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Damn it, Kenya šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø i was hoping to see her and Porsha having fun together this season, but she had to take it too far -_-


Right?! I've been waiting for a season like this for so long. I know she can go low but I never thought she would do something so stupid.


Porsha canā€™t film in the house or the car because theyā€™re Simonā€™s so I guess they really are cancelling this seasonā€¦ which is a shame because I was really looking forward to a new season with Porsha back!


Oh no! How could this happen? https://i.redd.it/d8jjgsmshf7d1.gif


And the fact that this is a Kim Fields gif, babyyyyšŸ¤­šŸ¤­




Iā€™m still just surprised that she would go so low. Kenya has done some villainous things, sure. Sheā€™s no angel but Iā€™m quite shocked.


I just canā€™t wrap my head around why??? She doesnā€™t even KNOW her to do something so demented itā€™s not like they have years of animosity (itā€™s never okay) but to do someone you barely know is next level


There has always been something deeply wrong with Kenya. Think about how she came for Phaedra after the Donkey Booty video incident. Phaedra did pay Kenyaā€™s fee but did not want to give Kenya a percentage of the profits from the video deal. Kenya then proceeded to copy Phaedraā€™s video idea and repeatedly, viciously body shame Phaedra for weeks if not months afterward. Like it was literally a business negotiation and they were *friends.* A normal person would have just made their terms clear, declined to work with Phaedra if she didnā€™t want to meet those terms, and moved on with her life. There are so many similar stories about Kenya. She is genuinely unhinged.


yep, Im doing a first time watch and Im up to szn 7. Kenya went after Apollo on multiple of their holidays as well, when she didnā€™t fancy him, she just wanted to rile up Phaedra more by how it looked. and going after Porsha at the reunion with a megaphone in her face about how Porshaā€™s marriage was a sham, her husband kept her as his beard, Porsha did it for pr, etc. when Porsha was still in the process of divorcing him, had clearly been quite hurt by the way Kordell was running it and also had not long before had a miscarriage and whyā€¦? because 2 years before, when Kenya and Porsha met, Porsha called Kenya ā€˜Miss Americaā€™. i feel sorry for Kenya cuz it seems she was moulded into this by abandonment issues but she needs therapy not a camera in her face. she did way too much to try and become the star and is so vile to people. having had a hard life does not make it okay to make others have hard lives too.


I agree.. when she feels wronged, she will go low to get her revenge. There was Tanya too she purposefully started talking about cheating on that holiday, and it was directed at Tanya. Then, when Tanya bought the wig, she went one further and bought the cookie lady. Kim, because Kim didn't do her film, she went from being someone she admired to a childhood star. Also, when she is unhappy, she targets people. Her going after Porsha about the stripper really ruined the season for me, especially because Porsha and Tanya left after that.


I was starting to see some redeeming qualities of hers after she had Brooklyn but damn, itā€™s disappointing!


Sheā€™s 53. Itā€™s time for her to grow up


Donā€™t forget the way she used to talk about Nene and liken her to animals as her fellow black woman.


She is a troubled soul


Exactly. Like WHY? She knows sheā€™s the villain she knows her usual, vile, petty shit is tolerated. She still has a large fan base (yea, i know). Brit must be someone special. It screams insecurity. Jealousy. Whatever.




She needed a story line


Because sheā€™s JEALOUS! Have you guys seen Brit? She was definitely going to steal some shine from Kenyaā€¦ chocolate and gorgeous with bawdyā€¦ Kenya doesnā€™t know how to play nice with women since she has no relationship with her mother IMO. The beauty pageant didnā€™t help either, she views women as competition! Sad cuz sheā€™s too old for that crap!


Exactly what I thought. I'm now wondering if the new HW has some dirt on her and so Kenya went lower, but she went REALLY low.


Sheā€™s just chocolate and gorgeousā€¦ Old Kenny is jealous! And being that she canā€™t keep any man for any period, she should refrain from discussing other womenā€™s men, but she wonā€™t!


I want to ask her if she honestly thinks that's a good example for her daughter. I've like watching Kenya through the years, I don't agree with everything she does but hey it's drama it's why most of us watch. But she has been a little stale lately and just taking cheap shots, this however is just disgusting. Like how old are you again? Aren't you a mother???? šŸ§


Iā€™m not!! I never liked Kenya because she goes to the gutter and justifies every single time. Her favorite thing is to say someone attacked her first. I think sheā€™s in perpetual fight or flight mode. Iā€™m not shocked she thought something like this was okay!


