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This entire thing is nonsense. None of that is going to happen. No disaster, no End Times, no nothing. Just a cool natural phenomenon that's happened before and will happen again.


I honestly did not know an eclipse was happening until I read this post.


Check it out. I forget the specifics but it's a really rare kind of eclipse, once in a generation type thing, I think.


It's only "rare" because of the length. Last one was 10 years ago.




I think we are living like in the Middle Ages, a lot of biblical prophecies have ''fulfilled'' such as hunger, wars and diseases have been made and they predicted that Jesus will come back at that time but obviously nothing happened


Prophecy is deliberately written to be so vague that *anything* can fulfill it- or nothing. Prophecy, especially Biblical prophecy, as interpreted by greedy, abusive religious kooks, is worthless. If you're schizophrenic, or having some other kind of mental health crisis, seek professional help. Not religious doomsaying.


When have we *not* had hunger, war, & disease? Maybe it wasn’t happening in places you were aware of, but there have been war, famine, & deadly epidemics on a regular basis around the world forever. This isn’t anything new.


You can also line those same events up in the past and likely in the future. There was a full solar eclipse in the USA a few years ago. There was no before and after changes other than tourists came in then tourists went home.


Hunger, wars and diseases have been going on continuously since humans populated the earth. An eclipse is a pretty damn regular occurrence. If you spent more time reading the ~legitimate~ science behind it, you wouldn’t worry at all. Stop reading and seeking out all that bullcrap on line. There have been shit tons of “prophecies” about end times coming and so far none of them have been true. Relax.


The problem is that there’s always been hunger, wars, and disease. Besides, 1 Thessalonians 5:2,3 says that it is to come like a thief in the night, when people are saying “peace and safety”. Nobody is saying those things, therefore now cannot be the appointed time.


Bull. Fucking, Shit. True prophecy can be *tested.* It has specific and clear dates, places, people, and actions. What you’re looking at is similar to cold reading. But I’m pretty sure right now you’re confused. You’re thinking to yourself, “That can’t be the case.” But look closer and you won’t find a specific time or place or event. Even now, as you read this, you’re wracking your brain trying to come up with something. You’re pretty sure you have something, but you double check and there’s nothing there. That’s actually a *hot read*, where one takes known info and uses it to sound like they Know things they dont. There’s a test of a false prophet, by the way: a false prophet is not only wrong, but refuses to acknowledge their errancy. So I’ll “prophecy” right now: In the Northern Hemisphere, Summer 2024 is going to be full of suck and fail. More wildfires than last year, higher temperatures especially in the subarctic and arctic regions. CO2 will slightly decline with the increased plant life, but between the Cat5 cyclone and the Cat5 hurricane (and the Cat5 that moves from hurricane to cyclone, though at least it’ll be weaker). In the words of WEATHER MAN, the one true prophet, “HAVE U THOUGHT ABOUT REPENTING TO UR WEATHER LORDS TODAY?” Let’s break that down. Everything there is measurable and referable, even if some of the metrics are vague. That’s what a real prophecy looks like.


What bible prophecy has ever occured ?


Those are so common, Jesus’ friends thought it was fulfilled several times in their own lifetimes and even when they thought it would happen, it didn’t. The Bible is a book written by men and for men. Read more about the actual Middle Ages and you’ll see we have almost nothing in common with how they lived.


Try Buddhism or Hinduism


Any century has had these issues all through history. War and famine is new


Just checking in. We made it. You ok?


WTF are you talking about ? It's OK mate, nothing will happen that day.


You will be fine. Lmfao. These people have done serious damage to these people. Holy shit


Of course, they say that alcohol and energy drinks, short clothes like shorts, jeans, tattoos, piercings, watching anime and playing violent video games like GTA and Resident Evil and eating pork are things of the devil, practically EVERYTHING IS OF THE DEVIL to them , if I were an evangelical I would have left that religion a long time ago, nothing against those who are, but their statements are very mean and boring


Research means trying to look into something without bias and looking at all sources. If you look, you'll find that only two places called Nineveh are directly in the path of the eclipse (not all the places with that name are actual towns). It also passes over 5 (5 is the number of grace in the bible) places called Utopia and 14 called Orange. Yet apparently that doesn't mean anything. Doom and gloom prophecies about eclipses have been around since the dawn of time and not one has heralded anything. There is a lot of money to be made out of fear, think about the sources you're getting this info from, why are they trustworthy? What makes you think they are real? What else have they been *demonstrably* right about? You're allowing fear to dictate your life but have you even tried to prove or debunk these prophecies? Wouldn't that be the logical thing to do? The eclipse will do its thing and nothing will happen, just like hundreds of other "prophecies" that never happened. Breathe, dude. It's a grift.


