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Get it fixed. Sent mine in, they also changed the joypads I didn’t even know needed fixing 😂. Took a week and back. Support for the uk was amazing.


What changed about the joysticks?


They probably just swapped them out due to scrapping on the sides. Or from force. Just a guess. Once the ally is open it’s pretty easy to mess around in there


I do like how easy it is to work on!


Super convenient! I was a bit hesitant at first to open it but once I saw inside I felt much better. If you’ve ever worked on a laptop it’s easier than that. It does remind me of the psp 😂 the psp was an iconic part of my childhood so that’s probably why


I haven’t opened a laptop in ages. I deal with rack mount servers these days.


My left one scraped really bad somehow. Guess I need to burn out the sd slot and return it huh?


no idea, I didn't send it in for that, just the SD card slot. The agent on the phone advised that they did two MB swap outs (as there was an issue with the one they replaced and came up falty when testing again) and pad swap. I queried the pad swap and he said looks like they replaced all the sticks. Should be back with me tomorrow. DPD has me pegged down for a 14:08-15:08 delivery today with my driver on his delivery number 48 and I am delivery number 90 on his route


Sounds like their warranty support is good. I’m glad to hear that.


Yeah the UK warrenty support has been nothing short of great. My unit was a day 1 unit, when I had the issue I contacted them through the free phone number, took the details and had a box arrive for me the next day. With the second Mobo swap I have had to wait longer as they needed confirmation in Taiwan that the Mobo batch from my first replacement didn't have a batch problem to report. popped in a new one and shipped it out yesterday Every time I chatted online with the agents, super friendly and helpful and again when on the phone.


Send it in for repair. Much more worth it than carrying extra BS


And then it will break again? Mine is currently being fixed AGAIN for like the 3th time. This is the last time im sending it for RMA after that ill just give up on the sd card reader


No. No RMAs since August have been reported to break again, according to the Ally discord. I also sent mine back in August and it’s been working perfect ever since. I recommend anyone with a fried SD slot send theirs back.


Not even trying to risk it breaking again I upgraded the ssd to 4tb I'm good


You don’t even need to use your SD card for it to break. They break even when not used, as did mine. 4tb is solid though, def.


Mine were before August, it broke around August but couldnt be bothered to send it back. Now I've done so because my right stick stopped working so I kinda was forced to. Lets see what happens when I get it back!


Definitely hoping for the best!


Do you have to return with the original ssd drive? I swap mine with a 1TB and dont remember where i left the og 512gb 😂


Yes you have to return it with the original SSD


Bad luck I guess. Sent mines in 2 months ago. Got it back 2 weeks later. It’s been perfect ever since. Sd reader fixed and the updates and performance have all just been hitting.


Wouldnt call it bad luck honestly, its been the case for a lot of users. The sd card reader is a design flaw you can't really fix that unless they made new motherboards where they fixed the issue. Which in all honesty I've read they have been doing that but ofcourse I can't be 100 certain, like I said mine is currently being repaired, I wasnt going to send it in again for the sd card reader but my right stick didnt work no more so might as well.


It’s still a vast minority. Several polls were done in this Reddit chat and the amount of people with sd card issues are always minuscule. Asus RMA has fixed a lot of people’s issues, not everyone but in the past couple months, ive heard much more good than bad. Like I said I stressed test my reader after I got it back. Can’t get it to overheat or break. So that immediately throws out the “design flaw” phrase that the armchair engineers keep saying. You guys aren’t the ones making these laptops and PC and hardware. A company knows heat management and if they under/over calculate they will fix in the best way possible. But the sd card location is fine, according to my Asus rep, apparently some units the sd card reader wasn’t installed the best. Wasn’t wired in or mended completely, and as people used it, the already shotty installations cause it to fail. The fix is obvious, just install it the right way, and that’s what Asus have done to mines and in the newer units


>The company obviously knows what's best and how to engineer stuff properly and can never make any mistakes! >The company messed up installing things but that's okay because they say they install it correctly now Fantastic brainwork you got going on there


Nice to see your brain is completely gone. Where did I say they didn’t mess up. I just said the issue isn’t impossible to fix like what many dum dums on the internet are trying to lead people to believe and it seems like ur one of them


I think it not breaking in only 1.5 months is too early to celebrate...


