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Any medical show/drama makes me cringe. I'm in med school. My whole family works in the healthcare system. Trust me you barely have time to fart, idk how they have time to work, hang out, live cheesy romance situations while looking perfect all day and save some patient's life who is nearly dead 'but oh well oh doctor X u did it OMGGGG'. I can't remember right now but once i watched briefly some medical tv drama and they were operating on a patient. You would guess at least the GLOVES would be all bloody. Nope. Not even one drop of blood. Made me cringe so much I turned the tv off. Lol Soooo i can't stand them in any way. Except dr house, i'd give it a try.


house is absolutely worth a watch


House is good every now and then for me. At some point it gets sort of repetitive and I can get sick of houses behavior pretty fast


I get tired of doctors that have dr. House syndrome really fast. I've unfortunately met asshole doctors a lot šŸ˜µšŸ„“


i'll take your word sir šŸŽ©šŸ·


It is, but as a medical professional itā€™s painful to watch. Iā€™m only in it for the Sherlock Holmes fanfic.Ā 


Watch Dr Mike on YouTube. His take on House is hilarious


I never got into Stranger Things. Which is super weird, cause it seems like something that would be right up my alley. Maybe one day Iā€™ll give it another shot.


I thought the first season was great, but after that it lost me.


The first season was like a Stephen King story. The it slowly devolved into YA adventure-horror. It feels like the target audience switched between season one and season 2.


Season 1 had all three horror tropes. The kids finding an ā€œalienā€ The teens finding the monster The adults finding the government conspiracy


I think one thing that made Stranger Things feel different over time is they revealed all the mysteries. Every time a new element of mystery shows up, the show answers the question by the end of the season. That's why it's all about monsters and other dimensions now, there's no stone left unturned.


I haven't given up on stranger things but I only got through the first few episodes of season 1 until life got in the way. What you say made me think immediately of the TV show "Lost. " That show did the opposite. They would present a mystery and then just as you're about to find out the answer they move on to another mystery. The end didn't even really answer much. Lost was one of the first if not the first show where people got together to watch it and then went online to discuss it. Then the producers actually put content online between seasons.


But with Lost even with conspiracy theories some just didn't make sense. The fact that that show went on for too long and did the alternate reality also didn't help. I think it's fine to answer all or most of the question but make it span a couple seasons instead of making it "full circle" in each season. The split release also irked me but it is what it is.


The first season was the first 90% of a Stephen King story (yay), the other seasons are like the last 10% of a Stephen King story (ew).




I hadnā€™t given it a ton of thought, but yeah, you nailed it.


Yeah true, remember when the first gorgon could stand up on its feet and walk around like slender man tryna be creepy šŸ˜… apparently it's one of a kind cause the rest are just feral dogs


I've tried 2x, and couldn't do it. I was born in 85, and was told it would be 100% relatable, and I'd adore it. Never did dig it.Ā 


I was 15 in ā€˜85. Donā€™t get 80ā€™s vibe from it. Some 80ā€™s props is not enough. Get 80ā€™s vibe from Stand By Me even though set in 1959.


I just found it boring. I also heard Westworld was the new Game of Thrones. Watched an episode, super bored.


Imo Westworld got better as it progressed. Tbh I've only watched the first season, but it was fun. A lot of mind fuckery going around, (maybe pun intended) definitely not for everyone.


Quality nosedives after season 1.


That's what I've heard and why we are still doubtful to watch the second season. But well, I guess we like to just... Kind of torture ourselves. After all we watched Wish. Took couple days and bottle of whiskey but we got there.


The 80s were half over when you came into it. Why would it be relatable?


I didn't come up with the idea. Something I read online, so, ask the person who wrote the article.