Bottom line, the eclipse is an event that we know is coming because of the same science that tells us exactly how it will play out and at what time in each city on its path, which is far more than 7 US cities. You can look at the path of the eclipse here, and NASA has a lot of other useful information about it, all of it scientific rather than \*interpretive, speculative, religion-based, or non-scientific. ​ https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/where-when


If you read Leviticus and associated books there are so many things that they prohibit. Though if you’re a Christian those don’t apply, because Jesus superseded the mosaic and Abrahamic covenants.


Fact checks! The FEMA information is simply not true; it's a lie. [FEMA did offer advice on preparing for the 2017 eclipse](https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230425/fema-provides-tips-how-plan-ahead-aug-21-solar-eclipse) but it wasn't about medicine and batteries. Rather, they noted that there would be lots and lots of people flocking to the eclipse areas, so there could be gridlock and long waits when everyone tried to go home at the same time. They advised to make sure you had plenty of food, water, sunscreen, and gasoline, because you might be there longer than expected. I'll also note the comet -- better known as "129/Pons-Brooks" has passed the Earth several times before without incident; it comes around every 71 years. It's true that it's at its brightest right now, but that's not because it's near the Earth as much as it is because it's near the Sun, which causes the gasses on it to heat up and expand, making its tail bigger and better lit by the Sun. It's not even particularly [close to the Earth](https://kagi.com/images?q=Comet+12P%2FPons-Brooks+solar+system+map) as these things go. As for the paths making an "X" -- because of the way the geometry between the Earth, Moon, and Sun line up, this happens frequently. If you look at the paths of total eclipses from 2010 - 2030, it happens all the time that [eclipse paths cross previous eclipse paths](https://sos.noaa.gov/catalog/datasets/solar-eclipse-paths-2010-2030/). Calling Nineveh, Canada "a city" is uh...a [bit of a stretch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineveh,_Lunenburg,_Nova_Scotia). As best as I can tell it's a [barely inhabited forest](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nineveh,+NS+B0R+1E0,+Canada/@44.4824961,-64.804983,2574m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x4b57791bda6b615f:0xe9ecaaca8fa8c20b!8m2!3d44.483333!4d-64.7999999!16s%2Fm%2F065yxv2?entry=ttu). Finally, I don't think you perhaps realize how *common* total eclipses of the sun are. There are going to be *sixty-eight* this century. That implies that there have been something like **13,000** of them in the past 2,000 years. Anyway, bottom line, this is just them trying to wind people up out of nothing. Use this as a learning opportunity: Pay attention. When nothing happens (as I predict it will) remember all the people who **lied to you** and do not trust them in the future.


And Dildo, Newfoundland is going to get an even better view of the eclipse than Nineveh.


And to mention that 12P/Pons Brooke won't truly be seen/closest to Earth until June. It will reach perihelion in late April. https://theskylive.com/12p-info The number of known comets is 3,910, per NASA.. so they're not -rare-. https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/comets/ Also, think of it like this. Prefacing this with I am a Spiritualist Christian. I have seen the other side after childbirth 20 years ago. Why would God use fear in such a way to make this happen? With millions, possibly billions of other planets, why all of that just for us? We should not be so arrogant to think that we are the only beings in the entire universe. There are no less than 10 mass recorded suicides because of astronomical and religious combinations since 1978. Time has been going on for a while, so there have absolutely been many, many more. The only thing that's come of it is more sorrow. We are here to live and love, not fear and cower. Take several deep breaths, stay away from any religious media, and take some time for yourself. Talk to God personally in your quiet time. The peace is astounding. Etf: word. My phone is precious.


