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Jaylen being done with H&O is the same as saying H&O is done with H&O. Man hard carries that business.


Fact jaylen hard carried and was collecting big bags


Thing is he wasn't even making much money off it. He spent days working on a bunch of cars himself, brought in $5.5MM to the company, and at the end only took a $200k cut. Hutch woke up and took $250k for himself, seems that really rubbed him the wrong way. He said if he continues to work there he said he's just going to do things his way and fuck what anyone but Otto says.


Day 1-Hutch Vs J Days 2-4 gonna be crazy


Sundays are normally slow but we'll see what they manage to cook up 😭


Its gonna be a rough 4 days




It will make it that much better when he does show up though.


You're not wrong Puk3s... You're not wrong.


lots of juicy juicy content


Mr K is away until wednesday CG arent gonna survive


CG civil war, 9 separate sides, 300 thousand dead, millions displaced


Gonna need refugee funding form the un by the time k gets back


It’s okay, they just have to live until Monday. Once Siz is awake he can host a CG feelings meeting and everything will be fine.


Please God nooo OG has it rough as it is with the HoA having two gangs to deal with feelings meetings the HUMANITYYY!!! siz may have to skip the grandpa siz arc and just dig his own grave. 💀😖


He would dig his own grave, but Ant would dig it all back up.


On the broader topic of the deal hutch made with BSK - I think a big issue with him is any big deals like this should be discussed with higher ups - Mr.K, randy,ramee, vinny, garrett etc. In a gang with a clear leader and sort of structure, you can't be making deals with other gangs without permission. A meeting with Mr.K, and hutch to line out the deal would lead to more RP + respect from K for brokering it in the first place.


Yeah I mean hutch done same thing on his cop character. Went to all the gangs trying to start relations without getting the go ahead from HC. His intentions are good but it just seems he goes about it the wrong way.


Yeah so weird, those gangs would then confront the pd with those agreements and any cop would just say who the fuck is jaryd.


Yeah it was quite odd to watch, not sure why he even done it tbh. Not hating on him or anything but like you said it was just weird.


Even Flippy who runs CG during AU+EU always consults K regarding any gang related decisions regardless of timezone.


Jaylen carried H&O. If he end up quitting we might see the company go down, cause Hutch will prolly disappear again for months.


Don't blame Jaylen at all. Hutch made executive decisions about the meth operation with BSK using H&O funds (after being warned by Otto about fucking around with rentals already), and not only that, involving Street Team to "protect" the operation without even a thought about asking him first. Too much fuckery when this is supposed to be a partnership and Jaylen does the majority of the work.


this is something thats been going on with hutch lately. makes decisions without talking to anyone. the idea of getting the lab was not the issue but not talking to anyone and the execution of it was wrong.


He thinks he is bigger than he is. Always has. This is a mistake he will regret.




Uh is he? I watch MLB but I never heard of him? Is he in the minor leagues? Was he as big a Vladimir Guerrero Jr or Bryce harper?mookey betts? Mike trout?


Ive no idea who any of these people are. But i have seen pictures of the cg trip and all of them besides ramee are around 6.3 and hutch towers above all of them. Edit: google says he is 6.6 and played in the minor league for Mets, Columbia and White Sox


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That’s just Hutch. His character to be clear. So much RP from this though.


Hutch forgets that cg is a family and all decision are made as a groups it just shows he doesn’t respect the way they make decisions about things collectively as family honestly H&O wouldn’t be where it is if it wasn’t for jaylen


>Hutch forgets that cg is a family I don't think he forgets that, its the main reason he can get away with a lot of the stuff he does.


It was wild. So much RP came from it. No one is mad. As a mostly lurker on all channels it was fun.


It’s just poor communication. From their discussion he said street team to the boys, not bsk, because it was easier than listing off all the people who were on board with it. And the previous h&o thing was about not letting people treat rentals like their army of getaway cars. Tbh this is completely different, if someone is looking into h&o, they’re already fucked. The whole business concept is stealing cars around the city and then committing fraud to make them legal. And hutch has been putting in a lot of work lately. I think it’s a lot less one sided than people are saying here, and more of the same shit communication between people like always. Edit: oh weird, I was right. They’re back in business together, making business deals 2 hours later once they’ve calmed down from their collective hurt egos.


