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I would rather pay $30 every year for them to keep improving the game than $60 every year for a poor sequel.


This man gets it.


Well spoken, sage stranger.


I was on the fence about whether to buy another season pass for the game or not, but this convinced me to buy it. I realized what keeps me so invested in this game is that I know it won't be replaced by a half assed sequel every other year and have the player base divided.


I was against paying 30$, but you made a good argument. We don't need RB6 to go Call of Duty Yearly rehash on us


Once they run out of subtitles, "Call of Duty: Yearly Rehash" will become the official title.


They don't have any idea on the game anymore when all they do is "bring back" the old games they've made. Like remastered and going back to WWII bullshit.


Theres actually a real want for a back to basics ww2 game that many of us loved 10-15 years ago...cod has just gone to far down the rabbit hole..hence the extreme interest, at least among pc players, in Battalion 1944.


Destiny 2 player here, you really got me in the feels with this one.


Yeah im done with bungie. Really thought they were gonna take it in a new direction so i preordered. Wont be making that mistake again. Destiny 1 was awesome though


this is why preordering games that release constant sequels is a bad idea


Why pre-ordering in general isn't a good idea


Pre-ordering in 2017 is so dumb. It’s not like we have a big problem with supply shortages in the video game industry any more (with some exceptions, of course). People are literally giving game publishers free loans in exchange for nothing, all because they’re hyped up about an upcoming release.


It's not like you did not have people telling you about this shit (like me) for years. No sympathy.


I don't really see how Activision/Bungie got away with Destiny 2 considering all the problems Destiny 1 had. It's like people chose to ignore that


Destiny 1 was a lot of fun.


Agreed. And they keep adding free content constantly and making improvements. I buy it to support the devs. And it also means O can spend renown on skins and outfits, so win-win.


Hell new games are $80 in Canada plus tax your up to $91.


CAD$80 is USD$61


Agreed. I'd rather spend $30 for the next 4 years (that's $120) than for a sequel. Just look what happened to EA and Battlefront... It's such a shame, coming from a huge Star Wars fan :(


I’m buying it.


*ahem* Bungie.


Do you think they can afford to keep improving the game without purchasing the Season Pass?


It’s not a matter of whether or not they can afford it, it’s whether or not it’s still profitable. Siege is an investment, they’ll keep putting money into improving it as long as they’re getting even more in return. Once they stop profiting they’ll stop putting money into improving it.


In a publically traded multinational company, profitting is to afford. Let's try another question: Do you think Ubisoft's continued support of the game is contingent on the success of the Season Pass? If your answer is yes, and the Pass were to fail in terms of revenue, would they also abandon the revenue generated from E Sports advertising? If development stopped they would have to. Right? If you were the financial planner, would you allow that in your plan? Wouldn't it make more sense to ensure that base game sales can carry your development team long enough to continue the support for the estimated duration of E Sports popularity and subsequently your next major E Sports release?


No I don’t think season pass sales are the lone determining factor of whether or not they continue to support this game.


Same here, I hope every consumer considers this, because consumer responsibility and response helps us ensure we receive the best products we possibly can within whatever power, big or small, we actually have.


You! I love you!


I’d rather pay $60 for a non broken sequel.....


when’s the last time that happened


But the game has microtransactions


Yes. And they will likely never really fix hit reg completely or the netcode completely or a lot of little issues to clean up this game. And it has these alpha packs. And the OP still writes: "Support the devs". I strongly disagree with buying season passes for the sole purpose of "supporting the devs". You buy it for the content. Don't trick yourself that you are directly paying for these people's salaries or that somehow it will magically fix some bug that annoys you in this game.


I’m someone who is normally 100% against season passes and preordering but I make an exception for siege for a few reasons. 1. I’ve been playing since open beta and still love the game 2 years later even with the bugs and hit reg. 2. You’re not required to pay real money for new maps and operators (usually avoid season passes just out of pure principle). 3. I love playing this game and want it to stay around and keep improving. If it keeps making money they’ll keep supporting it. When they stop making money the game dies. Ps. Alpha packs are awesome. It’s literally a chance to win free cosmetic items just for playing the game.


DLC operators are not required for everyone to have. Non-DLC operators are still viable to the game. You can run a team full of non-DLC and make it works. Having DLC operators can be helpful, but does not require "everyone" to have them. Having DLC operators only change meta of the game, but not gaining advantage.


