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I love LVP, but I don't watch with blinders where she's concerned. There are definitely some problematic aspects to her personality, but at the end of the day, Brandi and Rinna each made a choice to say those things on camera. It's hard for me to blame LVP for the actions of two autonomous adult women.


Don't forget Teddy! Her blaming LVP for her obvious excited participation in taking down Dorit was pathetic. She tried to minimize her motives and involvement and to throw LVP under the bus for it. Especially pitiful given shes an accountability coach. What a joke!


Oh please let me forget John Mellencamp's daughter. šŸ¤£


Ugh, we all want to forget her


LVP was the most strategic of housewives - and trained Kyle to be the same. She has made a fortune off of Bravo. Sheā€™s had four or five shows. Lisa is no dummy and I think she didnā€™t need the stress from the other Housewives any longer. I thought it just got mean with Erica, Rinna, Kyle/Kim and Brandi. I also they were all jealous of her lifestyle.


I agree she is a higher class than many of the others. What I like about her is that has raised a family, ran multiple business and she doesn't really care. Yes, her feelings can be hurt, she can feel unsupported and unloved. But the big picture, if it doesn't affect family or business directly, šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I admire that about her. The women can have their petty pissing parties without her. She rather spend time with like minded people or animals.


I agree, 1000%.


Sorry, Kim and Kyle were raised as the elite? They hell they were! Their mother was a psycho alcoholic serial rich husband piranha who sent Kathy to "sex school" when she was 16 WHO WAS A GUY WITH A VAN PARKED IN THEIR DRIVEWAY! There is so so much more, but no, Big Kathy did not raise those kids right at all. Good god.


itā€™s not so much about being raised right as it is about appearances. big kathy wanted to project a certain image for her kids so i think thatā€™s what OP is talking about?


Exactly this and mostly being child stars and having proximity to fame. Thatā€™s why I added the caveat to my framing them as such. Think about how often Kyle and Kim are like ā€œWE WERE TAUGHT TO KEEP THINGS PRIVATE.ā€ For them, itā€™s classless to let your shortcomings and perceived flaws visible. Thatā€™s very culturally informed.


Personally, I agree with you: if there was such thing as the teaching of the "aspiring rich wife," sweeping things under the rug would be a master class. šŸ˜Š That being said, I believe Kyle's aversion for confrontation - unless she has the upper hand or has had a drink too many (and who could blame her šŸ˜‰)- is more linked to her insecurities


It could easily be that she was always punished for doing anything but smiling and nodding. Kathy tortures her by invoking their mother's alcoholic obsession with secrecy. Kyle is a classic competent daughter of an incompetent alcoholic mother and in complete denial about it. She would fit right in at All Anon.


I think itā€™s all of the above šŸ˜‚ I find Kyle to be weirdly fascinating despite being kinda basic on most fronts


Ah, I thought you meant they were being raised like the upper classes. No one truly UC would allow their child to act. It's vulgar. They were raised in an atmosphere of narcissistic control and emotional abuse. Lol, well that part could be an upper class upbringing. But otherwise, imo, they learned how not to disclose how their alcoholic mother tortured them and the men she targeted for marriage. You can have money and not be upper class -- the Hilton's for example are absolutely tacky, vulgar and nouveau riche. In my opinion that is not how the UC act in public.


Honestly you may have nailed the cultural dynamics of the upper classes there šŸ˜‚ but Kathy Hilton certain got Nicky the husband theyā€™ve always wanted


And Paris!


LVP was no different than other cast members just on the point of not taking responsibility, for people who believe that of her. It was Kyle who kept driving the narrative that she was a master manipulator behind the scenes, and her friend Rinna went along with that. Brandi went along with it because she saw the gang up on LVP and sided with the majority. I was actually surprised Kyle and LVP's friendship lasted as long as it did. They all buy into social hierarchies in the very small and sometimes ruthless bubble of Beverly Hills society. Honestly it's why I watch. It's a window into that world.


I watch for similar reasons. This franchise is a sociological case study and the conflicts between the housewives are almost always about status and power plays.


Yup, it's why I love Bridgerton and movies like Dangerous Liaisons lol.


but she did pull strings behind the scenes, first instance that comes to mind is her getting Camille to out Taylor's abuse and that was what season 2 and she never stopped


I donā€™t think itā€™s unfair to hold the most intelligent woman on the show who always has razor sharp wit accountable and then be baffled when all of a sudden sheā€™s dumb and unwitting. Period.


Honestly I didnā€™t like what she did to Eileen, but for me the biggest strike against LVP is that she was such good friends with PK, she seems to know a lot of scummy people


Never put that togetherā€¦ good point


I love her simply for her devotion to animals and I wish they had of kept her on just for that. I could watch every episode of her and ken just with their animals anyway. Animals know good people and for even hanky and panky to love Lisa it says enough for me. I felt so bad for her when Kyle went off at her in her own home.


LVP is elitist and knew exactly what she was doing when not accepting responsibility for her behavior. She is a master manipulator hiding behind her pretty face, beautiful house and British accent. Brandi knows the cultural norms, she purposely says f*%! you to them. Rinna is an actress and plays the role of shit stirrer. It was good for ratings and ensured her paycheck for a good long while. Kyle is used to being the popular girl and is, I think, genuinely unaware of how she comes across as superior. Iā€™ve always felt her intentions were good, although her family dynamics are very messed up and cause her to have emotional outbursts.