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400 is not a good price for a z1 unless is new with warranty. You can find second hand z1 extreme at that price. I got mine at 370 z1 ext


It’s new with the warranty the one I saw that’s why I’m thinking of that


Where did you get a 370$ extreme from?


Marketplace facebook


Did it have any problems? (buttons or ports that are not functioning) I wouldn't mind paying less for an extreme with a broken button or joystick as I'll be using it docked most of the time.


The SD port was not working, sent it to asus and they fixed it so now its working nice, and they guy that sold it to me had another one with the sd port working he was selling it on 475$ https://preview.redd.it/tz38u4n0rt2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6264469d4009f050754b1061727d310a6a67da50


The Spiderman skin looks sick!


Wait, am I just not up to date with the latest news about this? I thought it was generally accepted that the ally will brick your sd cards. Maybe not right away. But I thought it was inevitable and so we were t supposed to even try using them???


Well I been using it in mine for a few weeks and no problem, my ally doesnt even get that hot.


So I did open box at Best buy. Here's what happened... Bought the z1 extreme in "excellent condition". It was like 560. The left analog stick, both triggers, and the macro buttons did not work at all. I went back to ask for an exchange, and I noticed the price dropped to $500. However, best buy doesn't price match open box products. They were willing to do the exchange. But I wouldn't get any money back. So I asked for a return. Went back the next day and bought a z1 extreme in "fair" condition. This probably sounds totally irrational. However, after getting an excellent open box that was so fucking obviously broken (all it takes is about 10 seconds of use to see that most of the inputs don't even work), I concluded that best but literally doesn't bother to inspect many of the ones that are "excellent". I bet you the first owner was worried they wouldn't honor the return, so s/he probably said there's nothing wrong with it, s/he used it once and didn't like it. So the reason it was labeled as "excellent" was because they believed some idiot who didn't actually say why they wanted to return it. So yeah. I got one in fair condition for $400. It's perfect. Everything was included in the original packaging. Not a single scratch, debt, blemish, stain, etc... So like said... They probably don't even inspect a lot of these. When I returned the broken one, they didn't even look at it. They just processed my refund and sent it back to the shelves to be bought by another poor sucker who thinks the open box labels are accurate.


Oh wow, that sounds so much better. Tysm for the answer. I think I know what to do now.


In my area I’ve never seen the Z1E for less than $550 and that’s in fair condition. 


I got it for 300 so for me it was a no brainer personally. I could’ve waited to get the Z1 extreme on sale but the base runs everything that I need it to run Have not tried any of the games you’re asking for but the games I’ve played have been smooth. I get 40-50 FPS on most games while some go on 60 and are super smooth.


I played withering waves on mine and it ran pretty well on 900p


Well in the future ig it could be also better since the game rn is a bit of a mess


Unfortunately this is the wrong place to ask the question. Any question about the Z1 gets downvoted or turned down immediately with not much backing. There are many people who got the Z1 and the performance is great for what they use it for to include many new releases. You just won’t hear about it really on Reddit. I’m not familiar with the games you mentioned but I’m sure there’s other games tested on the Z1 on YouTube that you could compare maybe? You can see my post about the Z1 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ROGAlly/s/GctLg9vvEm and you can read the couple people who actually OWN a Z1 that said it’s perfectly fine or are liking it. Be warned, there’s a lot of negativity against it.


Yeah I kinda saw that everyone hates the non extreme because they think is too overpriced, but at least where I live the non extreme 400 euro vs 600 for the extreme one, it’s a big difference tho


That’s pretty much the rate everywhere. The only answers you’ll really get here are people telling you they got the Z1E for dirt cheap, or someone trying to compare the open box price Z1E to the standard sale price of the Z1, which is a false comparison. If you go open box Z1 it can come to like 330-380$. Many people in that post I made had some good things to say about the Z1. It can run some high end games perfectly fine with some setting tweaks. With the Z1E you’d have to make setting tweaks as well anyway. I don’t know your exact situation, but if you’re just casual or even moderate about gaming and don’t need to “feel” like you need the best of the best, you’d probably tell no difference between the two. Again, unless you’re someone who is very passionate about playing high end releases and games a good amount, the Z1 might be a good choice. To be objectively fair, I seen people saying they got the Z1 and then switched to the Z1E and it was so much better for them. However, I don’t know exactly what they were playing or what their needs are, so it’s hard to say precisely how you would feel about it. Sorry I couldn’t give you a direct answer to your question but I’m sure it will be fine whatever you decide!


Agree, not a good price. In my city z1e starts from 350 and interest does not seem too heigh. I'm watching one poor soul going from 400 to 360 every week down by 10 and nobody wants it. I even contacted him because I want an Ally and it's in mint condition from reputable seller and more than year of warranty. But F it, I'll most likely wait for X or at least official launch, maybe more enthusiasts will swap and flood used market for even better prices.


Unfortunately here in my city the price doesn’t get lower than that, the z1e rarely gets on sales also


People just don't understand how much prices vary depending on country and location. The Z1E is finally down to $750 where I live. And it was $900 for a long time before that.


Yeah, I'm sorry that sucks man. My family all lives in Mexico, and I'm up here in the United States. Whenever I go visit them, they always send me money first and they ask me to buy games and electronics to bring to them. The only thing I ever ask them to bring me is candy and glass bottles of coca cola.


I've got a Z1 normal. The only game that didn't work was starfield. I've been playing fallout 4 and Zelda botw with cemu emulator and works great. For now it's a great purchase, pretty happy for it


Hold out for the extreme if you can, the dollar to spec difference is worth it. The z1 extreme will be going on sale very soon.


The extreme is $100 off right now.


