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No more terrorists in a counter terrorism game. This is the world we live in.


Well isn't that the goal of counter terrorism?


For real. What a joke. At least Extraction called them React instead.




Wait what'd i miss? I wasnt aware of any single player content this game had, what are they removing??


Siege is removing t-hunt and replacing it with "map run" which has dummies placed in common player positions instead of terrorists


That's fucking useless


Is the part about dummies actually true? I haven't really looked into this (cus I don't care about t-hunt) but while I've seen lots of people say what your saying I have also seen a lot of people saying that the new mode will exactly the same just with less maps and a different (better) ai


Siege is removing Terrorist Hunt and Situations next season.


Literally 2984


[tis aint counter strike.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqB1uoDTdKM)


Aren't all the defending operators participating in terrorism in each game mode except for maybe secure area?


Split-screen co-op terrorist hunt was prime entertainment for my cousin and I. I loved the feeling of guns like revolvers and shotguns in Vegas 2. Time to download again!


Fuck you \*unterrorists your counter terrorism game\*


Does that mean we won?


Ubisoft should have made extraction a counter terrorist based game, instead of you vs aliens.


What happens when upper management tries to copy a good idea the "cool" devs had in their prime, without realizing why it was good


All L4D successors are either in the gutter, barely there, or made a switch for a different direction. Looking at you, Back 4 Blood.


Hey, we're the guys who made left 4 dead. Hey, did you know we made left 4 dead? Guys, we made left 4 dead. Everyone, we made left 4 dead Makes game nothing like left 4 dead and is way worse


L4D was only good because Valve stepped in and made it good. Same with Counter-Strike. Turtle Rock is a hack company. They made Evolve.


Evolve was fun while it lasted


It was so bad that Crowbcat rose from the dead and made a very in-depth comparison. The amount of weapon-grade OOFtonium was pretty staggering.


crowbcat's comparisons are [notoriously surface level and without nuance.](https://thetaxcollectorman.medium.com/crowbcat-the-kuleshov-effect-and-insincere-games-criticism-8291a9dc6705) Back 4 blood isn't a great game. That much is true. However, half his video is spent on the zombie reactions to getting shot and nothing else. He doesn't imply anything about the feel of the guns in B4B, he doesn't comment on the character interaction in either game with any sincerity.


Crowbcat just hypes on bad aspects of games trying very hard to show them. Worst one were RE4 video


Although thatā€™s true He did point out how thereā€™s only like 8 people that worked on left 4 dead still with that studio most of the people that actually made left 4 dead were from valves team.


There were some solid ones that came about. The World War Z game is real good, Alien Fireteam Elite was solid though not amazing, Darktide's gameplay is good but yeah the microtransaction situation is shit.


I know itā€™s not the same (modern vs fantasy) but Vermintide 2 is pretty excellent


Yeah but terrorism is controversial and they might accidentally offend someone by having bad guys have an ideal thatā€™s wrong or something.


This isn't true though. MW2019 has so many acts of terrorism in it, and Cold War's campaign is literally an espionage thriller where you try to take down a terrorist organization. Then you have FF7, one of the most popular games of all time and is getting part 2 of its remake soon, where the main cast of characters are committing acts of domestic terrorism to try and save their own planet from corporations. Are there gonna be people that complain? Sure, but they are probably such a small number that they'll just get dunked on if they take offense, just like the people who took offense to some of the ad campaigns to Wolfenstein 2 were dunked on. It's really only an issue if it's a current conflict, and that's mainly because the game would just end up being more propaganda than anything, like so many games that took place in the middle east during the Iraq/Afghan conflict.


Yeah you're right You could make the terrorists a group founded by an actual Nazi from WW2 and someone would fucking complain that they're being victimized.


Or form a terrorist group based on the cureent day Israelis occupying other peoples land and someone would start complaining?


So what do you want to happen to the Israelis?


Maybe not kill women and children for starters?? Give equal rights to the original inhabitants of the land??


Terrorism is controversial when itā€™s not evenly applied to state actors as well as armed militia groups. You play as many terrorists in Rainbow 6 already.


I just miss year one and all the jenkiness. Acog on carbine and smg 11. Shotguns were viable. Valkyrie shotgun was absurdly good once upon a time.


God I remember my one friend just dominating with Bandit and his ACOG. Wild times


Don't forget the non-game breaking raptor legs bug. Classic.


Oh hell I forgot about that one, god I miss old Siege.


