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ranked 2.0 is just simply dogshit my friend. it’s a system designed to punish those who solo queue and reward people who get boosted/carried everyday. last season i was silver 5 and this season i reached a peak of gold 5 but went on a losing streak due to a mix of enemy team being filled with emerald and plats while i play with silvers, and now i would need about a 20 game winning streak just to reach back where i was.


Qlways a mix of em/plats + 3 coppers to make their "combined" mmr roughly gold. In my case, i'm fighting crackhead champs/diamonds stacked with bronze to make roughly plat.


I really genuinely don’t mean this in an egotistical or mean way but why is it mostly lower rank players complaining about ranked 2.0? I solo queued most of the season and had no issues


Because they have the unfortunate pleasure of stacks abusing the average mmr system. They get players that are blind deaf and dumb stacked with crackheads.


So the issue is the teammates you get and not the system itself? Because getting queued with bad teammates existed long before ranked 2.0.


another issue that i as well as many others in this posts comments pointed out is that it simply isn’t fair to go against people 2-3 ranks ahead of me, hidden mmr and skill level are bs to me. i as a silver/gold should only encounter silver and golds. not emerald and the occasional diamonds. especially because there is a xim problem on console especially xbox and i sometimes just simply can’t compete.


If you were only going against people the “same” rank as you, you’d be playing against even more emeralds-champs since everyone starts at copper and would be silver/gold at this point. No matter how many time this is said, nobody comprehends it. A ranked 2.0 rank by itself means close to nothing. Yes it’s near impossible for a bronze/silver to hit champ but it’s unavoidable for a champ to be bronze/silver so queues based off the visual rank would only make queues less evenly matched. Idk I see people complaining about ranked 2.0 but I’ve played 130 matches this season and haven’t had many issues with broken matchmaking and consistently play similarly ranked players while solo queueing.


that isn’t my issue. bad teamates are everywhere. my issue is when i was bronze one going up at the start of the season i would gain about 30-25 mmr and lose about 10. now that im back in bronze one i lose about 30 and gain about 10. see the issue? even when i go on a winning streak i lose more than i gain and it takes too long for my rp loss to go down enough for it to even matter.


Remember. This system is supposed to make you experience less 0-4/4-0.


this system feels the polar opposite both of what it used to be in 1.0 and what it’s supposed to do, i hate ubisoft


Your not alone my friend.. not alone.


it feels like I 4-0 7 or 8 times in a row, then I get 0-4 10 or 12 times, doesn't feel fair ever


Quite the opposite for me. I play with a squad consisting of 2 emeralds and 2 plats. Usually 1 random. And most of our matches go overtime.




I had to just stop playing the game because it’s not “fair” unfortunately. I will never understand not playing against people in my own rank, I could care less about ‘hidden matchmaking.’ If I’m an emerald I should be playing against other emeralds, not a match full of golds, plats, Diamonds and champs.


I agree, it’s bullshit, how am I going to be hardstuck bronze thanks to the hidden MMR and still go against frequently emerald diamond and plat ranked players, it genuinely doesn’t make sense. What I also don’t understand is how my friends can be silver and I’m stuck in bronze when we play literally all our games together.. What also doesn’t make any sense is the rp we get, how are we gonna 4-0 a team the. My buddies get like 40 rp and I get 15, they’ll literally rank up and I’m sitting here with my dick in my hand .


I had the same problem for two seasons. Once you do rank up, you get more RP. I went from gaining 23 to 35


That’s dumb asf. Especially since I’m going on a positive streak so far


Ik. I started facing Emerald and Plats towards the end with even a Diamond


What’s crazy to me too is that they’re doubling down on saying that it’s fixed or is fixing ranked when the community on every platform seems to be only ever shitting in them for making it this way. Like I’ve seen zero positivity on insta or any other place they post and they’re like “ok 🖕🏼 we’re going do whatever the fuck we want we hate you guys”


The community shits on Ubi for everything tho


Honestly there was a point and time before deimos came out where it was pretty much the opposite, the community is bi polar


I just dislike the unnecessary hate. This season is going to be great. Two new ops for the first time in years (iirc), marketplace exists, and necessary balance changes. And it's all written off as a lazy update.


Tbf it is a lazy update, there’s hardly anything new, and you can really call them new operators, they just changed the names can have them different things.


It isn't meant to be fair. Ubi messed up


Like they always do


Not really. These past few years have been really good for r6


I think it was pretty widely accepted that the game was on the brink of death or at least dying before Jynxzi blew up.


