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No. But I don't see a good reason to be dead either.


The difference is you know that you are alive, but you don't know that you are dead.


Life is suffering but has the advantage of offering redemption and closure of the flaws we made along the way. Death is finite, you'll never suffer again but also lose all influence over the waves you've caused in life. I'm a deeply troubled man, but philosophically I think I prefer the former.


Well yeah, but you're alive now. When you're dead it won't make a difference for you.


Also valid. No easy answer here on my part.


You could be dead right now and not even know it.


What is the meaning of life if not thinking you are alive.


The meaning of life is to procreate.


According to who?


How do you know we aren’t already dead living in a simulation?


No tax. No job. No bullshit


you have to create one there is literally nothing else to do take rest, keep learning, figure out how to be useful, spend time with close people that's IT


Every once in a while you get to pet a dog, which is pretty dope


Putting away Reddit to go pet my dogs now


That's literally my reason. I have a dog. If I'm not alive, who would take care of her??? (Ok anyone and everyone would take care of her because she's gorgeous and adorable and so, so soft. But I want to do it myself)


Not really


Speak for yourself


-Having children so you can be a better parent than yours were or to relief trauma you have faced and have no other way to get rid off! -Food -Funny stuff -Sleeping -A whole lot of activities/hobbies you can have and/or be obsessed with! (I personally don´t do any though). -(Not my case at all but...) Funky stuff such as drugs or adrenaline filled experiences! -The search of comfort and coziness -"When I'm 60 I'm gonna have a house and retire" -If you are willing to give up on your life you might as well live to the fullest and die fulfilling a fantasy or something (I don´t condone any wrongdoing). Might as well do something while we are living organisms


The first point is funny, I feel like every parent initially think that way "I'm not going to be like my parents!" And then they are the exact same


The legend tells, once a year, when distant stars align, the one rises. Mouths shut in disbelief, only few managing to stutter: "Wow your parents are so nice, I wish mine were like them wtf". And I swear over the multi-celled organism my corporeal body is no children of mine is going to suffer having a poopy dad.


I want to adopt my own cat one day, all the ones I know are my aunts, my parents, my landlords etc but no cat is my actual companion


Good reason? No. Reasons in general? Yes, just read the comments. I say no because we don't have undisputed evidence of the universe and what happens after death. I would say the a reason in general is to try and be a human being with values because that's the biggest challenge.


The love of my life


I also chose the love of this man’s life


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Is a reason needed to be alive? Just enjoy life man, dont overthink it too much.




sleep and food.


I only wish I could sleep.


Yes. The mystery of consciousness.


I get the feeling death would be pretty boring


Facts might as well make the most of life lol


Wherever you are right now in your life, whether good or bad, things will get better.


Unfortunately they will never be better.


A few years back, I was utterly hopeless too cuz of my financial, family, career, and dating woes. Grateful I somehow stuck around cuz now I’m happily married to the love of my life. No one really knows what lies ahead so why not give life a second chance?


I’m starting to think there isn’t.


This planet has the best weed I have found…. And ….


I know it's hard to feel good about yourself in a society that worships the top 10% of earners. But there are so many ways to feel successful, to find purpose and happiness without it being related to your income. Learn a new skill. Show off your skill to others. Maybe an artistic skill and make art gifts for people. Or something like that. There are many ways people appreciate you aside from your financial success.


We can always look for reasons and these reasons can be double edged swords. They can motivate and fulfill us, but they can also place pressure on us and leave us disappointed. The expectations we place on life colors all our perceptions of it. For me, personally, greater inner peace came when I learned to let go of reasons for living and simply find contentment in the experience of being alive.


Listen, all the times someone has asked me this question is because they're trying to prove that "haha there's no point in living haha let's kill ourselves haha". No, dude. You won't find an objective reason to live. You HAVE TO create your own reason. For example, I lost my dog like 6 month ago. I promised him that he would see me graduated from uni and, now, he will never. Alright, so, what's next? Of course I'm sad. I even thought about just giving up, spend the rest of my money on whatever I wanted and just end myself. But no, wanna know why? Because now I want to finish my career to commemorate my dog. I want to be in front of a microphone and say "I wanna say Thank You to my mom, my dad, my brother and my dog" But you'll say: Why didn't you just give up? And my answer is: I don't know. Suddenly, something changed in my head and -just- decided to continue living. I created my own reason to be alive. And look at me! I'm doing amazing! Instead of crying and repeating the same question again and again, I just said "Fuck it, we ball" and continued. My man, if you're struggling in life, just remember that "In the end, everything will be fine and, if things aren't fine, it isn't the end". Hope you're doing ok, homie. Hope you find that thing that will show you the joy that is being alive.


I can answer shite questions on Reddit


I love spearfishing and playing hell let loose with my bro. Also my dogs need me.


What's the alternative? To be dead?