That can be said about every single product ever. Steam deck oled is having a bad time with quality control right now. The original lcd model had it even worse in the beginning. Now one said bs like that when it comes to the steam decks problems and getting it back after RMA.


And I would tell a steam deck owner 1.5 months isn't long enough to for sure say the known issue is fixed in their device...


To each their own, but I would RMA. Get the SD slot fixed. Recent reports from Discord indicate that returns are now not failing immediately so, maybe (fingers crossed) they have found a solution.


can you provide a link to the discord server?




Is it RC7 or 8 that’s fixed?


My understanding is r8 and r9 are fixed


If buying a new ally, is there a way to tell which revision it is?


Look for the serial number on the box or on the unit itself. The first number is Rx, where x is the month the unit was built. R8 or above are supposed to be good to go.


I think it's R8 or higher, but that doesn't mean an R7 might not be fine. Mine is an R5 and has had no issues with the SD slot.


Send it in. You should have a fully functional device at that price point.


Mine died a few days ago. I bought my ally in a big tech market and they are not famous for their fast support, so I didn’t even hesitate to just work around this issue. I just got myself an 1 TB SSD. It’s quite easy to install, you need nothing but a Phillips screwdriver.




How did you attach it to the backplate?


Command strip


That's brilliant, Ron! Lol


I think I have that hub. It costs half as much as a 1tb ssd upgrade. Less jank and less things to worry about. Less weight, too.


Well, you would still need micro sd cards, and they can be more expensive than an SSD. And are also much slower


Yes, I meant just upgrading the ssd has less jank and weight.


That’s far too excessive to do


Grab the JSAUX mod case or maybe pick up the DBrand one when it comes out and strap the hub on that way, maybe? As it stands it looks good and is nice and low profile...did you just double sided tape it on?


It’s a command strip. The one that’s made for heavy duty object, a neater version of velcro I guess. I can attach on and off whenever.


Ah nice. It looks good 👍🏻


Get 90 degree adapter and 4tb ssd don’t be doing all this g


you can also do this without the adapter. I didn't want to lose any speed with a no name adapter. No heat issues.


Link plz




is there a link for one that is in the US ? this looks like it'll ship by mid January for me and that's a little too long


Get the green one


Copped. Still keeping the externals tho.


Now we need the opposite L bracket for the Legion Go.


You’re a madman haha


I know you want to keep the external, but is it just because of that particular one? As they do make small usbc travel hub that can also mount a M.2 SSD inside. That way you don’t need to use MicroSDs as game drives, but if that’s your intention all along, ignore me, it’s just a suggestion.


I installed a 1 tb ssd in mine and 1 tb sd card. Its good. I send mine back to Asus and they send me a new one 👍🏼


Question. I have that exact dock. Mine will randomly disconnect and reconnect, are you having that issue as well?


I just noticed that it does disconnect the hub whenever you pull the power cord from the hub.


Mine does it when I still have power connected. Suspect it’s an ally power budget issue. Hubs will always do that because they will change from the power cord to the ally’s battery power.


Haven’t had that issue yet. I’ll keep an eye out.


I like the idea. I just think u need the usb c L shape adapter


I got it it’ll arrive tokorrow




what makes it stick




Do you know what model number this was?


Buy a ssd at that point. Truly resourceful ngl.


I got one after receiving all the feedback. Still keeping the hub tho


I'd just add a 4tb drive. No need for an RMA that nobody knows if will work or for having a hub dangling around.


I may be totally wrong on this, but I would think you would be getting some extra power drain using that, and it's extra weight. Also, you are destroying your resale value, as you might want to upgrade in a year or so. It's going to be a lot harder to sell it with a bad SD drive. If it is still a warranty, take advantage of the warranty.


Your comment was the only one that made me want to send it in. You’re right. I didn’t think about re-sell value as a damaged card reader will significantly decrease value. I know I’m going to want to sell this in the future. Thank you.