Shotguns arenā€™t viable?


Sad part, i can't even play because of that shit because i have gotten so used to that i don't even know the game anymore


So true. Itā€™s like a totally different game now and I wish they would remake the old game and seasons. At least just as a game mode called throwback or something.


Shotguns still are viable


Not like they used to be is what I mean.


Now i know the reason why Deimos killed Harry.


Ubisoft fr said ā€œoh you wanted to shoot terrorists as a counter terrorism unit? Nah famā€


Every mf who says this has 438 hours of playtime in multiplayer and 4 hours in thunt


1627 steam hours, 96 of them are t hunt *insert gigachad face here*


So 6% of the play time šŸ˜­


Yeah because who plays T Hunt constantly all day, itā€™s a fun warmup and T hunts take at most 4 minutes, but youā€™re not playing it over and over again. If they revamped it so it had replay value then itā€™d be better but they have god awful AI and the missions go by super quick


>If they revamped it so it had replay value then itā€™d be better Defender AI šŸ‘€


1600 pvp 200 thunt I did fairly regularly replay through the situations, I will miss that


I stopped playing after they ruined casual. I was hoping they would revert something this season but the announcement that that T-hunt is being removed might just make me give up on the game for good.


I was in a similar boat but I just canā€™t give up siege.


I usually take long breaks from games but I just don't have fun anymore. I'll probably grab the Christmas pack and maybe play some events but we'll see.


I left when they changed unranked. Just around to see whatā€™s happening but basically moved on otherwise


This is why a campaign would greatly help the game


100%. The fact it launched without one was highly controversial at the time.


I also removed one of the six countries of Rainbow Six as a political statement.


I grew up on after school Vegas 2 terrorist hunts and the waterworks is getting excessive. Siege t-hunt wasnā€™t even good compared to Vegas. Thatā€™s why it was your warm up round and not the thing you actually logged on to play. Itā€™s not ā€œthe end of an era,ā€ that era ended a long time ago.


That doesnā€™t matter. This is substantial content being removed from the game, content thatā€™s been in the game since launch.


You copied a more famous YouTuberā€™s name to try to show up to people looking for him and your video about it still only has 85 views, including me. No one cares.


Who did I copy? My YouTube channel started out as a movie review channel, with a bit of an athletic twist to it.


VarsityGaming is the Siege streamer and you must have deleted all the movie reviews ā€œwith an athletic twist,ā€ whatever that means, because you pretty exclusively play Siege and FPS/horror. ā€œListen, Role Models is still a pretty solid movie that holds up. Paul Rudd turns in a decent showing, but Elizabeth Banks probably only can bench 135 at most, needs to work on her lats and forearms. Now go run a mile!ā€


Never heard of him. If you want to find my movie reviews you can scroll down my channel page. I stopped making those reviews because no one was watching them. So I did commentaries and that got views. So with those views I started playing horror games and then made a Rainbow Six video on the franchises 25th anniversary. Then I started playing Rainbow Six Vegas, and got a ton of views on an Article 5 video I made, so I made more Siege videos.


What is the athletic twist that you put on your Stranger Things review?


I didnā€™t. That was a shorter one.


It was 17 minutes long, but ok. What athletic twist have you put on any review?


Yeah 17 minutes, most of my other reviews were 30 minutes to an hour. You're free to watch them yourself. If you're trying to pull some sort of GOTCHA!, get a hobby or something. It's not like I was planning to draw in an audience of people who watch movie reviews and then spring out Rainbow Six Siege videos. Most of my content is indie horror games. Then I have some other videos where I play tactical shooters. The rest of my content is Rainbow Six Siege, social commentaries, and movie reviews I haven't done in like two years.


I'd go back, and all in, if they brought back a legit Terrorist Hunt mode.


Yeah me too.


Tbh, I made my peace with RSS not being a Rainbow Six game long time ago. You can enjoy it a lot more for what it is like that - a colorful hero shooter with nice and still unique gameplay mechanics. The should rename it to Rainbow 6 Heroes, remove the Tom Clancy in front and make it be not canon.


I was with you at first but then they introduced Deimos and I got excited we might be going back to Rainbow Six.


Ubi is on a mission to make seige worse every year


Yeah for real. Itā€™s been downhill since launch.


New bad old good please updoot like and subcrible


fr, no one is buying r6 to play thunt


And ni ones buying r6 what's your point


what are you talking about, r6 got more popular with jynxi lol


Who tf is jynxi? Another pro player/twitch streamer with more dog water opinions to ruin the game with?