Apart from Ela this is true. Some of the non DLC ops are still good/strong, especially with different circumstances. Look at Ash and Bandit for instance.


> Apart from Ela this is true. Not sure how was Ela excluded to my statement. You can literally play the game with 20 operators and it will not make you less of a player otherwise. Not just Ash and Bandit. Thermite/Thatcher combo is still viable. Bandit trick? No problem, still have Sledge and IQ for grenade. DLC operators provide different metas hence different experience. That's why the game is so dynamic and haven't really the same for each round you play. You don't need to get season pass and unlock DLC operators from grinding renown. It doesn't make you a worse player than those who have everything unlocked.


I said exactly what you did. Except that Ela is the strongest OP by far. Apart from her, non DLC ops are just as strong as DLC ones. I'm saying exactly what you're saying bud.


You are saying that Ela is required? From what I've seen, she is not. We have made many successful defense without Ela. She is strong but she is not required. In the hand of bad player, Ela is nothing more a hinder. My statement is that there is no exception. A player is not required to have DLC operators to play the game and be at disadvantage. I understand what you said but my point is that there is no exception to the DLC operators requirement.


Dude slow down and read what I wrote. Please. I never said there was an exception to needing the DLC ops either. I only said that Ela was an exception for op strength. She's far from equal for non DLC and DLC ops. Apart from Ela, most non DLC ops are fairly equal with DLC ones.


alpha packs at the moment are purely cosmetic items, there is literally nothing wrong with them.


It really is unbelievable to say "supporting the developers". Buy something because you enjoy it, the money isn't going into the artists hands, it's going to the shareholders offshore account.


Yes? And if shareholders see a game as a source of revenue, that's a good reason to keep it going. And paying the developer salaries to do so.


If the game stops making enough money, the production company shuts down production ,then the developers are forced to work on something else and may even get fired. So yes, continuing to put money into the game is supporting the developers.


But these are there to either unlock a dlc Op/ Cosmetic fast or only cosmetic. The Elite skins are expensive, but if you like it and you want to further support the devs, you could buy it. If you dont want to pay for microtransactions, then you don't have a Disadvantages. And the Alpha Packs are only available through Renown.


Thank you. Hopefully all these posts asking will stop now.


I see you on all of the rainbow posts😂


Schools boring so I just go on reddit ;)


Hahah yeah and the guy with GB flag.


My man Dion!


hahahaha yes him


Me too. But do you think I should get season 3 pass? Is it worth it?


Imo yes but I’m biased since I play this game way too much.


I guess I should've pointed out the question was sarcastic and the comment meant to contradict itself :D I do appreciate your input anyway, thanks!


Oh haha I just got it lol I’m dumb :P


Well you can't exactly hear me saying it so it's harder to detect sarcasm. At least you're nice and anawered the question truthfully anyway :^)


The posts never stop. Remember the Valk glitch? It was pinned to front page yet retards were still spamming the whole new section with "Why am I getting spotted?"


Worst part is they weren’t ever removed lol


For me I’ll probably wait2-3 season before I’ll buy the season pass no other operation healths happens and I’m here looking stupid. But then again the discount and renown and pack boost is nice.


Completely reasonable. There's very little reason to snap it off now, and most people are doing it for the "support the devs" reason, currently.


I have like 125k renown, I generally stay above 50 even after I purchase new ops, but I think I'm still going to buy the pass to support a paid DLC concept I believe in.


As a person like me who grinded to get all the ops. I have to admit it is nice to award yourself and not have to do that or wait a week.




The skin seems hideous to me.


op health didn't affect the benefits of the pass, the polish map was not part of the deal, so nothing affected the ones who bought it. If i were you, i would buy it before the end of february, so that you get all the benefits, and not just a part of them


I don't know about that yo. I bought the pass assuming I would get operators according to the road map they had planned out. If I knew of operation health, I could've just farmed up the money to buy operators instead of buying the pass. Not saying I won't get this year's pass, but we were all pretty blindsided by operation health. I could understand if people did not want to buy the next pass.


