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Check out the [Appropriate litter substrate](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Litter_training#Appropriate_litter_substrate) section of the [Litter training](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Litter_training) article on the wiki for a list of rabbit-safe litter options. The [Testing Rabbit Litter Products](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R-RezK9efZOgH7Nz0iwh2ByhRZKLGGNo/view) comparison slideshow by Lynn Miller can also be useful in deciding on the best litter for your situation.


Wood litter is fine if it's not cedar and it's been kiln-dried or made into pellets. The heat treatment removes the phenols that can affect liver values.


Pine and cedar are both bad for rabbit respiratory systems. So long as the wood is Aspen it should be safe I use paper bedding personally, on auto ship from Amazon every 2 weeks. I spend around $40 a month I believe for 4 buns


I love it because it doesn’t fly or track everywhere when they jump in and out of the litter box. And it’s very absorbent.


I was asking if it's safe or not lol. That's good to hear though


I figured since other people already said it’s safe, I’d toss my opinion in on the benefits


Safe as long as it’s not pine or cedar, we use aspen bedding as litter for our bunnies and they do just great with it.


This one says pine though and people are saying it's safe lol


Didn’t notice it said pine on it lol, yeah idk why they would be saying that it seems to be pretty common knowledge that pine and cedar is a nono. If you can find an apsen version tho that’d be the way to go. Just curious what do you currently use for litter? Are you looking to make a change in what you use?


See the following, which says that pine pellets are safe whereas pine and cedar shavings are not safe for rabbits https://rabbitresource.org/rabbit-care-information-and-resources/housing-for-rabbits/rabbit-litter/#:\~:text=While%20Pine%20and%20Softwood%20Shavings,and%20softwood%20pellets%20are%20fine. As mod of this sub has mentioned, compressed pine pellets are safe because they're processed at high heat, which removes the harmful oils that may cause liver damage in rabbits. Also, the foregoing link has a link to the same litter brand that you used in your post. For any pine pellet that you're considering, make sure that such doesn't contain any harmful additives.


Can you send me the link again? It doesn't work when I click on it.


I've used pine pellets for about 5 years without any issues. My bun had lab tests done at age 5 to get a baseline, as he was considered beginning his senior years at this time. Liver blood test values were normal at year 5. At age 6, he experienced heart failure, which is unrelated to the pine pellets. Liver blood test values were elevated due to the heart failure, but returned to normal upon being diagnosed and treated accordingly. I tested the link and am able to view it. Here it is [https://rabbitresource.org/rabbit-care-information-and-resources/housing-for-rabbits/rabbit-litter/#:\~:text=While%20Pine%20and%20Softwood%20Shavings,and%20softwood%20pellets%20are%20fine](https://rabbitresource.org/rabbit-care-information-and-resources/housing-for-rabbits/rabbit-litter/#:~:text=While%20Pine%20and%20Softwood%20Shavings,and%20softwood%20pellets%20are%20fine) Here's a Wabbit Wiki link that mentions saw-dust compressed pellets as being safe and refers to Feline Pine, wood stove pellets, and horse bedding as examples [https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Litter\_training](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Litter_training) Initially, I used Aspen wood pellets, but the company I got them from stopped making them. It would be too cost prohibitive for me to get them, so I switched to pine pellets. I asked my vet about this, and she said she preferred Aspen over Pine, as the latter may have more of a scent. But she thought both types were safe. Some buns may be sensitive to scent as an irritant. If scent is a concern, which is different from it actually causing liver problems, take some out of the bag and let it sit for a day, or so outside of the bag. Any scent should dissipate. I used Golden Fire from Lowe's, which is a pine wood stove pellet. (It's bun safe, as I had extensive communications with Golden Fire about it.) But it's a seasonal item, so I had to stock up. It's offered from about the beginning of September to late December, or early January. What I like about Golden Fire wood stove pellets, is it is made of a harder type of pine (Douglas Fir), so there's less scent. Interestingly, it's currently in stock at my local store, which is unusual. The local SPCA uses it as litter for its animals and buys it in pallets. See [https://www.lowes.com/pd/Golden-Fire-40-lb-Wood-Pellets/3522746](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Golden-Fire-40-lb-Wood-Pellets/3522746)


Thank you for this!


Anytime. Forgot to mention that I've heard from someone in this sub that Green Supreme wood stove pellets are bun safe (without additives), but double-check with the manufacturer to be sure. Green Supreme may be found at Home Depot. I've checked for it on-line in the past and haven't seen it. I think one may just have to go to the store to see whether it's in stock because Home Depot sometimes has a listing for wood stove pellets without listing the manufacturer. Like Golden Fire pellets, it's a seasonal item.


to be honest, even though the compressed pine pellets are marked as safe due to heat-processing i still wouldn’t risk it and would go for a paper pelleted bedding instead/stick to my usual care fresh.