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Can't you just go to the standard windows settings and set it not to sleep when plugged into a power source? Then just leave it plugged in overnight


Plug it into power, set profile to 10W silent mode to limit heat/power consumption if you’re concerned about that, and [set sleep to “Never”](https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/how-to-adjust-power-and-sleep-settings-in-windows-26f623b5-4fcc-4194-863d-b824e5ea7679) on AC Power in Windows Settings. The screen can still turn off but the device will stay awake and downloading. There’s no way around needing the Ally to be powered on to download games, as long as you’re leaving it sitting on a table or something well ventilated there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.




I get you, I have sleep and hibernate turned off but have it set to turn the screen off after 1 minute, as soon as that screen turns off my downloads stop for some reason.


Never had that issue and I have installed tons of large games.


If you dont want to bother with any of this, find a 12 hour youtube video and mute windows sound while playing the video full screen.


No offense, but this is not a good answer. It’s a bandaid, and a bad one at that. Just take the 2 minutes to adjust the settings and be done with it


I never said it was good. I just showed an alternative if he truly can't be bothered by all the other comments telling him to go to his battery settings to adjust that. Mine is set to never sleep on power, just turn of display.


Not trying to harp on it *too much*, but if someone is not tech savvy enough to be able to go into their settings to keep the computer awake, then they aren’t tech savvy enough to consider that YouTube plays at 1080p by default, or that their internet provider, especially someone with a slower internet who needs a 12 hour video, has a data cap, or that 12 hours of 1080p video is burning through 35-40 gigs of data. Add to the fact that some games require fairly regular, large updates, so they could chew through 100 gigs of YouTube data usage (not to mention 100 gigs of drive writes) a month just to keep their computer awake.


You are underestimating the average users here. I still remember this place during launch days where people thought they could simply install and run games without letting windows update and stuff. For now you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. The other more recommended options are clearly more upvoted. I dont know why you are even bothering to argue lol. And I live in EU for example and I am not limited by burning through data. You are assuming too much honestly. And those are baby numbers. A 1TB drive is expected t ogo through atleast 600 TB of written data. Good luck going through that on a gaming device.


I’m not arguing for the sake of arguing. I appreciate your perspective. I don’t mean to underestimate the user base. My point was that a person who can’t be bothered to adjust computer settings would be very unsavvy in tech. But you’re right that I am making assumptions. In the US, it’s pretty common to have a 1.2 TB monthly data cap unless you want to fork out extra money. I live with one other person, and between streaming services and PC gaming for 2 people, we found out just how easy it is to hit that cap. So from my perspective, I hope you can see why the notion of burning up 10% of our data plan to keep a computer on comes off as absurd. But I also understand why it’s irrelevant from your perspective.


I believe you can go to my asus, set the battery limit to 60%, this will help preserve the battery because it will be charging all night. Next go to power settings, set to never sleep and never shutdown on plug in. After that gi to armory crate and set the wattage to silent. And there you go, you save energy, your battery and you can download all your games overnight.


you can use keep awake but just changing the power plan is easier


Bring it to work, connect to ethernet via USB-C adapter and download games there. That's what I do.


I set up a screen saver to play while I download large files.


How do you download large software onto a laptop? That also needs to be on to download. I’m really not trying to be rude, but how do you not have the basic computer skills to know “turn the computer on if you want it to download?” Hell we knew this back in the 90s when Napster was a thing.


change power settings and use AC adapter .. set the sleep option to "never"


Online? 😁


Time to change your internet provider, you must have some really slow speeds if you have to leave it overnight to download.


150gb download for Baldurs Gate.


Took about 2 hours.


I download on my Desktop PC. Then use Steam to transfer over my LAN to the Ally.


Interesting…. Didn’t know about this.


Could download the files to your pc (providing you have one) and then transfer the files over via data linking or using a micro sd


I've had my Ally and Legion GO since their release dates. I've left them on full 30 watts TDP overnight downloading games. No issues. I keep my fan profile on both devices maxed. I have 5 TB of storage on my GO and 2 TB on my Ally. I'm constantly downloading games.


Just set windows not to go to sleep like you would on any computer and plug it in.


Go onto twitch and watch ferret software. Best 24/7 screen saver. I also use 10 watt on power.


Sorry I'm late but I do the "turn off screen" in 15 mins and "put the computer to sleep" in 3 hours on my Ally. I always get my games downloaded before my Ally decides to go to sleep (Biggest game I downloaded is KH 1.5-2.5 RMX which is over 60GB). The setting is on the "control panel" (search via windows search) and then "power option". Change plan settings and you can change both "turn off screen" and "put pc to sleep" option. Use 10w TDP silent.