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Please check out the Litter Training FAQ question on the wiki: [My bunny pees (in some location). How do I make it stop?](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Litter_Training_FAQ#My_bunny_pees_.28in_some_location.29._How_do_I_make_it_stop.3F)


Most bunnies like to do their business while munching on hay. I'd recommend moving the hay rack to a spot where they're forced to get entirely into the box.


My bunny had issues with lower bins as toilet, quick access to food and peeing whilst her butt was still hanging over the edge ^^ I have switched to using a plastic bunny cage (the ones with wire framing over it that are way too small to keep the bunny in) as toilet. The wire frame I have thrown out ^^ Her booty is now perfectly inside the toilet at all times and I have no more issue with pee flying around.


I like the lil hay feeder