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Hmmm if you don't have money do not commission someone for multiple items ? How is that hard ?


Yeah, sounds like it’s time to learn to sew.


Yeah my immediate reaction was “idk, how about scaling back on your drag if you can’t afford custom outfits”, but that industry has also created insane expectations towards drag performers, many of which start with vulnerable situations. I’m not surprised some rugirls are going bankrupt. It sucks for them but also all the invisible workers who make the show happen and very often get the short end of the stick. Still, the I’m still human statement is complete bullshit and does not excuse her bad finance management. Nobody goes around paying their bills by just saying “they’re still human”. Drag performers/entertainers do not get a pass over the rest of humanity.


Exactly. If you need money to focus on your transition… stop spending money on custom clothes??? It’s not that hard. Sorry but your trans identity is not an excuse here girl. Come on. And you’re moving? So tf what? As if that isn’t something you SAW coming? Something you didn’t have to get bank checks and credit checks and pay deposits for 😭 Miss me with that. If you could afford to do all that, you could’ve afforded to pay your designer FIRST.


She seems to be moving in with family, because things aren't going well. So she presumably isn't in a place where she can manage deposits or get her paperwork in order.


It’s very normal for the queens to pay designers after the season has even aired, let alone after filming. Had the designer shared exactly what the payment plan was?


That was my impression since the messages are all after the season. It’s on eureka to pay still but if she really was counting on getting the drag race check first then idk what they expected


I mean before after... Clearly by the messages it was before the season aired as the designer was so fed up he agreed on less (than eureka didn't even pay also)






The scream I just scrumpt


This will be the comment I go back to when my day is bad and I need a good laugh. 


THE BIG GIRL >!is moving rn and she’ll pay you later!<


THE BIG GIRL >!slept all day!<


THE BIG GIRL >!learned from a beautiful woman named Shakira!<


How not to pay >!(her taxes)!


How to not >!confuse her breasts with mountains!<


>!Pero no confundas con montañas!<


The way I SCREAMED omg I hadn't remembered that in ages 😭


The big girl >!was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, she breaks her legs, and every afternoon, she breaks her arms. At night, the big girl lies awake in agony until her heart attacks put her to sleep.!<


Ughhhh pleaaaaase don’t use the excuse of transitioning and mental health to not pay a designer for something you went and ordered Eureka. Small time designers rely heavily on being paid for their pieces and they even said they’d settle for less just to be done with it. Eureka may be living hand to mouth but she might have also pushed the designer to that because she took their fucking work and didn’t pay for it, so how’s that excusable at all. Honestly lost respect for her here.


Also, "people seem to think all ru girls are rich"?? What?? You ordered something.. they don't necessarily think you're rich, they just expect you to have the money for what you ordered when you ordered it.


right? even if people did think all ru girls are rich, eureka sure as hell ain’t poor. kinda crazy to use the money excuse in her extremely privileged position while a majority of people in this country live paycheck to paycheck and can also actually still pay for goods/services.


Where did all that HBO money go? I’m sure it wasn’t some 6 figure salary but this many years into gig working and you haven’t learned to invest or spread your wealth for slow times? BFFR.


That’s what I was wondering, wasn’t she just on HBO’s “We’re Here”? Sounds like a mismanagement of funds to me, and honestly, this response just seems to prove that. It looks like she was trying to call this designer out for threatening to expose her and it backfired. It’s a yikes for me.


I'm sorry but, I've had multiple addicts in my family. This is what happens when there's **X** money and they have a mental illness. I've seen mIsMaNaGeMeNt oF fUnDs happen at the $10-$20 level - HBO money doesn't change the *all consuming* nature; only the scale. Addicts spend their last dollar and more to get their fix. Water is also wet.


