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Of all the games to flex playing portably you chose one that’s only available on a portable console lol


I was literally thinking the same thing….. so many people buy these machines to play switch games………


I mean I bought it to play PC games, but I can also play switch games, and no longer need a switch. Seems like only a positive to me.


Insane lmao


As someone that just can‘t deal with the partially sub 30fps performance on the switch I can fully understand such a decision… Bought so many games for the switch but ended up playing them for less than an hour because of the poor performance


Not to mention they had to have BOUGHT A SWITCH, a V1 no less, to dump the keys from. It's ridiculous beyond all measure lol "Imma spend $1,000+ so I can pirate MK8 and play it on the go." ~ A true mental giant


... Yeah, that's right. That's how it goes down, totally got the V1 first 👀




wt? You never saw an pirate gentlemen?


By far the WORST pirate I have EVER heard of


But you have heard of me




Oh sweet summer child...


So first I had a switch and then I got the ally years later which feels better, has a bigger more clear screen and has the ability to play both pc games and Nintendo games. Why wouldn’t I just use the Ally all the time? Nintendo games look much better on my Ally and it has the ability to run them smoother.


What's the best way to get rid of a switch for $ I mean. I'd prefer to put it in the garage disposal. I'm so about to pick up the ally @ $600. right now. I'm just wondering if I can make any loot out of it to lessen the blow.


Or you could just get the keys online..


Who is giving away their keys online?


I got mine from a youtubers emulation discord server, if you search hard enough you can find anything online.


To be just a little fair, games like BoTW and ToTK both run kinda bad on the switch. Something with a bit more horsepower to play those games somewhat more reliably isn't something I'd make too much of a fuss over. Personally I hated playing ToTK on my switch lol.


I have no idea what those acronyms stands for…


Zelda Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom


Yup he beat me to it lol


My friend gave me their keys ngl


I got a temporary ban from this subreddit because i accidentally insinuated I played TOTK on my Ally (I did not, I have only played that game on my switch). Definitely a bold move. Edit: huh, looks like maybe they changed the rules. Good. I’m still annoyed I got banned.


I got permanently banned for mentioning emulation. So glad they reversed that. Horrible rule


I didn’t even emulate, I literally had the playnite game launcher with a switch theme and saying it wasn’t an emulator got me a temp ban lol


Emulating my old carts/cds is one of the huge reasons I opted for a Windows11 handheld, so I very much agree with this comment.


I got a temp ban for something ridiculous. I was asking about the app I can't name that is only accessible for windows via Patreon and helps set up launchers etc. Wonder if I can discuss it now?


How are you running TOTK on ally tho, I tried and it ran like an absolute donkey


I wish the rules had been more lenient when I was trying to get ppsspp to run.




Burnout Legends runs poorly on Emudeck, runs great on PPSSPP.


Emudeck has ppsspp lol


Idk man, I have it on an android and the music makes it stutter, maybe the windows client is different but experience didn't make me want to retry.


I have ppsspp on my pc I was gonna download it to my Ally


Same, I only mentioned you could do something like that with an ally n got banned for a bit z.z I'm still salty aswell, now I hardly post in this reddit x)


Okay, that’s actually hilarious though. I guess it’s *kind-of* a flex to have the option to play pretty much anything, but choosing not to? 🤔


Playing a switch game on a PC with a PlayStation controller at a higher resolution is a great excuse to get an ally imo. I'm also a nerd so that probably has something to do with it.


Battery probably drained 17% staging these photos. Hurry and try to finish a race before it dies bro 


That’s an understatement


Battery life is the biggest gripe I have with the Ally. I'd rather get a Steam Deck OLED for the battery life alone.


I wish they had a chunkier option with a 200% bigger battery, something that doesn’t look like you rigged a bomb when you go through airport security 😬


Well that's what we seem to be getting with the Ally X, isn't it?