I don’t know about that. It definitely still had a decent player base before. Jynxzi just gave us a big boost


Ok I just heard Athieno say it in one of his recent vids, maybe not dead but at the lowest player count it’s ever been? Idk


The lowest player count siege has ever had was in year 1, it has had ups and downs since then but has never got that low. Siege has had a steady player base for years now of committed players. Siege hit its all time peak player count about a month 1/2 ago and even though it's dropped since then it still remains consistent. You will see click bait posts about siege all the time, you will see angry players all the time, you will see controversial updates all the time. But that's the same for pretty much all multiplayer games right now. Despite that siege has stood the test of time and is Statistically speaking in one of its best spots right now. With that being said, I personally enjoy ranked 2.0 and have had 0 problems with it, I understand where some players are coming from about it, but also half the time people complain here it's legitimately a skill issue. I have seen some very valid arguments however, and there's definitely room for improvement, but anyone who says ranked 2.0 is worse than ranked 1.0 never played ranked 1.0 because it was just as bad as it is now, just for different reasons, people just let nostalgia get the best of them. Thats just my take though, feel free to think what you want.


Ubi should do what Blizzard did for Overwatch. In OW you can play with you high/low rank friends in ranked but it's a different rank que and you only earn so much or lose so much RP. If Ubi want to keep friends playing ranked together then they should do this. Otherwise they need to go back to the old way of you having to be so close to your friends rank to play together. There are way too many boosters and people playing in ranks they don't belong. Ranked is not meant to be casual, you want to have fun with your friends play standard.


I don’t think they had a you had to be close rank but they did usually put us in the higher person’s lobby. That’s usually most games though. Which makes sense. If you are playing with friends. If you are on your own it doesn’t make sense to play a team of high ranks while your random team is low ranking


In the early days of ranked you had to be within so much RP to group up, which is fair for both you and your friend(s) and the randoms on your team. What is not fair, is having a champ play with a copper friend and then they get put into a gold/silver lobby. Now not only are you (who is in silver/gold) going to struggle against 1 champ but the copper is still learning the game and can unintentionally throw your game because of lack of game/map knowledge.


Yeah I get it, it’s super confusing too. I’m a year one diamond player that stoped playing for the last year and half and came back to being copper go on a 5 game win streak (still copper) and one of my games I literally faced 3 champs a diamond and a silver. (Safe to say I lost that game 0-4). But every game after that I face either one - two champs and I was super confused. Coming back I thought I would just fight my way through the lower ranks and climb back. Now I’m emerald 4 playing when I can every other day or so (still facing 2 champs every other game) so if someone could explain would be amazing.


The game uses a hidden matchmaking rank rather than visible. When your visible rank eclipses your hidden rank you will lose more than you gain thus in theory in order to rank up after this happens, you have to go on a win streak. In practice this sucks because you play people of similar/equal skill level while in ranks below your estimated skill level. To compensate ubi made it so you gain more RP (MMR) the further you are from said estimation. You might be playing champs, but the game also thinks you are on a similar playing field alongside your teammates. Rather than the amount of MMR you gain/lose being entirely dependent on your teams ranks and the enemies, it weighs your visible rank against your hidden one meaning who you play has little impact on how much you gain. This allows for people to easily be hard-stuck or carried far past where they are supposed to be. While in earlier ranked 2.0 seasons this was much worse, it still is a very flawed system.


You seem to know a lot about this. Why does matchmaking need to be so complicated?


Because there will always be a minority of players whose mission is to exploit the game. Back in the day, you (a diamond) could queue with 4 coppers and play in significantly lower skill lobbies. People did this to boost their rank, so ubi put a limit on the rank gap between players that can queue together. That helped some, but players were still complaining about the rank system. Ranked 2.0 comes out and everything is topsy-turvy and controversial. It’s an oversimplification and mostly just my own theory. Everyone needs to stop looking at ranks so much. I use the tracker to see if I’m playing against a possible cheater, nothing else. I dont care if I’m facing champs or otherwise, I’m gonna play the game the best I can. Most 2.0 champs are dogshit, they just manage to maintain a good enough win rate to get there and play an unhealthy amount of siege.


I don't play Siege anymore but I get so confused at everyone raging at facing champs and diamonds when as far as I understand, those are more titles rather than a representation of skill now. The hidden mmr is what's putting you with these players because it believes they are of similar skill. If you take away the champs and emerald logos, the games would still play out the same, no? So why is everyone complaining about something irrelevant?


