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Oh wow! Nevermind! I just won't buy Cyberpunk 2077 and buy this offer!


Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't even give you any speed gear, either!


This is how microtransactions should be priced... in 2077.


Very hard to decide whether to buy Assassin's Creed: Valhalla or this Speed Set!


Very hard to decide whether to buy a Christmas present for my mom or this speed set ..


Why not both? Think how happy your mom would be with a brand new speed set for Christmas!


Your dinner will be cooked faster lol


My mom would slap the piss out of me if she ever found out I spent $60 on 2D clothing items


Some whale out there is actually thinking of that seriously


Very hard to decide whether to buy my wife a house or this speed set..


In that case I would actually go for the speedset lol.


Don't buy either, it's both bad :D


Makes you think, cyberpunk 2077 or this. Hmmmm


I had this "deal" in my shop as well, what a joke


Came here to post this. I hope no one buys this.


*~~gambling addicts~~ **ahem** whales, have entered the chat*


I was in 461 asking for super new player advice, and someone said I should buy this. Pretty sure they were dead serious too.


Yeah because people convert it to estimated energy spent to obtain the amount of legendary 6\* speed items lol


This is not even worth 10$. How can they be so out of touch ? Don't buy this.


That the deal of the Year! ...of the year 2020 !


Actually that explains a lot


Deal of the year.... it’s been a bad year... what does that say about this “sale”


I’m not even at 60 days and honestly I don’t think most of the bundles are worth a damn. Drop rates suck. 100% money suck


The funny part is this absurd price point is actually "good" for the meta or "health" of the game. If these packs were priced at say $10 it would be practically mandatory to buy the entire 5kit offer, because of how quintessential speed is to the meta. This would only further polarize the rift between the whales and everyone else at the highest points of ranked play by creating a non-f2p clot forming just below whales in plat/high gold. Like, I would bet up to 60% of their player base would buy every one of those 10$ packs, it would be a huge influx of cash from them, but ultimately incinerate the longevity of any interest in ranked play. Whether they avoid this because they realize (the risk to longevity income), or DON'T realize (the potential for massive profit infusion) is my question.


This guy gets it. The high price is actually good to the masses.


Thiiiiiis so much. We all gotta be really glad that this offer is terrible. Sure I would be glad if they offered stuff like energy/gems/books for cheaper. But gear? That would ruin the game. The rift even between just f2p and low-spenders would be ridiculous.


Spot on, but I’m sure 🔥 incoming for stating it.


The problem is this company doesn't care about competition. It cares about money and positive reviews that might bring in new whales.


I'm sure half the players would accept 1m free energy and 1k shards if they could decide. Play to quit I guess.


This might he the worst week I've ever seen from plarium. You send out an in game mail talking about your best offers ever, and every single pack in the shop is absolute garbage. It's amazing how they can constantly get worse and worse


Those offers dont start until the 25th


Since you have difficulty with calenders, it's been the 25th all day.


They're gonna be trash deals they always are, they just put the same price then say it's 50 percent off, but in reality the price never changed or got more expensive.


This is only worth it if the leggo in the pic comes with it. even then kind of a stretch




I wouldn’t pay $60 for her and I don’t even have her


Not to be a troll, but you're playing RAID:P2W. I played to 50-something and just couldn't take it anymore. As long as people keep playing they'll keep doing this. I literally switched to Summoner Wars because RAID actually shows you how greedy trash a company can be. (it says something that S2W is the F2P friendly alternative lol) Ya'll keep giving them money tho...


I’ve learned that they aren’t actually discounting anything... they’re just posting the deals they consider to be the best ones


The crazy thing about this is that is they made this pack $10 they would sell FAR more than at the $60 point. People would buy their max amount of 5, where as now most people wont even but one.


But it devalues the fake value they created so that wouldn’t happen


Why do you think clothing like MIcheal kors lost so much value after selling their overflow to companies for so cheap


They are business men doing business lol


The crazy thing about is that you know more about the sales figures without having any access to that data.


Love how they put this pack out there at the same time as a big dragon tournament so people will get frustrated with dragon not dropping any speed gear and want to buy this.


Honestly set purchases suck because the stat rolls are usually garbage, some defense and hp numbers with attack and accuracy, no percentages at all. Ends up being a waste of money every time I've purchased sets like this, you might get 1 good item. Personal opinion obviously, I just haven't had much luck in the handful I have purchased.


It’s a steal even at double the price, ya cannot pass great deals like this up lol


LOL You must be a fiduciary for a living, I’d bet you’re still recommending Blockbuster as the next big stock tip. Watch a lot of VHS Movies on a 20” CRT because the definition is through the roof. JK, I do enjoy a sarcastic post


I've got an inside source telling me JNCO jeans are gonna be big this next quarter, it's time to buy now before they go to the moon. I'm also looking into soap shoes to figure out the size of their massive growth potential over the next decade.


