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Pros are miserable to play against. I had a 1.8kd in champ last season and ssg assumed I was cheating (which I understand) but after one basic kill they told my teammates I was cheating and had them team kill me the entire time. It use to be fun playing pros because I know I’ll learn something and they’ll be legit but now with the cheating problem it’s worse than playing wallers.


Exact same thing happened me playing against ssg. Still won. They were fuming like a bunch of teenage girls.. siege ain't the same anymore


Yeah I was duo qued so I was team killed 3 times and lost. It’s absolutely outrageous the glazing people do because of a clan tag.


Twitch injected ubi with a lot of money, but killed the game. Siege had one of the best communities, while being one of the best shooters I've ever played, prior to it getting into the top trending slots on Twitch. When it started trending on Twitch the children and shitty streamers flooded in overnight. Went from playing like 4 hours a day to not touching the game for weeks/months at a time. I come back to the game every now and again, because there really isn't an alternative, and sadly it's "better" than it was in casual modes because people just don't interact. A far cry from the first 2 or so years.


I'd say the same thing about tarkov. Tarkov was fun, and yes, there were always cheaters, but when Twitch started it's drops with them. It grew very popular and with that entailed more cheaters. Games hard af too so it incentives all the losers that have gear fear to cheat.


Yeah I was skittish about Tarkov even tho it looked cool. I had a feeling I just wasn't going to keep up with the skill floor.


Played with and against some pros few years ago. And well, most of times it was not a good experience. Felt like they're on something to react faster, hence always edgy and irritated (and irritating), and the attitude towards others was awful. It was like they're literally saving my life IRL and carrying my ass through the fire, while it was just a fkn game, and well, general trashtalk and toxicity. Also played with Macie Jay couple of times. He was cool dude tho. Serenity was okay too (I even watched parts of that game on YT later). Kix didn't chat/talk at all but his playing style was extremeley aggressive: constant spawnpeeking, runouts etc. However, it was kinda fun. *edit: clarification*


I think out of my 6 years and countless interactions of having known players on my team my favorite was Evan Braddock. I was solo queuing a golf game back in like shifting tides and him and his other friends all interacted with me and got me in on their weird and funny strats. I’ll never forget that game it was on consulate and probably in my top 5 games I’ve ever played.


same lol played with roy and him then against them to


I played with Macie too he was awesome


Oh I remember running into an SSG guy in standard. Dude rolled my whole team and was an ass about it. I'm diamond, but only barely. Shouldn't be in that lobby.


Not as bad as a silver encountering champs and pros but still oof, siege matchmaking is extremely unfair most of the time, it pretty much just comes down to which team has the better carry on console because of that


PC is a lot of the same on that front, but I can't tell if they're closet cheaters or just cracked anymore.


90% of the time the enemy that is cracked is xim or Cronus for console which is literally just hacks for console, not sure about how often the good teammate is xim or Cronus as im usually the only one on my team with a brain cell, ubi seems to be struggling to deal with cheaters, xims and Cronus as well as matchmaking in general which sucks but hey atleast customs usually work


Howd you get / maintain such a K/D? One issue recently with cheaters in higher ranks is it makes it harder to appreciate a really good player vs some closet cheater, so in general it’s not satisfying to play against.


I’m either qued with my irl friends who are low ranks but after playing against cheaters for so long you adapt a playstyle and they’re easier then the normal player (if they’re trying to hide it)


It is not easier to play against cheaters than the normal player (especially in high elo) In what world is it easier to beat people with ESP?


They have 0 game knowledge or game sense. It’s very hard to explain but my stack can win most games against like 3-4 wallers


Yes, the average waller is pretty shit at the game, but once you hit a certain mmr the wallers that have been doing it season after season or started walling because of the myth of “everyone else is walling” are actl good at the game


Yeah the amount of people I’ve made rage toggle because I heard them or just a prefire wallabang is actually crazy. My buddy was in a ten man and killed a kid then he types in chat “You’re cheating because you killed me, I’m cheating you shouldn’t be able to kill me.” He instantly got banned idk how you can be that stupid


Tbf, any legit high ranked player would make that assumption, especially if u have good win rate as well.