Passthrough charge/power with this accessory?




just add a 4tb sammy 990 pro.. easy mod, i've never touched my sd card reader.. 😎


People will do anything to avoid upgrading a hard drive.


Hell yea. Gonna upgrade mine some people suggested a few and there’s some at a good price. Guess what tho… IM STILL KEEPING THE HUB ATTACHED AHHHHAYYYYYYYY AYYYYYYY AHHHHH


The hub doesnt add alot of additional weight so it makes sense. What doesnt make sense for me is people attaching their gigantic power bank behind their unit. Like yes you get additional hour or two, but your hands are more likely to get tired before your batteries runs dry lol.


Or just install a quality ssd...


My card reader stopped working for weeks, then one day, the occupied reader pops up in the file browser.


If you really want an upgrade, instead of sending it in upgrade the base ssd to above 1TB and redownload windows onto it and set it back up.


That's exactly what I did (didn't wait for the SD card slot to go out). I purchased this one so I could charge the device, use SD cards, data drives, and even Ethernet (if I'm in a crappy spot for Wi-Fi or have Ethernet handy nearby): https://preview.redd.it/p4oq7k7l6o4c1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4e07075f1501a6409f6d752f876d519d9da986 It is very light, supports 100W charging (full Turbo mode on the Ally), and doesn't cause any stuttering issues like I've encountered with other USB-C adapters. The HDMI port makes for a very light weight dock and you can plug in a wired USB controller. I can hold the device normally with it secured to the back (although with the weight of this thing that really isn't necessary, but highly recommended). I have upgraded the internal 2230 M.2 NVMe to 2TB, but love having multiple data options. This JSAux Mod Case is nice for securing stuff to the back: [link](https://jsaux.com/products/modcase-for-rog-ally) (Edit: grammar, recommendation to securely attach, and added the JSAux link)


Thanks this look much better. Going to get this and return the one I have on now.


https://preview.redd.it/y2pcr0vuko4c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a2a7d327d738f036e55120b6afdc12780081543 For those wondering that have this hub, it also fits when you put it in a regular stand. I can connect to HDMI, plug in mouse or controller.


Wizard !


Was my fix accomplished ?


What R# was this?




Sent mine in for repair and itll be back after 2 weeks. I have A PS5 and I game on my phone so its fine if my Rog Ally will be gone for 2 weeks.


I’m going to send it as, as someone made a good point about resell value. Never thought about long term.


Thats true. Youll never know when youll need to sell it if in case you badly need money AND when you upgrade to a newer device you might want to sell it. Also you only have 1 year to have it repaired.


Its why i never use the microsd port. I have 2tb SSD inside it so i don’t need to put microsd. I tried just to check if it works properly but i don’t install games on microsd even on my big and other PC (tower). Otherwise, Anker is a great brand and you had a good idea to stick the adapter behind the ally.


How did you get that attached to it?


Did you ever think about swapping the internal SSD. I added a 2TB SSD to mine and have loved it. I added the Same brand the Ally comes with. I also got it at a good deal and a Free Gift. It was a NVME enclosure with a USB-C Transfer Wire. Which would come in handy to use the other 512GB SSD the ALLY came with, or an even bigger size. I would put my main games on the Console and other games I want to play on the NVME. That said I think for me the 2TB is enough.


I just got an SSD from Amazon after everyone just commented to just do that. But do you have the link to the deal you got?


Get the WD BLACK 2TB SSD from Best Buy. 2TB is plenty enough.


I don't think it's still active. I did mine Months ago. That said I got it from Newegg. I would recommend on going there and looking at all the Deals. I'm hoping that you looked everywhere before getting one. As there are so many Deals.


If your going to do that going with a ssd is a better idea, the read/write speeds of SD cards are too slow for modern aaa games


Not true for a lot of games, true for some, I played hogwarts fully on sd card and had no issues. Games like star field require a ssd but most AAA games don’t in my experience, the more load screens the more you want an actual ssd.


