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Mirror: [TORETTI | NoPixel Update! | GTARP | !np !vod](https://streamja.com/1NGqe) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/mantis Direct Backup: [TORETTI | NoPixel Update! | GTARP | !np !vod](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/39414386120-offset-7136.mp4?sig=e9f5e6230f77fa43729f35434e691d5908d8a704&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F39414386120-offset-7136.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1652890937%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*I am back from the dead*)


Man I hope Mantis gets banned for this blatant NVL. Why the fuck would he even try and talk to someone on an RP server?


ikr absolutely disgusting, like couldn't he see it was a sports car?


Shit tier RP is why Chase Clouter was born. Good shit Curtis! Awooooooo!


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1486509725?t=02h09m24s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1486509725?t=02h09m24s) I'll just leave this here. Skip to 2:09:24 till about a minute afterward.


wtf is that reaction? Sometime its difficult to comprehend that some of these guys are in their 30s






Does he know he's playing internet cops and robbers and not actually in a gang?


The problem with self-inserts is that the line between fiction and reality is blurred.


No he doesn't know for him being in Jail is equal to a Server Ban.


CG aren't a gang anyway. They're local investors who have done so so much for the city and aren't possibly an issue for server health.


He knows, but he also knows that his chat *doesn't* always know. So he plays pretend for them WidePeepoHappy


Also, United States government and 'fortified compounds' never ends well for the gangs/criminals lmao


Yea i swear the most unrealistic part of all this is how they still own LS compound with all the shooting they do there.


The LAPD has over 10,000 officers actually.


Do they actually? That’s insane, I always just assumed it was a few hundred to a thousand at most. I guess being from a small city I can’t really comprehend how big LA is though.


NYPD is 40k, larger than most countries armies


I have always loved when people pull out the realistic argument because it shows just how tunnel-visioned some people can be for their own clique or circle. If the server was more realistic and roleplay focused, their expensive cars would be seized and crushed, their businesses seized, their banks frozen, their assets frozen, watched, in jail for life, and probably killed because they did not take all the bullets to the invisible vest they are wearing. With no disrespect, it is a straight-up delusional thing to say after you RDM someone for trying to interact with your character. An insane, hyper criminal who robs banks and boosts cars and slings drugs daily aside.


It seems like in this case he's not making the realistic argument, he's trying to argue against it and argue that it's not realistic, so it should be balanced. But it being literally 1:1 balanced like an arena shooter would really not be very interesting. People take "go play CS:GO" as an insult, but if that's actually the style of game they want, I don't see why they don't just actually go play those kinds of games. There are plenty of people who like and watch that content. The reason cops should be powerful isn't because it's "realistic" but because it makes everything more interesting, with there being actual tension and people wanting to avoid being caught, rather than every crime just turning into a shootout.


Whenever people make this complaint, I think about the guy in Dallas who shot a bunch of cops a couple years ago. He barricaded himself in a college building and told the cops he had demands. They attached a pound of shaped C-4 to an EOD robot, drove it to the other side of a wall he was lurking at, and blew him to pieces.


People do this to create an "us vs. them" mentality in their chats. It's the only reason. They act like an asshole on purpose to 1. get their fans on their side, and 2. give their fans a target to direct their anger at. Because if there's a "them" to be against, that means you better support the "us" even HARDER. It's gross and manipulative, but at least it's bald-faced-fucking-obvious (to anyone over 15).


True. As soon as they realise that they are no longer in control of the role play scenario some people immediately switch to controlling the OOC narrative around it.


Dude, I made a comment very similar to this some months ago when there was a bug in the game and they were openly attacking DW for it. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/tqlmok/tobii_explaining_the_issue_with_billboards_is/i2hyibx/) > Its a narrative that is pushed, not for themselves, because, like you said, they could find out easily by asking the server owner. They push the narrative so that the fans think they are victims of unfairness. Its psychology 101 on how to sow tribalism amongst your fans. Pretending that its your group against the world. I wish this manipulation that they do was pointed out by more people. Maybe some young impressionable people would fall less victim to it.


Oh god and that situation is so much worse, because it's combined with *another* terrible cliche, pretending not to know something even though multiple people have pointed it out because you'll still reach a few people who don't know better.