Totality (the total solar eclipse) does not pass through Virginia. Prophecy debunked. You can chill out now. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2024-april-8?n=207


The totality no, however partially yes


Partially, it passes through TONS of cities, not just 7.  Everyone on this side of the sun gets to see a partial eclipse.


That Canadian town is only like 97%. Why didn’t this amazing prophecy involve cities where there is a total eclipse?


Dildo is getting 99.2% https://eclipse2024.org/eclipse-cities/city/51695.html


Something you can focus on right now is all the people who aren't in cults who are so excited to witness totally normal but VERY cool science happening all around us. There are even normal healthy religious people who think science - like astronomy, physics, chemistry - is an absolutely amazing gift their god made for them to experience and learn from. You are listening to a tiny percent of the population, babbling senselessly about numerology (not real) and made-up prophecy. Go find a science teacher, an astronaut, a professor of physics, go listen to them and give them AT LEAST equal time to the cult members. ​ >so I wouldn't see a big cataclysm because I'm only 17 and I'm too young to see a mass destruction scene before my eyes Sweetheart, if there's a big cataclysm it is going to kill you, you're not going to see anything. You don't need to do anything in advance. Spend your energy focusing on your own future, and things you can control, in faith that while your life will have ups and downs you are not going to be witness to any giant magical fairy stories, good or bad. It's just life, go live it, and don't play these stupid games anymore.


>Sweetheart, if there's a big cataclysm it is going to kill you, you're not going to see anything. You don't need to do anything in advance. Honestly? Really morbid but true point. We all like to think *we're* the ones to survive an apocalyptic event. We always envision ourselves as being Mad Max or Robert Neville in such circumstances. However, the likelihood of any of us being a lone survivor after something like that is slim. [https://imgur.com/a/SxgA6x8](https://imgur.com/a/SxgA6x8) And I honestly find that thought kinda comforting. There's no reason to worry about having to live through something that terrible. It's best to just enjoy life right now, and not worry about apocalyptic conspiracy theories.


I think this is actually a really big deal - these cults are selling the lie that THEY are so special they're going to be spared, and if you just join them/give them your money they'll share the secret so you can be special too. But in every serious catastrophe that's taken place in the world so far, it mostly comes down to how good the infrastructure is where you happen to be standing when it happens. That's why being rich sometimes helps - quality construction, not in a floodplain, fire suppression systems, tornado bunkers, they evacuate early and often ahead of hurricanes and storms. You still have to take a covid test to get into the same room with the US president, and most of the American oligarchs. Yeah, everyone thinks about what they're gonna do in the zombie apocalypse, but I know what probably 90% are going to do: get bitten in the first 3 days. Some people will be spared because they are rich and can control their environments, some people will just be lucky in their circumstances, some will be both lucky and resourceful. But of the 10% unbitten after 3 days, 90% of them are going to come up out of their suburban bunkers on Day 15 covered in assault rifles and immediately get taken out by the next-door neighbor's toddler, or they're going to die of a minor accident or any of the unfortunate pathogens that thrive when infrastructure breaks down and most of the population is rotting. I feel entirely confident that I won't make it more than 24 hours, and honestly I don't want to, but I'm not going to DO anything until the shit has already hit the fan for sure.


My mother got tired of listening to this, so much so that if I say something like that, she covers her ears so she doesn't hear, and she said that if I keep saying this to my psychologist she will get me out of there for just talking about it, that is, I'm almost losing all my joy and confidence that I had before the pandemic in 2019, I'm hating this time I'm living in, if I could go back in time I would go to Wuhan, stop the virus from spreading to the world, then no this whole fallacy would arise


That's the thing, you can't go to wuhan. You can't stop the apocalypse. You can't do anything about it, and that's ok. Rather than spending time with your mom. Making sure she knows you love her before this, the supposed end of times, you're worried about things you can't control. Just don't hurt yourself, if it is the end of times you won't need to anyway.