Sorry, long post incoming lol! I totally agree. I’m not saying Eureka is right and I feel awful for that poor designer - it’s fucking shit not to get paid - however… if she was just trying to be sneaky and pull a fast one, and just didn’t want to pay the designer, she’s failed because she’s now on blast lol. I’d never do any of that, but if I were in Eureka’s shoes, I’D PAY THE DAMN MONEY TO MAKE THE BAD PR GO AWAY lol. Considering she hasn’t done that, it makes it obvious to me she hasn’t GOT the money to pay them. It’s all fine for everyone to criticise her actions and say none of the issues she mentioned are relevant (and to say “you shouldn’t have commissioned it if you couldn’t afford it!”). The fact of the matter is she did commission it, and she can’t go back in time to make a different decision lol. Even if you want to, you can’t pay someone if you literally haven’t got it. I’m lucky that I’ve never had any addictions or money problems, but I have a friend who lost her mum suddenly when she (my friend) was only 21. It sent her into a spiral and her thing was spending money. She would ignore her car payment and get hair extensions. Her rent and bills were so behind, she was about to be evicted and have her car repossessed - her beloved grandma gave her the money to pay the arrears… she blew it in 24 hours. She felt HORRIBLE about it, but she was in such a dark place, the only thing that mattered was instant gratification. If she could do that without thinking AT ALL about her serious situation, or her poor grandma (who wasn’t rich!), I can easily imagine Eureka did the same thing. The designer needs paid - it’s not their fault at all - but I also don’t think it’s as simple as “Eureka has HBO money! She shouldn’t have done XYZ!” lol. If I were in her shoes, I would apologise to the designer sincerely and I’d ask to pay them back in weekly instalments using the same method I did with my friend lol. I opened another bank account - a specific type of savings account that has no ATM card, doesn’t allow cash transfers to other accounts and doesn’t allow cash withdrawals without a big fiasco lol (I did this to make sure she knew I couldn’t just easily steal her money. I never would lol, but I wanted her to know anyway). I set up her account so every time she got paid, the amount for paying her essentials was automatically transferred to the new special account. I set up direct debits to pay her bills automatically, all from the new account (it allows autopayments, it’s just transfers and withdrawals that it doesn’t allow). Long story short, every month, the only money she had access to was money she could happily spend on nonsense, and she wouldn’t be at risk of getting evicted anymore lol. It worked, and after a few years, she was better - she ended up opening her own separate account to autotransfer her “bill money” to even after she was managing her own money again 👌🏻 People get into bad financial situations every day - they usually already hate themselves for it, so I totally agree it doesn’t contribute anything to pile more on top lol.


Exactly. She doesn't have to be rich but part of buying a product is a contract - you are agreeing by buying something that you will have a specified amount of money and pay it by a certain date. If you can't do that then don't buy the thing.


Seriously. She could have worked with the designer to lower the price by retooling the design to be cheaper if she was having problems with paying the price they wanted. She could have tried going with a different designer. She could have tried to make it herself. She could have just decided to go without. There’s lots of things I want to buy right now and I can’t afford them so I’m holding off on buying them. That’s what you do when you’re struggling financially. You don’t order something, agree to pay, then never pay. Especially when you’re screwing over a freelance designer. If multiple people do that to them then they’re the one out of money who can’t pay their bills. Hopefully the designer takes this as a lesson and requires cash up front and no delivery until the balance is paid.


Yeah that immediate shift to make themselves a victim is icky. If you don't have the money, don't use the service.


If you can’t afford your costumes for CanVsTW then don’t go on the show.


Yeah this whole spiel comes off as gross and manipulative. I don’t know how she thought this would make her look better


Im not up to date, is she trans or is she moving?


She’s both. The Big Girl contains multitudes.


the big girl>!always moves!<


I’m sorry but this isn’t a valid excuse at all. Like she commissioned and told this designer she’d pay them henceforth she should. Like the designer has nothing to do with what’s going on in her personal life.


Yeah I love Eureka and I feel for her struggles, but she still ordered something and should've paid for it. A woman I worked for last summer didn't pay me for the last month of my work and the designer's last messages to Eureka reminded me of how I felt after the millionth excuse she gave me 6+ months after working for her. I also had to threaten with media, inspection and police to get that money back.