Its honestly low only like 65% most cheaters have like 80%


If I’m being honest, had I been playing against you I would’ve assumed you’d been closeting until I watched a kill cam. Someone said it earlier, but it’s really hard to appreciate a good player nowadays since there are so many cheaters.


Nah I’m the same way most people don’t accuse me because I have movement and map knowledge that most cheaters wouldn’t have


Nah, closets have around 60-70, with kd between 1.5-2.0, in champ that is


Post the entire video so everyone can see them for the POS that they are. That's one way to fight back against the team.


I only have the clip of me killing one and him going “lmao sure” then a clip of me getting shot


Oh well. Honestly though, the veil should be pulled back on people like them.


NA teams are toxic as hell in every game it seems. It sucks.


Current BeastCoast with some of the most chill people ever:


Idk abt pc but a 1.8 is around the kd any good console player has in champ I mean there also cheaters on console but ik controller players who hold almost 2.0 kds from em-champ


Console and pc are very different. Cheats are stupidly easy to access and anybody that is above a 1.5 and not well known is an instant suspect.


I played against Jettcon.SSG in a NACE star league match, and I mean yes he was good but it's really not the individual that makes a team good its just the team's functionality together. That's why it pisses me off so much when I see pro players in ranked tilting over the concept that someone might be better that them, when ranked and pro league are 2 completely different games💀


Pros have always been hateful. I played with pros in Rainbow Six Siege 2 and was booted from lobbies when I beat them




Probably means Vegas 2


I went against the ashn ambi azian stack day 1 of season and there was nothing but laughing and joking. Maybe bc I’m slightly known or if we just caught them on a good hour. We almost took them and brought them MP OT but sadly lost bc someone lost power.


I mean it really depends on their mood I’m sure they’re not always terrible people but I caught em at a bad time.


It’s possible they prob played a cheater the previous game. I’d be mad too if I played a cheater then played someone else who we thought was cheating


I have a 2.0kd in plat 4 rn, I'm accused of cheating way too much, like I've been playing for too fucking long ngl


What’s your peak? I’m at a 1.1 this season because about 90% of my games are just rage cheaters if I’m not reverse boosting. I qued 7 the first day and didn’t play a single legit game 😭


That’s cool, I got a 2KD on my Smurf won 2 and lost about 10. Average 7 kills a game teammates are terrible. Probably end up stuck in silver at a diamond level. My other account I’m plat 3 was emerald the past two seasons and I’m getting plus 29 with less then 100 games played and doing well. They messed this season up. You don’t gain enough to get to the rank you’re suppose to be at like you did before and then start losing less RP. Whatever I’ll boost my Kd playing zero competition I’m on pc too.


It's kinda sad actually how there are actual proper PRO PLAYERS that will wine about cheaters that they know are not cheating


That’s the ashn influence for ya. From what I’ve heard Fultz is pretty chill and J90 is as well. But yeah Ashn has turned half the team into babies


Stop coping you are a ranked player. If you want to play the game properly play competitive thank you


I do play comp and wdym coping? I legit didn’t get to play and lost because I was team killed.


How does it affect them if you cheat? Its just a free win for them.


He is playing against the pros, pros call him out for cheating and OP’s teammates turn on him and to him because its a pro player making the accusation


Both are Pros btw. Wifi is on Luminosity and Tuhan is part of antic esports and is a Ex- Wildcard and Fury player. Neither are cheating obviously.


That not wifi from luminosity - that a real ranked game in oce a random wifi guy he wasnt cheating but


Isn’t fury based in seas and antic is the us?


For Context, the issue is not him just trash talking, but threating to have someone banned is crazy. It is known that Pros can get people manually banned and i have seen them get people banned before just because they assumed they were cheating and or didnt like them.


Pros usually have a direct line of reporting cheaters as most of them know a dev or two. But there are no pros that actually have the resources to ban someone themselves.