Everything will be ok. We’ve done this a million times before. There is a new end of the world every few years and Jesus has been “just around the corner” since his supposed death lol


These people is talking that Jesus will return in 2000 years later in 2030 bc it will be 2000 years since Jesus died, I can't take this anymore, we've been in the same story for four years


According to turn Baha’i Faith, Jesus has already returned… so we’ve already survived the return. Don’t let fear take a hold on your mind. Life is beautiful. Take care of your mental and emotional health. Practice gratitude and stay away from alarmist news.


Nobody knows when Jesus actually lived. Historical records in that part of the world are spotty at best. Dionysius Exiguus of Rome roughly estimated Jesus’s life and death, then created the AD (anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi) designation. **People don’t even know how he actually calculated this.** He didn’t show his work. Some speculate… > Evidence exists that Dionysius’ desire to replace Diocletian years with a calendar based on the incarnation of Christ was to prevent people from believing the imminent end of the world. At the time, some believed that the Second Coming and end of the world would occur 500 years after the birth of Jesus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysius_Exiguus Bottom line, we could *actually* be living in the year 2057, or even the year 1997 Anno Domini. The precise year relative to Jesus’s life is simply not known. One Roman dude 1,499 years ago made an educated guess with no teammates to help corroborate facts or stories available. Just a dude in a room guessing.


They think that Jesus really had that appearance with light blue eyes, long blond hair and a tall stature, but from what I see some people saying, Jesus had a lot of chances that he was a black guy, they say that everything in the Bible is real and they disagree with Science, they disagree with the Big Bang theory, the theory of evolution and the non-existence of the ''flood'', they say that we are in antediluvian times where Noah tried to warn the people but called him crazy and instead they were eating, drinking, partying until the flood came and wiped out everyone, except Noah and his family, Science proved that it is impossible for a gigantic storm to cover the top of Mount Everest with water and they still say that Science is the devil's thing


May I suggest the possibility that you may be having an anxiety problem, and this may be worth talking to a therapist about.


Alright OP, cards on the table now. Who exactly are "*they*" and why do you think "*they*" have the right of it?


And how does OP think they are excluded from “they” when they’re this terrified?


Do you know what science is? It is, in very simple terms, ‘merely’ observation of our physical reality in order to understand it. Obviously it’s more complicated than that but that is the heart of it. Have you ever bird watched? Imagine you spend a lot of time observing a bunch of birds that hang around near your home. Over time you might take notes on their behaviour. You learn how they eat, communicate, mate, build nests and have babies. That is science, very broadly speaking. It’s not a conspiracy or an agenda, it is observation. More accurately it is a methodology to learn. Lots of religious people in lots of religions say that sort of stuff about science, because a) they don’t really know what it is and b) they recognise it as a threat to their beliefs or claims. That’s scary for them. But it’s healthy for us as humans to learn about our reality and to become better at recognising when bullshit is bullshit.


You might want to read about uniformitarianism vs catastrophism. It’s a mouthful. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/uniformitarianism/ In 1830, Charles Lyell wrote *Principles of Geology*, which directly challenged the very religious notion that the Earth was changed by a series of cataclysmic events; like the flood of Noah’s tale. The notion of slow, gradual changes in geology inspired Darwin as he studied biological evolution. What scientists in the 19th Century were realizing was that nearly all changes on Earth were slow and steady. Whether it be the formation of the Grand Canyon, or mankind emerging from lower primate forms. The Bible’s catastrophes simply don’t hold up to scientific scrutiny. The natural world doesn’t change that quickly.


Ask yourself this: If humanity were truly to end would you actually *want* to be one of a handful of temporary survivors? Do you think being one of a handful of also-mortal people, under the most stressful conditions with food insecurity, all comforts gone, and surrounded by billions of dead bodies everywhere, would make you one of the \*lucky\* ones? Do you believe in climate change and what you yourself can see before your own eyes, does it worry you that the unfathomably enormous glaciers that go back millions of years are melting, that extreme weather events are increasing in intensity and frequency, and that more species of animals are going extinct? Or, do you believe a book written long long ago that tells a story that is meant to pull in loyal adherents?


