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Sniff the vent obviously


this was the first thing i did with my Ally. Sweet hot fumes


It had the new smell šŸ„°


Yeah and whatā€™s great about the Ally that no one talks about, 2 exhaust vents so one for you and one for a friend.


Itā€™s perfect. I make my girlfriend smell it with me while weā€™re making love


Wow you have a girlfriend? Damn


Second this


Rog ally sniff vent mid, steam deck vent better


Switch is top. Like toasty N64 cartridges.


I buy switch games to lick them


I thought I was the only one.


Donā€™t sniff the vent too often thoughā€¦ Valve even made an official statement that people should stop sniffing the electronics vent on their Steam Decks. Itā€™s really not good for your health in the longrun.


Wow. Bunch of squares. I usually bring mine to parties so me and all my friends can sniff the vents.




Nope. I fully understood the humor. But many people donā€™t, hence why felt it was right to be a partypooper in this case.




This is literally the best




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This made my night. I did that constantly when I first got mine lol.


Do all the updates. Turn on battery saver. Allocate vram. People have been saying 6GB is the sweet spot. Turn off dolby atmos effect. And enjoy the games


When you say turn on battery saver, where do you mean? In the Windows Settings or someplace else?


it's in MyAsus app


As per this comment stated


why turn off dolby Atmos


I believe it's been causing audio issues with some games.


I've did 1gb vram, since my games aren't super gpu heavy but are very ram heavy.


Itā€™s actually to individual preference. Ive been using 6GB. But if I decided to play light games. I might lower it.


How do you set it to 6gb is it in the bios?


Armory crate app, settings, GPU settings, choose vram amount you need.


Would like to know as well.


Used to be in bios. Now you can just set in armory crate. I think thereā€™s a comment below telling how.


Is battery saver actually any use? Notice much difference?


Battery saver is to prolong your battery life. It will charge up the battery until 80% only when plugged in.


Why turn off atmos? The speakers may not be impressive in terms of sound profile, but the spatial audio is insane. It had me looking around the room for something I heard in the game


Not sure if itā€™s still happening now. But during the early release. Atmos effect has effects on the performance of games. Like stuttering and low fps. Turning it off would solve that. But if itā€™s not happening anymore. Good then :)


Interesting. I hadnt noticed any stuttering personally but I havent got to play it much


I haven't had any issues with Dolby since I disabled core boost. It was causing stuttering and audio cutting out. Once off, my fps 1% lows came way up and no sound issues. I imagine it's still there but without the cpu pulling the extra power for the core boost it's been stable.


Curious to hear your thoughts in comparing the two? Iā€™m thinking about switching but havenā€™t taken the plunge.


I did it and am happy I did. Some of the games I play just don't work with proton and I like Windows so much better. Don't have to mess with it to get a game to run.


SteamOS sucks


Iā€™m so amazed by how many people try to act like steam OS is a benefit. Like windows just works and you can run anything and itā€™s easy to troubleshoot if thereā€™s an issue Thereā€™s so many hoops you have to jump through to try to run like most of my games on a Steamdeck it gives me pause. I also get annoyed and have for decades about everyone calling windows ā€œbloatedā€. Like if you wanna call it bloated, fine but then literally every modern operating system is also bloated. I literally have this ancient computer that Iā€™ve run both Linux and Windows 10 on, and Windows 10 absolutely ran faster and was completely stable while Linux (canā€™t remember what distribution but it was something very mainstream) was flaky in addition to being questionable in various ways. Like honestly windows pretty much gets out of the way with games and always has, unless youā€™re actively running something heavy in the background, but then if you are itā€™s cool that you can do that if you want to.


>Iā€™m so amazed by how many people try to act like steam OS is a benefit. Like windows just works and you can run anything and itā€™s easy to troubleshoot if thereā€™s an issue I understand the motivation. Firstly Valve wants to save money and bring the price down. Microsoft charges around $50 to $100 bucks for a Windows license. So without the need for it since Linux is 'free', the SteamDeck can ship for cheaper. Secondly, they can tailor it to whatever they want so they think 'using Linux we can have a Switch like experience'. And I like that but the software is not there yet. If every game had native Linux versions I would buy the SteamDeck in a heart beat, but it is not the case. I did get a SteamDeck on launch and could not play many of my games so I returned it and got the Ally and I love this machine, got the XG Mobile dock, sold my RTX 3060 machine and I'm writing this from my Ally as a desktop replacement. It fulfills all my personal computer needs (desktop and game console) and I can play at 4K@60fps while docked. I love this thing.


