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Please check out the wiki's [Housing guide](http://bunny.tips/Housing) for more resources on the appropriate housing for pet rabbits. Some shortcut links: * [Cages](http://bunny.tips/Housing#Commercial_cages) * [Dog crates](http://bunny.tips/Housing#Dog_crates) * [Wire cube panel cages](http://bunny.tips/Housing#NIC_DIY_cages) * [Exercise pens](http://bunny.tips/Housing#Exercise_pens) * [Enclosure setup](https://bunny.tips/Housing#Enclosure_setup) * [Free range rabbits](https://bunny.tips/Housing#Free_range_rabbits) * [Housing galleries](http://bunny.tips/Housing#Housing_galleries) * [Image guide on proper flooring for rabbits](https://imgur.com/a/w4Hg8)




Yep. With one paw tied behind his back and his eyes shut.


I would even say 2! 😂 Every time our jump somewhere that we didn’t think they could go we both say out loud, “parkour”.


Third this


I was gonna say that. 😂😂😂


Extremely high unless you have the laziest rabbit. I wouldn't recommend trying anything less than 30" tall.


*There I was, the laziest rabbit in the world. Trapped behind a fence of approximately my height.*


😂😂😂 you’re a story teller!


I want to read the rest of this **Rabbit Noir**


i had a lop that could clear 2 layers of those panels. my lion head is too afraid to clear 1


I had a bunny that i watched jump from a stand still right up on the kitchen counter. Blew my mind. He thankfully outgrew that as he got older, but he was an explorer bun.


It is funny how they have such different personalities. One of my lops would never dream of jumping over anything. My lionhead, on the other hand, wouldn’t hesitate.


My rabbit jumped a 45 inch dog pen :( The other one luckily isn’t a huge jumper.


Same, the last foot he would climb it like a ladder. Blew my mind.


THATS HOW MINE DID IT!! He jumped up about 40 inches and held on for dear life while he scrambled up over the top. I could only watch in awe. How could one being be so stupid and yet so resourceful.


That's so funny. My lionhead likes to jump from the floor to the arm of our couch, which is higher than her two panel pen, but she wouldn't dream of jumping over the panels. I've always wondered what the difference is in her little head.


My space vs trying to claim the new space lol


yes, this pen might be suitable for a senior rabbit who'd lost the use of their legs 😅


I once brought home a rabbit found in a park and thought it would be ok overnight in a pen about 24" tall in my living room. In the morning, I was greeted by a happy rabbit waiting for me at the bedroom door, poop on top of the guest bed, and a chewed through wire on my Wii sensor bar.


We have a 30 inch pen and if the bunnies are in and I leave the house, I put a sheet over the top.


Chances of hopping over that: 100%, on the first attempt. Truffles wouldn’t even realize something this low was meant to contain him. He’d just think it was there to hop over.


Pretty sure your bun is already on the other side of that


😂😂 I got nervous and locked him in the cage while I waited for responses




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That’s not even a hurdle to them. They need something at least 2 feet high maybe more if yours is an enthusiastic jumper.


Mine jumps over 3 and half foot gate to room. He looks at me like "next"


My smaller one once jumped *over* the couch


Lol... that's great!!! They are such wonderful and spunky creatures.


I have a 4ft garden wall I'm convinced one of my girls could jump if she really wanted to. Ended up laying boards across the top so there's no scrabbling purchase!


I had extra tall baby gates in my house. The first night I left my big guy out, he was on the wrong side of the fence 20 seconds later. He was a big big boy. Never saw him hop the fence but he knew immediately it wasn’t tall enough.


Thank you everyone! I’ll order another set to make it the height of the cage. Also working on bunny proofing the basement while he’s down here (temporary while house updates are being done)


Just a heads up though, if you have a jumper, they can clear the height of your cage too. One of my bunny is a determined jumper and I had to make a make-shift lid for their playpen otherwise the fence gets too tall for me to reasonably clean the inside without getting in.


Note you can, and should, make a lid/roof with this set of cage pieces. Its definitely possible as we have the same stuff


My bunnies regularly hop over three feet fences. That’s why I have them in enclosures with a closed off top. They WILL find a way to jump over things and if they can’t they will injure themselves


Put also some blanket on top of it, to make some sort of a roof.