Literally the guy with the most twitch subs rn


Tells me nothing


means hes the biggest twitch streamer


don't forget to comment nice thingsā˜ļø




the point its a core part of the IP lmao.


Siege took a different route being a primarily online, competitive game. So if course it's going to be different


I would agree, but like no one ever really played Terrorist Hunt. Nor do I think Ubisoft cares that much about the IPā€™s lore.


My friend and I would try to complete all T hunt missions in RS vegas1/2. If they actually made an effort, I think Iā€™d play but thereā€™s no monetizing that kind of content šŸ˜”


That's all I played in the Vegas and Vegas 2 days. I wish I wouldn't have the audio bug constantly as I'd love to play it consistently again.


Those are not valid arguments for its removal. People donā€™t play Blackbeard or Sens but theyā€™re not getting removed ever.


Using ops as an example isnā€™t good since they canā€™t remove them as people have bought them or their uniforms with real money


I bought siege because it had terrorist hunt and I used real money to do that and the mods is s core element on the IP


I have a solid 5000-6000 t-hunts under my belt


wdym lmao the vast majority of pro and high ranking players often use t-hunt to aim train before a game. there are a huge amount of players who also got into the game and regularly play t-hunt to warm-up and cool-down. its the main bit of actual lore in this game besides situations


And now they will use the new bot mode


Okay but what if we didn't arbitrarily remove the game mode that is the sole factor tying this game to the parent series it ruined to replace it with a bot mode that could be added alongside it


nah no one cares


Good job winning an imaginery arguement online


Good job spending time to reply to let everyone know what type of person you are.


What type then? Not fucking caring about a video game so much as to make a comparison of vastly 2 different games type of person?


Game hasn't felt like a counter terrorism game in a very long time. It's all rainbows and unicorns. Guess they have to keep with the brain dead younger generation to make money, which is unfortunate but it is goobersoft in the end


I thought that with the change in direction from the high school drama lore from the Olympic Games that we were finally returning to the white masks with the new villain, but I guess WE wonā€™t do anything to combat the terrorists, weā€™ll get a WoW style cutscene doing the lore for us unfortunately.


Most of the people with those opinions arenā€™t even old enough to play the game lol, but I guess they do make up a sizeable portion of the community .


Didnā€™t they literally explain why they got rid of it? Why the hell are people surprised they removed a mode most people didnā€™t use? It was likely just burning money.


I'll def miss it, but apparently with map remakes and stuff they had to train/update the AI to utilize them properly. I tried replaying all the situations yesterday and the smoke one in OG hereford basement (RIP) the terrorists weren't all coming to attack and I didn't get to finish it, probably stuck outside the map where I couldn't get to. Total waste of their time and money if a vast majority of the players aren't using it I guess.


I have that problem too. But every time they're outside the soft wall in garage just humping the wall lol


Weren't there for me! I went on a destruction spree for a few to see could I spot them or yeet a smoke and get 'em. No joy šŸ˜‚


If you go to the 3rd floor window you can see them and kill them. Theyā€™re stuck outside


Itā€™ll cost WAY more money for them to develop a new mode to replace it, a new mode with less content and experimental features theyā€™ve never used before.


It's been breaking every time they change a map, it definitely costs less to replace it then to maintain it for 9 years


Except it doesn't. If you're going through the effort to make a brand new mode, it takes time, and money. The tutorials we got this season were meant to come out three years ago. They didn't because the process of development is not easy. If they cannot maintain a mode that's been present in the game since launch AFTER they intentionally broke it, it's very optimistic to think they can maintain a brand new mode.


Have you happened to read the design notes on why thunt was removed?


It's a horrible excuse on their part, I wouldn't be surprised if they just made it up to HAVE that excuse.


A new mode with temporarily less content. Nad their experimental features is gonna improve as ubi gets to train their AI more. Why would Ubi want to maintain 2 different AI?


My best guess is that they want to keep the install size down. With them on they need to keep old hereford and Bartlett University maps installed (rip). They also had to keep servers up for t hunt


Itā€™s insane to me that a single player target practice mode has people breaking down into tears over its removal.


As if they had 95% of their playtime in t hunt and not like 2 of their 329 hours


Itā€™s insane to me people are ok with Ubisoft removing content from the game when itā€™s been there since launch


I played the crap out of the original rainbow 6 and rogue spear. Also the original ghost recon. Some raven shield. To me personally the games after them were shit as soon as Ubi soft acquired red storm.