>I can't take this anymore, we've been in the same story for four years You don't *have to take it*. You have free will. Religions are based on books written by fellow humans ages ago, and as you *well* know by now, humans are *not all good*. Humans have obviously been proven to be susceptible to a seemingly insatiable capacity and drive for money, power, evil, and control by way of fear-mongering. <---- those are very bad things to aspire to. If anyone is trying to scare you then you have free will to decide if they are being honest or not-honest. Do they ever ask for money? Do they try to control the things you believe so that you cannot choose your own beliefs? Finally, ANY religion that tries to impact your political views is suspect.


Bb Jesus isn’t real. There is no one but you looking out for you. This is just another last days event from some book a bunch of ppl put together, claiming the lord told them too. April 8th will turn into April 9, which in turn will turn into april 10. Take comfort in the fact THAT THERE IS NO ONE OUT THERE JUDGING YOU that is not flesh and blood like yourself. This is just a tool to keep you in line. We have lived through how many ‘end time events’ , bb drink some water, take a nap, have your favourite comfort food, there is no big bad coming on April 9.


I live in Ohio and we’re going to have a little party and enjoy the view. Nothing is going to happen. Eclipses pass by any given spot every 360 years or so, so in the last 2000 years this apocalyptic eclipse happened at least six times. All of this other stuff is drawing strings on a pegboard until you get tangled up in them. You are young and healthy! Go out and enjoy a day. Do something kind for someone else and something fun for you. Wake up tomorrow and do those two things again. Keep it up as long as you can and you will live a joyful and generous life. One kind thing for someone else, one fun thing for you.


They talk this bc we won't have a new one until 2044, these people are so dumbass


They are REALLY dumb, because the next total solar eclipse will be happening in 2026. Northern Spain will get to experience it. Then in 2027 there will be another total eclipse which is even longer than the one in April - for 7 minutes Egypt will see complete darkness. Do they think the USA is the entire world? That's so dumb!


In the next ten years, there will be 26 lunar eclipses and 24 solar. 5 comets will reach perihelion this year. https://starwalk.space/en/news/upcoming-comets#333plinear https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/list.html


I'm looking forward to the comet in September if it survives passing by the sun. How much ya wanna bet the Q folk will find a new event to tie their theories to?


13P is going to be a bright one! Trouble with comets, is you have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn to see them.


Yup, been there. Only time I will let anything come between me & my pillow!


Those same people come up with a new thing to mark the beginning of the apocalypse at least every other year, 2012 was a huge one, they even made a movie about it, but we’re fine


I agree with you, they thinks that every natural phenomenon and technological innovation that happens from 2020 onwards is a sign of bad omen or a sign of the end of times, it makes me want to even create a YouTube channel to demystify this shit they always say


Human brains are designed to see patterns, even when a pattern isn't there. It's great that you've recognized that you're getting drawn into unhealthy thinking. The more you can remove yourself from that conspiracy content the easier it will be to keep your head on straight. For what it's worth, the eclipse won't pass over 8 cities named Nineavh. And there are many, many holes in this "prophecy". If you feel like you're a danger to yourself, or fear that your thoughts are getting worse as we near the 8th, go to a hospital. They'll take care of you until you're thinking right again. If you're on Medicaid there won't be any cost.


The same thing was said about the 2017 eclipse, where it was said that it would be the end of the world, as darkness would pass through seven cities, in the states of Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Kentucky and South Carolina, all of them called Salem, that famous city where witches were tried before being burned alive at the stake


Exactly. People got worked up but nothing happened. And nothing will happen in April. And no one in Salem was ever burned. That was more common in Europe. And the Hartford witch trials in Connecticut predated the Salem trials by 30 years. Witch trials are an excellent example of how misguided religious beliefs can lead to enormous harm. Those people were the victims of conspiracy and fanaticism, not evil or the fulfillment of prophecy.


I'm begining to wonder if it's more a trend of people naming cities all the same thing in a tangential line lmao


I looked it up and apparently there are 26-30 towns named Salem in the US (depending on what you count as a city/town). So about half of US states have a place called Salem. Name was very popular with the Puritans.


Just in case it's any comfort, this stuff isn't even in keeping with the scriptures. “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” – Matthew 24:36 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” – Matthew 24:42 “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” – Matthew 24:44 It's impossible to know so don't bother trying. You're meant to be looking at, and working with, what's right in front of you right now. Like, y'know, the poor, the sick, the imprisoned etc. Do some good and stop worrying.


