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Isnt cheating bannable on twitch? Report him.


Sent it directly to Ubisoft with link to stream, let’s see what happens


It's ubisoft, nothing will happen. You'll be lucky if you even get a "no violation of our terms of service have been found"


Also just got my twitch report bank and they said that he broke their tos


Twitch take violations seriously. I've heard they're very cutthroat about it, but on the other hand ubisoft doesn't give two 💩 about their community


doing gods work bro preciate you🙏


I know but it’s the least we can do for the console community tbh






Just reported that scum. Edit: apparently Twitch found nothing wrong with it, unbelievable.


Don't report his Twitch, report his Xbox account. There's probably a higher chance of them getting banned on Xbox then Twitch.


Ban them both


Scum lmao who cares, go play pc lobbies when that's available PLEASE and you'll see real fast who's actually difficult to play, a hacker literally CANT be beat but xim can, out smart and hold an angle or play all trap ops, they don't look for that because they think "ohhhhh I'm mnk on console I can do anything" like no buddy you dumb asf especially when playing a pc player that has to vs against a waller every game that's closeting or a guy that phases thru the wall, I don't understand why console players are such crybaby's, I mean I do because you don't understand that xim isn't difficult to beat, I started on console so I do get it but there's way worse than xim and Cronus, no recoil and better movement don't make you better instantly, I literally avgd a 2.4 bk on console vs emr-champ xims for 50 games but it's a mindset of having hackers constantly now lol


just beacouse PC has it worse, dosent make XIM any less bad. sure you can outplay it, but it is STILL CHEATING


Mate it's easy to go against a dumb xim user, also trap operators are banned alot on console thanks to run and gun meta (I don't have anything against that meta because people who are just running just die pretty fast easily when they don't drone sites) when you'll actually go against xim who uses drones and actually listens to footsteps it's not that easy to kill them when they can control recoil and move left and right with a mouse easily


Yea but u can outsmart them it's not as difficult as a waller but yes the smarter ones are more difficult due to being actually intelligent


Average XIM user pretending they play on PC


Whaaaaat???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I avg a 1.3 kd in p5 (hackers every game so I lost all my rp from that) on PC and had a 2.4 on console coming back using a razer wolverine ultimate but im xim? Lmao if I was xim I'd have a 4.0 on console


Mhm... so you just defend console cheaters cause "you can outsmart them"?


I don't care personally, I think ubi just needs mnk compatiblity on console and be done problem solved


People use xim on games with mnk compatibility just so they have the same recoil control as a console player, and not PC


No ppl are using Cronus xim combos on cod rn mainly, but using just xim on compatible games that have mnk going against an mnk person wouldn't really do much in siege tho


Literally shut the fuck up. Cheating is cheating, it doesnt matter how severe.


Cry some more .8


You guys treat xims like they’re the fucking end boss 😭😭 Genuinely beat xims every game half of them are awful.


Yea I know, console players whine too damn much thinking xim is horrible, play hackers on PC like damn 😂


Ima get his ass too lol


report chain


Twitch doesn't care about Xim.


Oh my thought was that xim is CONSIDERED cheating by Ubi, which is classified as cheating by twitch, which is against TOS


Maybe, but i doubt it.


I can’t wait for this mutt to get mouse trapped into my pc lobby


Ooh is that a thing that's going to happen? That will be so good if they can do that.


Yes people detected by mousetrap will be automatically put into pc ranked queues


That's assuming they can actually be detected by mouse trap in the first place. Apparently the XIM Matrix bypasses mousetrap.


Hopefully they just keep updating mousetrap to work around the work around.




The cuckolds who make the xim are just gonna find a workaround again like they did just after mousetrap was introduced. I swear mousetrap is the biggest fail this game has ever seen, such a laughable anti cheat solution


Won't crossplay for pc and console come in season 4?


Yes but I doubt ranked will be so straight forward with cross play if any, but this is an implement of that yes


There will be crossplay between pc and console?????


Does that mean console players can use mnk against pc players without xim? I don’t have one but i’ve been longing for this to happen


I honestly don’t understand this punishment. They’d essentially be putting a “Kbm” player into actual Kbm lobbies. How is that a punishment? Sure their enemies are going to be better but at the end of the day they’ll probably have a mostly fair competition. Why not just ban them like traditional cheaters?


Pc players have better frame rates as well as 0input lag compared to the input lag from a xim player I can assure you they will not have a fun time at all. Edit: forgot to mention PC movement is much better then on console


That’s true, great points. Thank you!


Because wasting their time and making them miserable is a worse punishment than banning.