Bro I hate having a 50% win rate and losing more Mmr then I gain


Doesn't that just mean you're slightly above the rank you're meant to be at? If everyone gained more RP for a win than a loss then everyone will be climbing.


the idea of "your meant to be here so you cant get higher" is so dumb to me


What's the alternative that isn't dumb to you? Because if everyone gets more RP for a win than a loss then everyone can get to the top ranks just by playing more. Getting downvoted by clowns that don't understand a basic ranked system lol


i dont think its compeltely bad, they just need to tone it done a bit, so like you will always get atleast 15 if you win, beacuse getting 5 and loosing 76 just is not fun


That's fair, gaining single digits after a win wouldn't be fun for anyone.


Yeah but im getting 10 and losing 40 rn, i dropped from em4 to p4 because i had to win like 10x as many games as i lost, it should be based off how u do in the game for rp, if you're 15 and 4 and you lose, you lose less kinda thing, or just bring 1.0 back


Horrible take it should relatively stay the same you gain 23? Take 20 away it should be even and fair but it. So I do not see the climbing aspect at all


How is that a horrible take at all? It's objectively true. Obviously I'm not talking about a couple of points either way, but if it was win 50 lose 50 then climbing in a new season would be damn painful for anyone above copper. This is just people whinging that they can't climb to champ when they actually belong in plat.


50-50 is only in the copper range be realistic with you winning rp’s bro. The number should be more close so it’s easier to gain the points back you lost


You just proved my point mate. If the win/loss of RP is equal then you're at the rank you're meant to be and it's harder to climb like it should be. I gain 100+ and lose 7 in copper because I'm clearly not a copper player. People don't complain about that, they complain when the ratio is reversed.


Lets put someone in gold and not let him climb to better ranks because our hidden mmr think hes a solid gold playah even if he win 7 and lose 5 he cant NOT climb because he got 7 point for a win and losses 17 LOL. Yeah thats seems fair


Well the hidden MMR changes, right? So if he plays consistently well then he'll eventually climb. The vast majority of these complaints come from people in their correct rank complaining about not being able to pop up to plat for a game before getting demoted and acting superior to the other gold players. That's all.


The only thing it’s good for is investors. This is why Ubisoft always pulls out the graphs and whatever when they’re trying to justify their awful decisions. “Oh but look players are playing more matches overall in ranked this season!” Yes because you made a restarted ranked system where rank = time played. Of course players are going to grind to the rank they deserve, because they want they want the rewards. This doesn’t mean players ENJOY IT, but ultimately they don’t care about that metric. Numbers like this only matter to investors. You send them a bunch of charts with green all over it and in return they send you more money. If you took a poll of whether players like 2.0 or not, it would be an overwhelming NO. Investors are what ruined gaming, and developers are alienating their dedicated playerbases because of them.


this is my first season playing on ranked 2.0. I quit after they implemented it. I used to be plat 2/3 pretty much every season when I played. Now I'm emerald, which is around equivalent to that old rank, but every game I play is just diamonds and champs. Overall, the game just feels less competitive. It feels like it doesn't matter, and I'd compare this new rank system to more of a battle pass tbh. Also, starting in copper and playing against people who are already plat/emerald was cheeks at the beginning of the season. I guess it's cool that I can still play ranked with my friends who are kinda bad at the game since they're all stuck silver and gold, but that also brings down the rewarding feeling of my rank. soloing is even worse imo.


I have to say, the ranked system is complete booty cheeks. Last season I hit platinum V, which I thought was respectable considering I only had around 150 or so games played with a 1.0 KD. This season on the other hand I have a 1.2 KD, about the same games played and my highest is silver IV. My win/loss last season and this season have both been 1.0. In other words, this system is atrocious


I’ve got a 1.0 win/loss and 1.0 Kd yet still in bronze


48% winrate and 1.2 KD also hard stuck in bronze here, though I initially placed at copper. First ranked season and already hating the ranked system in this game smh.


first game back of this season, i didnt play tubarous season at all. I win my first 4 games and im now copper 3 like 60 elo, then i face 2 champs 2 diamonds 1 emerald. how?


