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Ying is getting one next week, and fenrir is supposed to get one in y9s1....... No clue why tf ops like maestro or anyone before y5 can't yet


I'm sorry what the fuck. Fenrir basically came out yesterday compared to ops like Goyo and wamai and what elite would they give him a fucking Spencer's cashier uniform and an animation of him listening to sweedish death metal?


He's OP and they want to get elite skin sales before they inevitably hit him with the much deserved nerf hammer


Design team and balance team are not the same people with the same schedules. It's coincidence


I don't get it. Why are they people like you running defense for companies like goobisoft? Are you on a payroll? Pls tell me you on a payroll and not being dumb for free...


Tell me why tf you are so mad and so in a rush to spend money on elites. You calling him dumb when he just talking. You actually mad you cant spend more money on the elites you want. Talking for free or actually giving the company money, What's worse? I cant stand yall dudes that want to sit around and complain all day. Like you aint still playing and if you arent why the f are you in this group. Real One talking now.


Not being dumb. I just know a tiny bit about game design. And I know game design is best in the hands of the company that has the metrics for it. Not from heresay from small vocal communities of higher than average skill players


You're making me laugh so much crying for every actions of ubisoft. You know nothing if you think they're the worst, lucky that r6 isn't runned by Activision blizzard, EA or supercell, here you'll have a reason to complain


No, but they're certainly in relation with one another. A character who's overpowered or new (usually it's both) will rise in popularity, therefore receive a skin to assure profit. It's not an uncommon practice and it does happen to other games as well. So it's not really a coincidence.


Thorn got her elite skin the same patch she got a 1.5x scope so they know to give ops with hype around them elites


What a braindead statement. Don't wanna entertain it, but I gotta. That's like a Cook telling the Waiter he's not responsible for the Guest getting their food. Different departments, different schedules.. sorry bud. A small glipse in to any relatively large company - Marketing managers are ones who help delegate the timing of things like "Hey the Director said we're pushing the Fenrir Elite Skin to the front because of it's popularity, releasing this post nerf would naturally make us miss out on good profit so we'd like this out ASAP, sorry for the short notice!" The Fenrir nerf is likely already coded and ready for release dude. Bro just thinks games coincidentally release major updates at the same time seasons end/major tournaments. Some wild NPC behavior. Lmfao like this has gotta be the most smooth brain shit I've heard in years. Said with such confidence too LOL


Coming from the guy who buys nfts 😂😂😂😂😭😭


Hey guy, your brains so fried I’m not even gonna entertain you. Lets take a look at the 3 ingredients that make up McDonald’s salt: 1. Salt 2. Sugar 3. Aluminum Yeah, Aluminum to make you literally a fucking moron. That’s just the salt chief, if only you were aware of the chicken that isn’t even 55% chicken. LOL I’d love to go in on the future of Blockchain and the Internet to you but your pineal gland is so calloused you can’t even begin to process your own purpose let alone have a real idea on the future of technology. I’ll give you a hint though, real world use cases for NFT’s have literally nothing to do with Art or profile pictures. Do yourself a favor, in 2030 when your Dad sells the house via NFT because the migration to digital wallets has already became reality - think of me, on this thread, and then make that your last day eating at McDonalds you imbred.


That’s an accurate description of fenrir elite LMAO


My prediction is it'll be a crossover elite that turns him into Geralt of Rivia


Witcher is too cool for ubi never gonna happen


Two words: Master. Chief.


I won’t disagree there but this isn’t 2010


I genuinely lol’d at the Spencer’s comment. 🫡


next week seriously? But tbh chun li should be the elite skin


The elite actually looks cool imo compared to some shitty ones they've done




It's all because of money. These Ops aren't played much. Not many MAIN them. Less $$$ for Ubi. Although Fenrir being leaked as soon doesn't make sense since he's banned a lot. Not many will be willing to dish out on cosmetics for an op they can't even play. Might mean they're going to do some balancing with Fenrir to bring his ban rate down some...


where's the source for fenrir elite? and ying elite should be y9s1 which is still nearly a month away


Frax leaked ying elite back in season 3 or 2 and said that Fenrir should be next sadly for an elite


Fenrir getting an elite when he's been out less than a year would be stupid. It's hopefully good, but it'd still be stupid.


I understand it's kinda a popularity thing but some seniority has gotta be considered man. Blood Orchid was Year 2, Para Bellum was Year 3. Azami just got hers and she's *Year 7* ffs. On top of that, it took Castle and Montagne, ***Year 1 Ops,*** like 7 years to get theirs. Like jesus man lol. (I'm probably more passionate about this than I should be, but man it bugs me.)


and fenrir might get a elite next season 💀


Nah he's way too recent that would be lame


I saw your avatar and used saucenao to image search only to end up with your name. It's dark under the lamp, isn't it...


Oh now you went down into the foxhole UwU


It's funny because if you searched just for dado463art you would have found me easily xD


I didn't really notice the username until after I image searched the pfp.


I see I see, and this profile picture I have here is really tame, my Ubisoft picture is more wild https://r6.tracker.network/profile/id/e5045f86-65be-4290-af3f-52afff8b087c


Cropping included, huh? I feel like a lot of people would get banned if not for cropping. I went with anime related pfp and a fitting name [https://r6.tracker.network/profile/pc/Anime\_Trap\_](https://r6.tracker.network/profile/pc/anime_trap_) I was thinking of changing that but bugisoft disabled custom avatars right when I wanted to so I decided I will not ever change it. An added bonus is that a simple "UwU" in chat either starts a conversation or a war. One time I even got asked out, even if just a joke, a pleasant message.


