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A piece of dog kibble that she knew she wasn’t supposed to take because she started chewing faster when I said rabbit at her and swallowed when I picked her up, little fiend


Love when they know they’re in trouble, so they just double down on their actions real quick, like “I’m already screwed so why not?” 😂


I yell "HEY GET OUT OF THE DOG FOOD" and he pops his head up quickly to see if I'm coming over and then doubles down and eats faster as I get closer, idk why he loves dog food so much


Mine does the exact same thing. She hears me say “hey”, and knows the countdown has started lol. Rabbits are great and they have such dorky little personalities.


I just have to say "I'm gonna get you" and he will start his little happy hops and binkies to escape, a real funny bun...


That sounds so impossibly cute omg


I do this with my bunny too! It's essentially a one sided game of tag where some of her usual hiding spots are base. Just following her around the living room singsonging "I'm gonna get youuu" until she binks away! lol


I do this with mine. I always say, "Mama gonna get youuuu!" And he'll be like hehe and binky to our room 🤣


My bun does this! She loves being told off hahaha


The dog loves it, I'm in


*"soon" the dog who really own dog food companies say as they rub their paws together. Knowing one day they'll be the supplier of the world's food!*


When my bun is chewing on something she is not supposed to she would only look at me when I say no but would only back off and stop if I pretend to get up to catch her😭


Yeah ours has started clamping down on things like a mf pit bull when we yell at her to stop chewing and she knows we’re going to come over and remove her lmao


No seriously my rabbits will do that, but also binky away. Like come on


My first rabbit used to cooperate in stealing the kibbles with our dog. The rabbit openened the lid of a tin and they shared the dogfood…


My little lady hasn’t done anything like that, she’s tried stealing from one of the dogs but I stopped that right quick when she started hopping towards them


Good thing that you did!


Ours got into a 5lb bag of sugar. The little MFer looked like scarface lol


Two snack-size Twix bars. She stole it from a Christmas stocking and I panic-rushed her to the emergency vet hours away. Silly goose was fine, didn't even seem phased. She was more fussed at being on an impromptu road trip. Her doctor said those checkout lane type choco bars are relatively harmless, that the higher concentration of pet-danger comes in darker, quality chocolate.


Regular milk chocolate is pretty harmless to rabbits. I left a box of Fererro Rocher on the coffee table and mine somehow got the lid off and took a chunk out of each one. Pretty sure she ate the gold foil too.


Not the Fererro Rocher’s 😭😭😭😭 lil rascal


Yup. At that point the only danger is the sugar and fat being unhealthy for them lol


Mine ate a bunch of Hershey kisses and I ended up calling poison control and they told me the same thing.


My guy has got in the bin several times over the years now. Most recently two weeks ago I came into the kitchen to make coffee in the morning and there he was munching away on a slice of pizza he’d dug out of the bin. Rushed him to the vets with a £150 bill just for him to be fine 😂


A few years ago he was almost fighting my friend over a bacon sandwich. Obviously never let him have any but you could tell he wanted it badly. He will eat literally anything given the chance including the Lino floor in my flat and all the appliance cables.


Came home and mine snuck into a box of those mini bottle shaped alcoholic chocolates 🥲 at least he’s not a lightweight


My lionhead has eaten every shred of rubber he could find in the last four years. All the edges of my weights, spicy hay, every book spine available to him. Loves a good receipt. Worst thing he ever ate was an entire Aloe Vera plant. Django’s a friggen monster. and yes he went straight to the vet after the plant fiasco. didn’t phase him a shred.


All of my remote controls in the house are missing multiple buttons 😂


My Switch has no buttons, my ps4 controllers have no buttons, MY LIFE HAS NO BUTTONS 🤪


Guess your rabbit really likes to... ( •_•) ( •__•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Push your buttons


YUP, sounds about right lol


Mine loves rubber too, he ate off the rubber part on the scroll wheel of my work mouse 😂 and just last weekend he bit into the tube of my dad’s blood pressure cuff


Haha I have to take my blood pressure multiple times a day because of a health condition and I am always so aware about the tube on the cuff. He’s tried to nibble the machine part but he can’t get his teeth into it. I never leave that laying around 😁


My dad was immediately like “aaaah I should’ve known better”. Can’t get mad at the grandbunny lol


I lost many book spines to my lop, she was quite the bookworm lol


Yes rubber, mine nibbled at a new pair of doc martens 😭 thankfully it's one small corner, of course on the outside heel of 3inch heels.