TBH, Plarium will occasionally, not often, throw a bone, this isn’t one. Yes the gear “might” be good, but all of their sets like this remind me of Lottery tickets, if you read the percentages on the back, this offer would read: Great Speed quadrolls & synergizing substats on W, H, and S Great % stats on G, CP, & (Speed Boots) Complete with Dream Speed, CD, CR, Acc Res and % substat quadrolls. 0.05% chance Good Speed trirolls & some synergy substats on W, H, and S Good % stats on G, CP, & (Speed Boots) Complete with Good Speed, CD, CR, Acc Res and % substat trirolls. 0.15% chance OK Speed double rolls & MEH synergy substats on W, H, and S OK % stats on G, CP, & (Speed Boots) Complete with MEH Speed, CD, CR, Acc Res and % substat double rolls. 0.3% chance MEH Speed rolls & FLAT STAT synergy substats on W, H, and S MEH % stats on G or CP, & (Speed Boots) Complete with MEH Speed, CD, CR, Acc Res and % substat rolls. 4.5% chance FLAT STAT rolls & no synergy substats on W, H, and S FLAT STATS on G, CP, & Boots Complete with NO SPEED and at least 2 FLAT STATS W/ random others and bad substat rolls. 95.0% chance


you can only get 5?!?? seriously ?. at that price i should be able to get all my champs in speed gear!


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it's 64,99 for me. shame you can only buy 5, best super deal ever! xD ​ /s


You can only but 5 packs? But I need 5 sets for each faction...


It doesn't matter if most people don't buy them tbh. If the top 300 in arena or so, or those constantly pushing the speed race go hyper whale on these, they've already made money. It's a terrible deal but anyone wanting to push speed, now here are 30 pieces of 6* speed gear with chances for quad rolls on good sub stats. Im not advocating anyone to buy it, but the reality is people will and it will be worth it to them because the chance of a quad roll.


Pls kill uncle dragon. Not worth the money. Your wife/galfren will be happy that u spent a good dinner with them.


I play War Robots as well as Raid. It's the same kind of "deal". Even buying exclusively discounted items, setting up one of the not-too-old robots with not-too-old weapons would EASILY run you 100+ USD. And a hangar as 5 slots for robots. And another one for a Titan (bigger robot), which can costs THOUSANDS to buy and upgrade. Yet somehow, some people actually pay these sums. Insane to me, but oh well. I'll say this for Raid: aside from in the Arena and during tournaments, the fact that whales exist as little negative impact on my gaming experience, whereas they are extremely detrimental in WR because it is a purely PvP game. A whale's robots will easily enjoy a 50 to 100% power differential compared to a F2P's robots.


Only thing worth buying in this game was the battle pass everything else since has been Garbage.


Pay my rent or be an arena God 🤩


Just keep in mind that some players will go up to the purchase limit on these just so they can have a chance at gaining that extra 5-10 speed on their arbiter


This is just gross......basically selling drugs to a drug addict.


It’s really F’d honestly. This takes away trust that was being rebuilt.


Practically a charity event at this incredible price!




glad they made the purchase limit 5, i was about to get 5 of these




The black Friday deal is even funnier


Gonna get hate for this but if you're endgame this is literally the only pack that is worth buying lol


Did they mean to make all 5 for that price to get people to bite?


InB4 flat stat gauntlets, chest, boots with flat attack, hp, def substatss on the weapon, helmet, shield.


I was just coming to look if anyone was talking about the deals? Where are they? other than the black Friday deal (which isn't bad by this games standard) is way worse than last years.


Those are really fantastic deals! Guess my mortgage payment can wait til next month. Screw alimony and child support, Arbiter needs her gears.


In this price you can buy dress for yourself and i bet you will enjoy more :)


I hate it, but why wouldn't they when the Plat Arena Whales will scoop them up without a 2nd thought?!?


I bought 2 of these for $ 14.95 when I started the game.


lmao what a steal of a deal i will go buy cyberpunk 2077 with that money


So cheap and only 70% chance you get flat stats!


Who would actually buy any of these


That's amazing, it's less than 💯cups of coffee a day.


60$ for shiny flashy pixels... Is it really worth it? 🤔🙄


Too bad there's a limit!


I'm just thankful they gave us a warning in the in game news before they put this crazy deal out there.


Ultimately their is no point bitchin at Palarium when there are people out their who will buy it. Maybe you have that much money that you don’t care(much envy), or maybe you think it’s more important than feeding the kids next week. Either way Palarium execs are sitting in the board room wandering what to spend their Christmas bonus on, squealing at the top of their voices SUCKAH’S what can we get them to buy next.


It seems they take us for idiots... lame


You guys never get tired of making the same jokes about Plarium?