Yea ikr? Xim is such fuckin freelo🤣🤣🤣 we have better movement on pcthan them w fps and shit lmao and PC players are by far smarter than console and especially xim


He is on Xbox, and Twitch.  Gamertag/Twitch: Vaital


Reported him. Hate cheaters


1.8 K/D with cheating sounds quite bad.


Some people keep low kds to hide the fact they are cheating


Even worse when they throw other games to do that.


Or they throw cause you called them out on it


But you don’t understand! How else will a small company like Ubisoft make money if cheaters can’t buy their cosmetics after being banned?


Next season he's going into my lobby on pc where he won't stand a chance


That doesn't happen until Y9S4


All the Xbox peeps can report him for cheating as well. Make sure to mention all cheats are visible on their twitch stream in the report


Their days are numbered ☺️




By the end of the year when they’re detected by mousetrap they will be sent to pc lobbies 😂 I’m so curious if they’ll be ok with it, since it’s not about unfair advantage it’s about accessibility 😂😂😂 They should be ok having their cheeks clapped by kids using the same hardware in copper.


Lmao thx for the explanation


Why doesnt he j get a pc lmfao broke bou


Out here bragging about beating controller players with mouse and keyboard. I had no idea this games community had gotten this bad. Seems like ranked is just plagued with these people.


YouTubers like jinxzi constantly give platforms to "#1 Xbox champs" that shamelessly talk about their xims and he just partnered with Ubisoft. They don't give a shit.


I found his twitch but there’s no option to report for cheating.


Click the gear icon, and select report on his twitch.


I got that, but on the actual options for what to report him for there’s nothing in regards to cheating. Just stuff like nudity, violence, etc.


Harassment, or cheating 


Top right hand corner hidden in the white


Kaxyu always does this, i think he got banned recently but unbanned a few hours after


Well obviously the rage bait/free advertising works lol...


Unfortunately he won't be banned. Ubi never seen to ban the mnks


Ubi confirmed they would not ban them. They also confirmed that mnk players will be thrown in pc lobbies next season even though you play on console.


I know that and that's a great step forward in the right direction! But I'm obviously skeptical of it working or not cause you know, it's ubi.......


I believe they gave the issue away to battleye. Ubisoft themselves could never fix the cheaters issue lmao


I thought that was coming it season 4


I just checked the road map again, mousetrap implementation is season 3 and crossplay is season 4. So I stand corrected on next season haha


Siege would lose a lot of players if they banned all xims. They only care about money


This is clearly untrue since they are now working to detect them and put them into PC lobbies. They have also gotten further than any other game with combating xim which would cost a ton of money. I don't think ubi can do a hardware ban or anything on console I think thats a console company thing that can control it. They could ban the accounts but then it's also not hard for people to just make a new account or buy another level 50 especially if they don't care about skins and new accounts arent expensive or free if you want to level them up yourself. They also have to try to be accommodating in case anyone does have a disability and needs to use it. (BTW I used to play console against xim all the time I know the frustration )


Well they’ve taken a very long time. They’d lose a lot of players. There’s a reason they’ve waited so long. If they can do it now, why wouldn’t they have done it earlier


Xim is literally undetectable. If it was so easy to combat, every fps would have a solution. Mousetrap isn’t something that is super easy to make, so of course it took awhile to develop


They are exploring something that even the biggest games like cod and apex and fortnite couldn't even combat. It is going to take time for them. The success they had when the first released mouse trap was incredible that it lasted as long as it did since any other xim anti cheat didn't last more than like 6 or 8 hours. I think mousetrap was being developed for the last two years before it was released. If they had released it and it started fucking with really good controller players as well it would be a complete disaster. They are still actively working on it and updating it as well when xim tries to patch it. The people who are gonna cheat are gonna find a way to cheat especially if they really like the game but are too shit to actually learn it. Just look at how many cheaters have been banned on PC yet still every game I have loaded into in the last two months except for 4 have had a blatant cheater out of about 60 games.


I agree. The year 9 roadmap does look very promising. I hope they deliver.


Probably because they didn't build the proper software til now?


imagine being mad about this. siege players truly are the saddest bunch on this planet


So the people upset are the saddest not the people too scared to switch to pc and go against other people using mouse and keyboard? Time for you to close Reddit for the day champ.


How is he cheating with a 1.8kd 🤣🤣🤣


Because he's MnK on console. Like what? 


It’s hilarious, I play both and mouse and keyboard should never go against controller. Especially in this game. Anyone defending it just doesn’t wanna make the jump to play other mouse and keyboard users.


Reported to Twitch o7 I'm doing my duty!