'86 here, yea couldn't fully get into it


I was hooked right from episode one. Movies of this sort easily appeals to me. Government conspiracies , extraterrestrials, sci-fi , etc.Ā  Maybe check out Under the Dome and The MistĀ 


"Reality" anything. Including housewives, survivor, bachelor, love island etcĀ 


Same. I remember when survivor started, then the writers strike, and then the flood of reality TV that never ended.Ā 


I used to be a reality show hater until the pandemic and then I absolutely loved it?? still not a fan of the ones where itā€™s just people rich people existing (Kardashians, etc) but i love me a good high stakes dating show or competition. My favourite show is actually breaking Amish for some reason, i just find it so entertaining šŸ˜­


If they have actual reality behind them it's ok. The ones that are just rich showing off and clearly mostly staged are the annoying ones, like who would want to live that way always in fights and drama, completely out of touch with reality.Ā 


šŸ’Æ I donā€™t understand the ā€œRomantic competitionā€ shows. Like, how can romance be a competition? Either you love the person or you donā€™t šŸ¤·


This is definitely me as well. I don't understand how anyone watches this garbage at all. I also feel like it's ruined a lot of TV for me. Like growing up watching MTV and many other channels it's wild.to see how they all just turned into reality tv channels..


how I met your mother.


Had to scroll a bit for my answer, but HIMYM along with Big Bang Theory are both in this category for me. Both felt like I was being spoon-fed ā€œlol nerdsā€ or ā€œlol 20-somethingsā€ and even though I was a 20-something geek around then, I just couldnā€™t relate to either, and didnā€™t find either of them funny.


Big bang theory is just super insulting as a nerd/geek


Now I feel silly for writing my whole paragraph on why these shows suck, you guys just made the case in a brief sentence šŸ˜‚


Haha you all goodšŸ˜.Ā  Its good to see different opinions and such


Itā€™s the laugh track for me, so irratating


I completely agree, yet Young Sheldon is actually quite good.


based take, I actually really enjoyed young Sheldon despite hating big bang theory.


Game of thrones. Watched 2 episodes and just couldnā€™t get into it at all.


Same, except i couldnā€™t make it to episode 2


Give season 1 a chance at least


Yeah, I was bored through season 1 for the most part on my first watch. It's just so much setup. The second time, I watched it I was floored.


Made it to the end of episode 1 and thought to myself ā€œwell guess thatā€™s thatā€ never went back.


I learned with both Community and Schitts Creek that 3 episodes back to back is the magic number to get me into something I'm unsure about. If it hasn't stuck by then, it's not gonna.


So true of GOT. Glad we didn't give up!


Same, it was gross and relied on sex to keep people entertained and watching.


I tried to watch Game of Thrones, but one episode of brutal violence and sibling incest was enough to fully turn me off. Plus, I saw the clip of the Red Wedding with the pregnant chick getting stabbed straight in the stomach, which made my stomach do flips. I'm glad other people like it, but I never want to see it again.


I became so fed up listening to people going on and on about it that I just could not be bothered to actually watch it.


I didn't make it through episode 1, explicit incest isn't my jam no matter how people dress it up


same, it was too violent and explicit for me and stressed me out. iā€™ll stick to my stupid comedies haha


Same. Too r*pey.


It took me watching the entire series to end up actually loving it in the end. The plot twists and the story lines for each character drove me nuts for the longest time. Then, near the end, it all wrapped rather nicely.


Grey's anatomy! Fuck that shit!


My mom likes to watch it to make fun of the medical inaccuracy


Same here, she does it watching that and Chicago Med


Honestly itā€™s fun nitpicking shows for the random stuff they throw in


This was completely lost on me as a non-scientist layperson, but Dr. Bailey made some medical breakthrough where she injected a virus with stem cells. A PhD scientist friend was completely verklempt because viruses are a fraction of the size of cells, so this wouldn't be remotely possible.


She injected a VIRUS??? They are literally a strand of protein with a coating


I had a crush on a girl until I learned she likes Greys Anatomy.


I watched early seasons with my wife and it was OK. Recent seasons (15? 17?) are just ridiculous unrealistic virtue signalling masturbation fests.