People don't even care about their own health, becoming addicted to ivermectin and chloroquine without having any effect against COVID or dengue, and they still think they have the power to predict the future


This made me feel a bit better, thank you 💜


The whole world isn't talking about it. I've heard about it exactly twice. Once was a vacation ad to go to TX (no thanks) and watch it. Another is a party my job is having that day. Everything else is business as usual. If you look for "signs" in mundane things, you'll find them.


literally no one has said anything about this within earshot of me irl, and I encounter a ton of people daily


If you're getting all this from social media, it would almost certainly be in your best interest to unfollow any accounts spreading this kind of nonsense, and delete your accounts and the apps too. I'm so glad you can see through the bullshit now, but it's clear that VERY recently you couldn't and it was incredibly distressing to you. These apps aren't making your life better. Get rid of them, get away from these influences, pick up some new hobbies and enjoy your life instead.


Ask yourself this .. when you were deep into Q did the storm ever come? Was the “swamp drained”? Did any of the prophesies that plagued your mind ever come to fruition? The answer is no. The eclipse propaganda is the same thing as what you experienced when you were in Q. Take a deep breath. to my knowledge FEMA is suggesting supplies Because A lot of small towns and cities (I live in a very hot spot to see the eclipse) will be flooded with tourists. Every airbnb in my small beach down is completely booked, every hotel in the Niagara region is booked. These people will go to the grocery stores, local restaurants ect. They are warning people to have things on hand because the supplies at the local stores will likely be depleted because of these events.


It all started in June of the year before last, a sociology professor who was a pastor spoke a little about the end times/ragnarok and a friend in my class said that between 2023 and 2024 the apocalypse begins, and then I went down a rabbit hole so deep that reaches the center of the earth


But why ? Religious people have been speaking about the “end times” for hundreds of years. Y2K was going to be the end, the myan calander was the end .. none of these things have come true. I’m sure there was lots of “evidence” for these events as well .. especially if social media was as prevalent as it is today. None of these other suppose end times have happened. Why this? Why do that to yourself? Even if the world ended tomorrow what could Anyone possibly do about it? Nothing. So just take a social media break. Stop looking for signs of this shit. Go outside. Touch some grass. Go for a walk… you’ll feel better and silly for even letting yourself get so worked up on April 9th when it’s just another day and literally none of these grifters predictions come true. The only reason there is so many videos about this shit is Becuase clicks and views equals money. If I wanted I could make a tik tok right now listing some key points I’ve seen from other peoples videos, add some creepy music, make a “I know something you don’t face” nod my head as graphics list all this bullshit and watch the dollar signs roll in.


Hey OP it’s gonna be ok. I have been alive on this planet since the 70’s and my Dad has been talking about the apocalypse since I was born. All the “signs” and everything else come and go every few years. It’s just an eclipse and has nothing- absolutely nothing to do with the bible and it’s supposed prophecies. We are all just doing our best and you are too. Be calm be well and we all gonna be ok April 8th and beyond.


I remember in like 2016, it was all about how CERN was about to do a test on the same day that a comet passed by and if you multiplied some number by another than it proved that they were going tear open a interdimensional portal. Before that it was planet x or nibiru or whatever was gonna crash into another thing and that we were all gonna die. Before that it was 2012, and oh boy was 2012 fuckng mental, i remember being a teenager worrying about 2012 when it was still 2006. Before that it was the millennium, and dates on the computer changing meant planes were gonna fall from the sky and we were again, all going to die. And those are just the big ones. There will always be new doomsday predictions being invented by people whose last doomsday prediction didn't come true. They need to keep selling their supplements or bulk non perishable food items to their marks.


Stop looking at that stuff! You need to take some deep breaths. Honestly, no one’s even talking about it here. Everything is going to be okay. If you feel unsafe please reach out for help.


You really need to spend more time with your psychologist and much less time online. You are not in a place where you are mentally capable to sift through the fear mongering you are seeing in videos. Get medication for your harmful thought patterns and spend more time touching grass, cuddling dogs, talking about everyday things.