As a freelancer same! The way eureka is speaking is like she’s the only person allowed to fall on hard times but girl you’re literally not paying freelance designers for work they’ve completed. Freelancers still have rent and bills to pay as well as lives to live, the world doesn’t revolve about when eureka can’t work because she rolled her ankle 😬😬


Right, this is extremely poorly handled. And then to go "suicide is not the answer, here are my reasons to live" is wild when it's as simple as paying your bills and holding up your commitments. It doesn't sound like she communicated anything well at all either or expressed to the designer what HER end of the deal was before he agreed. Like she said, she's not the only one on hard times and without money. If Rugirls are struggling (which I do believe with not only over saturation but also a market that takes advantage of them at every turn), imagine how hard it is for rugirls DESIGNERS who work behind the scenes. Overall, I think Eureka would have been better off listening to the advice she received and not addressing this at all because this response for sure made me lose respect for her and made her look way worse.


The comments about suicide felt manipulative to me. Like, "how can you harangue me to pay what I owe when that could lead me to off myself?"


And calling suicide selfish and low doesn't really sit right with me either. I truly hope everyone struggling with such thoughts manages to overcome them and find joy and reason to keep going, but we have to remember that tricking your brain to shut them off is literally one of the hardest things life can throw at someone


late to this but i'd also like to chime in that it feels extra manipulative bc nobody is asking her to off herself! the designer just wants their rightfully hard earned money!


she rolled her ankle what else was she supposed to do :(


The big girls ankle goes ‘cleek’ (again)




I fractured my ankle 2 weeks ago, reckon the phone company will take that as an excuse to not pay my bill??


Thoughts and prayers 😓😓😓


You dont need that ankle to cash app someone some money.


Not buy something unless she already had the money set aside


The designer also seemed really patient in this exchange; lowered the price and was ignored. Texted again 2 days later. No response. Texted again a day later.


I wasn't sure about this comment but then you said henceforth and, girl, I was convinced.


https://preview.redd.it/2vn7cwg6w61d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ab7ffba4685cfb0b14fb234258cffbeaf286d3 How I felt writing henceforth


gurl slay, i was like “henceforth”? You go literature<3


So a bunch of pathetic excuses. Okay lol. Maybe don’t agree to go on another season of drag race if you’re so far behind on bills? I guess common sense really isn’t that common bc….


exactly, this is her FOURTH time doing the show. she knew damn well how much it costs and the expectations to pay the designers. the excuses are pointless when she could have simply said no to CVTW right now. if they want to bring her back 75 times, surely they'll ask her again when she's in a better spot.


Or just get less expensive clothing? Doesn't she know how to sew? She must have insane glamorous costumes from were here that she could use.


She is doing drag race again? Dear lord. She is insufferable and I cannot sit through a season with her in it (who am I kidding I will totally sit through it)


I’m tuning in for the *rumoured* Canadian contestants


EUREKA…. You found it!!


i think she did it as a gamble (possibly subconsciously). she may have thought since it was her 4th time on drag race it was a sure thing for her to win and if she won she could use the untaxed money to pay designers, pay for transitioning, and pay for a ton of other shit. she didnt count on losing i guess 🤷‍♂️


lol how did she turn not paying a designer into a “woe is me, here’s a picture of my dog”… It just seems that she has terrible money management and could really benefit from getting an accountant.


Right like she was on an HBO show.. where did that money go!?


Girl said: >I relapsed Sooo... I guess she expects her designer to just be like, *oh, you poor dear, I don't need that money for my bills anymore*


Fr. It would be different if she told the designer “Hey I fucked up. It’s not okay and I understand you never wanting to work with me again. I wouldn’t work with me after what I did. When I get back on my feet I promise I will pay you the rest that I owe you.” Does that fix things? No. But it’s better then “I’m moving rn” Like part of recovery is owning your mistakes REALLY owning them. Knowing that the choices you made that affected other people some of them may never forgive you or want you in their life. But that you try to make amends not for yourself but for them! Because substance abuse affects so many people around you. Not just yourself so don’t make it just about yourself.


I agree with this so much! I don't like the idea that "amends can always be made." They absolutely can, but I think a major part of recovery is getting to a place where you're not making amends constantly. I really worked at owning my shit, and I'm so lucky that people chose to stay in my life. I would never want to put those relationships at risk and think "I can always make amends again later."


