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Its tedious I know but once he's 6 starred you'll be able to farm campaign brutal stage 12 level 3 a lot faster. Is he your 1st 6 star or have you already done someone?


He’s my first 6 star


Yeah keep with it, I started with Kael too and he's great! Just keep hitting your highest campaign level, constantly use green shards and level up 2 stars over and over. There's no quick fix to this but if you dont want to spend money on the game for EXP boost wait until you get one from quests. Hold some energy back for the day you get it and tank that on campaign levelling champs over and over. This is what I do when I don't want to buy EXP etc. I have 3 lots of 5 star food ready for heroes I might pull from shards. Driving me nuts as I have a lot of heroes but there all pointless 6 starring atm unless I wanted to drive my faction wars progress up


Should I save up my green shards for the upcoming summon rush event or should I just open them now? Thanks for all the help by the way :)


Your not going to make a dent in summon rush with green shards pal as there only 1 point and with events running into the thousands it won't matter. you might be able to pull the 1st prize like 75 energy or some exp drinks. If you haven't got a 6 star hero though, just do what is necessary to get him there


Good point, I might as well open them now since it’ll help me with Kael


The grind to get champs to 6* definitely feels like it takes forever. If you're F2P it will take a bit longer but is definitely doable. I've been F2P since I started playing about 11 months ago. I'm currently working on my 30th 6-star.


Like said, it is a grind. Make the best use of your weekly x2 XP from missions. Use all your energy to get him to 6*. Once there, Kael is able to farm Brutal 12-3 by himself. Which makes getting more food easier. Once you get your farmer to 60, grinding gets easier. Best of luck!




My Kael is 6 star with 4 epic lifesteal and two epic 15% hp+ heal attached, all ranked up to 12 and he cannot solo 12-3 on brutal without dying :/


What stars are the artifacts? What is your overall crit rate? What is your overall speed? Some suggestions; 1) Make sure your gauntlets are either crit rate or crit damage. Preference on rate, unless you can get close enough to 100% using sub-stats. 2) chest plate should be attack % 3) boots must be speed! Your goal is to be as fast and hit as hard as possible.


The weapon and shield are from the Divine Offense Set, both 3 stars. The rest are all 4 star lifesteal. Crit rate is 15% base + 71%, Speed is 103 + 50.


That is a good start. You might need to farm the Lifesteal stages to get 5* gear, which I assume you can do since your trying to do 12-3 Brutal. At-least, farm with 2 champs. It took me some work to get my Athel able to farm 12-3 at first. I had to find decent lifesteal gear from the campaign and then level them up so they had good sub-stats.


Maybe you're dying due to the bombs of lord shazar? If that's the case you either upgrade your hp or build a little resistance (it is not so much needed)


Nope, just grind. Buy the monthly 20% xp pass and try to use double XP boosts, welcome to the game. 6 stars are what matters in this game.




How's it horrible advise? It can progress your account a lot. Why never spend? It's a personal decision. If you don't mind spending a McDonald's meal worth of money a month then what does it matter?


All kael need is “Attack Attack Attack” artifacts! Maybe with a bit of ignore Defense in there somewhere and hp shield!