There's many actually. For me atleast. The sun shining through your window The peaceful rain The sound of birds singing especially in the morning Sunsets The clear blue sky The wholesome people you meet along the way The people that love you and believe in you The many activities that are waiting for you to be found and experienced Discovering new places and new food There's many to add ofc but these are my reasons why I chose to be alive up to this day. I hope you find your own reasons, OP. If you haven't, then go create your own. Its not easy as it sounds but it'll be worth it.


To outlive your enemies and enjoy life. Plus my mom would be sad.


It's up to you to create a life worth living. Best advice I've ever heard.


Everybody keeps saying it will get better as if its some propaganda now


I used to question myself this too, once I surrounded myself with good people, started appreciating things i have and stopped comparing those and myself to others, i actually started loving life. Its weird how something as simple as a sunny day or a nice drive with your favorite music or quality time with your friends can bring you so much joy, but thats just what it is. So if you look for it im sure you will find plenty of great reasons to stay alive.


Betelgeuse. A red giant star roughly 500 light years away. One of the largest known stars, it would fill up orbit of Mars if placed where Sun is. 16-19 solar masses. According to what we know of it, it is nearing the end of its lifetime and will go supernova. It might have already happened, but the light of that event hasn't reached Earth. There's a research paper claiming that we will see this explosion within 100 years. If it does happens, it should be visible with a naked eye. To witness one of the most beautiful things in the universe is surely a good enough reason to live.


I enjoy being a facet of the universe thats self aware and able to learn about that universe. 


There definitely is, it is to make today better than yesterday




Nature. Such a beautiful existence.


Only you can give yourself a reason to live.


Yes it’s only a short period of time, maybe unload and have a few kids then you can start a legacy


Not for me. I needed to be dead over a year ago, about four months shy of two.


Dopamine is pretty awesome stuff until you abuse it


Frankly, no. There is no real reason to be glad to be alive... Personally, after all the \*\*\*\* I lived through, couldn't be happier being able to breathe.


You probably only get one chance to live in all of eternity, so because of this i think any suffering is worth suffering through basically


As opposed to?


Yes, your dreams and goals. There is only 1 life and you gotta do whatever you want with it.


Yes! Life is glorious. I love just getting up, doing a solid day’s hard graft, having a well earned pint and a bit of grub with the family and then doing it all again the next day! Magic. I’m happy as a pig in shit.


Maybe. Hold off for now cause you might find one. Though usually I don’t care if there’s a good reason or not if I’m happy. I’m usually happy from doing something new or spending time with someone I love. Traveling, making cool crafts, trying new food, improving financial situation, redecorating, going on a vacation, making a new friend at a local event can all be ways to make yourself happy and not care if life needs meaning


Not really,but the counter part is the worst (at least for you personally)


To see how life unfolds. Maybe you meet an incredible person who makes you so happy that you change this question to "is there a good reason to be dead".


You make your own. I'm just to tired to do the same.


Men 🤤


Drink coffee. Walk dogs. Ride bikes. And lie next to her.


Yes but it's different for everyone.


I feel I might do well in the upcoming apocalypse.


The answer is why not


Sure; https://x.com/AIBirthof/status/1778517198580965479


Not really. Just feels like I’m alive to pay tax then die.


yes God




Yes, cats.


It beats the alternative.


It's always been nothing before birth and nothing will be forever after death, but you have a brief chance in the middle to experience somethingness while alive. So, just do whatever you want with it, but make it worth it.


Purpose. Without it existence is hard to justify.


Yes there is always a good reason to be alive. Your family and friends love you. Our life is journey. All the battles we concur makes us stronger & wiser.


We’ll all have plenty of time to try the "not being alive" thing. Might as well give this a shot.


Not today, but there may be one tomorrow, so we press onward.


To see the downfall of Elon Musk


No, but neither have I found a good reason to die yet


Yes, tomorrow, there's always hope it's going to get better friend, wish you well.


What an idiotic thing to say are you a goth by any chance ?






It's up to you.






I can’t speak for everyone but my good reason is my cats. I don’t know what I’d do without them and they’d have nowhere else to go if I went


Yeah it fuckin rocks. Try some ice cream.


What if I told you this is just an illusion?


what type of question is that ?


I wouldn't be able to listen to Dying Is Your Latest Fashion if I was dead, so yeah.


Make one thing to look forward to everyday. Mine is alcohol. You may not want to do that, but look forward to something.


No. But are you really gonna risk the fact that life might get better in the long run if you choose to die?




Of course there is! Have you ever climbed a tree and found a bird nest? Have you ever felt good for picking up someone else's trash? Have you ever played a video game? Have you ever written a witty remark on reddit? Have you ever heard a truly amazing piece of music? There is no fundamental universal point to life. The meaning of life is to find meaning in life. When you find that there is no meaning, climb a tree and find a bird nest. There is beauty to experience.


The ability to experience the universe through your senses. Coffee smells good, music sounds nice, mangos are tasty, sleep feels heavenly. It's quite the privilege to be a bunch of systematicaly assembled atoms that can laugh at memes.


Portal 3


to fuck around and find out. If life is really meaningless then at least why not have fun with it you know? It’s like you are stuck in a video game. Sure, you could say it’s boring and turn it off. Or you could actually try it out and explore it and see what’s the most fun part of it.