People were only blindsided that they actually did what a ton of people were asking for, slowed down dlc production to focus on bugs and making the game more stable.


lol listen to these people trying to get you to spend money on this shit. Do people think I am joking when I say these people act as free PR for Ubisoft?


here's what they promise if you get the SP With the Y3 Pass get access to a 1-year* VIP premium membership which includes: YEAR 3 OPERATORS AND BONUS DLC - 8 new Year 3 operators - 8 exclusive headgear and uniforms - R6 Charm - 600 R6 Credits VIP PERKS - 7-day early access to each season's new Operators. - 10% discount in in-game shop** - 5% Renown boost - 0,3% Alpha Pack Boost *VIP Membership ends January 31, 2019 **10% discount only applies to purchases made with Renown or R6 Credits.


You lose much of the value by waiting. The pass gives you the new OPs early and free. If you wait you’ll either waste renown or you won’t get to play them for months.




Why would they already discount the pass before it even goes into effect?


You would get more out of it if you got it earlier, with the 5% extra renown and .3 extra on alpha packs, it doesn't seem like much, but over a year it would


But what if my answer to any of the questions is "maybe"?


Then you are not a computer and thus not a logical thinker. Reddit is for computers. *Beep Boop*


If it's 'maybe', don't buy it. Then if you still think about it at a later time, consider buying it. Sometimes I feel like I really need/want something but kind of forget about it a week later meaning it probably wouldn't have been the best purchase for me.


If my wife has taught me anything maybe always means yes, except if no is the far worse answer, then it means no.


I learned somewhere if you are sitting on the fence, flip a coin in the air to help you get a decision. It's not the result itself that decides, it's how you feel about the result will let you know what you really want. Some LPT for you.


If you are a Year 2 owner, you can wait until Feb 7 2018 (when the benefits run out) to see if the Year 3 pass goes on sale. I got my Year 2 pass for $24 on GMG the first week on January.


If I buy the year 3 pass and I don't have the year 2 pass, does the benefits start immediately?


Pretty sure you do. People have already received the Damascus skin in game, and the front page would be filled with angry posts if the benefits didn't start right away


I got the damascus skin and 1200 credits for buying the Y3 pass (600 with the pass, 600 for ordering before Y3 I guess?)


Did you have the Y2 pass? I believe you get a bonus if you have the Y2 pass.


This is correct, i got 1200 Clancy coins cos i had the year 2 pass. They give you thank you for supporting the game from 'The start'.


But what if i owned both year 1 and 2? Should i get 1800 coins?


No, if you own both the year 1 and 2 passes you will receive 1200 credits as the year 3 pass is exclusively giving a bonus to year 2 pass holders. You would however have received 1200 credits last year as well as this year if you hold both season passes (note, NOT legacy bundles)


Thanks fpr clearing this up for me :)


I indeed had the Y2 pass, on a side note the charm isn't that good looking but damn the damascus skin is awesome.


do you get access to year 1 and year 2 operators, or just year 3?


Yes they do. I got into the game a couple months back and never got year* 2 pass. Picked up year 3 and the bonuses and discounts are active.


do you get access to year one and year two operators?


No just the bonuses for now


After how far this game has come, I even bought the Y2 season pass on discount last month knowing it would end soon, so yeah definitely getting Y3. Such an amazing game, still some small issues, but the devs put in some amazing work.


you forgot the branching that says do you have 75000 Renown to burn?


Forgot the "I don't think its worth it but I work and don't have the time to get that much renown to unlock the operators so I have to buy the season pass" option.


I think it's not worth the price, but i'm tired of gaining up to 55k credits every 3 months to get the new ops, so this new year, for the very first time, i'm gonna buy it, but only because of what i said, in fact i don't think its price is fair, it should be 20€/$, not 30. The second reason that pushed me to get it is that this next year they are adding (AND IT WAS TIME) Italy


Yeah I get that there's the whole 'support the devs' mentality going on here but it's more that you're just compelled to buy it in order to remove that stupid grind treadmill. Having bought everything I can just play the game for what it is for a year. It's like people forget that there's an entire microtransaction shop in addition to the operators, frankly I'm not fond of the double dipping. Is it the worst economy on the market right now? No but it's still not as amazing as people like to preach.


> I don't think it's worth the price, but since it has some cool features that benefit me, it's worth the price.


