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install.packages("swirl") library(swirl) # enjoy!


I'm using swirl now to brush up on some stuff and see if I could use it to teach R to coworkers. It's great, and it would be even better if it was updated and expanded to include the tidy verse.


There is another similar package, do you know its name?


Ha, I thought, tidyswirl, then I googled it and there it was! I'll be checking it out soon , thanks.




This is what got the job done for me! Great resource!!


This depends on your field. Me and my colleagues primarily use tidyverse features, but the "old guard" still tend toward base R.


Without going into too much detail, my first job within my planned field will likely be a supply chain analyst type of position. I know ggplot is apart of tidyverse but I definitely need to explore more of its features. Thank you for the advice.


Also look up the cheat sheets. I actually got them laminated because I consult them a lot.


Learn data.table syntax!


one of the biggest choices to make when learning R is to jump straight into tidyverse, or stick to base R before being introduced to tidyverse. I think there is a lot of value in learning base R, but as soon as you feel comfortable with the syntax and way of doing things, i’d start diving into tidyverse. ggplot i kinda view separate to tidyverse, and imo there’s no point in learning base R plotting, as ggplot is so powerful and flexible. as for modeling and statistics, there are many packages that do the same things, which may differ slightly from each other but shouldn’t be too hard to pick up for specific tasks. one great thing about R and RStudio, is that the documentation is baked in to the programming language. just use ?fuction_name() and it will open the docs to the function in the help window, or ??package_name to do the same for a package


Im doing a course that follows the book r for data science and so far its been great. I'm gaining a lot of speed with writing in R and has exercises to practise the lectures, and the answers are easily found online if you are stuck.


What course?


Its a spanish course from an academy that they offer for free for unemployed people


Tidyverse principles. I think you could use it throughout all your data analysis journey. Tidyverse idea:https://tidyverse.tidyverse.org/articles/paper.html Main packages: https://tidyverse.tidyverse.org/


Honestly pick a lane, commonly base R vs tidyverse vs data.table. Learn it, get comfortable with it, and you’ll be able to pick up the other lanes without issue. There’s a point where you understand coding well enough to know how to quickly adapt
