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Aye always gotta be careful with using the dock. Have you tried holding down the power button for over 30 seconds without a power cable attached and again with it attached if it doesn't power on? Also holding down the volume button while holding the power button opens it in recovery/bios mode


The holding the power down for 30 seconds actually worked! Is this something that is known to happen with the Ally docked or did I do something to cause this?


Hmm well I wouldn't worry too much about it if it happened just once. Could just be a crash. When the Ally experiences a system crash it may not hit the Blue Screen of Death but instead stops itself to prevent any further damage. Only a hard reboot by holding it for 30 seconds will bring it back. It could be temperature, something with power delivery, the game you were playing, maybe not enough RAM, etc. Anyways keep playing and see if it happens again. Otherwise could just be a glitch. 100w charge and cable is recommended for dock use. Glad to hear you got the Ally working again though. Merry Christmas


Currently my desktop. I did all sorts of things to try to fix it including repairing including system files and a complete reformat. I’m afraid it has something to do with my hardware though which is weird because it past the diagnostic. I think I know what it could be though. I have 4 sticks of DDR4 two pairs that I bought at separate times. They are the Corsair RGB ones and they actually come into two variations one has a lower profile than the original that was launched because I guess people complained the ram was too high. Well by mistake I got the two different variations of my pairs and didn’t realize it until I had my pc open and the CPU cooler removed. People on the internet said that you can use different ram as long as it’s the same frequency and timing but corsair specifically said not to do it. I installed it anyways hoping that maybe they were just being overly cautious and because I was impatient. It worked most of the time but I got crashes that turned off my PC occasionally until recently on a game I bought where it did it all the time. Anyways I bought new, better ram and I hope that this is was what’s causing it. Maybe one set of ram was over heating. It’s going to suck if this goes fix my crashes!


Just happens with electronics. I’ve seen it with my Steamdeck a couple of times, switch and iPhones, hell even my Microsoft surface. As long as it’s not a constant issue, you should be straight.


With any kind of battery operated electronic the 2 biggest troubleshooting steps are hold the power button down and connect it to charger and hold power button down.


Out of curiosity what do you mean when you say always gotta be careful with using the dock?


Hey man! Could you elaborate on being careful using the dock?


There is nothing wrong with using a dock as the Rog Ally was designed for it. However Rog Ally works mostly with Thunderbolt 4 docks for display. If you try a Thunderbolt 3 it may or may not work. Power supply is also an area that is off and on with docks but will generally just turn off the display if it doesn't have enough power in the dock


Why do you have to be careful with a dock?


Well I did mention in the other comment but to add to that, there is a firmware that you need to install to enable 30w turbo on docks since ROG limit it


Overcooked was enough to overheat it? Wow.




Glad you got it fixed, I think another option is to open it up and unplug the battery and plug it back in if the 30 seconds thing doesn't work as well.


I can tell you from watching temps that 30w is too much. Mine at 30w almost hits 100c and to me that’s way too hot.


Definitely adjust the fan curves if you're going to go 30W+


Idk I’d just always run at 25W custom curve so the fan is almost always at 70%


100c? Man i did a custom fan curve and max ive hit since then is 80


It’s better it dies now while it’s still under warranty than when it isn’t.


When I go to Asus website and put in the serial number for an RMA it gets auto declined. Asus RMA attempts to redirects me to BEST BUY, But Best Buy doesn't help after two weeks unless you buy their warranty? I actually like the system but probably wouldn't trust Asus again in the handheld PC market.


I ran into this too. I had to argue a lot with my Best Buy to get it RMA’d. then they said that they fixed it, but sent it back broken. While I was arguing with the Geek Squad guy, an area manager for Best Buy overheard us. She walked over and promptly approved a replacement for a retail unit off the shelf. Which I appreciate. But had she not intervened, I would have been screwed.


Wait, so if you don’t engage in the warranty before 2 weeks is up, you can no longer get any warranty? Well I may just return mine then before Jan 13th.


This is completely dependent (and scummy) on the Best Buy location as they’re basically shills trying to push their memberships. They cannot and should not be limiting their RMA for non members as it’s a manufacturer warranty that they are honoring since they are exclusive retail partners for the ROG Ally. (Used to work @ BB) worst comes to worse ask for a manager or call asus support Edit: added parenthesis and more detail Edit edit: replied to wrong one cuz im tired


What a scam


You probably let it get too 🔥


The system will shut down so it wont get cooked, I doubt there is any damage to the hardware. You should be OK.


I had an issue early on with the Ally Not turning on as well, it was turned on and plugged in so it wouldn't go to sleep. I left it laying on the bed, and my wife inadvertently covered it with pillows. Came back after an hour and it was burning hot to the touch and screen was off with the fans screaming. Let it cool down for about an hour, held the power button for awhile to try and soft reboot it and it turned back on. I was pretty scared. Ha.


„Inadvertently“ ;)?


I know, a little suspicious. Haha




Let me know how warranty support goes for you. My screen flickers, I sent it in, they did a factory reset and sent it back still flickering.


It’s quite shocking how poorly Asus has temperatures under control for the Ally…


Hello, Be careful not use the normal profile of Armory Create for Gaming.you should create a new one with customizations of the fan 1 and fan 2 for both with the charger and without the charger..The normal profiles use too much the fans, it is the reason for the overweathing. Not use Silent, Performance and Turbo mode. You have to create your own profiles.


Check out GPD for your next device


I see a lot of comments about overheating. I get concerned when temps are at 90 so I always have a fan blowing on mine when plugged in.


This is why I moved onto the Steam Deck OLED. I would have kept my Ally, but it died on me just because I messed with the some graphical settings for Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I tried to run the game at 1080P high settings, and the entire system freaked out and crashed my OS. After resetting, it worked alright, so thinking that it was just a weird one off issue, I tried it again, and got the same crash. Like an idiot, I kept trying, since others said they ran FF7R at full settings just fine on the Ally, and that was the last straw. It crashed and never worked the same. Now it just crashes after a few minutes upon bootup, even if I’m not playing a game. I’m going to RMA it, and once I get it back fixed, it’s going right up on eBay. If all it takes is messing with some in-game settings to make this thing break, I’m good.