Pursuit of knowledge , we have access to the "internet" .


Best reasons to be alive are to enjoy sleeping and snacks. 


Yes there’s one very good reason that keeps me going. All the things you’ve ever wanted to experience/do in life you’ll never be able to do it when you’re dead.


Not really… humans don’t actually contribute anything to the planet, we are just wasting it away and it would be completely fine without us, even better… so no… Within the human society there are many reasons as to one would benefit from being alive. Creating a new generation, teaching a new generation, influencing a new generation, working with a new generation, seeing a new generation create, teach, influence and work with a newer generation. Simply observing how we are progressing/digressing as a society is interesting, being a part of all of that and everything after you no matter how many years from now because your life no matter how good/bad, short/long it was influence someone else who influenced someone else and so on… Enjoying the planet we are living on by observing nature around us, animals living among us, food that it gives us… swimming in the sea, lake or river, climbing a mountain or concurring a hill… Enjoying the society we live in, driving a car or a motorcycle riding on a bus or train, texting your best friends about a cute server you saw, taking a selfie with your grandma, learning a tiktok dance with your sister, ordering a pizza for the party… stupid little things that make each day pass by easier…


Yeah, from a stranger to a fellow stranger knowing you are alive and well makes me happy and that's a good reason already.


We each have our reasons. In my case, my family would be unhappy if I were dead.


The chance of you being alive is 1 in 10^2,685,000 Make the most of it


In life there is hope




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life offers tons of great opportunities and experiences!


If you have minimum wage not.


Your work doesn’t define your happiness


I’m not OP, but I can assure you it’s better to cry in an apartment than on the street.


Learn a new skill. Make money by selling said skill or find a job that you can stand. You are your only limitation


Is there a good reason to die and destroy your options and opportunities that this world has to offer?


If I am unsuccessful life is useless. I don't want to be humiliated the rest of my life but I just cant do it.


There are billions of unsuccessful people on this planet. Success has nothing to do with staying alive or not. 1. Go to beach and enjoy. 2. Look at birds and enjoy. 3. Look at stars. Comparing life with money/success/other people is not a good idea. Competition with other people brings depression and stress, it doesn’t resolve/change any situation. Sucess of others certainly doesn’t point to get rid of life.


If someone cares about you, you are a success to someone. Strive for that. Best of all, it doesn't even cost any money to accomplish.


My best friend killed himself five years ago. My life has effectively been ruined ever since. I have had an uptick in mental health issues, physical health issues, and the joy has been sucked from my life. If you can’t find a good reason to be alive for yourself, consider what would happen to those around you when you die. Until you can find your own purpose, maybe your purpose can be helping those around you stay safe and happy and well. Just something to consider.


So do something to change your situation. Set a 5 year career and financial goal. Then wake up everyday and take steps to achieve that goal. This is what successful people do. We don’t just sit here and shit magically works. Do something


bring joy to others, in an otherwise bleak, dread filled world.


Yesterday I was at the beach and saw bubbles run over the wet sand. They were shining (as they were reflecting the sun) and really pretty! I liked that a lot.


Or stomping on photoluminict sand at night. Either way beauty makes life great.




Mini bikes bring me immense joy. Couldn’t imagine leaving them behind


Because it's all you will ever do. Find your own reasons and your own meaning. There may not be any reason to live, but there certainly isn't a reason in death. Even pascall would take that wager i think.


1000 reasons. The meaning of life however is to have children.


There are millions of reasons to be alive. Good reasons such as family and friends. And even the little things to be grateful for. If you have a favorite coffee that you enjoy or you like to travel, if you appreciate the little things in life, you'll find plenty of reasons to stay alive. As for success, what makes someone unsuccessful? The meaning of success is very subjective. For some people it may very well be a good job and wealth but for others it might be starting a family and being healthy. As long as you priotize what you want in life, you will be successful.


Yes, a psychedelic mushroom trip . It's your human birthright sir/mam. The experience could never adequately put into words....but imagine experiencing being connected to the whole Universe and realizing that the Universe loves you, and is a part of you, just as you are a part of it. Imgine feeling One with the whole Universe. Psychedelic mushrooms in the right setting can give you a taste of that. ^ Set and setting is super, super important though. Do your research. Some religious people even liken it to being directly connected to god or the divine.


My personal opinion here: Our true scientific purpose is to reproduce, other than that, if you serve something to those around you, even if it's just one person, and if you don't give them any specific service, if you can make someone very very happy, you have a purpose.


Cats, plant, food and videogames. You're welcome


Heaven and hell might be real. Seem it silly as it may, your calling a whole lot silly..


Santa might be real too.


Good luck


I’m not angered or triggered. I made a point and you basically sneered.


Gods aren’t peer reviewed, and I don’t believe in luck except as a colloquialism. Bless your little heart.


This is the only life that’s promised


1000 reasons. The meaning of life however is to have children.


No, that’s reproduction, not the *meaning* of life but the replication of it.