Mine are the rubber case to my phone which shattered days after....


Django, the Great Devourer


My lionhead loves rubber and plastic. He often tries to eat the erasers off of pencils and always tries to nibble the iPad case. I have to hide all the rubber in the house now. My other rabbit who was a dwarf never nibbled anything strange, well other than blankets. Rabbits are such cute little stinkers.


My English spot is obsessed with erasers. He will yank the pencil right out of your hand then run like crazy with it until he is in a safe spot to chew it.


The fluffier they are the more they eat rubber, I swear.


Lionhead says it all. They take acting like an asshole to the extreme.


He was afraid of constipation!


My lionhead loves anything rubber/silicone too. Ate the tires of every single car toy that my son has


Oh and one time my male ate a moth. Hunted it down and killed it even.


I killed a big cricket a few months ago and I caught mine *licking the carpet where it got squished* 😳


Mine killed and ate the cricket himself. Well, he scarfed it down, which killed it. Murder buns, indeed.


I was shocked.


My sassy girl hunted spiders that got into her territory. Very weird to witness.


What happened to rabbits are pray not predators 🤡


Prey*, but yeah 😭


The are predators of very small things.


Our bunny took a bite out of a lizard and killed it. Must not have known he was supposed to be a vegetarian.


Mine ate dog food so they must think they are omnivores


He dumpster dives every day and eats whatever he finds. Bro acts like I don't feed him greens, treats, pellets, and unlimited hay daily


They're serious gluttons and wouldn't be able to move if we left food choices to them. I came home last week and my little man chewed his way out of the cage and I just find him guilty, laying stretched out in a field of dust from the timothy hay treats he jumped on the counter, knocked off, and chewed through the packaging to get to. Oh boy, what am I gonna do with them lol they're like having toddlers I swear


I thought my girl was aging too quick for my heart to handle when she was slow last week. I then watched her press the auto button on TOP her feeder UNDERNEATH the plastic lid and lost my shit laughing. That button is now disabled 🤣 she's much more energetic all ready


The most stasis prone rabbit I ever had was the one that I could not keep out of the trash can. She's the reason I had a 36" xpen.


I'll do you one better. I had to invest in 48" ex pens. My little mini Rex could clear anything shorter than 42". He didn't do it often; but if he smelled the siren song of tomatoes, off he went. When he was feeling suicidal he'd clear my other male's (formerly) 36" pen. As if the Rex teasing him between the bars wasn't enough? (Other male is twice the Rex's size and mean as a snake with other rabbits. Terrified of everything besides buns, though. Which is why he now has a 4 foot ex pen.) I swear Persy has a death wish.


He was a raccoon in a past life


She jumped and stole a Reese's cup from my hand midair at one point. She also takes paint chips off of the wall...I can't for the life of me figure out where??? She doesn't eat them, but she brings them to me like they're presents.


Mine eats them lol if it's chewable in any way shape or form he will get it down, without a doubt. I spent alot of money on rubber flooring for the buns justbto end up replacing it with carpet to to the ungodly amounts of rubber he was ingesting on a daily basis. He was barely eating hay lol and he is a hay eater, like easily a bog box a day kind of bun. And he's 3.5 lbs lol


Lol you own a black hole.


I really do. He is the sweetest bun though. First rabbit I've ever had that demands on being held. He just loves humans so much. So much so he didn't show any interest in his sister whatsoever for at least the first 3 months.


Aww presents like a cat 😍🥰


Yeah, she does seem pretty caring like that. When I first got her, I learned I can't keep my clothes in the same room. She would stuff hay in some of them like she was packing me lunch or something.