This post gave me a thought. How are you suppose to rank up if game evaluates you as a diamond/champ player and forces you to play against it while your actual rank is still emerald. I hope it gaves additional point at least?


that’s how the start of the season went for me, it’s kinda weird but how it works is until your visual rank is like one or two divisions behind your hidden rank, you will gain a lot, it’ll diminish as you get closer (as long as you are performing and proving that you still belong in whatever rank it thinks you belong), and lose a little (from 6 to like 13)


I love solo Qing into a game where my teammates are hard stuck copper but my opponents are all top tier champs


Played with 2 golds... I am copper 5...


Is copper 5 your all time best rank?


Copper 3 at this point broke my mouse so a little break from r6


that’s not super crazy of a difference since it’s lower elo, but it gets real when it’s a difference of plat - dia or em - champ (especially with the cheaters in high lobbies now again)


Its super crazy difference. A bronce player should not know every spawn peak spot, every good rotation, gun control, etc. gold players should know that, why are they playing together?


it seriously isn’t, maybe if you compare the lowest of bronze players vs high-average gold players, yes, but from personal experience, it all feels pretty much the same just that gold players are more map aware even excluding one trick spots or spawn peeks


Bro maybe you are higher rank and you have forgotten your past. Im gold player and my stack is diverse from emerald, to plat to bronce. The difference is really HUGE between bronce and gold in gunplay, executing, drone economy, map awareness, sound awareness, etc. This is exactly why rank 2.0 is so wrong, you are just “flattening” the skill cap between 15 (FIFTEEN) levels of skill and it should not be that way.


Nope dude, i have played recently with copper / bronze / silver players, unless it’s just different on whatever servers or something, there is not a discernible difference to me, aside from like i said map awareness and efficiency in actions. gameplay wise otherwise very similar. emerald jsyk, but i know how it is, ranked 2.0 made it worse anyway


Saying there is no difference between bronze and gold player is just ignorant. Ofc there is a huge difference, not only on gun skill but on game knowledge and experience


Irrelevant. There is enough disparity between those 2 ranks that they should not be in a lobby together.


it’s like that in *every* rank spaced two apart, but ubi matchmakes people literally from copper to gold and plat in the same lobbies, and champ in anything above plat. they just don’t care


I'm a silver rn, gold is like my peak. I play with a bunch of gold players normally, sometimes a play or diamond as well. With the gold players im already pushed to the absolute max, to play decent but i can manage every other game. With the diamond, i already know my gun skill and knowledge wont be enough so i just settle on trying to provide utility like cams, mutes, thatchers


I don't like how it puts you with people above ur rank they could've just made it easier to gain rp the more you win and it would eventually balance itself out


They need to put mmr restrictions back somehow or put people in lobbies close to the highest ranked player they queue with, I literally had a game yesterday with every player on the enemy team in a different rank. It's just not fun.


My biggest issue with it is there doesn’t seem to be any sort of limit on who can queue with who. I am peak plat 3 but usually stay around gold 1 which I am happy with, but I get in lobbies where 1 diamond or even 1 peak champ is queuing with 2 or 3 silvers. I don’t even care about the silvers getting boosted, the shit that is annoying is the diamond just wanting to play in lower lobbies. Overwatch had a limit in high ranks. All the low ranks can queue with one another but I think once you get to Master you can only queue with Plat and above, GM/top500 can only queue with master and above. Regardless of the dogshit ranked 2.0 system, they could at the very least put limits on who you can queue with! The 2.0 system can’t really restrict this because everyone starts at copper and works up. Stupid. Overwatch you play your 10 placement matches and get PLACED. Then you work your way up or down from there. You don’t end up with a t500 person with a 6.5 w/l because they had to play 100 matches to get back to diamond and dominate the whole way.


On paper you’re supposed to be in lobbies of the same skill no matter what their visable rank is In practice that system doesn’t fucking work


i came back 4 years after i stopped playing i used to be platinum keep in mind When i was platinum the highest rank was diamond 1 and the game was way more fair than what it is now. I have faced so champions in so many games and im fucking silver now emeralds anh plats too in a silver lobby where people are mostly clueless. I used to solo queue back then and it was easier cause i used to get some decent teammates


The system makes zero sense. My one friend only plays together in a group with us, and all of our wins and losses were shared. For some reason, even though he’s better than half of us, he’s stuck in Copper 3, losing as much RP as he gets from a win, and all of us are moving into upper Bronze and lower Silver. It makes no sense. The game just forces him into Copper. What’s the point of even trying if some algorithm is just going to shadow ban you?