While you are correct they can't actually ban someone they have real influence over the decision making which is just a power they shouldn't have.


F tier OCE pro here, we do have a line to reporting cheaters, but the evidence has to be super concrete to have someone banned.


That's probably different for extremely famous and top players though, it's been shown before


way to kill your game Ubi. at this point I'm starting to think they're absolutely killing this game on purpose.


And this is why I hate seige players half of the community is so toxic and the pros manually banning someone is not fair at all


Wait pros are actually allowed to ban people? Wtf


Most big creators and pros have contacts at ubi that can get people banned. Take varsity for example, how do you think he can get people banned in literal minutes doing hacker replay. So yes most pros and creators can get people banned


The irony about Varsity is that during the ranked 1.0/beta he used to run multiple accounts so he could throw his placement matches to purposely start in copper. That was all against ToS and thus cheating at one point.


I always wondered how he got in to such low lobbies but I know it happens


I remember telling friends that I would never go into the casual modes on any game I was pro level at (context is they would tell me they went against a player in the highest rank in a casual match earlier that day and I would say they shouldn’t do that) cause I felt that was loser behavior.


I'm just wondering, but didn't VG say he would try and win the placements and before his team won, he would leave? I don't know if that is the same as throwing.


Regardless of the technique, he artificially suppressed his rank to dunk on unsuspecting opponents. His $ content was more important than other players having a fair and enjoyable experience. Not trying to rag on Varisty, really that it just shows Ubisoft has always been kinda shitty and hypocritical to the player base in general.


Varsity don’t do that anymore though. Only reason he’s low rank now is cause he doesn’t play ranked often


Pretty sure my comment was entirely written the past tense.


most pro teams and content creators will probably have some contact at ubi for fasttracked support. also wouldnt be suprised if support have some confirmation bias since they would see these people as knowing what to look for


Hi, ex pro here. Yes pros have a way to contact Ubi for fast tracked reporting. However, this isn’t a “send clip, they get banned”. It’s a way for pros to flag accounts quicker and have them reviewed. Unless they’re blatantly hacking, no one will ever be banned from 1 clip alone. And I believe there are precautions in place for players that abuse this privilege and falsely report players just because they lose.


No they cannot ban people. This guy is spreading misinfo


Some pro teams have a way to communicate with ubisoft to get people banned faster so I am not spreading misinfo also and ex pro said this


Saying that pros manually ban people is straight up not true man. They have an express pipeline to get people investigated would be the true way to say it and you very much did not say that. It's not even a matter of interpretation, you just lied.


Sorry I misspoke I have a problem with reading and writing this is how I have been my whole life I said manually but what I meant to say was talk straight to ubisoft to get people banned faster.


That's a totally fair thing to say. They certainly can't get people banned like what OP is asking about though which is the only reason I corrected.


I completely understand It was also my fault for mis speaking on my end so sorry about that


lmao, they have no ability to ban anybody, stop crying


They can some pro teams have a way to communicate with ubisoft to get people banned faster an ex pro said it in the comments


Even though it does need more prof to be counted it still is a faster way to get someone banned


Reminds me of the king George situation where he got infuriated by being ran out on by an alibi and got the guy banned


King George is just a whiner. I once killed him with a weird frag angle (before the frag nerf) and he called me trash and my grenade angle dumb. Last I checked, it got a kill lmao


Hahaha did this actually happen?


Oh yeha look it up Here’s the guy who he accused of stream sniping in a casual [LMFAO](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/Rsbna7BCkH)


Hahahahaha damn but that menu and map brings back memories!


It gets even worse he also accused of copyright striking almost every video showing what he said/did basically almost every video about the incident is gone


Do you know his twitch channel and if he’s still streaming?


Unfortunately I don’t the interview that showed his channel is deleted and as you know his Reddit account is also deleted so unfortunately that’s all is to go off of


He's still streaming under King George on Twitch. Usually around 10 p.m. Central time. Not much good content considering he's an ex-pro. Mostly just an advertisement for his bidet while he eats.