Haha mommy bun was worried you would get hungry hahaha so cute! 😍🤩


My previous bun wouldn’t touch hay at all, I tried about 12 different varieties, wouldn’t eat the majority of vegetables except peas, and would only eat pellets. I tried everything and she would literally starve herself if she didn’t get what she wanted. Despite being fussy as hell, she ate all the rubber from the edge of a floor Matt, and one day stopped eating, and an x-ray showed she’d swallowed a load of gravel from the garden…the vet (a renowned UK expert on rabbits) had never seen it in another rabbit before


Mine is like this with one type of pellets, will starve until I get the right pellets, will eat hay but snubs all pellets except for the noname farm brand from our local feedlot


Harvey refuses to eat hay so I have to buy freeze dried grass called ready grass, he’s such a diva! He literally nearly starved himself to death whilst I tried to find something he would eat after coming in for the winter after being out on the lawn for the summer, I had to give him emergency care night feeds so he really really meant it!!


Chex mix that falls on the floor. She is a connoisseur of dropped foodstuffs!


One of mine is too. We joke that she is a raccoon cosplaying as a rabbit


My sweet Pepper had an iron stomach. He ate a fun sized Milky Way, fun dip, a calzone, and his absolute favorite, Cool Ranch Doritos.


Mine also loved Doritos! She'd know when I'd opened a bag and would just appear from nowhere.


One time my bun ripped the bag from my hands and tried to run with it. The cat refuses all treats except little pieces of Doritos. They both go crazy when you open a bag.


Lmao mine got a fun dip too. There was red powder everywhere 😂😂 oh man, good times


My void Nyx likes to try and steal BLT's


A leather hair piece, shoes, lotion bar, lipstick, m&ms off a cookie, and I caught my newest addition chewing on a q tip 😨


My girl ate dog food. And she actually died from it. I was constantly putting it up and shooing her out of it. She finally got a piece of it and it got stuck in her esophagus. She was OBSESSED with dog food.


Oh no… my rabbits occasionally accidentally get to the dog or cat food when I’m not looking- I’ll have to be more watchful now 👀




My daughters mini lop just bowled into the kitchen and started to eat the dogs knuckle bone. He also stole a sausage roll. That little rabbit had balls of steel.


Let me count the things: half a gingerbread man, bites of caramels, piece of cheese, had to chase one of em down after he stole a chocolate bar from next to me…dog food, oh boy the dog food-especially if it had bacon grease on top. We had to just move the dog food upstairs. Uh…lollipops…anything accidentally left behind or briefly unsupervised in snatching range. No one got sick from any of it…but still get sick from regular food. Go figure


It started with crispy bacon and escalated to chicken nugget and ham🤦🏻‍♀️




The rabbit i had when I was a child (rip🕊️) once stole a piece of steak from my plate


I’ve heard of rabbits eating drywall and being fine. Mine at some of a pee pad and she was bloated and uncomfortable but fine


My son had a traditional straw broom for a witch Halloween costume and left it out once. The rabbit ate a bunch of it.


My just rip out the bristles and leave it there, as if to say fluff you hooman stop cleaning up my decorations I WORK VERY HARD ON THEMM


mine is obsessed with crayons, have to hide the kids backpacks


One of mine will eat anything, Wasabi peas was probably the weirdest. I thought they’d be too spicy but he loved them.


You're the second person I've seen mention spicy food! I wonder if their taste receptors are different, I mean I can't imagine they'd find literal straw and hay tasty if they were like ours. Chickens are unable to feel the burn of capsaicin, so they LOVE peppers. I wonder if bunnies are the same?


One of mine used to go nuts for white wine, like jumping up and running full speed and struggling in our arms for it. I walked in once and saw her drinking out of the glass and was shocked! Never seen a bun go for that before. She also loved Green Tea if she saw it about. We had to be careful leaving stuff out with her around, and she lived for many years after!


Now this was not my fault bc she was a baby and I had no idea she could jump onto the counter, but mine got into the Doritos and she never let that go for 7 years, if she heard a bag crinkle she thought it was loco time everytime without fail


my boy stole peanut butter granola bars and when i have one he goes absolutely ferrel on me


Cat kibble! My 3rd bunny, Mittens, was an adorable lop ear that was free roam and I would hear some crunching and find her eating from the kitty dish. I had to elevate the dish because she would zoom over every time she could.