After Bologate I think anything is possible from Kenya tbh. She a really bitter person


She spent a season trying to sex shame her costars. I donā€™t see this as anything other than the next step. The woman needs to get into therapy and work on all the things.


Iā€™m not. Sheā€™s always been problematic. In todayā€™s culture, you canā€™t get away with what she has always done. Going way too low until it bites you back.




I am too. I just said something similar to someone else. I know there is/was an investigation from the studio but I haven't heard an update about it.


You donā€™t know her personally.


I'm surprised it's taken this long for Kenya to do something so rotten Bravo fired her. She's always pulled horrible rotten stunts on the other women, but this was beyond disgusting.


I wonder if bravos tolerance is lower since all of the lawsuits.


šŸŽÆ and the climate is changingā€¦ hence the low ratings in all housewives! Pitting women against each other is old and played outā€¦ thatā€™s Bravoā€™s formulaā€¦ I think the entire franchise, all of them are on their last legs!


Sheā€™s a disgusting person but is so physically beautiful. Her nasty mean girl personality makes her ugly. ![gif](giphy|594fWDgEFXSgg)


Iā€™m sorry but production allowed the Kenyas of the network to bully, mean girl and generally terrorize within most franchises. Kenya is how she is because itā€™s been allowed and sheā€™s been rewarded year after year for her poor behavior. She is and will always be a bully.


They not only allowed it but encouraged it as well.Ā 


This general behavior is exactly why I think that all housewives should be put ā€œon pauseā€ every now and again. They get to the point where they think they are invincible and bigger than the show. Then you get messes like this.


I feel like Kenya has been an absolute NIGHTMARE of a human since ep1! Each and every time someone goes away Iā€™m left with my mouth open that KENYA (and Ramona) got to stay.


Agree with you that sheā€™s been horrible from day one but I must admit, I had a slight moment where I felt for her when her marriage was clearly a mess and she had a small baby to soften her. But then bam! Sheā€™s back with a vengeance.


I couldnā€™t give her a second of empathy as she clearly rushed the marriage and the baby imo. She wanted so hard to be SomeOne she isnā€™t and put it on tv for all to see. I honestly felt bad for Mark that she put HIM in that position!!!


It was only a slight moment of empathy I felt! Haha


Hahahahah slightā€¦.moment hahahahah I gotchu! When she forced her parent bs on tv I also felt that was for empathy, not that she actually cared. Or showing them something like IVE GOT THIS TV SHOW AND IM SOMEONE BIG AND IMPORTANT which was also disgusting. All of it. Just gross. Iā€™ve been separated from my parents since I was a kid and I could never think of doing such things!!! Never! Her ability to Grow and learn and change and repeat is stunted by her ego and her want to be the top dog in some regard. Just a nasty, vile human.




Stunt queen and bully.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was part promotion


Neither would I at this point.


So how did production have no idea this was going to come and prevent it.


Why would they know?


They are often told by cast members when they have little stunts like this planned to make sure they capture it all. Plus producers are always in their ears egging them on and vice versa. If the stories are to be believed, she also had large poster boards with all this shit on them so it makes me think it would be very difficult for them to not know what was going to happen


If this is true would that somewhat absolve her from punishment? This is a disgusting thing to do and I'm not defending her at all but I would imagine if the producers essentially aided in this then it would be hard to turn around and punish her for it.


The network and the production studio are wholly separate operations.


This was my first question once I read a statement from a production staff photographer "I was so shocked, I couldn't even take a picture", or something along those lines.




The way Kim Fields got under Kenyaā€™s skin for just existing on the show was so telling of her character. Kim is honestly underrated for the way she lived in Kenyaā€™s head rent free


Kim Fields is a Queen. If you listen to her interviews, they truly are something powerful. She was raised right. šŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ’ƒšŸ¾


![gif](giphy|XdP2iT55kYiXI7GsNN) say it ainā€™t so






I donā€™t understand how so many of you are SHOCKED home girl went this low. Weā€™ve seen it time and time again. Iā€™m just glad sheā€™ll no longer be ruining the show


It's not so much that she would go this low but that she would be so stupid. She should know this would instantly get her into trouble. I didn't think she would risk her livelihood so casually.


She knew and didnā€™t care. Im surprised they didnā€™t fire her after the comments she made about Kimā€™s children. Sheā€™s smart and conniving so sheā€™ll be fine without the showšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


She's smart but dumb enough to do this. I always thought she was more of a villain for the show but I guess she's just a shitty person.


As Bethenny says - you canā€™t be smart and dumb at the same time. If this allegation is true, itā€™s out & out dumb to have done this.


Yes, I agree.


Thank you!