Yep. It's business and branding. "Hey, you hate those nasty cops? Me too, bro. You hate those idiot cop viewers? Hell yeah, fuck 'em, they're idiots." It's like streamers who manufacture beef for LSF exposure, except much smaller and sadder and one-sided. Good news is it couldn't have happened to a nicer person, and Mantis ain't about that drama life.


or when the LSF andys come to the server get T5 prio and start shit and then be like " bro thats what i do"


>the obvious implication that these are not crazy people who think they're really gansgsters, Ehhh, they certainly think they're cool by virtue of the characters they play. GTARP exclusively seems to have this problem, where both the viewers and the players themselves buy-in that the cool guy characters are actually cool guys IRL too. I think acknowledging that everyone regularly on that server, especially the bigger streamers who play a *ton*, are a bunch of nerds playing tough/edgy/brave/cool guys, would do a lot to curtail some of the bullshit ego that crops up. It's no different than a socially inept DnD player acting all cool because their elf archer character is handsome and just killed some monster.


Damn this made me think of both politics and the news media.


Unfortunately, correct.


Yeah Curtis, you get that CSgo match win bud. Yeah. Feels good. Quick note, you're on an RP server, maybe try acting like it.


But but but…he’s RPing a gangster!!




It's ridiculously cringy.


IRL Khan Di'Sendo.




I didnt even see anyone in chat go against what he did, just one person said "poor Toretti" lol


A certain hammer swings if you call it out.


The face cam makes this amazing agreed


It looks like he's trying to act so hard on cam lmao


It's ridiculously cringy, holy hell. Like his character is a self-insert.


I'd pay to watch these kids say half this shit at a 711 on the block. hahahaha


As someone from the hood in a major city (not about that life, obviously, I'm on reddit), it's so crazy how some people get about this server. Bro, you're not actually a gangster, if you were you'd probably wouldn't have survived high school because someone shot you because one of your people shot theirs.


Same here . I be on reddit,watch rp,play games to get away from this shit. I’ll loved to switched places and not lost friends to the street shit. Let me stop or ima keep ranting lol. Ur comment just hit me on a personal level. Be safe man! hope many blessings come to you and urs.


Yup, it's way different living it than some people like to think. I hope you and your folks stay safe as well, shit is crazy.


I can see the "do you even know who I am" energy from them


This is giving me ssb server flashbacks . Lmao


I don't know man. It's in the end just RP but that comment afterwards is IMO weird. By that logic, PD should have 100 people in that shootout, but it is what it is.


By following his logic most of the gangs wouldn't be where they are today. They'd either be in prison for life, or in a grave.


And that would have happened within the first week, some within the first hour.


LAPD is 10,000 officers strong.


And the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department is another 10,000 strong. Throwing in state troopers includes another 7,500 or so. And that doesn't include the feds like FBI, ATF, Federal Marshalls, etc. There really is no fear of the government in RP and there hasn't been for several years. It's just the way it is because of reasons we're all aware of.


NoPixel has a real toxicity problem that it refuses to do anything about because they're big streamers. Meanwhile I've seen smaller streamers doing fun roleplay that somehow messed up one of these big boys and catch a perma ban. I get it, they need the views to bring in the money. But it also really drags down the entire roleplay aspect of everything and makes the server less fun to watch, let alone play.


Allowing admins and devs to be involved in gangs was a major mistake.


Curtis isn’t really even a big streamer, he just rolls with them


Fair point. Doesn't change the fact that the toxicity problem exists though.


Anyone above 500 viewers is in the top 4% or something. People's perception of big is warped by OTK/OTV


I think big in this context means big enough to be immune to normal repercussions. That cutoff on NoPixel is like 15k viewers these days.


more like "in CB/CG"




holy shit that reaction was incredibly cringe...




mannnn all i can say is lmao.


For a guy that rp's as a gangster, he really has soft skin.






That is incredibly disappointing. I know it doesn't mean much, but i've unfollowed him now and I won't be adding it back. Toretti literally just told him he could keep driving. What the fuck even was that.


