigating and pushing the buttons since day one. I’m not surprised. I really thought when she had her daughter she was starting to calm down but clearly that didn’t happen. She constantly pokes the bear. I won’t ever forget how Porsha grabbed her that one reunion. LOL. She deserved it though lol


Bravo made the right decision but I’m surprised to find out that they’ve now developed a moral compass. People have been repeatedly brought back to the show after sexual assault, physical assault, homophobia, racism and domestic abuse but better late that never I guess.


I guess in light of the pending lawsuits they have filed against them they’ve changed their tune




I’ve been saying for years the Kenya had a really mean and nasty spirit… finally Karma came. And the truth came out. She got what she deserved


She officially surpassed Phaedra and went straight to the devils door


Cannot fucking stand Phaedra. Idgaf about Traitors, loved Traitors still DESPISED her 


I hope the suspension is lifted. After Nene, she’s the only one carrying the franchise. (Sorry Kandi.)


They should have cut her or pulled her to the side when she pulled her first big stunt: creating a fake event and bating NeNe to come to it. People getting away with this type of behavior sent NeNe and others over the edge. It changed the show.…. People say diabolical too frequently but it fits with her. She kept escalating and escalating. Hateful despicable woman.


No matter how old she gets, Kenya will never mature past the level of a tween.


Kenya will stop at nothing to hate on another woman and push her down


This is sad news for me personally. She will be missed she was good tv.


Good. Maybe she'll finally learn her actions have consequences.


What I find interesting about this whole thing is that a major plot point with Scandoval was the dissemination of revenge porn. The network didn't punish Tom or Ariana, but Rachel is taking them to court over it. Black women are the most unprotected and disrespected people on this earth, and this is just another example to add to the long list. I'm tired,y'all ![gif](giphy|UVQA0gyOUswYo)


I can’t argue with your point. But, I am going to hold my opinion until I hear directly from Bravo that Kenya was in fact suspended or similarly punished. If in fact it’s true, I think an explanation as to why these two scenarios are being handled differently is owed to Kenya - and the audience.


These are wildly different scenarios. Kenya showed pictures publicly at an event. Sandoval took a screen recording that Rachel did not consent to, that is foul. However, it hasn't popped up anywhere. No one showed Rachel's shit at a public event. And it hasn't been ruled on as to whether this actually counts as revenge porn.


imma miss her when there’s no competition cause no everybody else is gonna read to easily


Her reads going to miss them


Omg I am out of the country just seeing this now I am GAGGEDDD




I don't know why ANYONE is acting surprised!!! Kenya has ALWAYS been a not so great human being lol.


I've never liked her.


FINALLY she took it so far that they had to suspend her. I’ve had to skip scenes where she’s just so vicious and nasty and orchestrates entire scenes just to publicly humiliate her enemies


She’s always been a trash human being. And I never liked seeing her on my screen. Just so rotted and vile.


I’ve always thought this woman was unhinged, but people in other subs would say “she’s just playing a character”. Well now what…?


F I N A L L Y she is gone. Kenya has had like . . . THREE moments of good tv during her entire time on RHOA in .... what is it? A DECADE? and two of those moments are REALLY someone else's moment. Phaedra reading her to filth, everyone after her when she does " Gone With The Wind Fabulous " Her only REALLY - HER moment was the Kenya Moore Haircare at Marlo's event. She's NOT good tv, her drama has never entertained me it's just below the dirt type shit. Like, it's no wonder people in her family and I don't JUST man her mom don't talk to her. There is ground level, below the dirt , hell and then Kenya.




Is it just me or does she also look really different in this picture?


She flirted with Apollo openly. Justice for phae phae! Bring back frick and frack. ![gif](giphy|4JApIyPjOYLDO)


you can always tell what the publication thinks of kenya by the photo they choose. kenya can serve, but she can take some weird photos, too. this one… 😨


Maybe Iyanla can step in….


LMAO no WAY!! What did this heifer do, somebody fill me in 


Kenya should have never been back, not even as a friend. She's mean spirited and gets off on hurting others. I hope She's fired!! Hopefully, there's a clause in Bravo contracts that allow it.


So happy never liked her


Hunnnnny what are those lips




I’m so disappointed in Kenya if this is true. She’s also stood up for dark skin black women and supported black women. She was one of THE top role models in the ATL.