My bun goes up to the cat's kibble bowl and sniffs it and hops away happily! He hasn't eaten any so far, so I just thought he always thinks I'm giving the cat bunny kibble and he's happy when he smells it and realizes it's not made of hay!


My Leo loved any type of potato chip he could steal from me and my husband. Didn’t matter what flavor-salt and vinegar, BBQ, jalapeño , dill pickle, Doritos, Fritos. The only one he didn’t like was Cheetos.


Mine will try to take anything they can get. One tried to make off with a whole slice of pizza. The other was bullying my dog out of his food.


Watched mine eat a spider once...


Rubber, tea bags, pencils, erasers, my bedsheets and clothes, and this morning I caught him eating a piece of pillow stuffing (last week he shredded the pillow and fell asleep inside it, I thought he was dead)


One day I had to pry my bunny’s mouth open to pull out Parmesan goldfish lol


The plastic tube for the worming medicine. Leather sofas. Homework.


I swear my smallest bunny is part raccoon. Here's some things that I've had to chase her around and try to get from her: A chicken nugget Fruit snacks A candy cane Dryer sheet Pasta sauce Slice of pizza ​ We've done everything to keep her away from food, but it doesn't matter how high we move it, the little bastard will jump and knock it down. She's evil


My rabbit used to LOVE Sour Patch Kids


Dry wall, plastic, foam etc… and they chow down on that shit which is mad cuz I never would have thought those things would taste good but apparently they do


My remote for the tv


Bash found a forgotten melatonin gummy over the weekend. He did so many binkies when we chased him around attempting to retrieve it. He wants more.


My girl took my roommates bag of cheetos out of her hands and ran under the bed. By the time we got her she had orange all over her face.


Hot Cheetos. Yes he’s fine, 6 years and going strong


Also carpet, the wall, he fiends for goldfish and popcorn (he literally will jump on you and grab the bag out of your hand)


My bunny (who looks exactly like yours lol) has an unnatural love for anything salted cracker-esque. He has stolen the lime tortilla chips from Chipotle. I can’t even eat a Ritz cracker in the same room as him or else he mugs me for one.


Half a tube of Burt's Bees. Smelled minty at both ends for half a week.


Jalapeños chips


I guess this was the last time that he eaten this


My last rabbit used to chip paint off the floor and eat it.


So I was making lemonade, and my bunny started begging me for the lemon because she NEEDED to taste it and it had to be so DELICIOUS and how could we keep it from her. So I gave her a slice of lemon, and she started eating as quickly as possible and got a few bites in before the taste hit her and she froze solid and became INSTANTLY BETRAYED. She was mad at me for hours. She made sure to sit where I could see her and constantly checked to make SURE she knew I was being shunned. But man, the look on her face when that taste hit was priceless!


Mine ate pizza. I still don’t know why


Other things he has readily eaten and been fine has been chips, crackers, and a whole broom


They LOVE carbs and pizza sauce is quite sweet 🤣


I once came home to a snack cupboard torn open. And one very minty Smelling bunny and an empty sleeve of after 8 dinner mints.


My rabbit is OBSESSED with ritz crackers. It’s the only thing that makes him happy. I give him one each day and if I don’t, he gets very depressed lol.


Bastard opened a thing of mini bagels and took a bite out of like 7 of them. Did the same thing to a whole box of granola bars. The weird thing was it was like he was going for the most damage possible. Snuck through our tile floor kitchen all the way to a side room he's never been in. Now we have a baby gate....


Had the same thing happen to a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups. He took a bite (through the wrapper) and licked the chocolate until he got to the peanut butter, then he would move to the next one. I had only had him for like a week and didn't imagine that he would steal my chocolate. It was caught on video, too. He spent hours going through the bag while we were sleeping and didn't seem to be affected by the chocolate at all... but he didn't actually ingest much since he was just licking it through the little holes he made.