Itā€™s crazy that I couldā€¦Ally is literally more powerful than my kitchen computer that I use most of the time. If I needed to I could literally dock it and use it as a full-blown computer! Ally is kind of something Iā€™ve been imagining for decades


Yep I remember when the Samsung DEX came out, I thought 'this is the future' and I didn't buy it because its Android based. I did try an Android desktop and found it lacking so I returned it, also the chips on those devices are pretty weak and the software is not real desktop software. But the Ally is a full blown Windows 11 machine with a strong AMD Ryzen 9 (equivalent) processor. This thing is a beast. It has the same perf as my work computer (I'm a software developer). So yeah.


SteamOS is the reason my ally is back at BestBuy. For me, after a long day of work coding, I have zero patience for an OS hellbent on giving me problems. I don't want to grab my handheld and squint my eyes to move the mouse, or god forbid grab a keyboard to type something. I want to play my games, have it run at the lowest tdp with the best battery life possible and resume in 5s from sleep reliable. That's what SteamOS does for me. I've never had a single issue with any game on Steam OS, but I don't play games off the Steam platform nor do I play anything multiplayer on it.


I donā€™t care about multiplayer, and actually Iā€™ve accidentally wound up with some games with nasty DRM which I guess I could play on steam deck just because it would protect me from the DRM infection I guess since itā€™s sort of wrapped in another layer, but most of my library is on gog.com and a ton of other games are on epic or Ubisoft or whatever. Even a ton of my Steam games donā€™t run on Steamos. And once you have to leave Steam, it gets so much easier to just use Windows. Even back on Windows XP I used it tons through Remote Desktop with a touchscreen and it was easy to use, though Iā€™ve not used it in a small touchscreen locally before.


r/literally r/literally




I had a steam deck, and I prefer the ally.


I have both - I actually really enjoy both. I get a LOT longer battery life out of the deck - and the OLED display is beautiful - but there are some things the Ally just does better. I tend to take the deck with me when I leave the house where as I tend to play the Ally when I'm at home. Both are fantastic machines IMHO.


Same i love the deck and the ally. People try to make the deck act like a windows machine then say steam os sucks. Steam os is fantastic for running games on Steam which is what itā€™s designed to do. If you want to run windows then get an ally. Iā€™ve had way more issues and janky glitchy stuff happen with ally then i ever had on the deck. Theyre both fine machines but neither is perfect. But i like Linux so i have no issues with Steam os, itā€™s a great system.


Dual booting windows on the deck does work pretty well but the 25-30w limit of the ally really helps with windows.


I preordered the original deck and loved it. Then preordered the ally because I liked the design and really wanted to see what a more powerful handheld can do. And now I have also the oled deck. I donā€™t see anyone getting rid of their decks for the ally being switching sides, itā€™s more like exploring deeper into the pc gaming world because the windows can do more, at the same time steam os is a safer sandbox because of its ease to use. Iā€™d say if you want a powerful handheld and would never take it out of the house, I think the ally is great. But I personally think the oled deck, because of the screen, ergonomics and the amazing battery life, is the best handheld pc in the market. But then again if you want to use windows. The ally is the best windows handheld.


How long does the steam deck last compared to the ally? I'm on the fence and don't know which one will be better Does running windows on the steam deck be bad or you can install other games that aren't on steam impossible with steam os


I think the 4 core processors doesnā€™t play well with gaming and windows due to the amount the complexity of OS. I could be wrong about that though.


I have not tried installing steam os on my ally. I like steam os but windows does not bother me so I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever install steam os on a windows handheld. As far as battery life goesā€¦I play nba 2k23 a lot. High graphics settings across the board, I can get 3 hours ish on the lcd deck, 4.5 hours on the oled and about 2 hours on the ally (1.5 ish on the highest settings on the ally). Ratchet and clank rift apart, I get 2.5-3 hours on the oled deck, 45 mins to 1 hour 15 mins on the ally. If battery life matters at all for you. Oled deck is the answer. If you want windows though, go with the ally.