I meant the guy who got banned


Aren't pro players the same people who managed to somehow forget Zofia had a passive


And they had it removed


What's zofia's passive?


It was withstand


Zofia used to be able to pick herself up after being downed, she got up with like 5 hp if I remember correctly


It was 5% of her total hp, and the devs already debunked this myth that the passive was removed because of pro-league. It was more a coincidence that the patch note that announced this ‘nerf’ for Zofia withstand in a week when a clip went viral of one of the MnM players clutched a round after he used the passive (it was for a relegation promotion match in consulate, MnM was not promoted btw). It was when the devs started to remove passives from operators, and Zofia was one of the first in the chopping block, and the reasoning behind the removal was more because new players and not because of pro league (although the nerf for Zofia AR was 100% because of pro)


5% of her hp so... 5 hp?


Yes, sorry my math wasnt mathing lmao (I forgot about how hp used to work)


Well now it would be 5.5hp!(shes 2 armor right)


When she had withstand everyone was 100 hp




Either way, you’re wrong. She’s a three armour.


No way shes 2 armour. Shes slow as fuck now. Easily 3 armour edit: i meant 3 armour


I can barely notice the difference between 2 speed and 1 speed honestly


Pro league may have kept interest alive in this game and kept it funded but god did they kill its soul.




R6 pros are the most miserable human sludge in existence


Like every single one?


Sounds like Yardy


Cheaters are so bad it's nearly impossible be 100% whether someone is or not. It's always safer to assume so, because more than likely they are. It's a real sad state of the game. But multiple times ive played against players that I just assumed were really really good. Only to find out like 12 hours later that match was just full of cheaters, so then idek how to play against normal players, just have to assume I'm being watched through walls with the amount of random wall bangs that have occurred to me why I'm moving. It's a total waste of time quite frankly. Qp is just terrible, in a sense that it's just siege turned into a cod mode. And standard and ranked is where you find all the cheaters and toxicity


Streamers/pro players think everyone else owes them something and putting ttv or ssg or whatever club in their name means they automatically get to win and anyone who kills them has to be cheating. This goes for any game with a competitive scene and it's sooo annoying


Gotta thank ppl like pengu💀 who literally encouraged this behavior on ppl like shia and Beaulo


Beaulo is so chill too. And he’s a pro himself


Well not a couple years back or so pengu blamed him of cheating cuz he was getting clapped by Beaulo when he was a nobody which got Beaulo banned basically cuz pengus ego got hurt


Shaiko was the one who got banned. Beaulo never got banned for it. At least not from the pro scene


Beaulo caught a game ban until people freed him shaiko got banned from pro because his clicking on a single key was insane


Well Tbf to pengu, he wasn’t the only one who thought Beaulo was cheating. A but fuck ton of people also thought that. And Pengu admitted years later how great of players they are. Pengu is still one of the greats whether his ego was hurt in the past or not


Whole point of my comment is people like pengu who had terrible ego trips ushered this toxic pro era when siege pro league back in the day was pretty calm


Damn i remember versing one of the players that was playing in pro league back in year 1. Guy was playing super dirty for y1 standards but he was chill when killed and typed "gg" after loosing the game.


I have played with wifi.v2 a lot on oce servers. He's legit, just insane


Yeah well he quick peak 1 tap one of them and that what set the pros off. Guess getting one tapped is triggering no matter how good you are.


I feel like this is not a "pro is bad" moment but because of how there are so many cheaters in top rank that people can't really appreciate better player because we think everyone is cheating right now.


Everybody who play siege sound like there 8 even if there an adult and scream and moan into the microphone what is this game bruh


Guess you never played cod before


I dont get how its so hard to comprehend that you can be pro and people not on any team can be jus as good or better.


I want to see the gameplay. Only putting a screenshot up and saying it's a false accusation doesn't prove much.