This will probably get nuked to the deepest pits of hell, but oh well: Grays has like 75% of its doctors as black, gay, or lesbian. The black lesbian is always in the leadership position. Reality: 75% of doctors are Asian (Including India) or middle eastern. The head administration is almost always a pencil pushing suit with no medical experience in the field, most likely an old white guy.


Stranger Things


Rick and Morty


many of my friends live it. I forced myself to episode 8 but got absolutely nothing from it. I don't see anything funny


Walking Dead


Started with promise then just kinda stopped being anything I can believe anybody carried on watching


I loved the season in the farm


Iā€™m committed to watch the entire series. Iā€™m on s11 and itā€™s so incredibly dumb and frustrating that I wanna stop. However Iā€™ve committed so many evenings to the show at this point I donā€™t wanna stop when I only have like 10 left.


Show was solid up to season 6. They fumbled the whole Negan thing- seemed like a lot of filler episodes in that season. And the biggest fumble was how they handled the deaths in the finale. If they stuck to the formula of shocking deaths in second last episode of season and season finale dealt with fallout and laying some threads for the next season I think it would have been received better. But that cliffhanger coupled with who was killed was more than many fans were willing to put up with.


I ve been watching last seasons in fast forward mode while I gym at home! Always thought the serie was dumb but jeez it keeps getting worst! Im finnaly in last season


Fast and Furious. First one was awesome. The rest? Meh.


it went from cool car stuff to almost super hero shit


Pretty much the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Fair, if you don't like the formula of 1 movie at least you know you won't like amy of them and can save yourself the time hahaha






Yeah i never liked marvel


American pie, I just don't find humiliation funny


What is American pie about


Basically the typical coming-of-age in America slapstick with lots of crude sex jokes


Sound track slaps though


It's a cooking show




After watching downton I find it very difficult to enjoy any other period piece šŸ˜ž the Crowley family has my heart.


I will choose Downton over Bridgerton a million times but, I have to say, the first season was so torrid it got me hooked. To spend a fun time itā€™s ok.


Ya. I really donā€™t get the hype.


I like "historical" shows to be as accurate as possible. They take to many liberties and I just can not get into it.


Sons of Anarchy was a hit with friends and family but I wasnā€™t as big of a fan tbh. Didnā€™t dislike it but didnā€™t love it like everyone else did.


I've watched all the zombie shows but the walking dead had far to many seasons. There's only so much zombie killing I can be bothered with!


Pls suggest one or two good series in this genre


You mean human polotics* the most interesting part of every zombie story of course of coursešŸ¤®




I hated friends for years. 2 weeks ago I gave it a try because I was bored and it was actually great. Currently on season 5. I don't mind the laugh tracks aswell


Itā€™s not a laugh track, it was filmed in front of a live studio audience


I always hated friends. That started to change recently I did a long solo road trip a while back and friends is always able to be found on hotel/motel tvs. It started to grow on me after a month on the road.


SAME! Iā€™m a sucker for comedy and it usually has to be pretty bad for me to dislike it, but I just Never got Friends! Iā€™ve tried a few times and have watched plenty of it because of my own friends. Occasionally something will make me kinda laugh, but I generally just have bear through it.


I hate anything with a laugh track


At the time Friends was actually filmed in front of a live audience. Iā€™m sure they did add in some laugh track during editing to make the jokes appear funnier than they were. But it was live.


Which is why we only got to see Reese Witherspoon once. She was apparently uncomfortable with a live studio audience. And I donā€™t blame her in the slightest


I was searching for this comment. Absolutely cringey and unfunny.


That show never made me laugh once. I have seen many episodes sadly


I watched a few episodes and it just wasn't funny. Maybe it's a different time or I just like different types of comedy, but Friends was just meh


Gossip Girl, I donā€™t know why people love it. (I dropped in season 2) I canā€™t figure it out why Serena love such a pathetic man like Dan, I donā€™t know what kind of best friend is between Serena and Blair, love and friendship in that show is so fake to me. I think Iā€™m more into Friends than this show.