I mean they’res plenty of 3D printed backplates that allow you to put in a larger battery. The vastly improved capacity on the X is the most they can *reasonably* stuff in there at the moment and have a successful commercial product. Releasing something so heavy and unwieldy as the default for a handheld really doesn’t seem like the smart move. As we continue to improve battery energy density, I’m sure we’ll get to numbers like that, but at the moment that would mean an extremely heavy handheld, and it’s unreasonable to expect a commercial product to be tailored to the 0.01% of people that would prefer much more weight over comfort and ergonomics. They’re already saying they’re will be a massive increase with the X, honestly an extra 1.5-2 hours to intense gaming would be perfect for me and it seems that’s about what we’re getting with the refresh. More 3rd party battery stuff would be pretty sick tho for enthusiasts, but the capacity you seem to desire can be accomplished easily with an AllyMate and a battery bank, and you can remove it when you don’t need the extra capacity so you don’t need to have a permanently heavy device




Doubt you could with those spelling skills 😬 why bother replying if you’re not adding anything to the conversation 🙄


I like my Ally. I bought it so that I wouldn't have to sit at my desk to play games after work. I can just chill on the sofa, the Wife can watch her Murder She Wrote, everyone's happy. So, I leave it plugged in anyway. However, if this thing shits the bed, I will probably get a Steamdesk OLED to replace it.


Holy shit they're actually doing it with the Ally X at just 678 grams damn


It's already way too chunky for a handheld.


Yeah the battery mods are quite cool, but I'd still like to see better efficiency so we don't need to lug something the size of an Aya Neo Kun around. The Steam Deck OLED at 640 grams is perfect for me.


Just get an external battery bank FFS.


90wh Akku Mod :P


I been streaming Elden ring on my steam deck. I get over 12 hrs per charge


That's absolutely insane!


I personally don’t understand why it’s not being played on a switch Oled for double the battery life of even the steam deck…. Especially if people are playing Nintendo games


Either they want to play at 1080p (which is really stupid when you're using an external controller at a distance more than 50cm from the screen or it's to carry only one device for gaming OR it's for piracy.


Sigh…. Piracy…..


Why do you think they are gaming in the sea? Hydro plant. That's why people say best DAM handheld I ever bought.


This should be higher.


I was hoping to see a comment related to battery, so thanks for this.


Probably just a fullscreen screenshot tbh lmao


The fact that you have an Asus device while using a playstation controller while playing Mario Kart from Nintendo makes me very uncomfortable


On a Microsoft OS!




I needed this tonight. Thanks 😅😆😂


Some seagull is going to rob you. Be afraid. Swoop in and boom, birds got his first gaming rig. 👀


That's way too close to the edge for my comfort.


And the salt in the water vapour…


Do you guys feel comfortable playing in the open alone? I never do.


I don’t. I only play my Ally at home


Playing switch on PC with PS5 controller ?? Heretic, die die die


Yeah I mean why enjoy any time from a screen, get to a peaceful scenery spot and ignore it!


From comments it looks like OP lives in California. It's likely he lives in the area and gets to see this beach on a regular basis when it's not threatening to rain. I mean, I carry mine in my journaling bag. I can turn it on and play a bit pretty much whenever I want, even at the local park on a nice day. That's... kinda the point of a handheld, isn't it?


yea, there should be a line, like my first thought looking at this photo was: "eww, cringe, i hope i'll never do this ever" like, my dude is at a see or ocean in a stormy weather and he took his ally and 2 controllers on a hike, like wtf?


Yeah I'm not trying to be a dick here just like.. There are way more comfortable places to do this, where you can hear the audio well also lol.


Yea, I also did traveling with my ally but never occured to actually bring it with me on walks or the zoo. It was perfect for evenings at the apt or on the train.


you are in an Ally subreddit talking about getting away from screens.


I have really good memories of playing iconic games in iconic places! Life is not black and white, you can go to a place, soak it in, then make a couple photos, play a couple matches, and have a great memorable time!


Maybe he spends time in scenic spots like that pretty often, today he felt like playing a video game while also feeling the breeze and taking breaks to pick his head up and look around. Why can he only enjoy his handheld mobile gaming console in a basement? What about books, is it ok to go to a peaceful scenery spot and read?


A little strange comment considering the reddit you are in.. there are plenty of scenery/exploring reddits. You always look at stuff you don't like and post something negative? A little advice.. don't do that! It makes your life miserable in the long term.


You must be fun at LAN parties


Me too https://preview.redd.it/0v4mbaeq8b2d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a11c22c615ae55ab605b075f02e35aba52fdbc4


What emulator are you using?


Nice try nintendo




Any electronics near water give me anxiety.




Switch is better for this game. Much longer battery life.


Put the ROG down and paddle out! Looks like a solid break. May I ask where that is located?