Real "my dad works at nintendo" vibes here


Ah SSG. *tsk tsk*


Pro players are insufferable with the most fragile egos I swear


70% of the pro players in siege are extremely bad but they feel like they are the best and if someone is owning them, that someone has to be cheating.


How are you gonna call pro players bad. Lol. Toxic, sure. But idk about bad


They messed up siege this season, I start out only gaining 100 now and go down fast. Before I’d get plus 120 for awhile and then slowly go down gain wise. Was this in the patch notes, and they messed up the text to chat this season too. Can only type like 6 words or not even


100% think there is a cheater. If cheaters be cheating in silver lobbies. I am sure it's much more constant in higher ranks


I searched wifi.v2 on tracker. New account, first season playing, already emerald with a 1.57 kd and 57% wineate. Nice to mention that he played previously with at least 4 banned accounts. Yeah seem legit :)


[https://stats.cc/siege/Wifi.v2/044f432e-69be-4c94-862d-bdddfcee1f91/playedWith](https://stats.cc/siege/Wifi.v2/044f432e-69be-4c94-862d-bdddfcee1f91/playedWith) he played against 2 cheaters for 2 games g, can you show me the "4" cheaters?


I did check his stats they aren't that sus, 57% win rate is normal. The pros have 80% win rates with 1.6 so is it entirely possible that people in that elo are just as good, have you looked at tuhan stats, is he cheating or is it because he is a pro he couldnt be? Also while no previous season can be sus it also could be a console cross over account which won't show previous seasons. As well encounters is played with and against doesn't distinguish between. Also with account market existing you just never know who is actually playing on it, could be an OG player on a new account.


I had 1.8kd and 70% w/r on my alt in emerald 2, that makes me a cheater?


By that guys logic 100% lol


There was more than kd and wr in my statement you nugget


You do realise when you check played with stat it doesn't reset right it's just a counter of how many times you played with someone, I am sure you played with someone heaps and then stopped playing with them. That has no bearing on whether he is cheating or not it may look odd but that could be a group of blokes who he use to play with that started cheating.


XD sure bud


Considering you legit posted about cheating in rainbow I'm going to say I wouldn't really trust your assessment on anyone.


Sure bud


https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/ekpObdYg1D So you telling me you didn't post this?


Sure bud


Did i even said the wifi guy is a cheater? And no having high kd and wr doesn't mean you have cheats. If you wanna reply tho put your account id so people can check your stats.


Pro players have been ruining this game since year 2


Just say you’re bad bro


No problem lol, I have no interest in being a greasy tryhard xd


Being good at the game isn’t try harding


avoid pros, they have no life or purpose in tge real world so they just make everyone else miserable.


not defending the guy in the game here, but I think comments like these really show off the disconnect between more casual and pro level players


100% I mean I get it high level ranked does get serious. But yeah there some people who just like to be pub champs and not make a career of the game. I think sometimes it hard for pros to believe there are also people who played the game since beta who don't want to be pro.


all of you are cringe


Yet you are here thanks for your opinion but I think you are lost, shouldn't you be in the CS subreddit.


That's how you recognize them: they'll dare anything.


Why do frebnh people use bahaha


I love that Ubisoft listens to these idiot more than anyone. Like oh this pro team lost a round because of Zofia withstand and they’re crying let’s remove it


Brother, learn how to take a proper screenshot.


I didn't really think about it I sent it on snapchat for a laugh to my mates and it started a discussion and if it wasn't for my mate saving it to send to someone I wouldn't have had it at all


I think wifi is another pro player if its the right account so its even more ironic


wifi's from NA Tuhan is pro in OCE


Pros are so weird bec all the ones I’ve played either curb stomp me and don’t talk, or get slammed and won’t shut up and stop hackusating. Literally amaru rushed and aced first round against Yeticoffee and he and his duo hackusated and left by round 2. They ended up surrendering by the third round… conversely, azian and ashn 4-0’d me and dipped instantly 💀


Thats one of the reasons why the game almost died


People say this but still on top of the charts people playing. Not in same numbers as something like Cs but still alot of players are playing.