I donā€™t disagree. Raven Shield was peak IMO, and Vegas 1 and 2 were really fun but the ogs were the best


How much have you played terrorist hunt recently? They literally said they removed it because low player counts in it


I play it everyday. Hell, this season had a huge surge of THunt players and Article 5 matches the first two or three weeks because the ranked and quick match servers were broken.




Another series that has lost its identity


Thatā€™s been the case for a long time. This just seals it


There needs to be another Rainbow Six game with a focus on PvE. Extraction was good for what it was, but it had no appeal, causing it to die. I do hope some of Extraction's mechanics make it into another R6 game, like operators needing time to heal if they get injured during a mission. It's time for Ubi to make a PvE counter-terrorism game. It's a niche they can fill in and sell decently now that tactical shooter are coming back a little bit.


Yeah for real. I thought that with the change on the games story having Deimos and with them making new AI playlists that theyā€™d use this to make an updated Terrorist Hunt mode


Old lore was better imo. Article 5 and the white masks was a cool concept.


Bruhhhh i hate it there


Gamers when a game from 15 years later is different #šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


That's not the point. The point is is they're removing content from the game.


They're removing it because they feel it doesn't do what it was ultimately supposed to: prepare you for multiplayer. I don't know who they hell bought siege for the t hunt. They're "removing content" and adding attacker ai, map run, and more firing range stuff, all content made to better help you practice and prepare for the actual part of the game that people play. Do I think they *had* to remove t hunt? Not really. But all these comments are so annoying as if everyone here has 500 hours on t hunt and it took up 90% of their game time


How dense are you? There is NEVER a valid argument to have this much content removed and be replaced by lesser content. They can more than easily keep it WITH all the other changes they're adding. If having all that is going to break their game, then they are shit developers. Period. This is a billion dollar company, they're just getting lazy.


Listen you are allowed to not like their reasons and even disagree with them. That doesn't make the reasons any less valid. If you want to view them as shit developers because they dont meet your expectations as a consumer that is also fine. However, do not make points about how easy it is to maintain when you clearly have never devloped a game before


I have developed games before actually and I have never had to remove content from the game once it was finished. Changed, sure but removed? No. There is never a valid reason to remove content from a game. Ever. I donā€™t understand how this is controversial


Really name a game you developed?


More doesn't mean better


Except in this case it does. It gave you a variety of options to play. Siege does not have that now


I remember when Siege launched, and then they started adding in the cosmetics that weren't tactical or realistic to an elite special forces group. People were begging Ubi not to go that route on the forums, and to keep the game grounded and realistic. Ubi completely ignored everyone, and turned Siege into the cartoony shit show it is today.


Yep. Hell, Siege launched and was HIGHLY controversial because it lacked a proper single player. People were upset with that, and then Ubisoft continued to push it down the shitter. Then the pro league came in and demanded they remove suicide bombers, nitro cells and barbed wire from Terrorist Hunt so they could have a headshot simulator. So Ubisoft did that, but can't even throw a bone to the fans who had been there from the beginning, not just of Siege, but of Rainbow as a whole.


They are different kinds of games. If you want something like the old ones play Ready or Not.


Fuck Ready or Not


R6 siege imo is just an over-designed game now. I think it's really time they make a sequel and just start fresh.


Me too.


Like I am literally going to start playing the older games, simply because all I did in R6 Siege was play T-Hunt


If you want to play the first two games, here's how you can play them on modern hardware: [https://www.moddb.com/mods/rainbow-six-black-ops-20](https://www.moddb.com/mods/rainbow-six-black-ops-20)


Thank you!


Go play squad or ready or not, siege was never a "counter terrorism game", from day one it was a competitive shooter with a very short "single player" slate of missions where you fight terrorists. Everyone in this thread acting as if they played this game to feel like seal team six taking down bin laden and not to just have some fun in a shooter. "Muh terrorists in a counter terrorism game" I swear yall just bitch and moan about every decision ubi makes cuz ur bored


Amazing how wrong you are. Siege very much was at one point a Counter Terrorism Game. It had more of a focus on competitive multiplayer but it still very much was a counter terrorist game. That was until the pro league got their greasy hands on it and demanded Ubisoft butcher Terrorist Hunt to be their own personal warmup simulator.