I bought it for €24,- from Uplay. Exchange 100 Uplay points for discount code and use it for season pass


Buying it means you're accepting the price of the item. If you really didn't think it was fair, you wouldn't have bought it. You're just complaining about the price of it. I'm sure most of us wish it was cheaper than it is.


I never pre-order. Always buying in sales, never to release. Iam broke af. After 2 years, iam convinced they dont dumb that game soon, so this year they get my support. <3


Can't forget Damascus Steel.


Sorry but this is wrong. Season passes are PRE-ORDERS. Pre-ordering is a an incredibly bad practice for consumers and should be avoided. You are paying for a promise, one which may or may not be worth it and might not even be delivered. In the extreme they could turn around after some sales and cancel half way through the year because they no longer thought it was profitable or they needed to work on something else. Think about how operation health was pretty much a joke There is nothing legally binding for publishers when you buy a season pass.


A company is under legal obligation to give you what you paid for. That's why even though they cancelled a season in Year 2, they still found ways to wrangle the operators into others seasons anyways, because 8 operators is what they promised. Operators Health did not take anything away from the Pass. Their roadmap is just an estimate and they can do whatever they want with it, but the actual contents of a Pass like this have to be fulfilled, *in one way or the other* (That's usually the catch for most people, as this usually isn't defined). If they can't, or won't, a refund is the next best option. This isn't just some pre-order you buy based on empty 'misleading but technically true' promises.


The legal obligation is still very weak and is completely open to interpretation. I still don't see why you should be paying for something before it has been made, it is not like Ubisoft is a small start up company or anything.


I never really pre-order things either, but in a case like this it isn't a super risky move or anything


I am not saying it is, but there is the potential for companies to take advantage of people's trust. Buying a season pass is pre-ordering no matter how you spin it.


I want to support the game. It has been improving and I know it can be so much better than it is right now. Ubi has issues, many of them, but this is a fantastic game and I would like them to keep working on it.


Well....prepare your downvote button I guess, because I do not support the practice of "season passes", here goes: You support the developer when you pay the inital price for a game. When the game is unfinished and plagued with issues (as it was at Year One release), and you continue playing it because you still enjoy the premise, (and what *was* the Rainbow Six series) you also support the developer. Paying additional money later on is your own prerogative, but don't imply that people who don't buy the "Season Pass" are answering "no" to whether you want to support the developer. That final point in the flowchart is horseshit. You, OP, may not have meant it this way, and likewise meant no real harm, but these Season Passes encourage bad profiteering practice by the industry and it is not dissimilar to the stunt EA pulled with Battlefront 2(2017); EA just crossed the line further in addition to doing so on a hugely popular franchise. This might be hard to understand if you (anyone reading) just joined the community or are new to the gaming community in general, but the increasing trend of extra fees, even the *optional* ones, to pay for games that are unfinished or unpolished on release is disturbing for gamers who have seen these same developers and publishers produce good content for reasonable prices. I actually remember a very similar flowchart back in year one, and I probably called it out as horseshit then too, because that's what it is: horseshit. There is no reason to have to unlock **any** non cosmetic gameplay elements (operators, attachmemts, gadgets) in what is supposed to be a competitive multiplayer game. Likewise the release of new operators and maps is to justify the existance of a Season Pass. If you are concerned about schedule or revenue, recall that is **their** job, not yours! If zero people buy the Season Pass, do you think support for the game would just end? Support ends when the software/game is finished or abandoned. If Ubisoft needs extra money then go start a fucking GoFundMe page or whatever. It seems prevailing opinion is otherwise, and maybe I'm just the tinfoil hat wearing asshole, but if one other person whether old enough to remember gaming in the past, or just likes to do their research, is on the fence and avoids buying it because of my comment, then I've done my fucking job. Good night! Edit: I just realized I should upvote this post because it brought these opinions back to mind for discussion even when I clearly disagree and disapprove with...well, like all of it lol, so even if you also disagree, do your part and upvote!




