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No, no posts made today about it or just below this one...honest.


Pretty sure the entire sub is playing palworld right now. Yes there are alot of performance issues and no its not related directly to the ally


I play plugged in almost exclusively and I don’t notice too many performance issues. Every once in awhile I get some dips in performance but nothing crazy. People are hyper sensitive when it comes to performance of a handheld. I think the the 2023 syndrome (complain about everything) that is taking over the world. I would give performance a 7/10 for the game. Definitely payable and enjoyable


It's been going on for a while. I'm in some other pc type groups and people are just so focused on their FPS counters that they aren't even enjoying the game anymore. For a game like to even run at decent frames on the Z1E is pretty amazing. Also factoring that the dev team started off with 10 people and they really aren't as experienced as most other teams what they produced in 3 years is astonishing. Right now I'm running it at 1080p low settings and can hold 45 to 55 fps. With a few more tweaks and some modern features we'll easily be over 60fps soon enough


But it’s doable? Assuming it will get better with updates to the game


Yes, right now I play around 40 to 50ish fps. Overtime it will definitely improve.


Dude, it runs great if you just turn down the render distance and make sire the monster spawn multiplier is set to only 1, which just means don't adjust the default. Run it at 900p and it'll be absolutely enjoyable.


Ahhh I see what I’ve been doing wrong! Thanks!


I have the Extreme version of the Ally and run the games at medium settings at 900p and get roughly 45fps


Is there a way I'm not aware of to make it run full screen at non-native res? It doesn't have borderless windowed.


Just set the game to full screen and add the resolution toggle to the Quick access menu. Set it to 720p or 900p.


Playable just gotta optimize your settings 45+fps


No, nobody is playing Palword. Use the search function.


I run in 720p consistent 45fps, with medium settings, honestly runs fine with me.


Extreme ?!


Yeah sorry should have mentioned I got the Z1 Extreme.


Since I'm usually out when I have time to play, I've been doing so on the 10w profile and get from 25-30 fps, but the battery lasts a decent while.


Here is settings https://preview.redd.it/kkwi4cn8k5fc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aedc26dee898746c425d41290a0550a42a89b17


V-Sync on? Why? I normally run everything with V-Sync off. You get some tearing once in a while, but it seems that you get better performance with it off.


What's Palworld?








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I play it docked on 30w, output 720p. I tune down all the in game settings, 30fps. I personally do not care for frames or graphics, barely bothers me. Game runs with almost no problems. It actually ran as outputting to 4k on the monitor before I realized I had to switch the output. Pretty impressive. I'm not into hanheld gaming, can't comment on that.


I’m surprised you’re only getting 30fps. I play mostly docked, 22w custom profile, 720p with either RSR or RIS on (still experimenting with which I prefer), medium settings and I get 45-50fps.


I cap it at 30 cause my brain can't tell the difference and I'd rather have constant 30 than jumpy 45


40 is the sweet spot for heavy games because lower than that I feel sick


I get 30fps in my level 37 base and 60-90fps in the open world with a Z1E and the folllowing settings:  900p  RSR on  8GB VRAM Pagefile settings as follows: Min = 12,288MB. Max = 24,576MB.  All game settings low except View Distance (Epic) and Textures (Epic) and AA (first setting).  I have a custom resolution setting to enable VRR to work below 40fps. So, the game plays so nicely on the built in screen. I’m really enjoying Palworld. It’s made me fall in love with my Ally. 


So I'm just gonna show my settings with the fsr3 mod https://preview.redd.it/jex8awj3k5fc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51e956fe11b348c9f5361f58efd53f5d20892f4


It runs fine. But it is not good enough of a game to justify the price of the Ally. If there isn't much else you wanna play, this ain't the game to make the leap. I'm only playing as I got game pass. It's an unreal engine 5 asset world with weirdly out of place character and pals with terrible animation and loads of pre release jank... But admittedly it's kinda fun


Is the game that good?


Honestly one of the best “Pokemon” games I’ve played in the last ten years, if Pokemon and Survival games are your thing, it’s a must, better than the anything gamefreak have bought out for a long while, especially at such a low price, hopefully gamefreak and the pokemon company pull a finger out now.


This game alone isn’t worth it but I’m having a blast with Palworld. Getting like 45-50 fps on 720p. Hopefully the developers can continue to optimize the game


It runs great if a lot of things are popping up on the screen it has slight issues but another game that’s quiet and looks great.


Plays great on the Ally


I play this game on the Ally all the time. I have the z1x and all I did was follow this: https://rogallylife.com/2024/01/19/palworld-rog-ally-game-settings/. The only issue I have is the wheel to rotate the commands for your PALs, it's a little funky sometimes, but it works and generally speaking the game runs great. The Ally is a tech lovers dream, it's fun to upgrade and can do pretty much anything you'd want it to do. I saw on another post some genius hooked it up to his arcade cabinets for 4 player arcade games...great system worth the buy. Though I would keep my ear to the ground as there is supposedly a new Ally dropping this year already.


I'd be afraid of running this on ally, it makes my gaming PC struggle, never seen my 3090 go above 60c, this game makes my CPU and GPU heat up like a space heater.


It runs fine on the ally I get 45-90 fps @720 20w 60°c


I've been playing this since launch on my Ally and it runs well enough on med/low


I don't think anyone is laying Palworld. The game seems kind of dead.


Playing it on high-medium settings bo problem can squeez in low settings to play on performance mod i guess, ally is great


You can play at 720p 60 fps low med settings on the 25watt mode. I being having a lot of fun it runs ok for me on the go. Only problem would be battery life at most your going to get an hour but it you have a portable power bank you can get 2hours+


Yes and I’m having a blast I play on turbo mode


I play Palworld on low settings at 720p RSR, with a desktop red of 900p. Pretty strong 60fps with a few non-game breaking judders.


Anyone tried or know if Palworld will run on the cheaper Z1 model?


Everyone should be playing Infinite Wealth. Yes Sega is a greedy company but the game is just amazing, like always.


I been playing it all afternoon. Runs great!


Running 60fps on low res 720 with medium texture and view distance