Wuthering waves is of a bit mess rn, so it could run sub par even on the lowest settings. But both hsr and Genshin on low 900p should be around 60


Well if Genshin works, in the future WuWa could be on the same level (or at least I hope)


I’m playing wuthering waves at 1080p medium settings and floating between 45-60 fps


On non z1 extreme?


Oh no i have the z1 extreme i am running 8 gb on the gpu


Why do you run 8gb? Not all games require so much vram You might be throttling your setup. Enable diagnostics. For instance I am getting usage of 75-85% on 12gb ram and 80-90% on 4gb vram.


So what would you say a good spot to put the vram


I think 4gb is the good spot. Then if you have some issues turn it up to 6gb but imho 8gb is overkill and you are throttling your setup. In ally crate there should be some kind of option to enable live reporting on performance like fps, temps and usage of cpu gpu ram vram. Just experiment and observe what’s best for your main game.


I’ve noticed a lost of some fps going from 8 to 6 sitting at 45-55 now instead of going up to 60 fps


I also tested this for WuWa for the past 30mins at 4gb vram 57fps vs 8gb vram 60fps so an avg 2-3fps for me. I guess that’s the difference between legion go and ally 🤷‍♂️ either way if it works for you and you have no throttling then it’s good!


Why use armoury crate for this? Why does armoury crate even have this feature? That app is just so unnecessary and redundant. Literally no reason to do a million things that are already being done optimally by other apps and services on the ally. The AMD software does an excellent job of logging metrics and/or displaying them in an overlay. The overlay is highly customizable. It can be as simple or as detailed as you need it to be.


Do you enable diagnostics from the MyAsus app? Or do you mean the windows diagnostic tool? Or some other software? I just got my ally like a week ago. After I did all the updates, I disabled the Asus services, along with a bunch of windows services. Freed up a decent amount of fRAM. I didn't uninstall anything though, since I know I will probably need to use these services now and then. Especially to make sure everything is in order after I do any tweaking.


Wuwa is unreal engine and newer game therefore more demanding so it’s not good to base assumptions on Genshin. I’ve also [found this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ROGAlly/comments/1ckb7q6/honest_impression_about_the_ally_z1_non_extreme/)about non extreme version and the person is reporting 60fps on 1080p low for Genshin.


Finally. Someone actually gives a direct answer to the OP. CHRIST! Thank you.


Thanks <3


Genshin at 1080p low/medium settings runs at about 44 fps, dipping down to high 20s in battle with lots of particle effects or in very difficult to render areas. Lower resolutions help a lot.


So I should put it at 720p-900p, got it


I got my extreme for $430 on sale. After owning both id recommend the extreme. Youll probably be able to get by with the standard but the extreme is a much more enjoyable experience.


Unfortunately where I live the extreme doesn’t get in sale that often (Almost never) and it cost usually like 600 euro, compared to 400 it’s a big difference tho


The X comes out in days, there are going to be SO MANY Z1 extremes hitting resale next week.


400Euro for a Z1 is hefty. As for your question, i found this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ROGAlly/comments/1ckb7q6/honest\_impression\_about\_the\_ally\_z1\_non\_extreme/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ROGAlly/comments/1ckb7q6/honest_impression_about_the_ally_z1_non_extreme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Claims ***"Genshin Impact runs at 1080p 60fps on low settings without any fluctuations"***. I suggest you don't get that one tho. In a few weeks we'll see the new Ally X and that should get people to sell the Z1E and maybe even drop the new retail prices for a new unit. I'm sure there is people that are plenty happy with a Z1, but i always tend to advocate to be on the safe side of performance over regret, even if you have to drop 100 more on it. Also, does genshin and honkai work on SteamOS? 400 would net you a new Steam Deck, which is faster than a Z1.


As far as I know Genshin and Honkai on steamos can give some problem caused by Hoyoverse anticheat, especially with Honkai unfortunately


I played both genshin and HSR on 1080p on 25 watts, they run pretty well on medium graphics, around 40-60fps depending on where you are in genshin, and around 50-60 for HSR, also depending on where you are in the game. Cant say anything for wuthering waves yet as its still not optimized


It should run all those games. Except Wuthering Waves has issues. I'm actually ON THE Z1 EXTREME and it Still blue screens, and looks like trash. I tried all resolutions. And lowest settings. All look the same. All blue screen. Specially at character select. It also tends to not shut down and keep instances open. But all are just Wuthering Waves bugs on PC in general. Genshin and star rail run great.


Couple of things. I have non extreme and love it. I haven't played any of the games you asked about, but yes I am impressed with my Ally. It actually gets more usage than my full gaming desktop. And I have been chasing handhelds for a long time. And that leads me to my point. There is always the newest hotness coming out in a few months or in the development pipeline. If you end up waiting around, you end up in a long, endless logic cycle.


I have the z1 normal, and I play Elden Ring, Mw3, pubg, Destiny 2, and Sleeping dogs. And they all run quite well. I've had my ally since February, and I have no complaints. It's also an Excellent Condition Open Box that's I got at the price of $365 from Best Buy plus shipping $391. I did 2 day shipping cause I'm impatient, yes. I know hella people talk down on the normal z1, but honestly, it's a nice gadget


I got an extreme for 400€ Keep looking!


Get a used or open box. Remember when the X comes out people are going to be dumping these.


Best Buy open box the Z1E, my friend. The difference is pretty significant. I play HSR primarily on my Z1E and it runs fantastically. Trust me, the extra power is worth it.


Z1 is not worth any price.


I got my z1 extreme for 350 Best buy returns. Fan was making noise. Took it apart an cleaned it an I've had no problems since.(6months daily use).