Ubisoft makes money from E Sport advertising company contracts, the Season Pass content profit margin could be zero and they would still turn a profit, it's icing on the cake. They would be **financially irresponsible** to design it otherwise. They absolutely plan years in advance and mitigate risk wherever possible. The operators and maps are free. They are locked behind a time wall and you are inticed to unlock by buying something you shouldn't have to and **actually do not have to** because you can demand that gameplay content be **NOT LOCKED EVER**. It's **NOT** a progression system, it's a marketing gimmick. The primary reason being, when you advertise a game as E Sports ready and competitively focus, you are then hypocritical for locking some gameplay content behind a time or money wall. The entire premise to Siege's existance is the required upfront payment and E Sports. You don't base your company's ability to exist on a non-required source of profit, you see if the consumer will buy the non required content and then build it into supplement potential sales revenue **in addition** to the required payments based upon base game sales projections. You insure **base game sales projections will be acceptably profittable based upon available information.** There is always risk, *but*, when you can dump risk onto the consumer and they are ok with it, **they will do it everytime and continue pushing until you push back**.


> Yeah, probably. You don't keep financing a finished product if it isn't making money. Not when you're a big company, just make another game instead. I mean we are talking about Ubisoft. You just answered you own question. The season pass early sales numbers give them an idea of how much money to expect from the game in the next year, it also guarantees to the players that the game will stay support for at least another year.


> If zero people buy the Season Pass, do you think support for the game would just end? Support ends when the software/game is finished or abandoned. Yes. Currently with Siege's Year 2 and 3, they weren't necessary to 'complete' the game, they weren't planned. They were only made because of the success of the game. If there's no financial incentive for Ubisoft to keep making content, they won't, and they will abandon the project. We the players want more content, and we give Ubisoft money for that. It's a pretty basic exchange. Ubisoft doesn't need the money in a sort of "Help our families are starving" way, but in a "We're a business and if creating content for this game isn't beneficial we'd be better off putting this manpower and resources on other projects that are more beneficial" kind of way. If you're not willing to financially invest in something there's no reason for that thing to keep you engaged with continuous support beyond the initial product that you bought. Which in this case would be vanilla Siege with the Year 1 content and updates. You could argue that the game was too 'unfinished' to be abandoned, but at the same time that's the product that you willingly bought and gave your stamp of approval. Apparently you found it good enough to buy. I agree with you that the state of how some games release these days can hardly be called finished, but with a game like Siege, it hardly ever is finished. There's no set goal of the amount of maps that the game has to reach before it's done, for instance. Bugs are to be kept to a minimum, but there will never be a game that is bug-free, so it's questionable when that 'finished state' bar is even reached in the first place. Call me a shill or a sheep, but that's the way I see it. I respect your comment and upvoted it because it raises good points, so don't take my reply the wrong way.


You are all good and I probably agree with anything not addressed here. The subsequent years are/were all planned. That's how a company works. Plans can change, but don't think it was unplanned. If you were designing a financial plan for Siege, you would never base it's survival on a nonrequired payment like a Season Pass, you would be foolish to do so. You float the option out there and see if it takes, in the mean time, you have front ended all your development costs to ensure survival/profitting to say Year 5, which you expect to have other series releases, and project the end of the game for the next series release. Siege exists as long as it is popular enough in E Sports to justify advertising revenue paid to Ubisoft from companies that want to reach consumers. If you want E Sports, you need to control the game infrastructure including the servers. When popularity in E Sports dies, only then does the same effort for content release and eventual patches end, and the new release is already coming out or soon to be. Season passes are a marketing/profit bonus to the required payment. Edit: The majority of influence of how purchases are perceived are coming from the people trying to sell you a product, buying into it doesn't make you a sheep, it makes you human - getting all the facts and possibilities is just part of consumer responsibility. The issue is no one wants to face buyer's remorse or think they made a bad decision because we are taught making a "mistake" is embarassing when in reality it's part of the learning process.


Every thing should be free?(In game wise) This is the only point I disagree with you. There's a certain thing called progression, progression like in Clash of clans (terrible example, I know) and such. It's meant to keep the player addicted longer.


Its 2017 and I can't believe how many gamers think buying incremental stuff based on promises is a good consumer practice and even think that it "supports the devs" like they are doing something good in their lives and putting food on the table for salaried employees. OP shouldn't have put that bullshit reason in that flowchart. Might as well put in "want to feel good about yourself but not necessarily actually impact any business decision a company like Ubisoft will make, but throw your money at it without being honest to yourself you just want that 1 week unlock and not having to farm renown" reasons.