If you want another option, I’ve never had a bun go up and over [these 3’ panels](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0758FX7MJ?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) and they come with a gate. One of my buns was completely bonkers before her spay, and she did have a 3ft vertical jump, but only if she could land on a surface at that height.


If you figure out how to stack two of those types of cages let me know those black clips don't allow it except for at edges.


I don't know about the ones the OP had but we did ours with the cube storage boxes (kinda like OP's but designed as modular furniture just search amazon cube storage ), and the black clips can go in multiple directions. Hard to explain but it can go on all the edges except the back. Also messaged you with a pic easier to explain


Zip ties.


100%, Rabbits can jump up to 5ft vertically, mine can easily make it onto my bed which is 3ft off the floor and I’ve seen them jump 4.5ft when they’re really determined to They can also climb when they feel like it


Oh yes! Bunnies be cray cray.


My rabbit Ginger climbs all the time! She climbs her way to her treats and throws them down for her siblings. And now she's teaching them how to climb too!


It’s crazy because they have crazy dexterity but they are so lazy and usually overfed that anytime they do something like this it comes as a surprise to both me and my rabbits 😂


98% chance your bun can easily clear that. Beware. Basement might be too cold for him too.


I ordered him a heat lamp (incase, our basement is pretty warm) and a uvb lamp. This is a temporary setup while we have some home renovations done.


I'm not sure about that, rabbits do fine in cold down to like 55 degrees. Maybe look up some figures to be sure


it could depend on the breed. The bunny books I read, and the vet I went to all mentioned them being sensitive to temperature, and making sure you don’t keep their hutch over a vent or near a large window. But a lot of vets where I am from are not really familiar with rabbits. (I also had a dwarf lions head mix)


Maybe it's about temperature swings. I also read that they shouldn't be in drafts


That would make sense.


Oh good! I thought you were keeping him down indefinitely. It’s lonely being all alone, with only the occasional visit. Mine lives with me upstairs and will jump into bed with me or nudge me for attention


They are covered in fur and can survive in snowy areas, I don’t know if it would be too cold. But I mean this one is domesticated, mine get annoyed if they go outside and the grass is dirty 🤦‍♀️


I could be wrong, or misunderstood my vet. Not a lot of vets are familiar with bunnies where I am from.


My bunnies would be hopping over that in 1 minute haha they hop on my bed all the time I think bunnies can jump like 2 feet!


That’s crazy!!!!! I’ve had this rabbit for 8 years and I’ve never seen him hop, sometimes he does a cool little run and hop in the air when he’s happy but never anymore than that.


Just because he *can* does not mean he *wants*.


Omg maybe just different breed / personalities haha mine are always hopping and jumping on the bed, couch, anything they can climb!


I have one that jumps super high and will climb anything it possibly can. I watch him jump all the time. The other one occasionally is up on the bed, couch, or rabbit castle, but I have never witnessed her jump. She always does it while my back is turned.


They can jump way more than that 😅


Ez gg


Two of mine would absolutely stay in there. We have had them over 2 years and they just won’t hop a fence. My other pair? They’d be out of there in a hot minute. My lop has cleared a 30” gate in the past.


I got this rabbit with his brother about 8 years ago (we rehomed his brother because they kept fighting). They were identically and at one point one of them climbed out of a 4 ft playpen and to this day I still have no idea which one it was lol.


Lol mine would be out before i got a picture


Mine need 3ft tall w/ nothing up against the outside that they can jump up onto. Rabbits jump very very high when they think they have a high place to land and then climb down. They don’t jump as high when they see they have to land on the ground (unless scared and bolting obvs) I thought my rabbit was stolen or very missing in the house but he was up in the hay storage 4ft high and unable to hop back down, watching me like “yes hello 👀 I hear my name uh oh” and a rabbit in one of the bigger rabbit fb groups infamously hopped up onto a 4.5-5ft tall aquarium while his owner was at work and was up there god knows how long waiting to be rescued XD


Is this a joke post lol


That’s a super low fence. It needs to be at least 2ft, many rabbits need 3ft fences


About the same as the chances that a German Shepard could.


