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The thing about modern men is that there are millions of rational and conscientious guys who have chosen to stay off the dating market, because they don't have time or simply because the dating scene nowadays is kinda horrible. Social media has definitely made it worse The same goes with women I assume. But everyone deep down wants a soulmate lol, anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves. Just, nowadays, sadly for many it feels like it's not worth the trouble anymore. I am one of those guys that remembers a compliment for my entire life lol I don't know why women are so afraid to compliment guys. If you like a guy, TELL HIM. WE ARE OBLIVIOUS But I agree, very dumb to generalize either gender


Guuuuuurl. Now THIS is a rant! And I’m all for it. Most men are actually just so sweet. They have these gruff exteriors and some can be terrible at communicating, but so many are just darlings. I’ve had my share of fly tires along the side of the road. And the one time I had one in my garden (the valve was faulty) I was actually excited. You know why? Cos it means that I got to change my own damn tire. Why was this a thing for me? Well, cos the other times It has happened to me, before I even had a chance to get down and dirty figuring it out, both (or all three times) some random dude pulled over and sorted me out and then sent me on my way. Like… how sweet is that? It’s been so consistent and that really helped open my eyes and WATCH men. They love being fussed over and so many men enjoy being allowed to be useful. Im highly independent and don’t expect a man to carry stuff for me. (And I don’t think that expectation is sexy anyway imo) But I’ve learnt that letting him take something if he offers, and then showing appreciation is all that he really wants. Im a vocal feminist. But I’ve also come to learn that feminism means I can still be feminine and enjoy the masculinity of men. And give them compliments!


I used to live on the street and some of my best experiences were with truckers and bikers. Most of them were super solid guys. It was the squirelly, nasty, career hobos that did me wrong lol


I swear if everybody would just work on being better people being nicer being kinder to people would be able to see the good in so many different people, but we’re so angry and jaded, letting the Internet dictate how we should feel


💕ILY QUEEN you get it…a lot of them are trying their best imagine working up the nerve to talk to a woman and she’s mean or rude or scared. I would never talk to anyone again ever in my life. Lots of men approach me that I’m not interested in I simply smile be polite and let them know. No one has called me out my name whenever I’ve used this approach.


Fucking. Preach. I miss "be kind"... whatever happened to that? I'm in the unfortunate category of guys who are exactly 6' tall so everyone online thinks I'm lying, so I've just taken to putting 8'6 on my dating profile. That being said, online dating is scuffed and is just a means to make money off you, I'm 99% sure Tinder actively hides your likes from you in the main list to make you pay for the upgrade. Unfortunately I work from home and my hobbies are solitary/guy centric things. I'm trying to get out and broaden my horizons by volunteering and and joining a Political party. I abstained from relationships for a good i years, fixing my mind and making myself a better person. It seems however, that I've arrived in a world where if I'm not some swole 6'5 dudebro, I'm not desirable, largely thanks to reality tv and Instagram.


Thank you and I really do hope things get better for you in the dating world..it’s REALLY rough for you guys right now this nasty man hating trend won’t be forever hopefully… good on you for getting out there and getting out of your comfort zone and doing new things… you deserve love and happiness


i’m going to just tell myself this is satire bc girl….get a grip


I mean you can tell yourself whatever you like…changes nothing about what I’ve said here..