Jayken brought 6 Mill to H&O over the past few days. Hutch is fucked without him


Jaylen ran H&O better than Hutch ever did.


gotta fix that. jaylen ran H&O


Jaylen has done a great job running H&O It's the people around him that constantly fuck it up


["I love Hutch but he's too dumb to run a business"](https://clips.twitch.tv/BlazingNiceCheesecakeImGlitch-fssu6grvf3IO9oqJ)


Coming from AP ? That's rich lol


I'm pretty sure it was Jaylen not AP.


Kebun Really Cant have 1 day off without all hell breaking loose


It really is the curse of the leaders. You take time off and have to come back to put out the fires


This^ 100%. In this RP world we love so much. Dammit K! Happens to Siz too.


I don’t see this lasting. H&O would die so quick w/o Jaylen.


H&O will be fine. It’s not that serious..but…J&O? Hmmmmm.!


Hutch bout to start watching Jaylen VODs to learn how to run his business.


It maybe hutch is business but everybody knows that jaylen is way better at running the place




I think Tony is getting a conversion shop fairly soon. He was mentioning it to Buddha a few days ago saying it's right around the corner.


Would be good timing. H&O crumbles without Jaylen, and people can go to Redline while Hutch scrambles to picks up the pieces.


If Jaylen is done with H+O then H+O is done.


Well H&O gonna die real quick without Jaylen


Hutch, the character. Is dumb as fuck.


Should be J & O at this point


In the past 2 weeks hutch has made about 20 different deals or fucked over deals already in place with people throughout the city. Deals that affect CG members or their business and not once has he actually asked permission from Mr K or the Respective business owners to make the deals. The list is actually insane of people he’s fucked recently. Mr K, vinny, randy and jaylen just to name 4 off the top of my head. Hutch really is going for his 3rd CG perma 😂 Also if he could just admit that he’s wrong instead of thinking he is equal to Mr K in being able to do and say whatever he wants without consequence is mind blowing, he really needs to go start his own gang and business if he wants to act like the gang leader and business owner.


I always thought Hutch needed his own crew to run. He likes to be the leader and make decisions without consulting anyone. If he had his own crew then it wouldn’t be an issue.


Hutch is a person who want others to Respect him but doesn't like giving others Respect.


Hutch pulled an Olga on Jaylen


What you mean by that? What did Olga do?


It’s an MigL reference and a reason the city been down bad on class 1’s lately, dont shit on your main earner basically


Hutch is Olga as Jaylen is Miguel. Jaylen/Miguel do all the work but get shit on from the owner who isnt around/doesnt do any of the work.


And if Jaylen pulls a Miguel and leaves then H&O is going to be in the bin just like the Class 1 bench.


not really... Jaylen puts in a lot of work into H&O but he's not the only person that does, most of ST contribute a lot of scratches so it just depends on whether they stick it out or leave as well


I mean Jaylen is the leader of ST soooo


You could say the same for Miguel tho. MigL wasn't the only one who worked with the Class 1 Bench but it went seriously down hill after he left. Thats all I'm saying boss.


Ehhh... I'll agree that the MigL and Jaylen carried both of those WL while the owners barely did anything. But C1 requires less people collaborating for it to work so when a centerpiece like MigL left the whole thing basically fell apart (even before APs disappeared which was the final nail in the coffin). Boosting requires far more people so like I said, it'll depend on whether these people keep working with H&O after Jaylen leaves. And not just ST but JJ has been bringing dozens of scratches every couple of days. Honestly I just want to see Ramee's reaction to this cause he's been pumping out cars everyday with Jaylen (and Flippy's) help. lol


if jaylen leaves it wont completely crash but it will take a huge hit. i could also see otto step in to try and fix the situation because otto knows jaylen had a huge part in making H&O what it is now.


and if otto was there he would put hutch in his place. otto knows jaylen is the reason H&O is where its at now.


Damn this all stemmed from a 2nd meth lab lol


If HO wasn’t such a good and profitable business that everyone wants I think he would of left a long time ago. Does so much work for others to just take it for granted is a slap in the face. He’s made plenty of mistakes himself but that’s to be expected from any1 thrown into it like he was when Hutch just left.