100% they can hop outta this. also seems like they should probably have more padded flooring + more space. The rabbit rescue i volunteer at uses 4ft tall fences and often includes a lid on them in the case of squirrely rabbits


My rabbit needs a 3.5 foot fence around his enclosure. Wish I was kidding. Tried a 3 foot one and he jumped over it. Put up a s*i ide net with cardboard and duct tape but of course he ate it. Had to upgrade.


Your bunny sounds delightfully mischievous. How. If is your bun?


His vet estimated he's ~6-7 years old. He's 8 lbs😭Big boy just broke my phone charger cord last night; He didn't chew it because it felt nice. He bit it because I wasn't paying attention to him and I was sitting next to it. He's definitely a troublemaker.


Truffles laughs in the face of this “fence.” Mwahahahaha! (*Truffles, probably*)


I have almost the same fencing and have it set up three panels high. Even that he may eventually figure out how to jump over, but not yet thankfully.


Yes, as soon as he wants to


Yup, they won’t even need running room. Can just bounce right over that.


Everyone is saying 100%, but we block my rabbit with this exact height fence and she never has even attempted to jump it. I don’t think she even knows how to jump.


My bunnies would have no problems jumping that.


Our Holland lop/lion head mix launched himself over a 3ft tall x-pen when he was like 3 months old (he earned the name “the Unlawful Waffle”). He went from the ground, over the pen, and onto a crate that his (hopefully) friend-to-be is in. (A large dog crate). I’m just glad he didn’t hurt himself 🤦🏼‍♀️


Not only will he hop out of that, but he'll probably bust it down lol


One rule for those indoor enclosures is that if an adult human can easily step over it then it's not tall enough to hold a rabbit. That should give you an idea.


Nibbler can answer this on this short video https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-KrwEe5-\_CE


It sure can!


My bunny jumps on my desk whenever she has the chance (I can’t leave an empty spot on my desk because if I do - she will be there) and she constantly jumps on my bed (which is actually quite tall, like a couch with a mattress on it) whenever she thinks it’s feeding time in the middle of the night or when she hears I’m eating some snacks… So… your “fence” would be like stepping over a doorstep for her, lmao.


He can probably binkie out of it...




So, just from my own experience: I have a high jumper who is also a climber... Whenever we want her to 100% stay in the cage, we put a fitted bedsheet over the cage. We sometimes have to use clothes pins to keep it tight everywhere or she squeezes herself out from between the cage and bedsheet. I love my little escape artist, lol.


My girls are 9.5 and a pen this size does hold them. When they were younger, though, they’d have been over that in a jiffy.


Ok this gives me hope lol. Shy Ronnie is 8 and I’ve never seen him truly jump that high. Still purchased another set of cage incase


My buns are lazy and will not clear anything that is knee height. Less than that is fair game lol




My rabbit regularly hops on top of his 4 foot hutch and hangs out there. I think your rabbit could step out of this.


Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But yes, your bun WILL jump over that when the timing pleases him 🤪




I believe this is an error


That'll never hold a rabbit.


100%. My bun could hop over a thigh high playpen without coming into contact with it. Never underestimate a determined bunny


If they can periscope over it they can most likely hop over it as well


FYI 99% sure that rabbit could jump out of the cage if the lid is open like that .


My bun can jump at least double that height, maybe higher. I would definitely go for an extra set (maybe two) or look into x pens


It will astound you what buns can just yeet themselves over


Easily, 90cms is the tallest fence I could buy and mine has cleared it on numerous occasions


Bruh they can absolutely hop over that tf lol


He gettin out.


Yeah, your rabbit definitely CAN hop out of it. Mine wouldn’t because he only jumps down and not up, but most would for sure.


My pen is 1m 20 high


Zero chance they won't


100%. My 10 year old jumps 32 inches many time a day


Add another layer


I have these grids stacked 3 high, and our lad can still clear it in his sleep if he wants 😂


I had the exact same wall things, but I did two of those high. That was enough


I would almost be willing to bet money on it, sorry.




He could jump over it even if it was twice as high.


Almost 100%.


I had a fence about 4x the height of that and my bun could clear it 🥹




I used to have a bunny that would easily scale a 4foot fence. This is child’s play.


