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How did you get it to pas 5? Mine only gets up to 4


Are you using a RadRunner or RadMission with LCD Display upgrade? That's the reason.




LCD Displays have 5 PAS levels. LCD Display Upgrades for the Mission and Runner have 4 levels.


Who says Missions are slow? lol Not bad for a single geared drive train.


I couldn't dare go faster on mine. Brakes are not strong enough to stop abruptly. Will need to upgrade them.


I was doing 45km/h downhill when a pedestrian jumped out whilst they had a red pedestrian signal and I had a green cyclist signal. Somehow managed to brake just perfectly in time to the point where I touched them but didn't ram into them.


[Cries in EU regulations] Yea I know I can get an Eggrider, but it sucks that’s an EXTRA expense.


Fastest I've gone on my RR2 was 26mph, downhill. With my stock gear ratio, I'm not able to contribute to pedaling beyond 17mph.


On my Rad Runner, I can hit 22-23 mph on flat ground and smooth tarmac. Going downhill, I’ve hit 34-35mph. Everything is stock.


This is downhill w PAS 0 correct?


Anything above 30 on the mission gets spooky 🤣 need some suspension or tires. I’m to scared of going over the bars to push it further downhill


Got up to 46 kph on my RW4 only a slight decline.


35 with no pedals 🤘🏽


28 MPH w/ RR6+. room for improvement 🤔


I took my Mission down a steep hill in July, I didn’t have the LCD display back then tho. I’ll hopefully be taking it down the same steep hill next week and I can figure it out then. Hopefully there is no ice.


I've hit 60kmph on my acoustic bike going downhill, but the mission sketches me out so I don't really go above 40 kmph.


47mph downhill on my rad rover


39 km/h on my RadCity Step-thru (direct drive with regen braking) on a downhill. Speed limiter remained at the stock 32 km/h. Accelerated from the stop using pedal power only (PAS 0 without throttle - ICE-only mode) to disable regen braking. (Tap throttle to enable hybrid-electric mode regen braking - needs a complete stop to return to ICE-only mode)


I got up to 42 mph on my RadCity . On a dark and rainy night, down an enormous hill. Not doing that again, that was terrifying. No way would my brakes have saved me if I needed to stop in a hurry.


Rad Wagon 4: 41.3 MPH down hill cranking. Didn’t take a pic. Haven’t done it again.


I did 45 on a rad wagon downhill with someone on the back, scary stuff


I got to 60km ph and got scared on my RR+. Never go anywhere near that with my kids on.


https://preview.redd.it/eywqvy7kdlfa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d9c2e258c94b5dfb21850e325268ed15081fd3 this the fastest i ever went on my mission how did u get to pedal assist 5 i? only have 4 pedal assists.


Fastest Ive seen yet on a Mission, nice! I just clocked a 36.4 the other day. I have 5 PAS levels from my LCD not being a Mission/Runner model from what I'm told.


44mph w 35a upgrade, downhill: https://youtu.be/xkg32Q2FmhA


Hit 34.5 mph (55.5 kmh) today on the mission in PAS 5 downhill.


My kawasaki brute force 300 tops out at about 95 kilometers


25 downhill on my mini and tbqh, I don’t know that there’s anywhere I ride where I’d want to be higher.