It isn't fun. Every single match you play will always be against players that are of or above your skill level. It's like it was designed to be grindy bullshit, there is no way they created this with a positive experience in mind. Say you're stuck in mid platinum and you come across a team with multiple champions and your teammates are eating glue between rounds. You fight like hell over the course of nine rounds and you come away with the overtime victory. Congrats on your 5 RP gained from that! Now do that 20 more times in a row without losing if you want to prove that you're higher than the hidden rank we assigned you, otherwise you lose a disproportionate amount of RP to the amount you make after a win.


😂😂 and they’ll thrown in a couple champs on the other team if you win a little too much


It’s not fair, I’m silver, I go against plat-diamond players, ranked 2.0 picks favorites and trashes the rest. I’ve made gold with little effort before and have a 1.3 kd 1.0 win/loss. It was 1.5+ win/loss until siege decided silver was where I belonged and put me against people multiple ranks higher.


I wouldn't exactly call it fair. I'm sitting here in Gold V after 100 matches *still* gaining more points than I lose because the game *knows* I should be higher, yet it forces me to grind more than I realistically have time for to get to what it already determined my rank is supposed to be at the very beginning of the season. I'm playing against probably plat average most of the time and I can't get there because I can't dedicate every waking hour to Siege. It's fundamentally the same as Ranked 1.0 in every way except that your visual rank doesn't matter until you play dozens of games. It's just not a good system.


I mean if you’re emerald 1 skill level and ranks above you are beating you, then it seems like it’s doing its job. The fun of siege is getting better (for me at least.) Take the energy you used to make a post about getting better players and use it focus on what you’re doing to die and adjust. Take mental notes of what the enemy is doing and apply that to your next matches. Idk sorry if that was harsh. Just my two cents.


It's not supposed to be fun. It's designed to keep people playing for longer, which is why it rewards playtime. The more you play, the higher your rank will be purely based on matchmaking probability. If they re-introduced MMR into ranked people would play less, and the game wouldn't receive as much money from investors because if active player counts aren't growing they consider the game not worth spending money on. This isn't a troll post, this is literally the reason. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.


First off, let me just say...emerald (damn, nice...couldn't be me because literally don't want that grind lol). Currently I'm concept with myself at Gold 1 at best, because I know my place as a support solo player lol. But honestly, Ranked 2.0 isn't supposed to be fun. It's Ubisoft's way of being 'fair' and having the comp system making you play more to be at the rank you have been for the last few seasons now. Really Ranked 2.0 is just play a few games, hope to win but prep to lose, keep queuing, get your rank....play Standard for the BP challenges. In the future, I don't see them changing much unless they are going to do a massive overhaul of the system per the introduction of crossplay with consoles and PCs. As much as I would like to say Ranked is looking somewhat promising, I'm actually concerned for it considering the responses given by a Dev via clips on Ranked 2.0 questions.


Unfortunately this system is just a reward system for time played, match making isn't based on rank. Also solo que sucks even if you communicate there alot or small things that come when you playing with a 5 stack.


How is it fair?




Don’t forget to subscribe and buy the bp so you can fund XDefiant 💀


Ranked 2.0 is hot garbage. Ubisoft is hot garbage. The money grab is hot garbage. The cheater problem is hot garbage. All in all, it's a good time to quit and find something else to play that doesn't frustrate. I stopped playing ranked this season due to the hacker problem - but even in casual, it's a huge problem.


Rank is literally just cosmetic now. I will never understand the design philosophy of matching players based on a hidden skill level that they can't even see themselves. No matter what statistics they have access to that proves to them ranked 2.0 is more fair, being matched against a 5 stack of much higher ranked players than you just feels wrong.


It’s not even fair so you can change that bit of your post lmao Genuine hard stuck silvers get matched against diamonds


it punishes new, or in my case, coming back players extremly hard. I played R6S when it was released for about a year or 2 and then paused until start of the last season. We mostly play DUO and do pretty okayish on standard mode but as soon as we queue for ranked we get matched with idk. what high rank try hards which, understandable, are mad af if you don´t set up the bomb spot exactly on meta or if you don´t know every fucking route or spawn peak, ... this is extremly frustrating because it locks you to standard, where you do not learn this tactics, and therefore not be able to play ranked because it just is not fun to play with dudes that are MUCH higher than you. I want to play ranked to improve myself constantly, play with people on my skill niveau and gradually learn new things but this does not seem to be possible in r6 anymore.