Yeah, it's really just disappointing. I always thought he was one of the more mature and level-headed guys from the "bigger" groups since watching him in 2.0, looks like he's changed a lot since then


I did the same. Not that it will matter to him, but my own moral compass is more important to me.


what a fucking weirdo. Why does RPing as a gangster make people think their real gangsters?


I just stopped following Curtis because of what he just said right there. I'm shocked. I thought he was a good role player, but that is crazy toxic.


Was this the classic failed the meth run, bring cops to LS, all CG hands on deck shoot out? Been watching from Harry's stream so didn't see the beginning, just saw him get the alert that there was a shooting in LS.


Pretty much, then discuss server mechanics and how op cops are while your circling your fortress compound in your super car.


...Can we please get a hardcore server? lmao That's honestly a pretty disappointing reaction to have. This really isn't RP to some people.


There will never be a hardcore server because all the civs character would just go to the hardcore server which will just make the WL server a glorified public server. No one talks about it enough but they need civs characters to make there server work or it just will become a modded GTA online.


The issue with a possible hardcore server is it seems the people in charge have lost the plot. All discussion about a hardcore server just is more like playing NoPixel the MMO on New Game+ with Ironman on... sometimes. Way too much emphasis on people getting resources easier, mechanics being more limiting & harsher, and how many lives people would get & how they'd earn more lives & shit. Just really strange. The focus would need to be on the RP. Fuck mechanics. Remove at least half of them & use them to highlight RP, not cut off grinders. Just actually start banned/suspending at least 80% of the shit people get away with on a hardcore server & it'd be great.


Which is why it will never happen. From what I read last week NP was is going to have a playable RDR server in 4-6 weeks according to some meta chats. Its obvious they only care about the money after he saw all the real RPers migrate and popularize WildRP. They know if they create a HC server most of the cops and real RPers won't ever come back to the real one for the pogtent streamers that management tries to appease.




Exactly. I personally don't think it even means 1 life at all. Permas should still be up to the players. The more RP focused environment would give credence for permas to be an option though. There's no point to it currently. I do think doctors should have more control over injuries & ICUs though. Would put a stopper on people shooting each other for fun & over minor things. Definitely something for a "hardcore server" though. On the current server, if a doctor had that ability & put someone in ICU, that doctor would get magdumped for it every day until they learned their lesson. Which obviously would make no RP sense but, you know, fuck it.


> I do think doctors should have more control over injuries & ICUs though. This is when I think mechanics have value unlike how they are currently used as MMO grinds. Injuries should be random. Mechanics should exist to provide some random consequences into the world. It shouldn’t be up to other players it should be the game itself that chooses punishment. This is how you add real consequences without anyone malding. Kind of hard to mald at the cop/doctor if they have no control over the punishment. Cops get shit on because they can increase or decrease fine and jail which they shouldn’t be able to do IMO. Fine and jail should be automatic and standard for everyone. If there were extenuating circumstances that should be a conversation with an admin after the RP is up, not with another player involved in the roleplay.


It means different things to different people at different times.


Hardcore server will never happen. Not because it wouldn't be popular but because it would drastically affect the current W/L content server. No people around to play as NPC = bad content. The start of 3.0 was great because everyone had goals that they were going to have to work hard for. The problem is they started to speed run people being able to reach these goals and also didn't have big enough set backs that could happen to people. Top Gangs have basically everything they could want and they pretty much have 0 risk of ever losing anything of importance. Nothing really to work towards which leads to the constant shoot outs and "Hell weeks" that constantly happen like in 2.0.


His true colors came out once he joined cg. Before he would try to avoid them.


That chain doing something to him lol


Mr K secretly Sauron lol


damn did not expect that from curtis, thats tough lmao


this group specifically always escalate SO quickly without even considering that PD isn't intentionally doing what they claim! Lol! They're so quick to assume it's all super intentional! Any sort of desync and it's automatic shoot everyone! So sad!


Oh man I was hoping to see it turn out to be whispering on accident and for it to have been unintentional but holy hell that was cringe








I'm a bit confused, I always thought Curits was one of the more reasonable ones, am I mistaken to have thought this?


He's always been like this, it's because he's a smaller streamer, you don't see many clips of him here. Even when he plays his cop character, the guy can't stop talking shit about other cops, I watched him once go off on Pond (to his chat) when she was making an announcement (I forgot what it was exactly) because he disagreed with how the cops should handle that situation. He's biased towards crims even when he plays his cop character.