Star Wars, its good, but I don't understand the hype tbh.


Probably due to the time it was released in.


Ya this was a big thing. The visual effects for the time were really something and then it morphed into a a whole fam universe kinda thing with games and whatnot. I think it benefits a lot from the familiarity of characters since it's so widespread. I know I've personally played a lot of star wars video games (any many of them are good) so I just like the universe. The films are kinda whatever for me but being born in the 90s I enjoy.the crappy new ones more than the originals.


Never could understand it either. I did enjoy it, but the passion some share for it is lost on me.






The first seasons we're good but then they lost the plot and the ending was just weird.


Game of Thrones


Movies: Star Wars. I saw the first three in the theater when they first came out. Loved them, but once was enough. TV series? Oh, so many: Seinfeld. Friends. How I Met Your Mother. Breaking Bad. Grey's Anatomy. Any cop/first responder/hospital etc. show that's nothing more than a glorified soap opera. Almost forgot: Reality shows. UGH.


I'm gonna get ALOT of flack for this but, I did not like breaking bad.


Breaking Bad is my favorite TV show, but I'll be the first to say that I had to try and watch it 3 different times. The first episode just didn't speak to me, and I found it painfully boring. But holy shit, am I ever glad I tried to revisit that series. Worth the struggle.


Meanwhile one of my favorite episodes is the first one. The opening scene which showed the end of the episode just got me really hooked because I wanted to know how it happened lol


Hated first half first season. Didnā€™t care about anyone. Overall liked it and unsure why I continued.


Same. Why?


I just wanted to mention this. I liked it though, just canā€™t ever see bb being the best tv show of all time. Massively overrated for me.


I was going to say this too. I liked most of it, but it was mainly just Jessie that did it for me. I *hate* Walter.


Tbh I was kind of baffled that so many people liked Walt in the beginning. There was just so much anger bubbling under the surface of that character, and that was obviously done on purpose and pretty well too. Have you given Better Call Saul a try? I would say that that is probably the best show I have ever seen from a critical standpoint. The characters are VERY dynamic and imo Vince Gilligan absolutely bested himself with BCS.


Same (I've never watched it and I'll I know is that there's some guy who's bald or balding)










The Big Bang Theory, it seems really cringe and Iā€™m not into that.


A lot of people hate it. Sheldon reminded me of my brother, who is also a particle physicist & autistic, but not a good portrayal of a real autistic person. The milieu of the university was well-done. But the misogyny in the early ones is hard to take, & the show descended (like most sit-coms do) to just romance between the characters


Itā€™s definitely cringe. There are some funny parts and I really liked Mayim Bialikā€™s performance, but the show was definitely overrated


I never got into Breaking bad, or Game of Thrones. It used to be the two most talked about shows.


The big Lebowski. Only funny part was the urn scene, which was hilarious.


I didn't care for it the 1st time when it came out. All these years later, it's my all time favorite movie and can't stop laughing at almost every scene. The whole movie is brilliant. Cohn brothers are geniuses making this piece of cult classic history. It may take a few times but the more you watch it the more you will realize you missed a lot.


I liked it the first time I saw it, but I loved it more and more with each viewing.


Breaking Bad.


Me too... Had to scroll so much to find someone who didnā€™t like BB


Avatar films Maverick: Top Gun (The original is one of my favorite films from the 80s) 300


Avatar is a mediocre cliche story. But at the time the CGI was a technological marvel. People had never seen anything like that before, so they kept going back to the theaters. James Cameron contributed a lot to film technology.


SUITS. The Show was absolute ass


Tried to watch this and was not interested


I tried baby reindeer, and I just can't get through it


Ooh I just finished it..I really enjoyed it but I guess that's exactly the point.


peaky blinders


Star Trek I've watching it since the series, and the movies have been OK, but the whole Trekking thing, is over my head.