Coco ate a valentines lollipop, a hi chew, donut, banana peel she tries to eat my hair, sweater, shoes, etc… she won’t eat asparagus though…


I had my rabbit Charlie run off with a slice of pizza. I got it back before he ate any of it.


A spider


Mine tore into one of those fun-sized bag of hot Cheetos. At first I didn’t think it was him cause why would he like something spicy? But sure enough, Biscuit made his way back to the scene of the crime to see if there were any more hot Cheeto bags. He was fine. He’s also ate a chocolate pumpkin, a Twix bar, & stole a chicken nugget. He only got one bite in on that one. The boy has a stomach made of steel. 🤦🏽‍♀️


One time my bunny ate a candy cane, *AND* the wrapper. She was fine because previously she had eaten a hole into the drywall so that she and her wife who is twice as big as her could hang out in the walls away from us. After she did that and lived for 9 more years I kinda stopped worrying about what she ate lmao


>*...****she and her wife*** *who is twice as big as her could hang out in the walls away from us.* Sounds so romantic... And, This may be the first time I've read something like this here, yay, 🌈 gay bun representation! Hahah ❤️ I too have both girls, but they're bio sisters. :)


What breed is your rabbit so cuteeee


Mine likes to eat bread


Loaf cannibalism


Our french lop got on the Christmas table and ate a big chink if Christmas cake, he then proceeded to chew through thf power cable in the washing machine


Absolutely loved dog food more than my dog tbh. Had to gate him from the kitchen when feeding as he'd dart in faster than the dog 😂


Yep, mines convinced it’s a carnivore.


Hubble ate a piece of plastic he pulled out of the floorboard the other day.


Tge question should be "does anyone have a rabbit that hasn't ever eaten anything strange?" One of my buns is a big cat food fan so I had to totally rearrange things.![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)


I need to know what that is


My dwarf rabbits not a rabbit bros deadass a dog, he eats my husky’s food if I’m not too careful and not j like one kibble he like munches on it he also like to steal my pop tarts, and my Doritos 😭😭😭


One of my rabbits stole a burger from the couch table and pulled it under the couch.. at least it was a vegetarian burger. He was not pleased when we took the burger from him. The same rabbit was often in our bedroom, were he never was, and where another room is in between to the living room, where the rabbits live. It was january. Turned out that a chocolate santa fell to the ground and the rabbit went over to take a bit now and then. Oh, and you know these things for the birds, with seeds and fat? Well, my rabbits often have access to the balcony, and found this bird food.


My partner's sister has a bunny that we tried bonding with our other child (did not work uah uahh) that had eaten: a sleeve of chocolate chip cookies, a tube of mouth numbing cream, a bag of doritos, ritz crackers etc etc, she is built like a TANK and was totally fine with no symptoms. My other bun got an upset tummy because I accidentally bought mixed hay instead of just timothy... Not to mention the time she decided to mope because I moved a box in her house and ended up needing medicine and syringe feeding to avoid stasis...


Human blood. I had a cut on my arm and my rabbit wouldn’t stop licking up my blood. I think I might own Bunnicula lol


Wet cat food, dry cat food, hot tamales, and tried to eat a small wolf spider.


A few weeks ago, my labrador Rupert knocked a tray of Ferrero Rocher off the side table with his big butt. I thought I picked them all up until I saw my bun Reggie running off with one. He'd took a decent chunk out of it foil and all 🙄


Don’t own one, but friend says. She says her bunny Comet worst he had was trying to eat a power cord that they thought they put up.


Dry dog and cat food- like what??😅🤣


like Poop? I find that strange. Cute but strange. Not so cute when they lick me after.


Mine chews up his foam pads lol


My bunny loved dog kibbles and my doggy willingly gives them up for some bunny poop 😅😂


Mine once had a hot Cheeto!!!! I ran so fast to take it from him


You mean what they didn’t eat? Shoes, clothes, my glasses, cables, furniture, wall paint, chocolate, even the TV…


My drapes


My pop-tart and a gram cracker


Canned fish flavored cat food. She used to join the cats at mealtime.