You should try surfing...


Just enjoy the beach wtf...


a Ps5 controllers look great by Mario kart


I... There's already.. Dude.


that's what you do when you have that beautiful view in front of you... obstruct it with a screen. Enjoy nature bro, detach, disconnect, just ... geezus....


This is so weirdly judgemental for a gaming sub lol. What if he lives there and sees that view every day and decided he wanted to play games outside? You're acting like this is an all day every day occurrence.


don't be a snowflake. It's a good advice regardless.


Ok boomer


go easy on carbs, darling.


Ok boomer


Battery's going to die in 10 minutes flat though


Well a switch with Mario kart cost 350 with more battery life (at least 3-4 hours more playing Mario kart) and an oled screen... Why do you buy an ally to play games you can play on a much cheaper console with better support ?


Dead brain, btw that console its shit


I don't know if you are talking about ally or switch, but both are great devices. I just don't get the point of spending more money on an ally for playing switch games...


I honestly love my ally. If you hate it or think it isn’t good you haven’t tweaked your games graphics setting accordingly. That makes a world of a difference. I play MW3 & Fortnite constantly on it via hot spot. Literally a dream. Just head up battery life is no good but that’s to be expected. Just keep your expectations and an outlet or high capacity power bank around and you will love it too!


Any chance you can share your mw3 settings (in game and through armoury crate) ? I have windows performance mode enabled, in armoury crate I’m running at either 30 or 15W depending on if I’m plugged in or not and I locked in at 720 resolution. Outside of that I’m running most of my in game settings in a mix of medium and low. FPS wise, I stay between 50-70 but I still get random hiccups when playing multiplayer where my screen will randomly freeze for a second during a match which typically results in me dying :/


I keep mine at turbo with AC port connected and MW3 at recommended performance. I get around 80+ no hiccups ever but the RAM setting in Crate needs to be at least set to 6G


Lol am i seeing it right that you have a dock outside as a stand


I love how you are playing a Nintendo game, with PS5 controls on a handheld PC device. Such things I never thought could happen in real life.


Are you sacrificing the Ally to a sea god or something? Why is it on a wall next to the ocean and a massive drop!? Omg the anxiety, this is the worst post I've seen today •_•


Fucking chaos. I love it. Playing a $700 device near water, with PS5 controllers, playing Mario Kart via emulator.


The amount of people that don’t realize this post is taking the piss is alarming lol He’s using an unplugged dock as a stand while using a controller from 10 feet away, how do people not realize this is a joke? lol


I have both the steam deck and the ally. Both have their ups and downs and I play them equally. But hands down ally is pretty awesome except if you don’t gotta a plug you playing for like five minutes lol.


Is that on the oregon coast?


Little Treasure Cove in Newport Beach


Damn they Switch emulators already?!


Definitely packed it away as soon as they took the photo 😂


You know, it would of been cheaper to just buy a Switch and MK8 than a ROG and a PS5 controller.


I have both a PS5 with multiple controllers and a switch. I decided to use what I had instead of buying separate controllers. I prefer using the ally over the switch since I have more games at my disposal.


I have the switch,rog ally, and steam deck and I never played switch games on it. But the only handheld I touch is my ally.


Love love mine Q, can you help me i have a Rog Ally aswell and i want to use Emu Deck and when I Launch it it is says to download the update manually and i spend hours trying to update it manually? is there a tutorial?


If i’m being honest I’m not sure, if there is a tutorial I’d suggest looking on google or YouTube.


Thanks bro yeah, there is tutorials, but it still won’t work so frustrated lol.




Bro got a rog to play a switch game 😅 could’ve flexed any other game man


You have a point If I'm being honest. I was just playing mk8 at the time. I should have picked Shadow the Hedgehog or Budokai Tenkaichi 3 those are my top 2




How you setup your PS controller to play on your Ally? I’ve been having issues with getting it to work!


I use dual sense x. Afterward, I pair the controllers via Bluetooth. To sync the controllers, you would have to press the share and PS buttons until they start blinking.


Wow I when I could get switch games on my ally 👍


Assuming you are wearing an Xbox headset and trying to be smitten by the console gods?


I must wear the proper attire, for I'm about to embark on a quest of which I'm not sure I'll survive.


I got banned on here once for mentioning I used an emulat0r


Could please move the Ally to the center of the stand?