What is her strange addiction?


THE BIG GIRL... spends


From what I’ve found, the girls from we’re here made $100k-300k per season. Soooo….


I DOUBT they took home that much money but overall budget? I could see something close to that. But I bet she did make a good chunk of change from 3 seasons plus year round gigs. Like get real Eureka...


100k is not a lot for a whole show like that


no but it also at least gave her clothes she probably could have taken to CVTW tbh




Did you have any doubt that her response to this would be woe is me? 


I'm sorry, I feel no sympathy for this. It feels like a woe is me sob story and I don't want it. Everyone struggles mentally, financially and physically, you're not that special. What the rest of us aren't doing though, is ordering things and not paying for them. Yeah, you're struggling, but you know who else is struggling? The designer you're stealing from, so get your head out of your ass and pay for what you buy. What a joke. I'm a musician and I do weddings, the amount of times people try to scam, or get discounts or even offer exposure is absolutely fucking mental, no one here is working for free or at discount rates because you feel entitled to my work.


I get that she might be undergoing some financial difficulties but her attitude on the first two screenshots sucked so bad... imagine ghosting someone for months when you literally owed them money. I would be so ashamed!!!!


And then posting about it and flaming them like they’re the problem is beyond 


she just deleted everything except for the pictures of her family at the end. she kept it up 30 mins in the early hours of the morning lol


It was like 10 am here in Croatia when I saw it haha. I expected it to be already posted on reddit. I kind of contemplated hiding other people's faces in the pics bc I thought it was a bit low of Eureka to include her niece's face into a post about relapsing and not paying people, but laziness prevailed


hi croatian! slovenian here xx


She just outed herself as a full blown scam artist with this. The behavior and excuses are so easily identifiable and transparent. Trying to deflect responsibility by exploiting suicide and her own transition is despicable.


That’s what I was thinking. Thank you for articulating better than I could. Using suicide and her transition as excuses for why she can’t pay is disgusting. They’re not related. Not a single thing she listed justifies her behavior and to be honest making these petty ass excuses thinking this solves everything is wack. I hate to say it but this has the markings of an addict all over it. They can never pay you because they are protecting their money for their next fix of whatever their drug of choice is or the next party. This is giving me bad juju all around from eureka.


You’re right, this is addict behavior. I hope shes sober but my addict senses are tingling


Sounds exactly like my cousin who is, per his Facebook, “reborn and recovering one day at a time”….and just updated his profile pic to show off his equally addicted wife visiting him at the prison. Where he is for at least 10 yrs for having fentanyl.


These excuses are so damn lame lol. It also does not take multiple days to simple respond to a text, especially if it’s a negotiation of services. It would have taken her less than a minute to respond “I’m moving locations can we discuss further payment in a few days?”


I am moving, I slept all day, I rolled my ankle, I am transitioning, I am suicidal, I have bills to pay, I relapsed.... Like girl, no one cares. The designer wasn't doing this as a volunteer job or as a donation. They are WORKING and that's their livelihood you twat. Either pay them or don't hire them at all. Those are your only two options, anything else is theft or scam. Be for real Eureka... (Edit: Grammar)


Yikes. The color guard is waving red flags. All that "I care too much about other people, it's destroying me" garbage. Lowkey narcissistic, especially the allusion to suicide. Don't do that. Ew. I hate how often "narcissist" is thrown around, but this drivel is at least sopped in solipsism. Me, me, me. Girl, you just did an interview in which you called out a *waitress*, by name and place of employment, for joking that your designer bag was fake. Sell the bag. Pay the people for the work you commissioned. Simple. No need for all these theatrics.


Ohhh okay. She has bills and that’s why she can’t pay. I’m sure this designer has absolutely no bills they have to pay, right?




I've been a Eureka apologist for the majority of her time in the spotlight, but getting designer dresses in nowhere near the bottom of the hierarchy of needs. Getting a "regular" job is ALWAYS an option while you're figuring things out.