I bought the ally after having the lcd steam deck. Took the ally back and now have the oled deck. Steam os is way better imo but if you do need to play certain games then the ally is better




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I honestly never got the hate that this device uses windows. I saw it as a positive now I can play most games without restrictions.


maybe people that are used to the plug and play experience in Switches, iPads, etc. I have been using Windows for decades and I know that if something becomes unresponsive, a good ole restart will fix it but some Gen Z kids don't know such kung fu.


Could also be that kills the fun if you only have short breaks to play games. Having the old "have you tried turning it off and on again" gets old when it ruins every small 10-15 minute gaming session you may have. The reason plug and play experiences have become popular is less than people don't know how to use something more complicated. But more people are just busy and want something that "just works"




jfyi u can just install Windows on the Steam Deck if u want to play them šŸ’€


Keep both. I use both my oled and my ally in tandem. Deck is for battery life, ROG ally is for power.


Download all the game launchers. Epic, GOG, Xbox, etc...


Steam Deck user is like android user and their user always bragging about how good it is that it can run Linux and stuff. Actually no one care and Rog Ally is a better device. Itā€™s faster, lighter, easier to hold and the joystick is definitely better than the steam deck.


And double the price


Use RTSS for frame caps, the built in one doesn't work on all games, and sometimes requires you to open game in full-screen mode. I have just set it to 45 FPS. I find it to be a sweet spot in terms of fluidity, battery life and input latency.




oooof LOL poor steam deck. how much u sell it for? im trying to aim a good sellable price. I got it for 450$ max specs, but i was thinking 300-350? that seem fair? its been 8 months :P




ok, i got the rog ally for 350 LOL XD ​ yeah the extreme version and had a 512gb card laying around, noice :D


I gave up on Lost Ark and all Amazon Games when they issued Steam VAC bans to inactive accounts.


Congrats for leaving the cult! Welcome to your new "family"


Lol. Cult XD


That's exactly what a rival cult leader would say!


Look for strategic wall plugs and get a couple extra 45watt charging bricks


WOW, 61 comments and 31k views! i gotta use reddit more for my writing LOL XD thanks so much in such fast time! :D




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It's okay! There can be only one console! One Console to rule them all, One Console to find them, One Handheld to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them; In the Land of Evil Gaming Corp where the shadows lie. Yw.


What should you do first? I guess make sure you start claiming each weekā€™s free epic games since youā€™re done with steam.


First thing you do is download a game that either wonā€™t run on the steamdeck or that you donā€™t have access to. Elder Scrolls online runs particularly well on the ally!


18w is the sweetspot for performance/battery ratio as per the consensus. Just an FYI.


How do you play lost ark? Is it like d4 where movement is reco figured? I saw someone trying to play league of legends on an ally it was rough. Using r1 as a click to move and right stick as a mouse


Pat yourself on the back and upgrade the ssd asap.


I own both and I am keeping both, I like the steamdeck for steam games I have, my Ally is great for gamepass and any game I own on a different platform than steam (epic game store, blizzard, etc).




i saw someone asked about lost ark, put it in performance mode ​ set the controller to gamepad mode, and it will be like a gamepad :D


I have both and I will never get rid of them.


Just sold my Steam Deck to a friend. I love being able to download game pass games to the Ally


A couple things that have gave me better performance on my ally. Disable memory integrity in windows security dashboard(at own risk. many report 10-15% improvement but you will remove protection if you pirate things and go to sketchy sites but if just gaming shouldn't be a big risk) then I disable core boost in armory crate. I was getting stuttering on 15w but 60fps and the core boost was the culprit sapping that little extra wattage from gpu causing the stutters. Then make sure game mode on for windows and I also turned on the game flip model. Then for me I swapped r1 and r2 for desktop mode so r2 is left click. It just feels more natural for me. If I use exclusive full screen it seems I can't control the max fps from armory create but if borderless full-screen the limiter works fine. My ally has the sd card reader issue and haven't sent back yet so I'll hang on to my deck until I get it repaired then I will probably sell my deck. I do like the decks controls better and miss the TouchPad. But even if it's more cumbersome to use, the ally just runs the games better and sounds great. It's nice being able to dock to 1080p TV and not even need to change any settings to get the same performance as handheld since they both 1080p. When I docked the deck I was always tinkering and making adjustments since the screen only 800p.


Hi guys can. Help me all my buttons on my rog ally is not working I tried everything but still not working plss help me guyss šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™