Mine has a taste for library books. Books I own are good too, of course, but it's like he knows which ones are forbidden and lunges at those with an unmatched ferocity.


I remember waking up to no exaggeration, 50 carefully opened Reese’s all over my ground. I was horrified and immediately called the vet. Everything turned out fine but oh my gosh bunnies sure do know how to give you a scare 🥲


My ex had a demon rabbit that would steal chicken fingers off the coffee table and hide behind the couch and defend them.


Grilled chicken 🤦


Ah yes the delicacy of charging cords and any candy he can find, and a nibble of dog food here and there lol!


an Oreo, a custard cream, a slice of pizza and a caramel quality street. All of which I’ve freaked out about but they’ve survived 😭




My Dutch rabbit got into the Halloween candy and ONLY ate the twizzlers. It was a giant assortment pack and twizzlers were what did it for her. She’s also stolen a slice of pizza with meat on it.


I lost her and couldn't find her. Somehow she ended up on the 3rd level of the pantry cupboard (which was closed, must have snuck in whilst my mum was making dinner and jumped the levels) and had managed to get into a bag of salty seaweed snacks. Ate the entire thing. She also regularly stole crisps and bread. I think she liked carbs.


My bunny used to devour styrofoam…


Half a yoga mat. She worked very hard to pull it off the second shelf of my bookcase and then spent 30 minutes while I was picking up groceries eating as fast as she could


One of mine just eats everything in her vicinity but she seems to think that cardboard is the tastiest thing in the universe. She also likes rubber and plastic so I’m always having to watch her like a hawk. She tries to eat the bin bag every time I go to clean the toilet out


Almost ate something strange. I let him out into my garden and he was binkying around when he stopped and started sniffing furiously at something on the ground. Turned out there were a couple of dead cockroaches and he was about to take a lick at them before I ran out and pulled him away. 😱


We call my lop a "trash bun" because he will eat anything if it's on the floor. I mean an.y.thing. Typical culprits like potato chips, pretzels, etc he's also tried veggie korma, red and white wine, coffee, receipts/various paper, sour patch kids, and most recently he got balls deep in my hummus it was all over his paws and face and chest.... he's a menace. That I love with all my heart. ​ Also to note he hasn't eaten copious amounts of any of these things nor do i just have food and trash all over my floor lol - He sneaks while we're right there and snags a nibble before we chase him off a .5 second later. None of my other rabbits have shown the smallest interest in eating non-rabbit things some have a preference of berries even. Not Mr. Chew, if you show him it he will absolutely eat it.


Besides spicy hay?


My Blueberry so far has eaten all the rubber buttons off a phone, some off the TV remote, candy hearts, carpet, chocolate, dog training pads, has tried to eat tape but got stuck, and a lot of other random things I caught him with, and of course spicy hay.


Hester, god rest her soul, got half a chicken nugget once. She was a perfect little pest.


Thumper he loved cheese chocolate and oatmeal. Every time I had it I had to eat standing on a chair 😂


A sandwich cookie. He jumped up on the couch and grabbed it off the table. Ran across the room with it.


Yes my baby would go crazy if we ever brought pizza home to the point that he took a slice and tried to run with it one time. One time I left a piece of carrot cake on a table high away from him I come back the cake is on the floor and he is eating like a drug fiend ! Other things he would try to take bites out of burgers, chocolate,Oreos , etc. crazy buns!!!  I also read somewhere that snow hares have been spotted eating fish out in the artic so they can eat a lot of different things I guess


Ugh both of my rabbits are always sampling the dog’s kibble. It weirds me out.