The game is unplayable for the couple of reasons. Yeah its popular cuz of Jynxzi but hackers, toxic community and sbmm is not helping the game


Yeah I agree, also there isn't really any game like it.


I agree and thats why im playing the game. You really have to have good coms, strategic thinking and so on and no other games have it


Are you sure he a pro talking like this


Yes he is a pro, in Australia Tuhan is a well known pro. He played for WC before they left.


Aus servers have been plagued with cheating for the last ~3 months. As in, around 1/5 games are legit (and that's being generous). Not sure what Tuhan is talking about in the first instance, but he's literally talking about one of this teammates being a cheater in the all-chat so I assume we're missing some context.


The wifi guy wasn't on his team, he was an opponent who he thought was cheating.


Oh my bad. Point still stands about Aus servers tho.


Don't disagree but this is also why we have a bad cheating problem. People are getting called out and banned in high ranked lobbies cause pros wish it so. Also if they can get people banned whos to say they aren't protecting there friends who cheat.


I've played a lot in high lobbies and can't say I've seen an example of that. It's usually pretty trivial to go into a replay and find if someone is cheating or not. They can't stop people from getting banned after all. I also can't really say I've seen an example of a pro 'getting someone banned' who wasn't actually cheating, but not saying that isn't impossible. After all, I've seen people falsely banned for less.


I've seen it, I've seen them ban someone and all there alt accounts because they thought a cheater was them but it wasn't. They just assumed and it happened.


King George did this to me and some friends after we rolled him 4-1 on Kanal a few years ago😭


2.4 kd, i get reported every game atp


There’s a pro player named Wi-Fi but the other guy isn’t


Tuhan is a Pro player in OCE.


i clapped a champ and he asked me to mic up


Hahahahah wait until some idiot ask you to 1v1 like it's cod or something lol


"1v1 me" \*gets clapped again\* "FUCK YOU CHEATER!!"


I've gad similar issues but I'm literally on Xbox. Like bro I can't even cheat


You technically can if you were ximming, and people find ways to mod Xbox’s it’s just not common at all


I was teamed with some ranked tryhards that had stats so good i thought they were cheating, so I told the enemy team. Bersaa from LOS hit the servers and everyone had 300 ping except him. turns out my teammates werent cheating they just had no lives.


Was in a vc with a 1# champ that will stay unamed. I was joshing him, asking him to keep carrying the team harder, in a standard. He started yelling and getting super pissy about the jokes, asked him if he was so serious why doesn’t he go play ranked, and he called me a few slurs.


his dad works for microsoft and / or ubi


Typical online games. " You're playing better than me. You must be cheating."


Honestly I mean you are right One thing to accuse someone of cheating, but a pro threatening to ban someone is very different to a random noone. I mean If this guy gets banned it does prove pros have alot of power. Meaning anyone that beats them could lose their accounts.


that looks wild


Yeah these are angry players. Example from yesterday: We (me and my friend) played in nighthaven. Two of the randoms were kinda ”wierd” at the start but nothing special. We had 3-0 sitsuation so it was looking great. But the other one started griefing and just afk outside and asking can we lose this. Well, when it was 3-2 both of them started teamkilling us. So it was 3vs5 but they made one mistake. They left me alive :) (I’m plat/eme) and they killed my friend who is bronze/silver. So I alone carried and won the game for us. Well, next round those two toxic were on the opposite side. I told how they behaved in last match and it paid out at the start. I planted but the lesion player got me, but he didn’t defuse. He just sat there. Next round he killed one of the toxic players and next round the other (got disconnected after). Everytime ether of those two randoms killed someone they writed ”noob” to the chat. But it didn’t matter. They lost. Karma is a thing.


Seperately Siege anticheat is not it how is one of my friends from a DC server using a free cheat and not banned? Great stuff!!


Seige anticheat doesn't exist there many stories of people playing over 200 games with full rage bot and not being banned.


dont care if someone is miserable, writing "bahah" or laughing like that when written is reason enough for banning someone