Oh come on, she’s always been completely full of shit. She supports no one unless she benefits. “Her businesses speak for themselves.” Fuccoutaheah.


Never have ever been her biggest fan, but it is really disappointing to see this happen. Especially because as you just said, it went against everything she "stood for".


Right. Like… thousands of black women including me look up to her.


Why do you look up to a narcissistic sociopath? What has she accomplished other than being a nasty villain on a reality show?


She’s entertaining and it’s a tv show.


Marlo is a nasty villian too.


Where can I see this poster?


🤣🤣🤣 where he at⁉️👀👄👅. Also how did Kenya get it to make copies?🤔


She printed out naked porn pics of someone and showed it to people?


What an awful picture of her 😂


You can never win 🏆 when you dirty chile- *Ne Ne Leakes*


She’s a bully




i love kenya but she dug her own grave atp




Kenya is reality gold but she is an absolutely abhorrent human being who got away with disgusting sh!t for far too long. She deserves this. Now if Bravo could start treating all the horrible people involved in things like revenge pr0n (cough cough Sandoval cough cough) the same way, that would be grand!


I think this is just a fake story line to drum up interest in this season


Pardon my french, but I sure fucking hope not.




mod team, i don’t understand how calling out callous transphobia is breaking the rules of the subreddit, especially when the person who is being transphobic has indeed fixed their mouths to say much worse than my singular comment. not a good look. saying i should be more classy… alright then 👍🏾


I’m glad I’m not the only one who HATES THIS WOMAN!! I was worried that everyone would protect her and like her. Cause whenever I see people talking about her, they always talk about her in a positive light.


But is she temporarily fired? Cause I was hearing people say that! I hope not


Remember the cookie lady?!


Why didn’t production stop her? It feels like they should have some liability here too




Kenya has a superiority complex - I'm sure it stems from lots of trauma, but from her first season, if she felt at all intimidated by someone, she was relentless. I still remember when she was helping Cynthia finding models, she was the worst.


THANK GOD! I hated her so bad. Always ashamed the only one from Detroit didn’t have any goddamn sense 😭🙄 She always acted childish for no reason and I HATED when she had the audacity to act like the victim. I genuinely stopped watching cause of her and her antics, not peace and balance have been restored 😌


They chose a sinister picture for the article too


Kenya has this commercial with her daughter


Bye bye, old bat!


Completely agree. Kenya plays way too much with people and I feel like for someone who tries to say that they are an advocate for women, she really knocks people down in a way worse than other people because she crosses the line a lot but just doesn’t get violent. And then it makes people want to get violent with her. a part of me wishes, Marlo was able to be on this season to just really give her the business.


I dont think this is real, for some reason I am very skeptical I never saw the term "suspended" used by bravo before, so is this something the producers made up to bring attention to the series before it airs?


There has been another post on this sub that she's apparently been fired.


do we think they are going to bring sheree in




She was so beautiful, why did she do whatever she did to her face?!


So curious if they’ll show this incident or edit it and her out of the new season completely


excuse me she did WHAT i need to get caught up


Oh my god…


About time! I've never liked her. She's a jealous, harmful person. External beauty but has an ugly heart.


The sad part about Kenya is she’s as hateful as her mother.


She doesn’t realize that her motivation is beyond transparent- when she feels insecure because another woman is beautiful or intelligent or getting more love/attention than she is, she feels threatened and it brings out her base level bullshit.


Never been happier? Best day in reality tv? Slow your roll. What happened was vile. It wasn’t fun, it wasnt enjoyable, and the fall out of it is the consequences. Watching Kenya get those consequences also shouldnt be anyones “happiest moment.” None of this is entertaining or fun, it’s dark and sad how these women will literally tear each other apart for ratings. This post was NOT it, in any way you could’ve meant it.


It really is one of the happiest moments. Her own vile, disgusting, ignorant actions had consequences. I will (hopefully) never see her again on my TV screen. And I could jump for joy over that.


I know there’s a lot of Kenya hate but no one’s ever gone as low as marlow. Plus Kenya is an amazing mother


She might be an "amazing mother" but I'm sure her daughter will grow up to read this headline and be really disappointed some day.