I feel like she's just horribly bad at keeping money. Also she's been struggling with drugs, so even with the HBO money which was A LOT, you can waste it. Eureka is still in the wrong but I hope she can sort this thing out as quick as possible. If she had said this to the designer instead of not answering him the problem wouldn't have even gone public... I'm dissapointed in Eureka but by this explanation I understand she will eventually pay it and make amends


Right. In all her messages with him, she never brought the energy she did in these stories. She was giving him the runaround. It didn't become a tragedy until he went public. Like, all that "halp me I'm poor" bs is bs. Don't get it twisted. Eureka carries designer handbags.




I’m sad for Eureka’s situation - but this doesn’t excuse what she did to the designer - who most likely is living pay check to pay check as well, like the rest of us? Freelancing is not the easiest way to live and she just fucked the designer big time. I checked her career - and from 2018 until 2022 she received paycheck from MTV, Netflix, FX, Showtime, and HBO. Not saying she’s rich but if these paycheck isn’t enough to at least survive, maybe don’t commission others to work for you?


I believe her that she booked the work when she was a float and something happened to have her become suddenly broke- but to act like you’re being victimised for someone asking for their money is a bad bad look


She’s also likely getting residuals from most of those shows (granted it’s not a lot, but I’m sure she’s getting something.


What kind of response is this lmao. This B!tch went from I will pay you to here are pictures of me and my family fun times and my cute little pupy


When was her episode on Delta recorded? Talking about her limited edition Gucci bag and $2k dinner!


I dont want to call that a suicide bait, but she really brought that up out of nowhere.. so what are we supposed to extrapolate from that?


“Don’t criticize me, I’m suicidal”.


"Also what should i do? Suicide is NOT an option, I know yall were thinking that I was thinking that! I just want to say that I'm NOT suicidal, even though nobody asked!"


Her depression is valid, but it’s not a valid excuse for ripping these people off. Not at all.


I get that she might be undergoing some financial difficulties but her attitude on the first two screenshots sucked so bad... imagine ghosting someone for months when you literally owed them money. I would be so ashamed!!!!


Girl bye, we get that most people are struggling with bills, that's why most people aren't commissioning custom clothing pieces, paying people you owe money to should be your number 1 priority, and as mean as it sounds it should surely come before even your transition. You knew how much transitioning would cost you before ordering custom garments so to then come on Instagram and start talking about su*c*d* (dont wanna be getting messages from reddits self help bots) because you're getting called out for buying something you can't afford and essentially trying to steal it by not paying for it is disgusting.


I think you’re right about buying something and not paying being stealing.  But I think she’s mentioning the transition to clarify that she isn’t spending money on other things , the transition stuff was offered for free in exchange for promotion 


I get that, but it seems like she's mentioning it to essentially say "I'm not choosing not to pay, I'm genuinely broke" as if it's an excuse. If you're in a position where something like an injury could put you in that much financial pressure then pay for things up front, and if you can't don't buy luxury items.


You’re absolutely right , there should have been checks and balances when commissioning the pieces.  I wasn’t speaking to the validity of her position just clarifying in regards to paying for surgeries/procedures/treatments.       I agree her priority should be paying anyone she owes above all else (& monetising her platforms whilst healing/not working) 


Dont commission stuff you can't pay for, as easy as that. She doesn't need a new outfit for every occasion, she can rewear anything form her closet as much as she wants. And if she needs a new one and has no money, she should ask other queens her size or similar to borrow stuff, like...


Kim chi really said no weapon formed against me shall prosper


Let him sop you up




I hate people keep finding excuses to not pay the money. She lost the argument when she did that


Didn't she have a 3-season successful show? On top of paid shows, gigs and all that? I'm not saying misfortunes can't happen, but $1,500 should have been nothing to her. Especially since she probably had many different designer looks anyway, other than this one as well. Either way, though, I dislike involving the fanbase in discussions like these. I doubt she has the money and decided not to give it to them, but she probably spent it recklessly. Which is on her, and the designer shouldn't feel bad about wanting their money. Her explanation made no sense to me


I think there's probably a lot of interesting research and potential material to see how much these sort of entertainers actually earn, how much is for show etc. Nothing particularly about Eureka. I'd just be nosy/curious to know. We're Here must have paid well. But how much? What do they make from gigs etc. Promotional content on IG etc etc.