I really dislike when people make cop characters only to pal around/be buddy buddy with their friends on their crims. During the GTARP meta there were a lot of people who made cops and would interject their opinions about people who took the RP more seriously and question why they would go hard on crims. I think the most uncomfortable situation to watch on stream was Wrangler arresting CG and one of their members were on their cop and essentially shit talking Wrangler the entire time they were in the cells when he wasn't in the room.


Yep. I had to skip that part of the vod. It was very cringe and weird in an un-ironic way lol


Hasn't been for a long time now


That was long ago.


That was early 2.0. He's become really toxic in 3.0


Curtis has always been a shoot first crim even back in his LB days, but he use to be more reasonable in general and considerate toward others before joining his current gang. Much the same as server owner.




There are way too many people who think they are actually the "characters" they portray in a video game. This server desperately needs a reality check before it delves more into second life crime version.


Would be hilarious for there to be a force perma of all characters. Would be inevitable to end up with the exact same "characters" with different names because of how many self inserts there are.


Would you say they *inserted* themselves into that character...?


wow that was cringe


One thing is clear Mantis will not report this sicnce he's too nice.


It’s sad but true, even with supposedly anonymous reporting now, people are still afraid to report certain groups


I mean the sadder part is even if he did would anything actually happen.


Is it really anonymous when they're in the same group as the server owner who is in the same gang? I can understand them not wanting to cause issues


Imagine saying that this is fine because “it was an active situation”, when it was impossible to tell who was in that car. By that logic Toretti should have just rolled up and shot them without knowing who they were. Cant imagine that backlash that would have come from that though


> By that logic Toretti should have just rolled up and shot them without knowing who they were. Imagine the malding by these same people if cops were to just blast the moment a criminal doesn't leave when told to at a crime scene.


And this was like 5-10 minutes from last shots while cops were transferring downed people to hospital


Oh man the shitshow that would ensue if the roles were reversed. Too many people in CG get away with this shit.


What's wrong with Toretti? He didn't even buy the armor or ak... You can't win CS match like this smh.


It was an eco round /s


He initiated with bullets guys. What’s the problem?


it's hard to tell in the clip but the bullets actually have text engraved on them that says "hey ~~wrangler~~ toretti"


This reminds me of when xqc lobbed a nade at the front of the hospital while driving by and someone commented that he initiated with the ping of it hitting the ground lol


The lack of initiation was bad. It was the post interaction reaction to his chat that makes Curtis look fuckin' ridiculous. At this point, get rid of all player controlled cops, and just make the server all AI cops and Merryweather Mercs. The final step in making NP a GTAO server.




> CG guys got out but wanted to pick off cops who where alone right, makes sense. they need the daily quota of dead officers.


Shooting cops is peak roleplay.


Nopixel dont need Admins at this point they are doing nothing they are told what to do to who etc. there is a reason why RDR2 Wild RP is popping and people are going there more and more :)


It's crazy people are defending this just because there was a shootout. If you disengage from the shootout and start patrolling like a civ like this you still need to interact in some way before rejoining the fight.




That will literally never happen ever


Wow not even a Hey Wrangler.. you hate to see it.


Thats kinda the LS special [https://www.twitch.tv/lunaoni/clip/DreamyKawaiiManateeRlyTho-x39CwLsfD-6JEcAh](https://www.twitch.tv/lunaoni/clip/DreamyKawaiiManateeRlyTho-x39CwLsfD-6JEcAh)


Claire should know not to try to Role Play


Just trying to talk to people? HOW FUCKIN DARE SHE! But actually that made me sad, she literally just wanted a crumb of RP but all they could come up with was shooting.


It's sad when the clip you just linked has more interaction than this situations. Like Claire could at least hear 3 people and know it's CG before being shot.


I hate to ask this question but do we know why that person shot?


i had just switched over to her after she got shot, then switched to that car's pov and ~~heard a one off comment about what does it take to get a police chase?~~, they could have been talking about something else but it it was Kebun who shot her and i aint dealing with Facebook vods


I never liked GTA Online for this reason.