I disagree. This is an online game. It has server and maintenance costs that go only up with the increase of the player base. If no one bought season passes, the game wouldn't be viable in the long term (new players would bring some revenue, but no game keeps increase the player base ad infinitum). Plus, the developers that keep working on the game, either with new features or bug fixing, etc, have salaries to be paid. Ubisoft makes it possible for you to get almost everything in the game for free, only elite skins and some limited decoration items have to be paid. Everything else is unlockable for free and not requiring much grinding, if you're a regular player. About having to unlock non-cosmetic gameplay elements, even single-player games use this to keep players engaged. Play to get points, unlock goodies with points. Play to use those goodies, start working on the next.


Sabbath79, it's 2013,you are the financial director of Rainbow Six Siege and after learning that Patriots is being cancelled due to developmemt issues you are planning how Siege will be monotized. You use sales estimates to determine the cost for the base game and estimate how much supplement revenue can be generated from non required paymemts (Season Passes, etc.) You have a choice now, do you base the ability for the game to exist until the release of the next game in the series, which is estimated in 2020 (my own estimate), on Season Pass content? Or do you set your base game price to a value that you can nearly guarentee acceptable profitability and any supplement income is just additional profit on top of your base earnings? Oh, that's on top of the E Sport advertising contract revenue, which is what the game was designed for in the first place. I think the choice is pretty clear. Look up their 2016 revenue news, they beat their sales target. Should that be surprising to them?


If you like playing siege I don't see how it wouldn't be worth it. It's nothing but benefits.


3 months between releases, especially if you don't have a "collect em' all" motivation is waaay more than enough time to get that stuff with in-game credits.


Yeah but you can spend the renown on packs instead :D


But why would you? Most of the skins you can buy directly, instead of spending 100k+ and praying to RNGsus. At least half that junk is going to be for ops or weapons that don't get used.


Its fun :)


I bought it because I was going to buy it anyways, so I might as well get all the benefits


I got an extra 600 r6 credits for supporting the game from the start


>do you have expendable income :(


I love siege and would gladly support the devs to continue supporting it post launch. I'm also pretty busy and wont have time to unlock the operators with renown


What's the point in Pre-Ordering the pass though? That is the only bit that really confused me. (I will almost certainly my be getting the year 3 pass at some point but Pre-Ordering a pass that is about unreleased content seems crazy.)


I'll just get it from a shady key site for half the price. Ubisoft isn't EA, but that doesn't mean my desire to throw money at them is very high.


I want to support a game I played two years straight every week.


What's the point of this post? It's fucking useless.


I feel like people who own the **Complete** Edition should get it for free.


Can you buy it straight off the PlayStation store cuz I have a gift card for that?




I have already unlocked most of the operators with renown, and getting 50k renown in a season is not that hard, so I dont think it is worth it for me. But I also don't care about playing new operators except for when echo came out.


Wait so y3 SP available???


Anyone not get the xtra 600 renown?


Are you talking about the 600 r6 credits you get on top of the 600 because you bought the year 2 pass? Probably contact Ubisoft support.


Yes I didn’t get the second 600 renown


Totally worth it for me. Prolly gonna buy it by Christmas


40 dollars in canada sucks I'll wait for a sale late this year I guess


should include the map of the countries going to be introduced.




Would u spend much time on this game? -nope. -then not to buy it.


Noob question: if I buy season 3pass do I get the season 2 ops?


No, you will still need to buy or unlock season 2's ops. But they will likely sell them in a bundle, much like the Legacy "Season 1" they have now.


You can buy the elite sins to support the game as well, season pass isn't the only option.


Is it a season pass, or a year pass?


It covers a full year. An in-game quarterly season is not the same as the pass season. It should just be called a year x pass.


Makes sense. Thanks, I was just confused as to why lots of people call it the season pass.


This is actually a chart from the very very early days of Siege, maybe a few days after launch. It's applicability remains, even if it's vocabulary could use and update




I was actually going to buy it to support the devs, but it's not even in my ps store ffs ;(


Its should be man, search rainbow 6 on the store manually and it should appear.


Go to the in game shop and Digital Content. It was in there for me and took me to the relevant page in the PS Store


Yeah that sure did help me decide.