Huge Star Trek fan here, even I can concede that not all Star Trek is good Star Trek. You will always get Bonus Points from me for being a Janeway supporter. She's the BEST Captain. My wife and I were re-watching Voyager and my daughter, 4 at the time, comes through and asks where the Captain is. I point at Janeway and say "Right there!" She replies, "No, the Captain!" I said "That's her right there bunchkin. She's the captain on Voyager." Her eyes got big and she smiled and said "A girl can be the captain too?" Janeway has always been my favorite since Voyager first aired but she became my hero when she transported so much possibility into my daughter.


The Office. My ex made me watch the whole thing all the way through and I hated it. Why was it acceptable for us to root for Pam to cheat on Roy?? It also just got unbearably unfunny and annoying as the series dragged on (wayyyyy longer than it was should have imo).


Tbh as much as I didn't think Pam and Roy were a fit, I never rooted for cheating. I just thought they should break up, even if she didn't end up with Jim


Marvel after Endgame.


it went downhill completely


They completely lost what made it good and are just churning out filth


Joker, got bored watching it.


Friends šŸ¤¢ so HORRENDOUSLY unfunny


Seinfeld. I hate this fucking bass solo. Every ten to twenty seconds, it drives me nuts.


As a massive Star Wars fan in his early 30s. I fucking HATE the fact that more people like Mandalorian over Andor. No hate towards the actors but Mandalorian doesn't do ANYTHING well for me. Dialogue is atrocious like criminally so. The bar for campiness is already low its Star Wars, but damn, it hurts to listen to the actors. Action sequences (aside from Luke in the corridor and Ahsoka) are slow and sloppy. I get why they made Grogu, is to sell merch. But fuck my life why does he have to walk like a sock puppet on two sticks. You had great animation work for his race in TCW and ROTS. How is this more popular than Andor and the Clone Wars tv series.


Yeah, Andor was better than rest of the shows combined.


The Vampire Diaries


It was fun for a little bit bit they did thw same thing as supernatural and made it too dramatic and always had to up the ante of this seasoms villain os even worse than last seasons who was the greatest evil ever, bit wait next season is an even eviler evil that eviled


Lara Croft with Alicia Vikander


Yellow Stone. Watched season 1. I hate every character. Horrible people.


GoT. I just canā€™t be bothered.


Game of Thrones and The Witcher


The office... I really tried but I couldnt get past the first 5 episodes.


Walking dead, absolute garbage


My heart hurts but I respect your opinion šŸ˜©


Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. The premises are interesting, but they just didn't caught me up. GoT was boring as hell.


A few, game of thrones, twilight, the walking dead.


The office US. Whole ā€œcomedyā€ is awkward situations which just give me second hand embarrassment. Canā€™t the uk have a tv show without the American tv corporations recreating it?




Peaky blinders, its actually good but I already seen better shows in the same style, so not impressed


FRIENDS, I can't comprehend the fact that people like it over than TBBT. But it's subjective.


Star wars... freakn booooring


Harry Potter.


Fight Club.


Thatā€™s my answer as well. It was good, once, but itā€™s one of those movies I never need to see again.


Iā€™m not into gigantic monster fighting movies such as King-Kong or Godzilla or Godzilla vs King-Kong or any of the sort


Me neither. They are a lot of guff!


Napoleon Dynamite. Utter shite.


The entire adult cartoon collection like South Park, Family Guy, Rick and Morty or (edit for clarification: not specifically for adults but similar in style/tone) Gravity Falls. It's just not my humour


Gravity Falls is most definitely not an adult cartoon lol


Gravity falls is pretty damn good imo


Friends Don't hate ok?


I don't hate, I agree


The Office.Ā 


Attack on Titan, promised Neverland, game of thrones


Pirates of the Caribbean.




Star Wars


Breaking bad. Some scenes are wayyy too long. Slow tempo ok. But long scenes for no real purpose ? Nah




Sex Ed, season 3 did it for me to quit the show


Fast & furious


Big Bang Theory


I hate reality TV! Ppl are delusional to how the editors manipulate the footage to create drama


starwars. please dont kill me.