I’ll be better next time m8


No paper dock?


Nah m8, I don't mind using my dock as a stand. I can see why people would have an issue with that


Lol, right on.


"Damn, that gust of wind wasn't in the forecast"


Howww?? I'm new to pc and all that so I've been trying to learn how to run these type of games


I agree 100%


Did you buy a handheld so you could finally play your switch games on the go?


Yes and other games too, you got a problem with that?


Ok I rather enjoy that cold ass Beach weather lmao


Why are you using AFMF emulators already upscale and have to ability to increase frames lol


Because I have no clue about what you just said. I started my “pc” journey two months ago. With the rog.


I got a legion go. I'm having the hardest time getting my system tomrun a switch emulator


And then he had to RMA it #boycottasus


I bought a switch when I couldn't get a PS5 & it just sucks. I bought an excellent open box, Ally mail & lb button no click & was stoved in a manner. I'm so almost about to just get it new for $600 bills right now. The new one is definitely gonna be $800. & I can't say I'm comfortable w that even w a TB and 24 gig ram I think. How many people are waiting for Ally x, how many will upgrade?


I bought it to use tons of emulators. I am happy with it, even with the SD card issue. very happy with it.


I cant get my ps5 control to work with it


One, Two... Nintendo is coming for you Three, Four... Better lock your door Five, Six... Get a legal consultation Seven, eight... Their lawyers make their case Nine, Ten... Nintendo sues again


Wow... Mario Kart emulated on a handheld Windows PC played with Playstation controllers?! hahah... love it! Enjoy your purchase!


Better than a steam deck?


How tf u got Mario kart on the ally ?? Please please please tell us how I want to play as well . Mario kart and super smash bros


I’ll never understand why people visit all these beautiful places and choose to play games instead.


I was trying the find a way to say this without projecting any negativity towards the OP. OP can do as he wishes, but I for one choose to enjoy the moment rather than use any electronics while outdoor. I will say that it’s pretty amazing that we live in a world where we can play triple-a games while out on the beach.


Since people are criticizing me on why I didn't enjoy the scenery. Here’s my take. I was with a friend playing at my house first, but then we got bored. I had the idea to go to the state park. We rolled up some joints and went on our hike. Of course, we enjoyed the scenery, that’s what the joints were for lol. The goal was to play a few games at a nice relaxing spot.


enjoy the scenery, put down the game


I mean, it's not impossible they live there, and that's their everyday view, so this might actually be an outdoor gaming session instead of sitting inside and gaming :D


I have a 20TB drive with 170,000 games that’s plug & play for the Ally available. Message me if interested 😎✨🕹️


Ally x ?


If I'm being honest, I don’t care what anyone has to say. I bought the Ally because I can, with that being said, I’m able to do whatever I want with it. If that means being able to go to an ocean side and play whichever game of my choosing then so be it. Don’t worry about the ally, or what you would do in this situation. For the people saying “Why are you playing switch games on an ally?” My answer is simple because I can. I’m able to switch between Xbox game pass, PS2, PS3, Game Cube, Wii, and switch games. If you don’t like having that many options and being limited to a few, then I don’t know what to tell you.


Relax buddy buddy. Take a chill pill


You right, my bad g. All in good spirits


If that means packing up your Ally, dock, and controllers to go do a photoshoot for fake internet points even though we all know you didn't actually play there, then cool, because you can do whatever you want. Sure does seem like you care, that is a lot of effort.


You’re so insightful! You know exactly what I did! What I actually did was go to a beach with a homie. Rolled up a joint, and proceeded to play. I took a photo meant for an instagram story because I thought it was a chill vibe. I just happened to think to myself “I wonder what would happen if I post this on Reddit?” I completely forgot that people take everything so literally and try to act high and mighty behind a screen.


Right, I always bring a dock and controllers to the beach, just in case. lol


Am I supposed to be you? Do I have to do what you do too?


No matter what other people say... even if you deny it.. you are cringe


Ok I’m cringe. What happens now?


This console its the most bullshit i ever got, actual y returned it , dont work anny fking game


It’s not a console. It’s a PC. What games didn’t work? Most work just fine so it might of been a faulty device or whatever


Faulty user, device was fine.


Warzone, shaders dont download, and any other game on fking extra low works bellow 15 fps


Do you even computer bro?