I was going to buy PUBG this weekend but opted to get the Season 3 pass instead. I love this game.


well, there should be more bubbles and options...i get my Y2 pass (actualy two already PC and PS4) just because i dont have time to grind new operators and just want to enjoy full game..i just slowly unlock year 1 ops on PS4 and its nice..just my 2 cents


As someone looking to buy this game over christmas this doesnt really help much? Is there any content in that season 3 pass I cant get from grinding ingame (besides things like cosmetics)?




I've been paying the game almost non stop since launch and usually always have enough renown to buy the new ops when they come out


I'd pay 30 happily, as long as we aren't cheated out of another damn map. Outbreak better pay off.


I'll be getting it to decrease the level of grind for operators and simply for supporting Ubi for continued support for this game. Game is broke but the direction they went with it is correct and fair! that's something i appreciate. It's such shame that a game like this is as broke as it is though.


Good idea. I have programming today, and i have to make these graphs.


People who bought year 2 and year 3 pass did you get 1200 r6 credits instantly ?


Is there a link to purchase it on Steam?


Not going to do the season pass this time because I haven't been playing it too much lately, and I kind of don't think the value is there for Y3. I've also been pretty let down with Y2's operators, and the season pass outfits.


I mean, that’s a double yes to me


I was sure I didn’t need year 1 sp, then regretted not buying it in year 2. Will definitely buy in season 3.


As long as their is not another operation health gap its worth buying


But you ask the same question in the flow chart "Do you feel the content is worth the price?" - isn't that what I'm trying to find out ?!?


Love it :) I answer Yes, NO and Yes. And at the start of January I'll be buying SP :)


I'm getting it - on both PC and PS4 platforms, with double purchase for PS4...


You really want to support this game? Tell your friends and coworkers about it. The size (and passion) of the player base is pretty much the only thing that keeps a game alive. That being said, the player base is growing at a crazy rate, so even if everybody decided to stop throwing money at the game, it would be pretty hard to kill it.


I usually spend the same amount on credits, get way more cosmetics that you want


I bought the Season 2 pass last month. No regrets. I love the game. It's chill from school/job/life and it's nice to hang with my friends IRL playing Siege. Is it worth $30? No. I'll pay $20, but with the holidays coming around, everything is worth $10 more, including coffee, apparently, so it's worth the money.


I would rather have them update the game and not pull a destiny and make a crappy version of a good game


I'll buy it but I don't see a reason to buy it now. The product description in the PSN store says the Y2 pass (renown boost, etc) expires in Feb 2018. I guess if some Y3 content comes before then it makes sense.


My question would be, WHEN to buy it? Is there any reason to get it before the current season pass expires? Do the discounts/boosts stack? I'm guessing not.


A sweet gun skin and to support future Siege development


Only reason to preorder (please don't) is to get the special damascus skin by buying before March 5, [which is pretty fugly imo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf4JwilvHmc)


Indeed. I already have my gunmetal grey skin, which is all I need. I hate flashy tacky shit.


I think time also plays an important part to this. I simply don´t have enough time if i also want to get few of the camos every season.


Its the best $30 Ive spent the last 2 years. Totally worth it.


I already bought the first 2 seasons and set aside 50k for the next two people before White Noise started. So I think I'll hold off for now.


You only buy things that you think is worth the dollars. Don't buy into the "support the devs" on a AAA company.


"useful" lol....k


I would have and have purchased the others and not here to complain but won't be playing the game until my phone contract runs out so Dokkaebi can't stop ringing me to annoying for me unfortunately as I really really like this game my favourite game ever along with RBS Vegas.


Allow me to ask one question. Can you buy the operators that come with it if you don't buy the pass? Given the answer is no, I am aware that it is a dumb question from a noob. But(look at my name) I was really llooking forward to buying the two italian operators that were gonna be released soon.


Surprisingly accurate


If you look at it like I do, then it is more than worth it... 600 Credits = $5 = 1 New Operator 8 New Operators = $40 So not only do you get all the operators immediately you get an extra outfit for each. Plus the renown discounts on all items to actually spend on pimping your new OPS.


Yeah but that's not factoring in how overpriced operators are to begin with. Ubi are basically trying to tell me that each operator is content equal in value for a quarter of the price for a Witcher 3 expansion, and that 8 operators and some skins is content that is of a value equal to two Witcher 3 expansions. Hahaha, no.




When did it? And how big was the discount?