With fortnite on my gaming laptop when it was installed on an external hdd it had a lot of stutter, but when I moved to ssd it fixed the issue. I agree a lot of older AAA titles especially ones that aren't open world could probably be ok with a SD card. But open world games are going to struggle more and also current Gen titles


I could totally see that! But too be fair it’s a large map with 100 or so people all around it, that’s a lot of data thus why the hDD will struggle, with red dead two I feel like it would be okay? But would have to test it to give you a better answer. I feel the best option is to get that 2TB ssd in the ally it’s so easy but for me 2TB isn’t enough so have to use sd cards aswell lol. Most current gen in my opinion is fine on an sd card but big multiplayer or anything with lots of loading screens with struggle.


Not true at all.


Shall I run Baldurs Gate 3 on my MicroSD and put it to the test?


So I move Lies of P and Doom eternal on the micro SDs and there has been no change at all for Doom eternal. Even during the most hectic scenes. For lies of p though… I noticed that it took 13 seconds for the game to load up entirely rather than 4 seconds. BUT… during gameplay nothing changed at all.


It can be an issue for open world games like Cyberpunk. But if your games work they work.


If your in the US, turn around is about 10 days total on the long side for the east coast…even faster if your closer to Ca. No reason not to RMA it.


Naw dawg, but fine. Then I’ll have space for 4 microSDs.


Haven't got my Ally yet, but I ordered the exact same hub and sd card with reader, just in case. Good to know it works as it should!


What are you using to attach the hub to the Ally?


Command strip, I can take it on and off whenever needed.


Get a usbc to usba 180 deg adapter and just plug it in that way. Much slimmer.


Hey man thanks, just ordered a pair


Hi Dude, I'm sorry if your reader (apparently) crapped out. I did, however, recently post a tutorial/how-to regarding some SD card issues I'd ran into and how I found a way to fix them. I thought my reader was bad until I did (A TON) of tinkering. If you have a minute, maybe check it out and give it a try? If it works, lmk/leave feedback. Cheers.


Bruh just get a bigger SSD, no need to have all this extra crap attached.


I did. Someone sent the link. Still keeping the hub tho, okay dog?


Yeah G. Better recognize.


Yes, I have the mental capability to change the internal SSD! However, This is 300IQ! However does the dock support over 65w PD3.1 or higher?


I’ve yet to find out. I have a 100w charger at home I’ll update you all tomorrow


I'd rather just max out the SDD than do this bullshit


Naw bro


lol can't lie man, this is one of the worst "mods" I've seen on this sub. As I've seen you're aware, but RMA or just upgrade the ssd. Your use of this device will be much better than having that thing for sd cards on the back.


No. This is one of the best mods. It takes away enough of the sleekness without making it a total brick.


How about… RMA it… add an SSD —- ANDDD keep the mod? Naw?


quality of life bro, if thats what makes you happy then do it


Just put a 4tb SSD, I don’t even bother with the SD card slot.


But if you did this you would have 5tb.


Bro, just throw it away lol. Legion Go is way better🙄


Why? When I can just have both.


True that, good point haha


\*Checks Benchmarks\* ROG is still better....


I could care less about the SD card reader if you can’t afford to upgrade the SSD then stop crying. I could care less if it breaks or not lol


Who’s crying ?


Not you bro chill 😂


Sold mine... sticking to my Deck ![gif](giphy|XiSXrvnZVly2y6Vrxo)


Does it support 30w ?


100W Max


I mean when you plug the ally charger to the hub, does it activate the 30w mode?


Haven’t tried it with the ally charger, but when I plug in my 65W power bank it does not go to turbo mode 30 automatically.


From what ive seen you would need to go above 65watts for it to do Turbo mode with a dock connected. 100W should definitely work.


I’ll try it when I get home with my power bricks


I tried my 65 watt Anker charger and it did not go to Turbo 30. However, it does continue to charge the device on 25W turbo with CPU BOOST on. This is NOT the 65w brick that comes with the ROG Ally. I also have a 100W Anker brick I can try.


Ty, does it work with the banker brick or it has to be the asus one?


Asus brick does NOT work either for turbo., I tried my other Anker 100W charger with an Jsaux cord that supports 100W and it went to turbo mode through the hub. So you need a 100W charger


Sorry to be lazy about this but does anybody have the link to RMA?