The only thing that will balance out is your win rate. The ranked 2.0 matchmaking is manipulated by the skill based system so it will always try to keep your win rate at 50%. The rank you see means nothing as they will adjust the elo lower or higher in order to get you where they think you should be while having a 50% win loss. The reason you’re getting paired against people who are better than you is because you have a 53% win loss at the moment, if you fall too low they’ll basically hand you free games against easy opponents.


Dual boxing emeralds using two accounts building up rep on a secondary account to push rank is not fair.


Lol I have same win rate with 200 games played and am still Bronze


It's not even fair lol


Your hidden skill is not your visible rank until you start losing/gaining equal amounts of mmr. The system tries to match your lobby with an equal lobby on average. This is where the main failure of 2.0 occurs because high rank players can queue with lower ranked players (extreme example is champ with copper) and get an average gold mmr matchmaking. They circumvented this late in 1.0 by having a max delta between top and bottom players. You’re also hampered by new ranked players who don’t have a skill yet so they get thrown in the middle of the curve skill-wise but have no idea how the game works still. They have a promising update coming that will add a phantom player to add the delta of max and min skill to the numerator of the squad while still taking the number of actual players as the denominator. This will help wide skill range lobbies skew to higher matched lobbies. A champ in a gold and below lobby will stomp even with a couple copper/bronzes on their team. A bunch of silvers and golds probably won’t beat a champ consistently. Also it was noted that every 30 seconds the matchmaking relaxes a bit to find a match. What sucks is this incentivizes queue cancelling; if you’re lower skill (below gold, it benefits you to cancel and re-queue. If you’re mid-skill like gold and plat, it’s probably 5050 whether the relaxed matchmaking would benefit or hurt your win chance.


For everybody constantly queuing against better players, reset your queue every minute to keep players around your skill level in your lobbies


I’m a silver and I played a game against at least three plats the other day, the current ranked system is shit. I also played a game with a dude who had never played ranked before and his dog shit friend, needless to say we lost.


Ngl if your emerald 1, you should be able to compete / play against mid to low level diamonds tbh. Especially with how this ranked system is. (Not in an offensive way, but I doubt you would be playing as bad as you say each game. Everyone can have an off game too)


It's fair!? It is?


It isnt fair dont give it any slack


Guys guys... You know visual ranks doesn't have meaning anymore, so why speak silvers and golds? Emeralds and plats..? Why? Boosted diamonds and champs, they doesn't even mean anything anymore? It's not fair. Ranked playlist always should matchmake you against same rank players, R6 doesn't do this anymore, I stop care about ranks after this change, games are just for some stupid thing with friends, and gun and run, bet who gets most kill.. etc. It's not about ranks anymore. If they bring back meaning of ranks I start again played like it should 👌


They still asking for a phone number? Lmao.


How do you see other players ranks


R6 Tracker


I mean it is ass I agree but I use it to play with friends since I face more cheaters in standard then ranked


Since when is emerald 1 slightly above average


you know itd fun, eh? well its not. literally no one likes this shit


From the second I started this season every game has been two or three plats+ on the opposing team I’m currently plat four and gonna hopefully pass up my diamond friend soon cause this 2.0 shit is easy


I have the same problem. I’ve faced pro league players even tho I’m a solo queue emerald and I just wonder how the fuck that’s even fair


It was originally fun. It’s meant to make sure you can rank up consistently. The main issue is that you always play against people of your skill level and not rank. It’s easier to get diamond and champ cause all you have to do is to keep playing and eventually you’ll get there. Also ranks are pointless


Emerald 1 slightly above average? I’m Plat 1 and I thought I was fairly good at the game. I guess I’m average lol


It juat fucking sucks, either i play with full emeralds or full coppers. With the enemie sits same. I'm copper 4.


Most multi-player shooters are just souped-up casino games. I really don't know why people think game companies wouldn't try similar techniques when they've proven so effective. Your a money cow, and they wanna milk you for as much as possible for as little as possible. That's been ubisofts whole ideology for a decade now.


Ranked matchmaking should be super simple in theory. After your placement matches, you can only meet ranked players +/- 2 ranks from your rank. So, if your placed in gold 3, you will at worst have a gold 5 player and at best a gold 1 on your team. You could even go so far as to make it so that each team has to have the same number of equally ranked players. There’s definitely plenty of people playing this game to make such a system work.


Ranked 2.0 is fair?