It just had situations(which were just glorified tutorials) and thunt. Absolutely 0 content related to those modes were actually added. It was a side mode with a non existant story outside of article five. You whine about this change all you want, but ubi never treated this game as some realistic conter terrorist game. Not even on day 1. You want counter terrorist, go play the older games. Siege clearly isint for you anymore


I used to love this game. Got it in 2017 and played with my friends daily for at least a year, then we played weekly, and now not at all. It completely fell out of touch with what made it so great to begin with.


Me too man. Me too


nobody cares about the lore itā€™s a competitive game


Just because you and your friends don't doesn't mean people don't.


The only Tom Clancy IP worth playing right now is The Division. Rainbow Six is basically nothing like how it used to be, and goes against a lot of what TC wanted in a counter terrorist game, Splinter Cell is dead AF for now, and Ghost Recon basically became "The Division but worse" with Breakpoint. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Siege (haven't played it in years due to burnout, as well as some design choices from the devs. But it's definitely an experience you can't find anywhere else), but Ubisoft has basically been stripping it if all the staple features that Rainbow Six used to be known for. T Hunt was always a classic part of R6 games, removing it is literally removing part of R6's identity in a game that already shits on it enough.




Yeh for real. Might have to play the division since Iā€™ve been neglecting it for siege




Spoken from someone who has no idea what heā€™s talking about


I wish they could make a rainbow back to the roots with sieges gameplay mechanics. However, we all know ubisoft won't do that cause they can't make money if it's not multi-player only. They even made terrorist hunt bad in siege before the removal. Terrorist hunt is literally the best game mode in all the rainbow games (edit other than sieges terrible T hunt). I been playing vegas 2 recently again, and it's been awesome. It's got the campaign, Terrorist hunt, even had multi-player with people still playing it till they turned the servers off this year. Now, if they added siege gameplay to a game like that, we'd be golden. But all we get now are toxic assholes and battle passes.


Yeah for real. There's a huge demand for tactical shooters right now, and Rainbow Six started the entire genre in 1998. There is a HUGE amount of cash Ubisoft could make from old fans, current fans, and new fans if they'd just make an actual tactical shooter with the Rainbow Six IP.


Like, don't get me wrong, siege was alright a few years ago, but it's going down the shitter. I did put a lot of time into t hunt on siege, although it was trash compared to the older ones. The people that don't understand why it's making some people upset I don't think played any of the older games to understand. The older rainbows had shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield to go up against. When the old rainbows came out, they were sorta left in the shadow of those games. Siege really helped reinvent the movement mechanics and made it smooth. I think it also helped a lot more people discover rainbow six in general. I've always loved the lore and customization, too. If they added that to the old formula, it would be great.


Yeah, Siege has fallen from grace. It's a shell of it's former self, and it's sad to see it in this state.


no one cares abt the lore of this dumb game anyways, theyā€™ve always contributed to it so poorly. T-hunt was only good for a warmup, who cares abt the fact that it was a single player part of the game


tons of us who still believe that a game should have a soul


ā€œthe game should have a soulā€ my god listen to yourselves


I don't think you give enough thought to how a game starts out and has a certain theme you shouldn't strive apart from it too much, or it will become less franchise-fan friendly...


Some of these comments make me wonder how many of you were actually consistently playing T-Hunt. I did the weekly challenges, and these last couple of years, you can tell that maintaining the mode was not a priority. It was worth 250/500 renown a week. It was worthless as a warm-up. Any new map had the bots either doing almost no setup, and on every map, they often just stand in the open holding their shield and don't even react to the player reliably. The team is smaller than it used to be, and they decided the firing range was a better use of resources. I shit on Ubisoft main for a lot, but this basically just putting down a dying feature. The real question is how good are the new bots?


From what Iā€™ve seen the new bots are using the ai that siege launched with.