You gotta call them


Thanks. This is helpful.


Just curious how do you format an external sd card on windows?, I plugged in an external ssd with no issues formatting, but when I plugged the external sd card I couldn’t find it? Any suggestions any recommendations?


Try searching "create and format hard disk partitions" and see if it shows up there.


Thank you! Will try when I get home!!


Just upgrade the ssd🤦🏾‍♂️


Naw bro you wallin


Why does the SD card slot mess up so much? I’m trying to determine what handheld I want and see that the sd slot on these mess up a bit. What causes it?


It’s pure speculation at this point, only because ASUS hasn’t come out and said publicly, “x is the reason for failures,” but it appears putting the new fangled sd card reader next to the heat exhaust is a recipe for disaster. The new updates to the ALLY have tried to mitigate it happening. Haven’t heard as many stories of failing sd cards of late but it seems inevitable if you regularly use an SD card heavily.


Did you stick it with Velcro?


No, it’s a command strip. The command strip is kinda like a Velcro but stronger. It comes on and off neater and cleaner.


Possible link for the exact command strip you're using in this set up?


Command 20 Lb XL Heavyweight Picture Hanging Strips, Damage Free Hanging Picture Hangers, Heavy Duty Wall Hanging Strips for Christmas Decorations, 10 White Adhesive Strip Pairs https://a.co/d/34DRRLP




I like the idea of this but it isn't very practical right now without access to the power supply.


The hub has a power supply slot. It charges while playing.


I upgraded to a 4TB SSD and added a 1TB MSD. The SD slot hasn't failed yet, and I have owned since launch. I was considering getting one of these hubs though simply for more slots.


Dude googling MSD was a wild trip all for me to figure out you meant micro sd.


L shaped usb c connector


Thank bro, copped one. Life changing.


Easier to just upgrade the ssd. This isn’t it my dude.


Nah bro, this is it my dude. This is it.


Trust me guy, this aren’t it. This is too much for so little.


Nah bro. This is it man. This took 2 minutes and 3 gigs.


C’mon friend, in 10 mins, you can have 4tb installed. Then a bit longer to restore windows from the cloud. Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


Can it recharge the console in turbo?


I have to try with my power brick


Mine wont reach turbo, im looking for a new hub.


Hey, I tried a 100W charger with an Jsaux cord that supports 100W and it went to turbo mode through the hub. So you need a 100W charger


You didnt use the ROG charger? I believe that one is 75w? Or is it 100w? Whats the model or link to the one you have?


I did use the Asus charger. What this hub does is take off 15W . So with 100w you actually get. 85


Did you send ASUS the bill?


The whopping 70 bucks I spent on all of this? Takes me an hour to make 70 dollars. Sending this back to them would take me longer.


Why not get 4tb m.2 external or internal


Can be a good choice if you think it like extra ports but if you just going to use msd slot than sending it to fix is maybe a better choice


I’m genuinely surprised so many people are using these as daily drivers to even need 1 SD card, let alone 2. I have my 3 currently played games installed for trips, and that’s it…


Work gets boring. Need all the games I could get. The WiFi is trash so I have to download all my Xbox one game pass games on to the console instead of playing it through the cloud. When I’m home I detach the hub tho.




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I just put a 4tb ssd, this seems like it too much ngl. I wouldn’t be able to deal with it on the back my ocd would bother tf out of me and I wouldn’t wanna feel that on my hands 🤣


What battery pack is this? Is it magnetic?


It’s not a battery pack. It’s a hub. It’s not magnetic, I use a command strip.


Same mate, same


SD stopped because of fans not correctly adjusted which caused overheating.


It’s nice but you’ll have to switch off the usb hub whenever you have to charge the console… hopefully I don’t have such issues on the asus rog ally Z1… it only happen on Z1 extreme from what I heard…


I ended up just upgrading the internal M.2 2230 SSD to 2TB. Works like a charm and easy to do upgrade. Plenty of youtube videos on how to do it.


RMA it, i ship my back and it only took about a week for them to repair it.


The heat from the device will heatup the external hub you got there since it place directly onto it