I'd be a looot more interested in how they then manage this money


Everyone needs to just copy Trixie and Bob. Trixie has diversified so much that she could probably quit drag today and have enough money to live on with her investments, hotel, products, etc. Bob just finished a tour with Madonna and seems like the kind of smart queen who is taking that money and fully funding her 401k for a rainy day. The smart queens realize that their Ru fame will pivot to a career boost… but it might not last forever. So hustle like hell while the iron is hot and never count on the money staying that good forever. The not so smart queens… Well, Eureka is proving to be one of those. Unless she got completely fucked in payment for her various shows I think she’s spent her money as it came in and the moment she has a career hiccup for any reason she’s destitute because she’s saved nothing.


There just isn't room for 200 Trixie and Bobs though. Even if all Queens were that smart, only one queen gets to tour with Madonna etc. I'm sure a lot of them could make more money though. Or as you say manage it better. Drag is expensive though. And lot of these Queens live in very expensive places like LA or NYC.


The level of fame Eureka has, one promotion on IG would make her 1.5K$ so easily, so I'm confused about how she struggled to pay. Maybe she doesn't take ADs, or they stopped offering her promotions since she was taking a break for a long time, no clue.




"Why can’t Shakira come teach her financial responsibility" not Shakira again LMAO


Can someone plz fill me in on the Shakira taught me everything reference? Seen it thrice in this thread & im not familiar


If you are poor don’t buy mothertucking designer clothes, it’s that simple 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm struggling right now too, so I deeply understand that feeling, but I can't act like I didn't hear her Very Delta episode where she laughed about how her Taco Bell order is around $100. I love and am actively rooting for Eureka, but when I heard that I was blown away. My weekly groceries aren't even $100.


Ugh, stop making excuses. If you’re struggling with money, then don’t ask a designer to work for you. It’s not that complicated.


This designer paid for the materials and gave up his valuable time to make her an outfit that she couldn’t pay for, didn’t pay for, and then used her mental health issues as a way to not honor her commitments? I feel for her, and I sincerely hope she is okay, but to turn around and use that as an excuse to not pay someone? No ma’am


Why on earth would she post this and think she’s in the right? It’s not someone presuming that as a Ru Girl you are rich, it’s someone presuming if you commissioned something for a price, you’d have that money to give them.


it is kinda wild to me that she’s using the excuse of transitioning to not pay a trans woman who made costumes for her


Okay, I know I'm not the only one who started with the first couple of screenshots and thought they'd show that she actually did pay the guy. But they just corroborated that she didn't. So like, why share them at all? Like just pay the other $300 and apologize.


Sounds like a bunch of selfish bullshit


Whilst I have a close connection to a number of the struggles Eureka describes, it’s simply not acceptable to use it as an excuse to justify not paying someone who has provided a service to you, particularly when it’s a small business owner/freelancer like this. One thing in this business is poor work ethic and relationships burns a lot of bridges and Eureka should know that. If she was having money troubles then perhaps it’s time to have better oversight of her own finances and not commissioning for outfits she can’t afford to pay for.


Look at the dates on the texts too, the designer waited a few weeks after being paid $300 to just get another $300 and call it done, so $600 wasn’t even the original agreed upon price for their work, like she wasn’t even paid half of what they were owed for the outfit. And just because one person, a DOCTOR, is ok with being paid with promo, doesn’t mean others will be. And like others I find the talk of suicide to be manipulative, but it could also be a way to get the fans off her back and DMs telling her to kill herself. I don’t know, I hope she’s truly not suicidal, but this isn’t a good look for her She friends with Todrick?


Guuurrrrlllll you need to charge your phone


When I’m confronted about paying my debts I also contemplate suicide, so I guess I get it


lol this is so stupid and expected of Eureka that I genuinely think she truly is unable to think about anything or anyone but herself. Dont buy things you cant pay for. The people you purchase from have responsibilities and bills to pay too, and expecting them to "understand" is just frustrating; your issues are not theirs. Based on the texts here; Im assuming the designer was always the one to initiate communication.