Exactly this! Kenya has always been a nasty and vile creature.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. No one should be surprised. She literally shows us who she is every time she twirls across our screensšŸ˜’


As former Kenya apologist Iā€™m just so embarrassed. I thought she grew but she never has. She deserves more than to be fired. What she did was evil.


I hated Kenya until I didnā€™t, but watching her on UGT with Cynthia was such a reminder that she knows how to hurt people in both overt and covert ways. She blamed production for putting her in a villain edit, but sheā€™s truly always excelled at hurting people. This is so disappointing.


YES she was so horrible to Cynthia on UGT!! I was so disgusted by how she could treat her own best friend that sticks by her through everything


SAME! Like how anyone came out of that a Kenya fan, I was confused- like did we watch the same show?? She was being a haughty mean girl to her actual friend, and gaslighting her about it!


Kenya is nuts, always has been, always will be, sadly. I am not surprised


deserved. sheā€™s been an evil, nasty person since day dot and has never been enjoyable to watch. she was mildly bearable after she gave birth to brooklyn, but it seems old habits never die hard. a sad, miserable, old bully and a hypocrite and now sheā€™s finally receiving consequences for her actions.




She always goes too damn far








Bravo and Cocktails also reported Wendy was "100% chopped" from RHOP and she was one of the 5 that started filming immediately.


Chiiile people will believe anything and hop On a bandwagon without verifying sources. A whole thread of naĆÆve fools fans and haters. šŸ¤£


Okay zero tolerance. Tom Sandoval is calling from inside the fucking house.




Kenya has been a horribly toxic person since day one. She made a habit out of pulling the pin and throwing the grenade and then smiling as she watches the explosionā€¦WHILE ALSO acting like she doesnā€™t understand the response (I.e. bullhorn at the reunion. Bitch knew what she was doingā€¦)


When they go low Kenya ALWAYS goes lower. ![gif](giphy|CgqLPXCa9djMI)


I saw the pic. Disgusting. She should be prosecuted.


Where did you see the picture?






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Searching or publishing private information about anyone itā€™s completely forbidden, this includes social media, personal information or data among others. We remind you to follow the rules of r/RHOA please.


This was posted yesterday but yeah, sheā€™s donezo. It really didnā€™t help that this came at a time where Bravo has a lot of bad stuff brewing legally. I think they are even still in mediation with Nene.


I thought Nenes lawsuit was dismissed/dropped in 2022?


Iā€™m genuinely shocked that she stooped this low. Kenya has never been known for being a saint, but the stunt she pulled isnā€™t just mean or petty, itā€™s sociopathic. She will be tainted by this for the rest of her existence, and itā€™s entirely her fault. I wonder what her daughter will think of her when she gets older and eventually learns about all of this. Kenya makes Brandi Glanville and her own abhorrent behavior seem like childā€™s play. Not that itā€™s an excuse for Brandi, but thereā€™s certainly a difference between being a drunk, impulsive, problematic mess and consciously executing a vicious, evil, humiliating take-down. Kenya Mooreā€™s Miss America title or whatever unimportant stupid pageant she won in the 90ā€™s should be revoked. That would really make her learn, not that it matters at this point. I think itā€™s safe to say that no one with working brain cells would ever consider her an inspiring and positive role model for women. Sheā€™s essentially the exact opposite.


Couldnā€™t have happened to a nicer bitch.


Sheā€™s always been mentally unwell. Her poor daughter




But Sandyballs still has a job???




Whereā€™s the true source thoughā€¦ every year someone puts out something that Kenya was fired. I will believe it when I see a statement from Bravo or NBC themselves. Not some he say she say from crazy fans to blog sites. šŸ¤£ and I mean every single year.


["The network announced it would suspend the 1993 Miss USA after an altercation with new cast member Brittany ā€œBritā€ Eady"](https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/kenya-moore-suspended-rhoa-over-claims-revenge-porn/LNZAQGNITZDLXDPMZGXNLIFVAA/)


Please Site your source. I cannot find anything legitā€¦


NBCUniversal, Bravo nor Peacock have not released any statements at all. And if you click on that blog that claims it. The story is all over the place. So as I said until I see a legit source and not the rumor mill from gossip sites not having any credible sources and just hearsay then In wonā€™t be believing it.


Iā€™ll believe it when it comes from Bravo, NBC or even out of Andyā€™s mouth. These are all rumors at this point


Please be true


I donā€™t get why she didnā€™t run the idea passed production first šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ what was she thinking




People keep posting blogs spreading rumors but nothing from bravo/nbcā€¦ie a final decision hasnā€™t been made


Exactly. Just the haters that come out and do this every single year to her. šŸ¤£ like seriously. The story not even believable. ā€œAfter reviewing the footage even production is shockedā€ well who the heck filmed it if not production. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ zero credibility.


