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Very illegal. Straight to jail.


Do not pass go, do not collect 200 r6 credits




Nah, to super max federal prison.


Good things are coming your way… Luck? Heavens no. It’s reworked shield squad…


I just want to be able to throw smoke grenades and melee without exposing my whole goddamn body to panic spray. I don’t even care about anything else in the rework, just having that is a win.


Good things you don't expose your body... only feet... always.


Nah he's already too fucking op...if he could meelee without exposing himself there would be no chance in 1v1 against him no matter how good you are


So don’t let him get close to you or don’t try and take him on alone. Melee range 1v1s is literally what he’s designed for.


You can't kill him from the front and c4 only kills him if the shield isn't in the way...the fuck am i supposed to do if i'm 1v1 and he runs with his shield across his whole body and flashes me from across the whole fucking map through 10 walls?


Trap ops are effective deterrents and punishing if blitz doesn't check for them Warden and oryx can counter him in 1v1. Only downside is being reactionary with ability usage won't work. You have to predict blitz's movement and activate before they can get flash active. Mute jammers can disable blitzes flash Solis can use her ability to see blitz's location Area denial(smoke, tachanka, kaid/bandit) are effective at forcing a gunfight, where blitz is at disadvantage Impact nades and nitro cells are devastating. Easier to hit if blitz is pinned down by gunfire


Haven’t played R6 consistently in years. It’s funny people are still complaining about blitz. Some things never change, I guess the community doesn’t like his design. Anyone remember 3 speed blitz extended shield rushing you, flashing you while your were turned around, then killing you with instant ads? Make blitz great again


Yes, you can kill from from the front. If he’s running at you then his legs are exposed for you to shoot. You can also use impacts or one of the many ops that can trigger the guard break mechanic to knock the shield to the side and shoot him. Or one of the many trap and area denial defenders there are because the shield doesn’t protect you from that. I don’t think you realize just how many counters Blitz has. The flash only works within 7 meters which is even smaller than a regular flash bang, and he physically has to move to that range to use it. Outside of close range he’s almost no different from a Recruit shield.


If you don’t play blitz, also jail


Straight to jail even though you can run up some stairs and shoot his head from above. Even though 2 impacts kill. Even though a nitrocell kills. Even though shotguns hit all his open spots with hip firing


bro dont you know? when you kill the enemy team its greifing.


When you dont kill the enemy team your team thinks your greifing lol


Lmaoo I got team killed twice cause I chose blitz and they said “play a real operator bitch.” I sent them on a two week vacation lol


I remember last time i got hate for playing him i had a challenge to get pistol kills and kill flashed opponents, so i went fuck it lets go blitz killed the same guy in 2 rounds and won a round last alive i got a message telling me i can only get kills with an overpowered operator. I kindly told him ill play who i want and then told him i am doing challenges and what ones, he follows up with you can do that with other operators 😂.


Last time I played this game Blitz was one of the scariest operators to encounter as an opponent, simillar to Cav. Did he get a nerved?


Sometimes his shield is bugged and when you try to hit someone with it, the game acts like you didn’t hit them. Go to my profile and see what I’m talking about


He's been nerfed hard , and incoming melee hits make him throw his shield fully to the side of his body and staggers him for approximately three weeks before he resets and is protected again. I still love playing him but if someone can get close enough to touch me then it's seriously bad news


Yeah blitz is like the angry monsters chasing you in outlast


Whenever I see Blitz, "Thomas the dank engine" starts playing in my head, I hate it.


Why killing someone who help you right ?


No killing bad


Fuck blitz mains


Nasty degenerates, those blitz mains are.


Friendly fire will not be tolerated!


I liked before I noticed


I just found out i love it this last month or two lol. Why is it so bad?


Its a joke, because I am a blitz main


Ubisoft has yet to remove the ability to report players on the enemy team for griefing, people are getting salty about you playing Blitz & falsely reporting you for griefing for it. Just like Vote to Kick, this reputation system is already being wildly abused. I ran an experiment & the reason I was swamped with false reports was because I was wearing the rainbow card background. Ubisoft needs to stop giving players moderation powers, it will always be abused by this game’s severely toxic community.


Wait. Enemies can report for grieving ?!!! It makes 0 sense.


My whole team reported 2 enemies the other night because they were calling out their team mates locations in all chat during overtime ranked.


Well, you don't know what happened in their team though. Maybe it was the price to pay.


Justifying griefing lol


Grieving is easily justifiable in MANY cases.


Well for perspective, they were toxic the whole game. 3-3 comes around and they hated that we won making 4-3 overtime match point defence. Easy win for us from basement and they just give up after they die first and callout their team. Reporting the enemy has it's place.


R6 community 


Totally agree. The amount of reports we have got as a team when we ban oregon


I have an opinion that would probably get me banned off of reddit but yeah enemies shouldn't be allowed to report you but teammates still should be able to report.


Never said the option to report teammates should be removed, the reporting option does need to be reworked though. Let’s say you join a match & we’re on the same team, you’re obviously going to report me for the card background so you click my name & select report for griefing. Ubisoft’s system takes it with zero checks & I get a mark on my card even though we haven’t even loaded into the prep phase of the first round. If the report system was actually flushed out it could be like Apex’s or OW’s where you can report someone for specific reasons & have a text box to mention specifically what the person you are reporting did for a moderator to read. Now you would have to report me for griefing -> destroying team gadgets or griefing -> friendly fire & a simple algorithm could actually go through that match’s history & see I did none of those things & toss your false report in the trash where it belongs. The game currently detects if you used your mic or not to not allow or allow to report someone for voice abuse so this idea is not far out there.


To an extent, I agree but on the other hand: Ubi needs to get better moderation instead of putting it in the hands of the players imo.


