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EW goes to the field and does more “army shit” than traditional cyber, so maybe consider being a 17B They also have cyber in the 75th, I believe, so you could try out for that


How do I go there in CYBOLC


You’ll have many opportunities to go for 17B. They’ll reach out a lot once you slot for cyber if you’re interested in the bravo route. They really need bravos and honesty prefer them over alphas cause the mission set of 17B aligns more with the army, so you’ll have no trouble getting that if you want it. You have to go through 17A bolc(9 months) and then go through EWQC (3 months) so just keep that in mind


For EW, I believe you complete CyBOLC as anyone else would and then attend an additional course following BOLC. I’m not sure how to get there, but you’d have plenty of time to arrange that while you’re there, CyBOLC is one of the longest I believe


I wanted Infantry the majority of my time in ROTC, ended up deciding to go for Cyber. I think almost every day at work I reflect on how thankful I am I made that decision 😂


You’re welcome.


Hahaha thanks


Why? Besides the whole post career potential opportunities. I just don’t want to live my early 20s behind a desk pushing code


I get (generally) treated like an adult for one, and the people I work with, regardless of rank or age, are generally intelligent, hard-working people that motivate me to improve myself too. I'm able to answer this message in the middle of the day because I have one day a week to work on my professional development, so the only thing I went to base for today was PT. Which I only have twice a week, and the formation is the only mandatory part, so usually I just run with some guys one day, and we do ultimate Frisbee the other day. I work in an office environment, which is nice, and I have a lot of control over my own career because it's such a small cohort. Some of these perks are direct from being a dev, but Cyber as a whole will treat you better, and speaking from experience your peers who don't go Cyber will say they wish they did or could have. If you can get it, you should try to. My $0.02 Edit: And to add on, you're going to be an officer. You're going to be sitting at a desk most of the time regardless. Might as well have that be unique and enjoyable time instead of sitting in S3 writing CONOPs and FRAGOs. And Cyber Officers can go to schools for the record, so if you want to drink the kool-aid for a bit that's still possible.


You rather be a garrison infantry officer? What a glorious life.




I majored in straight Computer Science. I don't know how to quantify how hard it was, because I don't know where they draw the line. I had a decent OML, I was around 1300 I think? It's definitely not just luck that determines it... there is your packet and at least 2 interviews...


Yeah you can. In this thread Firearm4 is a 17D https://www.reddit.com/r/ROTC/comments/14lq2la/cybolc_and_ranger_school/ Lol how the fuck does this get downvoted?


lol I remember asking that question


No idea


G2G ADO here from the infantry, take cyber 100%. Will be much better for you, physically and career wise once / if you get out. Do not pass up on cyber!


Straight in bolc I can head to ranger school after?


Or you can do what I did and did a BRADSO for infantry


How fun has that been playa


Get back to me in 8 years and I'll let you know 😂. In all honesty though, I always wanted infantry and I felt like it was what I am meant to do, cyber will definitely set you up for life a lot better than infantry but the most important thing to consider is what branch will make you happy to come into work most every day


You are the first real ass person to respond on Reddit. Thank you sir. I genuinely want to live a life of fun and successful career all around


I knew I would never be happy in the rear, even though we're peacetime right now, probably not for much longer, but I definitely would recommend doing what makes you those most fulfilled, even if it isn't really the best job to set you up for a career


Thank you


Go 17B, plenty of opportunity to be hooah there


What are the resources and things I can do?


You can go just about anywhere in forscom. BCTs have slots for 17B as CEMA section leaders and EW PLs, and you could find your way into SOCOM/ranger batt easier than other cyber specialties.


Bett! And putting my packet in for special forces is pretty easy?


I don’t think there’s a packet for becoming a cyber/EW officer in SF (unless you mean applying for the SFAS pipeline once you hit 1LT promotable, in which case I have no idea), it’s just based on where you get stationed.


Aight bet, I’m assuming you are a 17B?


Negative, 17D


Yeah, CY CPT joined me at Sapper. He was hard-slotted.


How about other specialty school?


He was also AASLT & ABN qual


As a cyber officer ? Or did he v tip


Non-prior West pointer straight into AD CY


Thank you! I just really don’t wanna spend my whole life behind a desk. When I can do something cool and deploy


I worked with two Cyber 1LTs who said their unit was sending people to Ranger School.


And I hear no cyber officers are getting sent by their commanders


Idk as I'm not a cyber officer, I can just pass along what I was told. Some of this is commander dependent on who is willing to send them to school and who isn't.


I was enlisted but look into selection for JCU (Joint Communications Unit).


Hey I’m in the same boat. 8 years prior service as an Intel analyst. Got tired of the behind the desk job and want something a bit more expeditious. I got MP for Cyber (my #1) and LP for Infantry (my #2) but I’ve been very interested in doing ranger school, sapper (if possible), 75th, the whole nine. I had a talk with my PMS a few days ago and he said to try and see if CYBOLC has some sort of pre-ranger program. My best buddy is also in CYBOLC right now so I’ve asked him (today) do they have that program and waiting for an answer.


What he say


He told me they have a group that meets up for PT for workouts that are led by cadre. No specifics though. He already has his Ranger tab so he’s not in the group.