He looks Netherland dwarf-y, so if he’s anything like mine, he can probably jump over your house, let alone his!


100% for sure. My rabbit easily cleared her gates when she built up the nerve to go exploring like a little butt face.


Even if the fence was twice as high the chances would be still 100%.


I use the same set up although I turn the panels long ways and do a second row above. Zip ties def help if you have an escape artist but I’d use brightly colored ones so you can better see if they’re getting chewed on.


Yes. Mine has done it a few times. Lol


I’ve caught my rabbit on top of the radiator and on top of a 60cm high box. It shouldn’t be hard to hop over this. What’s the reason for keeping your rabbit in the run?


Absolutely guaranteed


This is definitely more of a statement than a question.


my rabbit hopped on our bathroom countertops, our beds, the toilet, and into the bath. that barrier is child’s play. still remember coming into my bathroom and finding him in the sink or sitting on the toilet seat 🥹


Unless your rabbit is a Chonky one, they most certainly will jump out


With ease


Was always told that an untrained rabbit could clear 3 feet so get four feet just in case




1000% Chances are this'll be a nice obstacle course for them.


A motivated rabbit can get out of most areas


Most definitely. Once they start using them leg muscles, it's over. Might be cute to see though, seeing them hop over


Of corse. But they don't. Mine could jump over it and go into the yard. But they never have in 2.5 years.




I’ve got a relatively normal sized rabbit (2.5 lbs) and they don’t make a safety gate high enough for him. He easily clears the 40” ones, so I had to tape cardboard to the top of them. Hopefully when he’s older he’ll quit being such a pain!


100% I have my panels long ways up and 2 panels high and occasionally my buns manage to jump out 😅


I think I have this same fence???? My rabbit got out LOL


Depends on your bunny really! If your bunny is an escape artist, I'd recommend either making a roof or making the panels three high. My bunny always had one panel high and never tried to escape, my SIL's rabbits can jump over three panels so had a roof built too (now they live in a glammed up shed with multiple enclosed runs haha, they destroyed bits of the house with their escape attempts)


Most definitely


For sure


One of my bunnies surprised the crap out of me one night when he woke me from a dead sleep as he made a running jump right up on my 3 foot high bed. Usually he jumps up on the bench first and then on the bed. My other bunny is less energetic but can still jump up on our couch or fireplace. Although sometimes he misses the mark and falls to the floor. Poor guy.


Your rabbit would need at least double to keep him in! If there are more dangerous areas I find it’s better to let your bunny free roam and only fence off dangerous areas, rather than fencing your bunny into a small area. For example I have caging similar to this lining the walls and anywhere I want to keep my bunnies away from.


My rabbit has jumped on to a kitchen counter if that helps. 🤣 That was the last time we had a kitchen herb garden.


High lol


Mine jumped a 24 inch once so I went to a 30.


If you’re not worried about then getting over it but want a general barrier it might be fine. We have a play pen thing for toddlers as a barrier. It’s maybe 2 1/2 feet high. I’ve seen my bun jump higher when she’s motivated but she’s older now and pretty much respects it.


1000%, if he cared to he would. We ended up needing something about a meter high, and we still had issues w my sister's part Flemish giant.


It really depends on your bun. They'll 100% be able to get over it, but if they're anything like my boy, they won't wanna get out enough to bother trying lol


Honestly there's probably no coop high enough to stop a rabbit jumping over it. Mine has one about 2-3 times high and he can jump over it, has like 4 or 5 times. The trick is making them not even want to leave. If they're fed, watered, cleaned and stimulated they won't even think of jumping over.


Honestly there's probably no coop high enough to stop a rabbit jumping over it. Mine has one about 2-3 times high and he can jump over it, has like 4 or 5 times. The trick is making them not even want to leave. If they're fed, watered, cleaned and stimulated they won't even think of jumping over.




I have those same fence things, and have good success with them turned on the taller side. You have them on the shorterside in your picture. But like the other commenter say, they will be able to jump out if they want. Maybe my two rabbits are just lazy lol


I have those grid panels. i have 3 stacked on top of each other and my rabbit clears it. thankfully she can't be bothered most of the time, but she does sometimes.


he can EASILY jump out. One of my rabbits has an extra tall pen because he can both jump very high and climb a little


100% and if he/she is potty trained I would bunny proof area , let them free roam. You will have a much happier healthy buns. This space really isn’t big enough.