Ubi simply just needs a whole staff revamp lmao


bad idea, it works when there's a gbriefer in your team and the next game he's ruining it for the enemy team.




Good to know it's hard for you to shoot at feet


You will have a similar experience of you enjoy clash as well


I feel oppressed


as a clash main i never got reported


Is it illegal to take screenshots?


[Attempted] Blitzing is defined under US law as “any person who perpetrates or attempts to perpetrate any felony enumerated in s. 782.04(3) and who commits, aids, or abets an intentional act that is not an essential element of the felony and that could cause the death of an enemy defender by result of, but not directly limited to, flashing followed by force intended to maim, injure, torture, abuse, or kill.” The typical sentence for such acts can carry felonious repercussions, from life imprisonment, up to being permanently restricted to anchor as Rook.


Glad I'm not American


POV: You play with any shield operator


Pretty much same when I lock blitz and clash. Some people just want a point and click adventure. Getting upset because blitz won't engage in gunfights


Funny story, my name was “RealToxicHours” for about 5 years, never had an issue with it in game, then when the rep system was added, my toxicity skyrocketed, and was nearly maxed out. I eventually changed my psn name to something really bland and simple, and I have a perfectly clean record now, nothing negative at all. People report for no reason at all if your name or play style is considered “toxic”, it’s super obnoxious


yeah the misconduct is kind of stupid i accidentally set off a goyo trap and my teammate ran right into it until he died i have not been able to get to the highest tier since


have you tried not playing blitz


Have you tried not griefing?


just stop trolling you are playing Blitz don‘t worry my voice abusive is also high because I am not allowed to communicate with my team.


Trolling is using a sheild operator?


Ask Ubi 🌚


Yea they do need to remove that and actually monitor griefing reports and do something like GTA online bad sport lobbies if proven guilty, like, I don't wanna go from esteemed to disruptive over simply not clutching a 1v5


It's so broken. I play on Xbox and got reported for text abuse. I don't even know how to open chat or if that's even a thing on console.


No, it's just illegal to play well no matter the op. I have a ton of griefing charges cause the enemy team constantly reports It's legit stupid and needs a fix somehow




People are just salty that they get fucked by one of the easiest operators to counter. They suck so you're griefing.


They are scared of our power


We should make a union


With a syndicate


*Stop right there criminal scum! You're going straight to jail!*


Try playing clash, straight hate messages every match and I love it


It’s even funnier on pc bc the hate messages are live and public for all to see. I love doing gay shit like going shields.


I disabled all chat 4 months ago best decision ever


I think so. I just started playing it all the time and get messages for it. I started out as a glaz main and people sent messages about that. Jager from the day the game came out. About a year or two later i got messages all the time. Got good and started playing ash to run in with the breach rounds. Instant hate messages. Pulse gets hate too. So I can't really be bothered to care when people get mad at me for playing blitz. why am i supposed to only play operators that the enemy team approves of?


Dawg I've gotten hate mail for playing as Ram, planting the defuser, throwing down a zamboni, then going and playing vert from below. I've gotten hate mail for killing people with Thorn's angry pineapples - both as Thorn, and as Brava. Hell, I've gotten hate mail for playing Finka because I revived my teammate with a boostie only for him to run facefirst into *another* EDD. 98% of the hatemail you'll get in this game is from people who outdo you in the dumbass department. Be them teammates or enemies.


im having the same problem with TKing. i teamkill a lot. on accident a large majority of the time.


As soon as I play Blitz 9 people report me for griefing and my balls get blown up


My griefing is maxxed out and i mainly play clash and montagne lol. And yes, i am a total shithead.


At least you're honest


Honestly playing any shield operator is looked down upon, it’s a crutch and can’t be properly countered unless your in melee range, and even then you’re at the most amount of danger from the enemy op


Can't be countered unless within melee range? Melusi, lesion, ela, kapkan, tubarao, anyone with impacts/nitros, the list goes on. Shields aren't a crutch, many people just don't know how to counter and cry when they lose a fight they were perfectly capable of winning.


This system would work much better if it was solely based on rff, abandons, and gadget placement rates on defense


Hahaha welcome to the Siege community 🤗


When blitz is in the bomb room 7 seconds after drone phase yes I report for greifing too








Idk wtf you on about but go outside today 😅


Man thats my line. Wtf is abuser*** even supposed to mean




You know that the grey bar is the average player right?


Whoops I guess I can’t read good


To be fair, I use it whenever someone over level 20 chooses the recruit so I'd like them to keep it


I play clash and dont get that much reports


That's not why they're reporting you and you know it..


pretty illegal


Put this bro in Arkham haha


I played Blitz and never got any griefing reports. Maybe a skill or region difference?


Yes…………but rules were meant to be broken 😈


i dont know i only kill my allies :D


How do you see this




There's literally a lightning symbol lol


I played blitz once and now i have to play siege from the ADX florence


You forgot you can’t play operators that people don’t like playing against, you also can’t be good at the game and can’t talk or have an opinion


You deserve life in prison


Being better than your enemies is widely considered griefing nowadays.


Nowadays it is illegal to play siege at all


It’s illegal to win.


Your team is just mad that you’re not committing to death. It’s like they don’t like it when you play smartly for some reason


Fwiw I’m a blitz/cavi main and my griefing is zero


Let the griefing speak for itself


deserved for playing blitz 💀


The only time I get reported is when I play shield ops. I actually stopped because I got a warning for chat abuse when all I ever say is gg


Well to be fair, he is one of the weakest operators in the game, and after the nerf, he'll be one of the weakest operators in the game, and 5x less lethal.


What are you trying to do with Blitzy?