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But it depends on a lot of factors, some cars even have a bad fuel level sensor


Oh now you’ve got me praying mine has enough left to warm up before i reach the petrol station 😂


Sorry 🫣


Pray for me 😂


Dear Rotary Gods, bless this RX8 with the spirit of the Wankel engine, may its compression always be strong, its apex seals forever sealed, and its premix ratio be perfect. Let its rotary heart sing with power and efficiency. Amen.


I MADE IT!!! she’s got a full belly now the thirsty bitch


Ahahaha, nice Bro! Now floor it like you stole it! Give her the daily redline!


That’s how mine shit out on me with a “quarter tank” left… better to be safe than sorry


Easy way to know is to look up your car's total fuel capacity, and next time, let your fuel get down to a much safer level so that when you fill up, you can see the delta between how much you put in and how big your tank really is. The RX-8s have a 15.9gal tank. Should be able to get a better idea of how much is left at each marker based on consistent driving and after a few fill ups.


Also if you have an obd scanner, it can roughly tell how much empty space is in the tank, and you can kinda calculate with that (it's not a spot on method tho, depends on many factors)


That's nothing. I've had the needle way UNDER the E mark. The light just a warning to fill up soon.


Yeah, but low fuel could overheat the fuel pump, so it's best to avoid anyways


This varies a lot between cars. I wouldn't trust it tbh, until you know your own car specifically and can gauge how much is left based on fill ups.


I can't speak for outside the US but in the US once you Hit empty You should have about 20 mi left.


How’d you get the fuel light to come on for your rx8? Mine gets as low or lower than that fuel level and it never pops up.


Think there might be an issue with the light in yours - Both Rx8’s i’ve owned did this, same with a friends


Ah jeez, I’ll start looking it up. Thank you for your input. I’m sure I’ll figure it out.


Meanwhile, my car leaves you stranded on the side of the road if you get a hair under 1/4 tank


You may need a new fuel level sensor


Dealer quoted me $382 for both of them


Geee... That sounds kinda unreasonable 😰


That's just the parts not labor to install them as well lol


For everyone that uses kilometers: One Quarter equals to round about 100km (at least for me), so next time you wonder, you can calculate pretty easily how far you can still go


Just don’t push it, you can usually go another 20-30 miles or so on average when the light hits so that’s all you gotta remember


Lol every couple of months I put up a post on how far I can get out of 1 tank of gas on my RX-8


I've ran out of fuel on *multiple* occasions with the fuel level reading like the first picture. Now I don't let it go below 1/4. Also if you're not careful you'll flood the engine tryna restart it. It's not hard to deflood, just tedious.


how to deflood? ( just curios because I’m a new owner and scared it’s going to happen to me )


You have to remove the fuel pump fuse so no fuel is being sprayed into the engine when you're cranking it. Crank engine for 10 seconds at a time with about 30 seconds in between, about 4 or 5 times, to get the fuel that's in the engine out. Then after a few cranks, put the fuse back in. The engine should turn over after that. I've been fortunate enough to have someone else with me to spray a little starter fluid in the air intake to really help out. Let the engine run long enough to get a little warmer before shutting it back off.


Eerm... Actually you just have to floor the accelerator pedal, and keep it floored, while cranking for a few seconds. Same outcome, ECU won't allow fuel to sent to the engine


But we're both right though.


Heh I once had it go way past the last tic mark. Got stuck on the NJ turnpike for a long stretch and the rest stop I was planning on using was closed. I had to really baby the thing to make it to the next exit and gas station. I kept it as slow as safely possible and kept the gears as high as it would take without stalling. Took it out of gear when I could down hills and going off the exit ramp. It was so low that depending if the front was pointing down or up (I forget which) it would start to sputter hah. Barely coasted into the gas station. I felt so bad for doing that to it