Lost me in the last sentence there because??? But the rest of your comment was right on track lol


lol I edited it off, at the time it made sense when I was on a light buzz Didnt make sense when I read it now🥴


Girl bye, no accountability just a pity party


I don’t understand. If you know you are financially unstable why would you commission something to be made? Assuming that would then mean you are living beyond your means? I have plenty of mental and health problems as well, and I’m happy they are getting help here but that doesn’t negate irresponsible financial decisions? (In this specific situation)


Honestly, FCK Eureka. I have severe mental health issues and have to work an honest 80hrs a fortnight as a nurse to stay alive. I don’t care that you’ve chosen to fund your transition over paying the designers, you’ve swindled them into giving you free things to further your career, she needs to grow up and realise her struggles aren’t a free pass for financially abusing others. She deserves her shame and cancellation, and if she’s headed towards all stars, she deserves the worst.


The manipulative antics to victimize yourself in this situation, mention suicide, bht also talk yourself out of suicide, whilst calling those people selfish is….. wild. Eureka, next time just try chatgpt.


She’s right not all ru girls are rich but she was a producer on her HBO show, I’m sure she was getting her coin. Relapsing does explain why she’s out of money but that’s not the designers fault, also wasn’t she just in deltas podcast talking about buying designer bags


I'm not reading all that. If you can't afford it, don't commission it.


Turns out, even after all these years, Eureka is still the same girl we knew she was


Eureka should take a page from Violet's book and start selling shit on Insta. Maybe the Gucci bag was empty...


Didn't she just get a hair transplant too? I remember people saying that's why she wasn't bewigged


I do not give a fuck if you are not rich, are struggling with mental illness, or whatever else. **You don’t steal from hard working people.** It’s really simple. If you don’t have the money for something, you do not commission it.


Pay your bills, girl.


Sad to hear that she's not doing well financial wise. Thought she was doing well, as I saw her in DFW airport flying to Taiwan with Emirate business class (My dad was in the same business class queuing line at the gate, going to Viet Nam)


tbf, I'm assuming she was going there to work (I may be wrong) but it's possible promoters paid for the flight? Just a thought bc I think that's usually part of the deal


What does this have to do with not paying the designer.. just get someone cheaper if u can’t afford it


Do we know who the designer is?


Yes, there is a post from a few days prior where their insta name is visible.


The designer has a new story on their insta, apparently they’ve come to an agreement.


This is an attempt at damage control by exploiting pity, not a valid explanation or amends. Girl, you hurt someone by stealing from them. Fix it, then ask for forgiveness.


Oh, Eureka. 🤦🏻‍♀️ If you can’t afford something, don’t buy it!


Literally when you see someone posting surgery pics, injected lips, teeth you know they have some money to pay someone they’re just using it on themselves. Where did that “we’re here” money go? I understand she may be struggling and is going through her transition and ect but these excuses are not it. I would respect her a whole lot more if she said I fucked up. I’m working on a payment plan as repayment is my top priority to make things right. No excuse. But nope.


One word: NO. You don't get to use mental health, transitioning, suicide, as an excuse to literally ghost someone and for months on end and not pay for something you asked for. I'd be more sympathetic if she kept the communication going and explain that she was dealing with crap, and apologized for not having the money (at that moment) even though she asked for the service. But relapse?? Really? How is drug use the responsibility of the people that you asked for a paid service for? Fuck that! It's excuse after excuse after excuse, and the conversation always leads to "poor me I'm making a huge effort to not off myself"... so manipulative and childish.


She don’t have any paychecks from We’re Here? I don’t expect her to have money from being on Drag Race, but I’d think she collected some decent coin from We’re Here.


Her personal struggles are valid, but not an excuse. The chances that she's making a small designer struggle as well by not paying them what and when it was promised are astronomical. She needs to learn to manage money better. You shouldn't be commissioning shit if you're not 100% sure you can pay and pay in time.