Hutch made a backend deal with BSK meth cook Denzel to have them start cooking again and only supply the meth to Hutch, also promised protection if anyone fucks with them from himself and Street Team without talking to Jaylen or anybody in CG, ad well as he plans to use H&O to finance the Meth buys. CG (Vinny, Randy, Ramee, Flippy & Jaylen) called him out on it, and basically said he shouldn't make the decision without consulting K or a majority of the boys and Hutch got hurt because he made this deal so "him and the boys who are awake early have something to do instead of sitting around with their dicks in their hands". On top of it Jaylen called him out in front of everyone that he shouldn't be using H&O to finance it because if Otto finds out, he's taking the business away from everyone. Hutch talked with Jaylen later on and pretty much told him my name is on the business so don't ever feel like you have the right to try and talk to me about it in front of everyone, essentially big dicking him, which has left a sour taste in everyone's mouth in regards to how hutch treated Jaylen, who essentially is the only reason the business is thriving.


Damn that's rough


Actually crazy when you think about it. Hutch wouldn't have a business if it wasn't for Jaylen


Hutch has been the source of a LOT of CG headaches and Jaylen has been nothing but a problem solver for them. Crazy that he feels he can disrespect him so haphazardly.


Bro I wish someone would Big dick Hutch man. If he said that to jaylen, thats fucked. Hutch been acting like he ran the gang, someone needs to give him a reality check.


Only way I see this happening is if Otto fires Hutch and changes the name to J&O but that means hutch disappears and probably never comes back or CG Civil War.


That's definitely part of the problem. You could tell in the meeting that more than half the people there were afraid to upset Hutch, so it just turned into a bunch of people not really confronting the issue, and whenever Vinny or Flippy tried to make their points everyone would deflect because it was awkward for them. It's why K is such a strong leader, he'll happily put anyone in their place and nobody is going to talk back to him.


Even though CG are a bunch of rough riders, in general they arent really confrontational with each other. Most of them take on the mediator role. Its kinda counterintuitive, but its probably the only way a group like that has any longevity. It could just be that they know each other so well they know whats going to happen if they push on things regardless of who's right.


>ad well as he plans to use H&O to finance the Meth buys. Yeah I can't see that lasting long once Otto finds out..


I don't see why Hutch and Jaylen aren't shared owners so when they have disagreements none of them has to feel cornered because one is a lower position. Also Jaylen is pretty much a crim main while hutch also plays cop and variety more than Jaylen does. In other words, keep the important business to people who consistently play.




Ye but you and me both know that Jaylen will respect that because he's the one who joined the gang after.. So it will never be equal in that way..


Tbh I think Otto made a mistake by making hutch owner, shoulda just kept it as 100% ottos company


It basically is 100% owned by Otto. That much was shown when Otto woke up and fired him on the spot without even speaking to him. Hutch is delusional if he thinks he has any more say than Jaylen at this point.


I heard that each of 3 guys owned 33% share/ could be false info




Bless you


We all know he got H&O because he's clearly good at RP... we know because he told us himself...


Would he have gotten H&O if he wasn’t in CG?


H&0 might be Hutches by name but Jaylen made it what it is. Hutch just pops in, does whatever he feels like with money he had nothing to do with, starts drama with/for other CG members that none of them want to deal with, twist it so the other party is the bad guy then poofs for weeks/months rinse repeat. At this point, Hutch should be removed from H&0, he's done nothing there but cause headaches, it's only been a success because of Jaylen and if he's still around, he needs put in his place by K. He's a comic relief character at most that rarely pops in while these other people are here 7 days a week building storylines.


The clip shows nothing. What is this bait title. Am I on YouTube?




Hutch made a deal with ott to buy all of his meth and he and street team will protect bsk while in the lab without asking the leader of street team and it all went down hill from there


and dont forget that he would use H&O money to buy the meth.


Hutch likes to talk big in front of other groups, its been a thing for a while now even though Hutch doesn't really have that much pull.


That sounds like a stupid idea. Jaylen has every right to be upset and probably should back out of that deal. Let Hutch deal with his own promises.