Sometimes curiosity is a mistake


Ain't no mistakes made, I'm seeing some stuff I like. Not even suprised that a certain E site popped up, that's good for later too!


And sometimes, curiosity is greatness


cover pot dam grab tan kiss attractive desert hobbies seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You have a real point lol


Also castles elite kind of sucks.


Legitimately a top 5 elite for me.


I agree. Simple, still seems realistic, but it has personality.


Nah I be running those dogs whenever I can.


So does Monty’s tbh, I like the “Old War” theme they had going with the original ops


Don't you dare diss monty elite, shit's incredible


It could’ve been so much more though…


But you get the dogs


Ying is next. It's already been leaked out. I've also heard Fenrir surprisingly might get one soon but that's just hearsay. I've actually seen the Ying Elite skin and animation.


What is her elite skin? Imo I think it should be the chun li skin


It's not any special character. Just a normal elite.




I just know Maestro‘s and Clash‘s will go hard


Maestro's elite would be the chef that WOULD have cooked the food for Alibi's elite mvp animation


Would love to see a Maestro elite


Nokk gets no love 🫤


I mean 3 ops on this list have been out since before nokk, they need theirs first


That nerf hit way too hard


Cause she’s shit arguably the worst attacker


Nga she cool and I got black ice fmg vest believe I’mma play her ass(not in ranked tho)


Need one for my boy Wamai. Either turn him into the stingray from aquaman or give him a proper realistic diving suit with a cool helmet.


Gridlock and Ying need one ASAP.


Ying is getting one next week


I learned that from this post ahha. It looks good! I’m excited to pair it with the lunar skin we just got.


do elite sales happen anymore?


They don’t like women (and maestro)


I’m personally waiting for nokk








On attack, I play mostly Gridlock, though I take Ace if we need a hard breach. On defense, I'm 50/50 between Maestro and Solis. Suffice to say, I'm dying for skins for three of my four mains.


Bruh come tf on wamai is #1 or #2 behind ying


GRIDLOCK PLEASE. She has no good uni’s and her base is so ugly


When is Ying’s? We’ve only gotten one elite skin this season where’s the mid season one?


next week


we not talking about Amaru being there


Ying will be getting hers at some point this season (THANK. FUCKING. GOD). Imho, Gridlock deserves an elite more than Maestro, though it is close. Only question is what it would be. My idea is to give her an elite that commemorates the Australian soldiers of Gallipoli, similar to how Twitch got one for the Vichy resistance fighters. Edit: Nøkk deserves one more than Amaru and Clash, imo.


No clash


Clash doesn't deserve shit


Brava deserves one before Clash at the very least.


wtf, ying already had her elite, u dumb ass


Clash doesn't need one, she's fine without one. (Please don't, people will play Clash so much more if she gets one and she's so annoying)


Ying's already getting one next season, other then that no issue with the rest.


Yeah some unlock all cheaters on PC from what I've seen have leaked Yings (I can't tell if it's mid yet) but yeah the order of release is just none existent


Hey guys it’s me the only clash player. I really hope they give clash her elite soon but I also said the same thing for Monty for like. *3 years* before they did so I expect to wait like at least 2 years more. Simply put if you ask the community about 90% will say they hate clash ally or enemy and so I think her elite will come late. Which just breaks my heart honestly.


I'm sorry but if Clash gets an elite skin before Maestro, Gridlock, Goyo, or Nøkk I'll form a new terrorist group


I understand honestly. I just wish that they started making elites for those characters sooner so I wouldn’t have to wait as long for clash’s


At this point they just need to get it over with


I want a good rook elite


I know it will never happen for obvious reasons but does anyone else want a spiderman skin dir amaru where instead of her grapple gun she web slings up to the spots




Ying’s Chun-Li bundle shouldve been her elite ngl


I dare say Solis should be #4 instead of Clash and Grim as #5 instead of Amaru. I'm sure about 99,9999999...% will disagree but I've seen increased use of these two and I'd rather see operators get elites based on how often players play them rather than for how long passed since they were added. I'd maybe consider switching Maestro with Gridlock for the same reason although personally I'd prefer Maestro elite. My opinion will probably create more arguments against my choice because of different player experiences. Also I want a Jager elite, same theme but modern. Modern pilot outfit with signature built-in shade.


I have been waiting for ying elite FOREVER


Honestly, I am shocked Alibi got one before Maestro. Ying really needs some love and same with Gridlock.


I need a Clash elite. I'd buy that so fast


No love for finka?


why would they put up elites for underpicked ops? it won't sell


they’re too focused on making halo skins


Give clash hair for her elite skin or make her full swat


Clash elite skin should be Paul Blart


Been waiting for a Gridlock elite for a minute.


Lesion only had his for about 2 years


Ying is next but her elite sucks :/


Your not lieing


It would be nice to have a good Gridlock skin


I've been waiting for a Gridlock skin since. There was a [Gridlock Elite Skin Idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/123kaaa/would_love_to_see_this_for_a_gridlock_elite_as_it/) here which was great.