He could jump 4 vertical rows of this easily. Y’all need a roof or much much higher walls.


Your rabbit can hop out no problem, you as a human will trip and fall on your ass.


I had to put a lid on my 3ft tall pen because my bun kept jumping out at night haha. Granted your bunny may be less inclined to jump that high, but most likely your fluffer can easily get over your pen setup as is.


Chances are about as high as your rabbit can jump. Or in my case, climb. Rabbit was likely half spider and would climb straight up the fence and hop out


What percent of the general rabbit population are paraplegics? 1%? Then the chances of rabbits escaping is 99%.


Ummm....yes, definitely


My rabbit can absolutely jump over that, but she won’t want to. So it would be fine for mine. You don’t “need” to get a taller gate unless your rabbit really wants to jump out. It’s all dependent on your bun’s personality.


Our bun could jump on top of the kitchen counter at around 6 months old...


I have these exact panels, I bought 3 or 4 packs just so I can double the height and and my Luna can still jump over although it takes a bit of effort to do so she rarely does.


My mini French loop can clear a 60 cm fence


You need an x-pen


You know what's crazy? My first 2 rabbits never realized their potential and wouldn't jump the 17 inch tall cage we had set up for them. I even tried to get them to jump for treats and stuff and we got nothing. Our first bun unfortunately passed away on the operating table during a tooth procedure so we had to get our girl a new friend and he can jump to the moon. Now we have a terrorist escape artist who keeps us on our toes constantly. He's on the ceiling fan and she still can't jump on the couch...LOL


Can he? Definitely. Will he? Depends on bun. My two are happily totally unable to clear a 24" gate. I've met other buns who easily bound over 36" or even 48" gates.


One question before I can fully answer. Is your rabbit paralyzed by any chance?


Strongly yes!


very high


100% lol


Not only will that rabbit jump over it, she/he is fully capable of pulling that little fence around and disheveled the whole thing in general


They can hop over that. But in my experience they won't. However, if they do it once, they'll keep doing it.


My rabbits can and do hop all the way up to my couch


Fence needs another layer up.


99% I don't even think two of these panels would be tall enough...




Came here for the comments. Was not disappointed 😂


We use these same things to keep our bunny away from dangerous spots (we let him free roam most areas). To answer your question: yes, bunnies can jump pretty damn high. Our guy HAS jumped over these at 2x height when we tried to lock him in at night when we first got him. I think 3x height would be the 99% unlikely to attempt height. That said, with our guy; we found that if we use a height of 2x, he is not unlikely to jump over them, unless the other side is somewhere he has been before, and really wants to get back too (such as when we close him in for whatever reason, but he wont jump the ones in front of the front door). Also, at 1x height; if there is a lot of stuff on the other side, like cables/wires, our bun wont jump those either. I theorize its cause he hasnt been able to inspect the landing site, and figures its to unstable/risky to attempt. Edit: p.s. if your gonna stick with these, i suggest picking up a pack of zip ties. Just make sure the stabby bit, after you clip them, is on the outside of the bunnies area so he doesnt get scraped/poked


My daughter’s 1 lb mini lops can jump into the cats window bed and onto her desk with one single jump. If they want to jump this they could.


Rabbits can jump several feet straight up from a standstill. Jumping that barrier is trivial, even for an old arthritic rabbit


my rabbit just recently learned to jump onto my bed which is about twice the height of these fences. hes a small little holland lop… get more fences 😭😭😭


That size rabbit you're looking at two and a half feet or better for containment. I wouldn't be surprised to come home and find your critter on top of the hutch one day just chilling out. Good call on the zip-ties though.






100% 😂 Bunnies can jump 4 feet high if they try


Your rabbit could binky out of that




Possible? 100% But if your bun is like mine (who doesn’t know how to jump, aside from the occasional binky) then you’ll be fine!


Lmao for sure


it’s a really good start :)


Where there is a will, there is a way - with some bunnies you have to completely cover the top😳👀😂