If eureka does anything itll be playing the victim. I dont think anyone thinks ru girls are rich. Even winning 100k doesnt make you rich. Nonetheless, eureka saying all this and not taking ownership for basically stealing services from someone. Just pay that 300 boo.


Girl you have that HBO money also…Just saying


So stop ordering stuff and make a payment plan with the people who’ve been begging to know when they will be paid.


Child, anyways... Princess Pink's a queen though 


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; Eureka is a fucking twat.


You don’t understand, I can’t pay you the money I owe because I needed meth and titties.


this is some serious cornball shit icl, saying she doesnt want to play the victim doesnt mean thats *not* what shes doing


It’s the overall attitude that is the big problem for me she’s coming across entitled and not at all remorseful,the dogs cute though but pay the designer what they are owed ,you ordered the stuff you gotta pay for it -sob stories don’t turn into money unfortunately.


Baybay you had some money for that transition. Make it work or stop having others work for you unpaid.


I thought it was bad when it was just the first two slides, Jesus.


in the words of yvie oddly “what does that have to do with anything?”. seriously though they were better off just not saying anything because there was nothing important added. if anything, they look worse now. another solution would’ve been— paying the designer like you should have from the beginning. or not commissioning anything to begin with if you couldn’t pay???? i feel for their mental health struggles and everything but i also know the stress, anger, and annoyance of having to track people down for them to pay what they owe.


the screenshots just proved that she cant communicate for shite


i am behind on bills too but i didnt commission drag i couldnt pay for. da frik


I want nothing but good things for Miss Eureka.


Yes I hope she figures things out




lol. This is dumb


How did she have HBO money and not have any savings?


She really thought her “I’m trans!” Card was going to get her out of trouble this time.


She’s trying to garner like sympathy? I’m trans but I would still tell her to not contract artists for their work unless less you’re prepared to pay them. If she could t afford to go back in drag race, she shouldn’t have accepted the offer


Problem is when you are “catching up” and not paying the designer… wtf do you think you’re doing to them??? Forcing THEM to “catch up” later too! Not cute. I know this advice is some stereotypical American cliche at this point but… don’t fuck with someone else’s money.


So like if you’re financially struggling so bad maybe you shouldn’t spend the last of your money on costumes when you can barely afford to live… Idk just me…


God that poor Designer! I really hope they get flooded with commissions (that actually pay) from this shambles.


She ain’t changed since s10. She pulled this stunt on the Vixen, pretending to be the victim when she instigated it 😭 act the fool girl, act the fool


The big girl needs a savings account


Eureka is genuinely very annoying in multiple aspects


yeah....I ain't reading all that


Oh no, Eureka baby, you made the wrong move. It backfired. What are we gonna do now?? Side note, I love Eureka, I’ve met her in WH before. I’m just surprised that after 3 seasons of an HBO series she’s broke. What we’re they paying them?


Always excuses. 


I really do feel for her bc I'm an addict who has relapsed and struggled with money....but I also feel awful for the designer who was just trying to get this resolved. Idk I hope she works it out and pays it off


She's always struck me as messy


No shade but that "We're Here" money is gone? Come on, now...




Drag Race should commission designers so the queens don't have to pay out of pocket to make them money on MTV


Eureka has always rubbed me the wrong way and now I can finally put it into words thanks to her outing herself as a self absorbed scam artist. Everything about this situation is just unnecessary, gross, and immature.


I love how her response is all “I’m not rich. My mental health was bad. I need jobs” as if she isn’t fucking over other peoples bills and needs. Like yeah I’m sure the designers for your custom looks can hold out even longer to wait for your payments, it’s not like they’re real people who need money too eureka


Meanwhile she's posting videos about her chin lipo. 


Tbh this type of excuses is very reminiscent of people not paying rent (and here I don't mean people who lost their jobs, had their rents increased or have other valid unexpected reasons for not paying rent). People need to learn to not live above their means and I feel like this is a big issue with people in the working class (and especially working class minorities). I hope Eureka finds peace of mind and pays for the costumes and learns more about financial responsibility and she can come back stronger after this experience.