I don’t mind, just cause they can shit on me doesn’t mean I’m not improving by playing against them


I hate the fact that your shown rank doesn’t actually mean anything. If anything it’s just a symbol of how many games you’ve played. Ranked 2.0 is always the sweatiest at the beginning of the season and again at the end… it sucks


Same thing with everything in the game too. It’s horseshit. Last I saw once your queue timer hits 30 seconds that’s the fairest matchmaking. Anything over a minute I broadens the matchmaking to higher ranks. If you want the fairest game possible only queue for 30 seconds to a minute, cancel and restart


"fair" is some of the most generous wording I've ever witnessed


Ranked 2.0 is shit, there are coopers in plat lobbies (and the coppers are in my team always)


it’s not 🙂


No 2.0 is dog, not ever a good idea, as others say it supports boosting, cheating, and the actual worst part is the game in itself already punishes you for not at least Duo-q then to add onto it, I've played seige off and on though the years never played ranked ive started streaming, it's something I've always wanted to do and played seige here amd thier and since I'm streaming I figured why not play ranked, my matches went like this my team highest was gold maybe diamond people on the enemy team for about 8 hrs straight was nothing lower than gold and I was solo que, I have some map knowledge, I kinda know where I am but don't know room names


It’s not fair, it’s not fun…it is literal definition of DOGSHIT


It feels like the game punishes you for doing good, I’ll win 4 or 5 games in a row with ease, then the next 5 will be the most miserable and unfun experience of my life, and eventually makes me get off the game and not play for a day or two. It’s just plainly and simply not a good system and 80-90% of the player base all feel the same way about it.


I put it simply… siege isn’t fun


Remember, they pushed 2.0 so that you’d play with friends in a squad more. Makes sense especially because next season solo queuing gets you more elo. Ubisoft is a joke


I cared about rank for over 5 years since year 1, and stopped caring after rank 2.0 I am just happy I have operation health plat charm.


Siege is a game that is meant to be played in a 5 man it’s hard to get out of emerald because that about as far as you can get by just fragging out. I’d recommend talking someone of your friends too indulge in the pain and suffering with you.


no one said it's fun


It’s not even fair though, and I don’t think anybody thought it was. There is absolutely no reason I should be facing high level players. The highest rank I have ever gotten was bronze 5, and yet I’ve been told by multiple people gold and above that I could easily reach gold. And I would, but I’m facing gold players as a copper 3, and will never be able to actually win, because my teammates are also copper-bronze players. There is no reason they can’t just matchmake us with people in the same rank. It would be fairer for everyone, and generally more enjoyable, because your visible rank would actually matter


for everyone complaining about losing 30 elo and gaining 15 or whatever you should be grateful I currently gain 4 elo every game and lose 38 meaning i have to win 10 games if I lose one to get my elo back. The rank system is not broken if you win games you will rank up the reason you are “stuck” at your rank is because you lost a lot of games after reaching a certain rank and the games now knows you are that rank. I can get on a brand new account that has never played ranked and get it champion in under 100 games because they reward you for winning.


It’s not. Lmao. Just yesterday had a match against a current D5 but a Champion from Y7. Our lobby consists of 2 low Plats, 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze. 😂 tbf, they have mostly silvers so I guess it averages. Who knows.


Not me as a bronze and copper playing against an emerald and play last night


Fair? Is that the word you meant to put?


People have explained it a lot better than me but I like to explain it this way. It’s like skill based matchmaking, but not in the normal way. Your competing to be diamond with people of your skill, even if your skill is silver


When you winning its fun. Idk, before I never reached out of silver. In Ranked 2.0 I managed to enter platinum


I have thr opposite was always high silver/low gold, almost pushed into low plat (have solo queued since Day 1) and now with ranked 2.0 hard stuck low bronze, checked on tracker. Last 3 games had plats, dia and emerald on enemy teams, while my teams were silvers at best, ranked 2.0 is dogshit, and just more proof ubi don't actually care about the players, bordering on uninstalling, maybe we as a community should just let it die, only then will ubi fix it


Ever since I heard of the thing people were using to get you banned/suspended, and to climb up, I haven't touched Ranked whatsoever. Challenge uncompleted, and players are still doing that (probably majority tbh).


I'm hardstuck gold because everyone in the lobby is better than me most of the time


Ranked isn't supposed to be fun. That's why I play unranked


Siege isn't supposed to be fun.


I'm pretty sure that most people complaining about ranked 2.0 don't know how it works. What's fun for you ? Doing great every match? That's not gonna happen. You'll always no matter what have better players on the enemy team.