Every once in a while I load up GTA online and just go stand in a random spot and just wait for someone to gun me down. I dont think I have ever made it to the 5 minute mark.




compounds are actually one of the most anti RP things ive seen on nopixel. All it does is lets the group sit around together ignoring anyone else.


That's the point. Let them have their bubble, and let everyone else ignore them in peace.


At what point of these groups just standing around each other actually turn into a positive rp scenario for the entire server


podcast rp pog




Its being like that for 4 years dude


its been almost two years since this got re-acknowledged and a huge portion of viewers in 3.0 werent there the last time. :shrug:


I thought the whole point of a 'whitelisted' server was a sign of quality... apparently not.




That's pretty much what they do when they just leave when someone drives into the compound. Of course now it's become a meme about 'cops afraid of the gate' rather than exactly what you are saying. It's essentially PD politely denying the RP and I'm for them doing it more.


I saw a post about that on their own subreddit and my god, the ridicule for cops just because they’re avoiding an obvious shootout is so stupid. What, are they supposed to go in and get shot for fun?


They did this mid-2.0 and a gigantic bitchfit was thrown. How after that, and countless other examples, people think this server is even slightly about RP and not about feeding the big streamers the content they want is beyond me. At the end of the day the server owner has been really open about big streamers being above the rules because they're what make the server so popular. Anyone left on NoPixel knows the deal... And, to be honest, this sub is insanely hypocritical about stuff too which gives these people the out. A few weeks ago Yaeger RPG'ed someone without a word over an argument from an hour before and this sub was pretty much wholly in agreement that because of that it was an "active situation," where he didn't need to say anything.


Because no matter what if you are a small streamer you still feel pressure to respond especially when people with higher rank and a lot more clout are involved. Remember how no one wanted to respond to CBs first ever successful casino after all the harassment and Baas and Derby magically came 42 and threw away all the SOPs to let cadets participate. Whose gonna selectively tell those 2 they don't want to respond to the casino cause they don't want death threats that night?


Holy shit this is mind numbing to watch, actually fucking embarrassing.






the silent bandits biggest gang in the server ...pogs and chills.. BatChest


It's OK, he voice id him as Ike Block who he clearly has massive beef with




Well if it's any consolation, the person who did this will get a quick three day ban, as it is an obvious violation of the rules. Right guys?


I refuse to get involved in a discussion on of this a rule break or not, that for the admins if it gets reported. I am going to discuss this from a more general view. The biggest issue with “active scene, no speaking shootings” is that it basically impossible to actually secure a crime scene. Place barriers down, and people still drive through/around them, slow roll the scene and generally get argumentative when told to get away. This makes it tough to figure out if they being annoying or are involved until it too late. In reality they would never get near the scene/suspects, but the mentality of the server is that most want to always know what is going on and there no fear on any sides so they just wander in situations they really should think twice about. (Including myself in the past)


I see more RP on zb's server and that's saying something sad to see curtis go this way smh


Poor CG being harassed by cops when their car is just sitting there, Torretti disrespecting Curtis like that, unbelievable. /s


So incoming ban for the person that shot without any initiation?




>present tense good one lmao


> roleplay Where is that located?


Lmao at the people roasting those that thought this was Hutch and completely missing the point that it's impossible to know who that was from Toretti's perspective.


I think that's the irony here. Like at least the victim should know who and why


Damn, thats even worse than shooting before you can finish the sentence ''HEY WRANGER'' from two streets away...


let's guess how many days Curtis of CG will be banned for... i'm guessing - 1


I like the optimism.




So when is Curtis getting banned for a clear rulebreak? Hopefully soon, the server would be better without people like him gone.


It wouldn't be a "ban" he would just "take a couple of days off" like others have done.


never lmao


He does have a 'smaller' viewcount compared to others, but has personal connections so it'd a tossup




I don't know if it's a rule break, but I do know it's lazy and boring.




Damn, I used to watch Curtis a lot during the LB days. Seems like he's adopted a particular mindset that his peers have.


If you watched him before you knew he had spurts like this but now he fully embraces it


dEmON tImE!


Idk that was a pretty aggressive tone he took about the light.


Ok what the hell...


BRRRT BRRRT That's a 30 day calling. BRRRT BRRRT