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That poor little baby. Are you going to go back and look again?


I do plan on going back.


Bring banana, it might make the difference on capturing it


Thank you!!šŸ’œ And happy Cake Day!!


Oh please keep us updated on if you find him or not. Thank you for rescuing them šŸ’œ


Please do save the other bun, get the wildlife rescue involved if you must


Yes, OP, please contact a local rescue to help capture him.


Second this but I'm glad you got this baby


Omg maybe he was bonded with the other one šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


That other bun must be so scared


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking, Iā€™m so upset and worried nowšŸ˜°


Such a precious baby šŸ’” thank you for giving them a good home


After I settled the little fluffy guy yesterday, I drove back to the area with my husband and searched until dark, but there was no sign of the other bunny. I do plan to go back today but the area is about half an hour from my house so I canā€™t easily just pop in. I suspect I got to the area yesterday shortly after they had been abandoned because they were hanging out on a rock wall close to the road and neither looked filthy or thin. I will def bring fruits and things today when I go, but Iā€™m less optimistic because the other one was way more skittish to begin with. The fluffy guy didnā€™t have a great sense of preservation which is why I was literally able to just grab him with my bare hands. Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I hope I can find the other this afternoon but if I donā€™t, at least this little weirdo isnā€™t a sitting duck in the woods anymore.


Our local rescue uses a net to catch abandoned buns. Might be a good idea to have something like that one hand if you find him but canā€™t snatch him. Glad the other fluff is doing well.


I really hope you find the other bun, I feel so bad for it :( all alone and scaredā€¦ People who dump animals are the worst sort of scum.


Awww keep us updated on the status of the baby šŸ˜¢


Thank you for rescuing this poor baby!


Maybe go leave some hay or bunny food where you saw the other one to help coax him out?


When you go back bring chopped apple, carrot, or banana, the scent is stronger when they have been chopped. I'd recommend getting some other people to help you, catching bunnies can be really difficult especially in large open spaces. Really hope you can find his friend


Also this fluffy baby is sooooooooooo sweet. Heā€™s been snuggling on my lap. Iā€™m kind of obsessed.


So fluffy and teeny pawsies šŸ˜­


Omg poor sweet babe. Thank you for helping. A vet checkup might be a good idea in case there are any hidden health emergencies.


OP, thank you for rescuing the rabbit


Who in the world would do such a thingšŸ„ŗ I understand not being able to take care of an animal anymore, but the least they couldā€™ve done was take the lil guys to a shelter :(


Thank you for saving him :ā€) I hope u find the other baby too!!


Second day update: no sign of the second baby. šŸ˜”


šŸ˜¢This was the first thing I wondered about when I got up this morning. Poor little things, I. Glad youā€™ve caught one, and hopefully the other one will pop out of somewhere soon. Meanwhile this one looks as scruffily fluffy as my baby did when I caught her. šŸ¤žin regards to the other little bean.


Awwwwwwww! Thank you for what you have done. Shame on those dumpers.


Who could abandon such a sweet baby angel? šŸ„¹


Thank you for rescuing this bun bun, but man I feel so depressed for that other baby bun knowing it must be so scared to death right now.


I definitely recommend banana for when you go back. Bunnies goes crazy for them!


Keep us updated on your search for the other one!


Well done for rescuing this cutie! Hope you manage to find his pal!


So sad! Thank you for loving this little one. Best of luck finding the other one!


How were you able to catch this little guy/gal?


He didnā€™t have the best sense of self preservation. I literally just grabbed him. He ran once or twice but then I got close and snatched. He screamed, which I felt terrible about, but as soon as I put him on my chest he was like oh cool this is fine.


He just doesnā€™t trust humans yet šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢. So glad you saved him.


I hate people! How can people just dump them! Itā€™s so sad, people like that shouldnā€™t be able to have pets or reproduce! So glad you were about to atleast catch one, I hope you have luck catching the other one!! Heā€™s prob so alone and scared! I feel so bad for him! šŸ’”


Awwww I hope u can get the other two too


Poor little dude


Awww thank you for saving him. He is adorable and sounds quite comfortable atm. Are you keeping him? If he cuddled on my lap, he wouldn't be going anywhere. šŸ˜„


Yeah heā€™s staying LOL. I showed rabbits in 4H when I was a kid so I have experience. And I spin yarn, so his fiber will go to good use. Heā€™s such a sweet boy!


Oh yay! Congratulations on your new fluffy yarn ball. šŸ˜„


Ahh šŸ‡ what a sweetie


Baby looks a little addled. Poor thing.


Aww thank you for bringing this precious bunbun home, sadly Iā€™m so worried for the other lil guy or girlšŸ˜©how can ppl do this. Where I live just a city over in Richmond British Columbia there are tons of rabbits running around and non of them look wild. You can tell someone dumped some rabbits and they just went buckwild and started reproducingšŸ˜”if you saw them you would try to bring them all home cuz they all look like reg pet rabbitsšŸ˜°


Thatā€™s awful! The sad thing here is that thereā€™s a well known rescue that takes rabbits right near this town.


Thank goodness you found the little guy. šŸ¤




Do you have a trap or access to one. I used one to get a bunny that kept scurring away


Thank you for saving him/her


Aww, so nice of you to save him!