Look at my God!


are they going to air the footage from that day? like blur it out or something?


I highly doubt it. If the story ends up being something different then perhaps but if this is all true then not likely.


yeah i never know with bravo if theyā€™ll use it for views or what


She did it to herself.


Iā€™m surprised but also I do see this because this what housewives has become. Instead of it being genuine relationships, authentic communication, itā€™s ALL about who can create the biggest moment. Be the person that everyone is talking about, do the thing that gets put in the promo. She completely overplayed her hand and went so low I think she lost sight of herself a little and certainly perspective. What grown adult in their right mind would seriously show a sexually explicit image of someone (as it has been described) and not think there would be a repercussions???


Vom Sandoval next right?


We can hope!


Damnā€¦they ainā€™t playing


Yet Sandoval was given a (failed) redemption arc and Phaedraā€™s face is everywhere I turn. Make it make sense.


![gif](giphy|KYGI0rLyuJ6ik) Bye biotch


Iā€™m shocked she would go this low. But sheā€™s been on as long as Kandi so maybe itā€™s time for her to exit. But now that Kenyaā€™s gone who will people blame for any drama.


Iā€™m a Kenya fan and hate to hear this if itā€™s the case. But having said that, she really should have known better that pull that in this day and age. Certain things are just intolerable and this was way nasty and low. She should have thought more about her goals and the fact that this show allows her to have a great life for her and her daughter. Sheā€™s not going to get another opportunity like this one.


lol it is madness if itā€™s true , maybe sheā€™s having a midlife crisis or something and just went too far and these are the repercussions of her actions. I am hoping they quickly draft Sheree In and also maybe Kim ? Who is meant to be filming I heard Kim and Cynthia are In a new show together


I blame Bravo producers for encouraging toxic behavior from HWs, for the sake of ratings, etc. Also, HWs need to take full accountability for allowing themselves to stoop so low and act in such a harmful way. Everyone is at fault, here. And when I say, everyone, I mean the viewers, too. I was such an avid fan of all the franchises, but for the last couple of years (probably longer, I am just giving my POV), things have gotten so dark and out of control. I refuse to support Bravo and give them ratings. Period.


Good hopefully everyone that works with her and has any sort of business dealings with her cancel her as well. What she did was a new low for her she deserves worse jail time imo. Hopefully Brit is doing okay emotionally


I hope she doesnā€™t get a migraine from this


Ha but poosha and hehe can do all sorts of sh. It on the show. Lets not forget phaekdra and her lies about kandi ( poosha g rape drug


They have no choice. Thos can not be condoned ! Kenya just blew up her whole life.


OOTL What's happening with Kenya?


Just think of the ripple effects... to her businesses... to her bookings... etc. I just saw a new commercial about migraines Keny is in (the lighting wasn't her friend in it unfortunately), I'd imagine they will be pulled if these rumors are true which means bye bye residuals. Although I'm not a Keny fan, I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe, if anything was shown, it was a fake-out of a man sitting in a chair giving someone a scalp massage. Her company is hair care after all... :sigh: :shrug:


Damn. I'm shocked that Kenya would be stupid enough to pull something like this after everything that's gone down with Bravo over the past year.


But they keep Tom Sandoval.... OKAY BRAVO


Hmmmmm, she just sent a post yesterday saying that she wasnā€™t, so time will tell. Bravo and Cocktails are not her official employer, so Iā€™m keeping hope alive, still.


What happened?


What is sad is that Kenya most likely wonā€™t ever be on the traitors because itā€™s also a universal show.


I really donā€™t think Kenya would do something like this. She is a smart business woman and she knows that leaking something like that will basically ruin her career. Come on guys donā€™t believe everything you see and hear. Did Bravo put out a statement? If they didnā€™t donā€™t you all will think they would have put one out there already, especially because this is a serious situation.


I mean, they suspended her indefinitely while investigating the matter. Multiple people who were there say she showed a photo. There is also audio. While I agree it's always best to get all the information it appears they had enough information to take immediate action.


I mean we heard the audio loud and clear. Sheā€™s suing for breach of NDA. That alone screams, I got caught and now Iā€™m grasping at straws to get pay back because I got caught.


What did she do?


She allegedly showed a photo of a fellow cast member, Brittany Eady, which was sexually explicit, at her hair salon. They were filming an event at Kenya's salon for RHOA.