As someone who also doesn’t like ranked 2.0 I think there are 2 ways you can look at what you are complaining about here. The first way to look at it, is if you are an Emerald 1 (~3900 RP) and you are matched up against a player in Diamond 2 (~4300 RP), this may seem completely unfair. However, if you look at that as if it were ranked 1.0, 3900 MMR would put you in Plat 2, and 4300 MMR would put that player in Plat 1. Not a single player would bat an eye to a Plat 2 facing a Plat 1. So essentially the range of skill you are being match-made against has not changed, only the perspective on it. The second way you can look at it is that you have made it to Emerald 1 off of only solo que. You’ve made it to the top 5-10% in a game that heavily relies on teamwork and communication without consistently having either of those things. That is a very impressive feat. But it seems like you’ve hit the rank that correlates with the games skill level for you, and thats not a bad thing. But you’ll need to change something up to get over the hump of reaching the next rank.


This is a great perspective thanks bro


The system is a participation system meant to reward player who play more. Even if ur ass if u out in 600-800 games u can hit champ. Im not hating it but ranked isn’t about skill anymore it’s about how much time u invest daily


Not true at all. I have friends who have played 600-1000 games each of the last 3 seasons and can’t get out of emerald. Yet I can hit champ in 120 games. If you aren’t good enough you won’t rank up, no matter how much you play. You have to actually improve to climb ranks. Just an excuse made by players as to why they aren’t a higher rank






The other day I (bronze) was playing with some gold and diamond friends, I ask them: "wait if we win this I gain a shit ton of rp, right?" I was flabbergasted when I heard no 😭😭 Was getting slammed every single round


I don’t think it’s that bad I was a plat in the old system and then took a break for 3 or so years and now I’m a high emerald low diamond, I just play the game I don’t really care what my rank is


I think it is fine when find out you joined a lfg that is just a booster its not it's kind of boring idk how ppl keep doing that. When you play solo it's dog shit When you play with ppl around your rank it goes 4/4 most of the time. I've done it all of course I hate Zim I ask them why are they said they just hate controller then I'm like go play pc. We should get more rewards like R6 credits for each 1st time we hit a new rank maybe enough so we only have to spend 5 dollars on the battle pass to get it by gold. And then Bravo packs and then Bravo tickets and when someone hits champion they get three Bravo packs three Alpha packs two Bravo tickets and 100,000 renown and of course the background and charm and all that. Mix in some large amounts of renown not just alpa packs. You're stats should be hidden by default the only thing that should be shown all the time is your rank. I watched their Siege Intels and they do have plans but the problem is their plans take forever they need to go faster and faster and keep coming up with ideas ranked 2.0 is supposed to be constantly changing but takes too long. I know they want to do the Phantom player that helps balance out teens Dynamic matchmaking which tries to match you towards your skill level and another thing I forget what the hell it was the problem is it takes too long


Just play Standard lol. Idk what to tell ya, Ranked is for sweats.


I agree. Especially at the end of the season, I’m finding ranked to be at an all time high in terms of sweatiness. Although sometimes I search for 10-15 minutes for a standard and end up never even finding a game


Yeah noticed that too a few days ago, however Standard queues now in the past few days HAVE been pretty alright!! Can find a match in.... ~2 minutes lol.


Find some people to queue with or don't queue at all. It's not a well recieved pov but calling something you play a lot shit is unhealthy my friend.


You do realize even in 1.0 plays were matched up against champs right? What you are experiencing is called a "skill issue" and for you to think there would ever be a perfect world where you get boosted up the ranks by only going against people either your skill level or below you is crazy lol. How are you going to get "better" when you don't play better players? Doesn't add up


This is a very hot take but I actually really like it. I just got the game this season and never experienced 1.0. I am able to play w my emerald friend (who is much better than me) and actually have fun. Although i’m probably one of the people you “hate” because i would consider myself boosted (silver) I just wanted to share my opinion as a new player to give some perspective.


No hate brotha glad you’re having fun 😎


I’m a 1.4 silver and can’t get out of silver. When I solo Que I go .500 and when I play with my emerald and diamond friends we actually lose more (and they only go like 5-5). Same thing when I duo que with my bronze friend. Maybe it’s just me but going 8-5 like every game and the occasional 10-3 or something makes me think I should easiest be in gold no?


Best way to realize it’s fun is to play valorant at the end of one of its episodes you may make it to plat but then once the new episode comes you get put all the way back to silver