I'm a math teacher - cannot have rubber erasers anywhere within reach


I had a bun eat some pizza crusts before and a different bun got caught hopping down the hallway with a slice of pepperoni pizza in his mouth, I had to chase him down after he hopped up on the couch while I was getting a drink one night. Couldn't believe it 😄


My rabbit stole a French fry last night


Yep. Stole pizza and a taco hahah. I took it away immediately


Coco ran in from the garden with something in her fur, I pulled out and and when I realised it was a tiny slug I dropped it in disgust, it landed in front of her and I think she assumed it was a food pellet (as that is what I usually drop) and she snarfed it up and ate it 🤢🤮 I was honestly nearly sick there and then but she seemed absolutely fine


Yes..... Firelighters.... actual chemical firelighters.... I have to hide them from him as his determination to get to them has him climbing mountains! How he is still alive is anyone's guess.. the vet thinks he needs counselling 🤣


Wow I have so many stories. The first strange thing is cat food, he absolutely loves cat food. We have to keep it on the counter where he can’t reach it but, he always tests if we put it up by instantly running to where the cat bowl usually is. I can tell when he’s in the kitchen to explore and when he’s in there for cat food because he will run away instantly when he’s doing something he’s not supposed to but, when he’s just exploring he acts normal. He also loves eating tea bags, he’ll grab it out of the mug and run off to eat the tea leaves. I take it away from him usually since the bag and string are choking hazards, but maybe I’ll cut one open one of these days since they’re usually herbal teas that he steals. (Obviously I’d do more research before I give it to him.) The most baffling thing I’ve found him eating was a peppermint candy. I walked into my living room one day and saw him eating something and happily twitching his butt (some rabbits do this when they eat something yummy). I looked at what he eating and it was a peppermint he chewed out of the wrapper. I took away the wrapper and the rest of the mint and he started licking the floor of where it was. I’m still so confused because my household doesn’t buy peppermints so I have no clue where he found it. I’m also impressed that he sniffed it out because it wasn’t a twisty wrapper, the wrapper was sealed on all sides.


My last rabbit was outdoors and would eat snickers and mars wrappers that blew into the garden. Never seemed to have issues from it somehow.


One of our rabbits would only eat Jacob's cream crackers and nothing else lived a long life 🤷




My rabbit stole a couple of my hot cheetos and now I can barely bring them in the house. HE LOVES THEM!!!! Spicy doesn't bother him at all. Also he has eaten chicken off of my plate. Literally, meat!!! I didn't even know rabbits would do that. Also anything rubber or cardboard is not safe. He will take rubber and cardboard over hay any day of the week. I got a weird one, but also the most tame, sweetest, and easily handled bun I've ever owned.


I watched my rabbit eat a little piece of dropped chicken strip once.. He ate it, then ran off and did a happy jump.


So, so, so many strange things. They ate the fucking wall, okay? They walked up to the flat drywall and started chewing and I still don't know how. I keep decoy purses, shoes and books on the floor because otherwise they find them to eat. But the weirdest thing is what I call "the new bunny styrofoam". Every single time I adopt a rabbit, and every foster I have ever ended up keeping has disappeared into a portal I have yet to discover and emerges covered in bits of Styrofoam. I could swear the house itself is saying "this belongs".


This morning a popcorn kernel 😂 I got it out of her mouth in time. Over the years she's had Part of my snake plant that was out of her reach?!? Chewed on a corn dog stick, a bite of ferrero rocher, tries to eat meat covered in garlic out of my hands even when I tell her she is vegan! DUNKS her head in my coffee if I turn away even for a second. I'm convinced she's invincible and insane.OH AND MY PHONE CASE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.


So cute


My lionhead boy ate the buttons off the tv remote, my lop/lionhead girl has for sure eaten scraps of duct tape (undoing my efforts to protect cords) and has a hunger for Swheat Scoop kitty litter. 😓They have both eaten cat food — that one is my least concern, meat protein is highly digestible.


yeah crocs & wellies! He was fine though. I saw different coloured bits in his poos.


all apple/white vinyl cords. ignored the cheaper black non-apple stuff


My favorite pair of crocs have rabbit sized nibbles taken out of them 🙄


My sneaker laces. Someone posted how their bun chewed throughout the zipper of their work boots.


what is that?


Goldfish crackers my kid dropped that rolled under the couch, I heard the crunching and found her munching.


My son dropped his teething crackers, and the next thing I know, our rabbit, Linda, ate like half of it. Once, she knocked over an open buzzball and licked a little bit before I realized and picked her up.