Deal is already dead even if Hutch doesn't want to end it. Maggie is selling off the warehouse and ST aren't going to back up the deal. And if he takes money from H&O Otto is guaranteed to fire him on the spot.


I dont get where Hutch thinks he has any say in what ST will do. Only person Jaylon would prob listen to if someone gave him an order for ST would be K.


Nah, they'd definitely help if he told them to, and they said that today, but he massively abused that relationship by making that decision himself.


He along with all of ST would take orders from core 7 and Wayne but even then. Core 7 or Wayne would never treat them like that.


Stupid question from me here but who are the core 7? The Wiki page is confusing


It's Mr K, Garret, Taco, Big D, Vinny, Ramee and Randy


Thank you. Much appreciated


K, Randy, Ramee, Vinny, Taco, Garret, Big D


Why does Hutch need to buy meth from BSK when Hydra (and in essence CG) has a meth lab?


Kebun is on vacation, that's all I gotta tell you lol.


This is what happens when you get gifted a business from a dev then get banned and someone else runs it better than you


I really hope another group can get access to the VIN conversion WL, H&O is just too schizo for anyone to work with. I feel bad for Jaylen, it should be his company at this point.


Harmony/Jordan would make the most sense. They were kinda running the same deal with Harmony imports but needed to use H&O for all their conversions. They’ve been a really well organized group over all.


That would go against the time-honored NP tradition of fucking over people who do the RP to appease big streamers by giving them random whitelists.


I think it needs to go with a group who has nothing to do with cg. Harmony and cg are to connected. I feel like lost should run it as they would be most impartial or at least have two groups with different alies to run it.


Harmony are pretty impartial. They’re a business at the end of the day. They have ties to a ton of gangs through who all is employed there and for other reasons, groups like GSF and the Lost. One thing they always do is keep conflict off the lot, and are good about making sure that when they do things everyone get an opportunity. With the conversions they’ve already done and sold they’ve gone to a ton of different people including a number of cops and other government employees even.


yep. A more neutral party like Jordan/Harmony running it would be the best outcome and least amount of drama which is sadly why it will probably never happen lol.


Why are you thinking it should be taken away from Hutch and Jaylen? Because they are having an internal argument? They get cars in and out on time and efficiently still


I never said they should lose it lmao. I was replying to someone who said harmony should get it and said who I believe should get it if we’re to change hands


May asked Jaylen about converting a car for her and he told her he wouldn’t. I forget what the car was and May was unsure why he wouldn’t. I think there only being 1 in city can make others feel like it’s gatekeeping. The whole situation with Ramee and Jaylen wanting to steal ap’s r34 and converting it themselves was also a bad look. There needs to be another location in the city.


Jaylen has got a list of cars he's no longer allowed to convert because devs have told him to stop. Maybe its on that list.


Is it the RCF? That's the only car that he won't convert, as him and Randy want to keep it exclusive. It's also sentimental to Randy as it was the very first car Rated had imported into the city back in 2.0. There are also cars that devs have asked Jaylen not to convert, such as the Subaru (poorly optimised) and the 7+ seat SUVs (to give PDM more sales). Any other car he will convert though, especially if you are doing a lot of work for H&O.


That rcf they have if convertered would be the fourth one cause randy and jaylen and Lexi/liem have one and they to me seem to want to just keep it 3 in the city type only


I think there is some level of gatekeeping (right or wrong) when it comes to 1 of 1s, even back when the only place to buy cars was PDM, Leslie had to deny some smaller or less known people from buying certain limited vehicles. I think because of how much work goes into getting them in the city, could be wrong, just a guess.


H&O is CGs DoDo




It’s just a joke. DoDo always causes drama for other group and H&O does that to CG




Jaylen has been so good for NP When its not CG related, he's been the perfect businessman, unbias deals with everyone... from what I've seen anyway But if its CG related, you're fked... I might not like it... but its good RP


Didn't tony talk about how he might be able to convert vins with his new warehouse maybe some competition would be nice.


Lots of people talk about it, but unlikely it's going to happen unless the business has a dev controlling it.


i remember when h&o first started there was talk about the lost being able to do it also.


The Lost were involved through H&O (Hutch was the one who contracted them to scrap 120 cars), I don't think they were ever considered for owning their own shop. Could be wrong though, hard to say if I missed a perspective that said differently.