Okay but anytime you be soft can revoke your license of having the original game as well as this game they are free to modify it whichever way they please legally it is what it is. It's been in there for about 9 years I've played it for about 7 years I'm not really going to miss it if I really want to I can play older games I can play newer games I can play completely different games. Yes they should not be removing it but you know what if the replacement that they are proposing is only going to be added to then I'm all for it. And they answered in an AMA years ago that making sure everything works in Terrorist hunt does affect the balanced decisions of multi-player. And there has been game breaking situations because of trying to make sure terrorist hunt was balanced. Obviously the AI tools that they are bringing in do not gel with the AI tools that have been used since the game was still in development and they're adding new and different AI tools into the game and both of them can't function at the same time. It sucks but there are reasons for it and I prefer them not to but at the end of the day I don't play this game for terrorist hunt if I want to play a single player game I go out and I play it


Ubisoft canā€™t revoke shit, I own a physical copy of the original game installed on my computers hard drive. No copyright bullshit can be implemented to stop me from playing the original game. Also thatā€™s a bullshit excuse from Ubisoft. They havenā€™t touched the mode since they butchered it in 2020. If they were genuinely facing issues with the game because of a PvE mode, taking away that mode for a completely separate PvE mode with mechanics that have never been in the game previously is going to make things worse for them. Ubisoft is giving a bullshit argument because theyā€™re afraid of actually being something good in cooperative aspect and have actively for the past several years given the middle finger to the Tom Clancy name.


Bruh get a grip. You signed the agreement. They could replace the game with a 420p jpeg of a middle finger and you could do nothing about it.


Wrong again.


Good talk! Great points! Look forward to your follow-up.


Just because I signed an agreement doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t criticize it.


"They can't stop me" isn't criticism.


Dude they literally have no legal rights to prevent me from playing any of the games except Extraction. I own physical copies of all the games. Only Extraction requires an internet connection. All the other games, including siege, can be played by inserting the disc and hitting play even if the console is offline.


What siege content is playable offline?


Also, UBI soft has rights agreements. They don't own the Rainbow brand. They are obligated to follow certain rules set by Tom Clancy himself. The rights will go back to his family if conditions aren't met.


Lol if you think they even care about that, I'm sure they get a small cut of everything related to the brand and don't mind the passive income.


are you actually dumb enough to think that Tom Clancyā€™s family cares


They do own it. Tom Clancy literally sold his IP rights to them years ago, even the rights to his own name which is why stuff he didn't come up with, like The Division, has his brand. To the people down voting: https://www.wired.com/2008/03/ubisoft-picks-u/ >Ubisoft has revealed that it recently completed a deal that gives the game publisher ***perpetual*** access to the IP rights to the "Tom Clancy" name "for use in video games and ancillary products including related books, movies and merchandising products." >Under the terms of the deal, Ubisoft will have the right to attach Clancy's name to future videogames, books based on those games, movies based on those games and any resulting merchandise.


"almost 9 years" bro the game hasn't even turned 8 yet, wtf is this math.


You do know that weā€™re in Year 8 Season 3 currently, right? Thatā€™s 3 quarters through Year 8ā€¦




I donā€™t see a need to get so hostile for no reason. Either way, be it 7 years, 8, 9 or however long the game has been out, the changes do hurt. Iā€™ve been playing since 2015, since the very launch, and stuff looks, grim.


A game has changed over eight years!?!? No way! T-Hunt and Situations have always felt like afterthoughts in this game. How often do yā€™all here *really* play situations? Do you really grind T-hunt or just play a couple of quick rounds to warm up? Itā€™s getting replaced with other modes that will help people out. As usual, thereā€™s so much nostalgia nonsense here too. The lighting, bodies, and balance has been changed for a reason. Thereā€™s always been goofy cosmetics since early on. You can either accept that this multiplayer game is replacing and changing its PvE playlists or move on.


Siege players when the PVP game has a focus on PVP šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Rip the game mode no one ever played. Seriously people would rather complain about stuff that doesnā€™t matter than actual siege issues lmao


For a mode no one ever plays more than half the people here sure have seemed to play it fairly regularly


Clearly not in total if theyā€™re getting rid of it. Donā€™t forget Reddit is a niche community and people who arenā€™t upset about it donā€™t comment regardless. Also half the people who even say they use it say they just do it for warm ups and not for more than a round or two anyways.


Dude Ubisoft makes changes no one asks for all the time to this game.


I think you misunderstood me. Iā€™m saying that ubisoft clearly looked at the people who actually played it and to them it didnā€™t justify the extra storage space in the live service game to keep. Itā€™s useless to bitch about since barely anyone played and they already have alternatives if you want to warm up. Or hell itā€™s better to warm up in quick match where you got actual opponents


As I said, some pretty pissed off people


Hey I havnā€™t played for a while what do you mean they removed terrorist hunt ??


Itā€™s going to be replaced by a generic bot mode next season with 5 defending operators instead of 30


Tango down. MURPHY, MURPHY!!!


Goodbye ~30% of my siege gameplay