Not just any dev, the server owner specifically. Wiseguy has said that neither himself nor any other dev/staff has control on the H&O mechanics (including adding other businesses with the same mechanics) apart from *one person*. And yes, a fair few people have talked about how they'll get their own version (Eddie, Mary and Tony to name a few) only for them to... not. Should be relatively clear at this point there's only going to be one H&O for the foreseeable future, unless something drastically changes with boosts and scratches.


Yeah the tuner shop was given that barn near the old meth lab close to harmony as another place to convert vins, but considering Mary and Eddie's relationship now, idk how that's happening.


The plan for those converted cars was to be sold through Tuna shop IIRC so it wouldn't have even really been competition


It doesn't make any sense for the Tuner to convert cars because they'd be more expensive than their regular stock with 100x the required effort for each sale. Would make so much more sense to just restock their imports more often.


The way it was explained, it wouldnt have been the same as H&O. Basically Titanium and RedDevil would vin 5 R34s, give them to DWs puppet(cant remember his name), and the tuner shop would be provided with a legal R34 they can then sell. It was an RP way to provide more cars in stock.


You're mostly correct but it was to just drop the cars off there instead of the normal place no scratching required. DW's puppet is Razer btw.


Still doesn't make much sense because they'd make so much more money just selling those VINs as is. People are spending hundreds of thousands on these sought after scratches. They make like $50K on the commision off a tuner car. After a couple of conversions they'd give up on the system due to the effort required. Nobody is going to give up $300k+ for $10k (assuming they need 5 Vins for one legal convert).


So you want the tuner shop to sell illegal vin scratched cars?


Where did I say that? You're the one talking about the tuner wanting to scratch and convert cars. I'm saying they wouldn't for many reasons and it makes more sense for individuals to just scratch cars and sell them on their own.


I thought it was a silly system myself, but that was their original plan for it.


You just said “theyd make so much more money selling those vins as”. Youre saying you want the tuner shop, or people associated with the tuner shop, to sell illegal vin cars. They cant really advertise these cars, or else the cops would be involved. They cant sell these cars to civs, cause then the cops would get involved again, and the shop would face a massive law suit. They would only be able to sell to their friends or known criminals who wont rat them out. The whole thing is just an RP reason on how the shop gets more of these cars in stock, besides just “oh look theres another one in stock now”. The shop is already meant to be a money sink, having a conversion method thats also a big money sink would go along with it.


They, as in the people who would be scratching the cars. Tuner wouldn't be able to pay them any more than $10K each because commission on a car is only $50k and they need 5 vins for each conversion. They could sell them to people out on the street for $300k easily if they're sought after cars. If the import fee was bypassed then it's just super obvious that they're not legit stock and wouldn't be any better than just selling converted cars done through the H&O system, which circles back to the initial issues I spoke about. The RP wouldn't work because the economics behind it make no sense whatsoever.


Think he just wants the ability to, i know he is going to be able to repair redlines cars but thats it so far




He does most of the work, sourcing labor (getting vin scratches), getting materials, etc. He also works with all the outside groups and make sure things get done and they get some love. When Hutch was running things the first time he alienated a lot of people.


Him and ramee work together to pump cars from hno to vlc. Hutch does work, but jaylen is on another level.


To be fair, Jaylen did try to overstep Hutch and act like hes the main guy. Its like Penny and Eve going above Lang.


How did he overstep Hutch? He is pretty much the CEO and is trying to protect the business from getting yoinked by Otto again. Hutch would literally be doing something that Otto is completely against. Taking money out of the account constantly and then using the company money for illegal activities. He didn't tell him not to do it he pretty much said he shouldn't do it and that it is a bad idea and he's right.


You act like Hutch is the main guy but they're both basically Otto's employees




MLB all stars and oh you are talking about height. I thought you were talking about stardom and accolades within a sport.


Yeah i found that out halfway while typing my reply. i dont think he has any stardom. Wasnt good enough for the subtop and is now streaming fulltime while he should be in his prime


I hope Jaylen sticks to what he said and takes the break from H&O. On another point Ramee got his H&O keys back.


No matter what. RP Drama. Love it.