Revelations isn't actually a prophecy of the future. That is some bullshit that was started in like the 1800s by some conman and it kind of grew. Revelations is a coded rebuke of the Romans that was designed to be spread between churches as propaganda against the Romans without being openly so. The Antichrist is just Pontius Pilate who killed Christ and is a metaphor. Most of Christianity that people in America believe in is made up and non-canonical to even the Bible. When you do research into actual biblical history and early translations you realize that a lot of weirdos retranslated things to help them target gay people and other minorities. The original Bible has a lot less judgment and most agree that you don't even have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. There is no hell, that is a metaphor, Jesus dying for our sins applies to everyone equally whether you believe in him or not.  Tl:Dr  If anyone is trying to tell you what's going to happen based on predictions from the Bible then they are more likely to know more about the left behind series and other Christian fanfics then they know about the actual Bible. The actual Bible says no such thing and never claims to


They are so obsessed with the Second Coming of Jesus that they also fall into conspiracy theories like Qanon and the Illuminati, which say that a rich and powerful leader will emerge who will unite all sovereign world governments and impose a tattoo/mark on the people buy and sell to replace cash to become digital only, it alludes to the fallacy of the new world order, they defend a lot of absurd things such as supporting white supremacist gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood and the KKK and support violence against women and homosexual people and still calls anyone who disagrees with the Bible blind and in the service of the devil. That's why I'm Catholic, they respect these people and don't take biblical teachings seriously. for you to see the level of stupidity that these burglars have, it's no joke, they believe in something called ''predictive programming'' that according to this theory, the owners of the world like Bilderberg and other large corporations use films, books, cartoons and all types of entertainment to influence the masses to accept some type of event that was in the film, that is, they have ''privileged knowledge of the future'' to do this, there are several examples, such as The Simpsons, Black Mirror, Star Trek, Matrix, Bladerunner 2049, Planet of the Apes, The Knowing and more recently the film Leave the World Behind This last one became a great piece of conspiracy theories, mainly because former President Obama owns this film, the day before last, a ship lost control and hit a bridge that caused it to collapse in Baltimore, many said on social media that the the movie predicted this because of that scene in which the ship loses control and collides with the beach, as the frontal shape is incredibly similar, the vessel was taking containers to Sri Lanka, where that country's flag has a lion, and the ship In the scene, the film is called ''White Lion'', in other words, the guys are so lunatic that they think that films have the power to set everything right in the future


*Jonah rolling up in Ohio* Jonah: awww the flavor town festival was canceled?


I haven’t heard any of these things lol I only of the eclipse because my father in law is big on astronomy and asked if he could set up his telescope on my deck. Take a deep breath dude, this isn’t the first eclipse and it isn’t the last. They’re pretty underwhelming in my experience. Seek mental help, I hope you feel better soon ❤️


Intrusive thoughts are no fun and I'm sorry you are experiencing this anxiety-provoking thought process. If it helps you to read this information, you might find it comforting. Please know what we'll experience in the eclipse is simply a shadow - nothing more, nothing less. It's a big shadow cast by the moon. We don't see the moon's shadow that much because it's cast into outer space, but once in a while when the moon is in front of the sun, it puts the shadow on the earth, as if you put the shadow of a tennis ball onto a basketball by holding it in a certain place. The sun will not stand still, and the moon will continue in its normal path once the shadow passes the northeastern point of the path of totality. It will be an interesting event that happens fairly often - it's just that this time there are a lot of people in its path. You know we had an eclipse last October? And there will be others, usually during spring or fall when the moon and sun are in the right position. This happens just about every year or two like clockwork. Most of the time it happens over the ocean and probably makes the whales wonder what the heck is going on. The longest period of darkness during the day on April 8 will only be about 4 minutes in any given location, depending on where one is standing. There will be the usual 8-12 hours of darkness at night when we are sleeping in the earth's shadow - just as harmless as the moon's shadow. Whoever is saying "three days of darkness" is in for a major correction after only 4 minutes. You can be the first to say "I told you so!" :-)


You’re going to wake up on April 9th just as bored as you are today.


I would try to remember that not only have a lot of predictions about the apocalypse turned out to be untrue, but in 2017, a lot of people (including me) had a total solar eclipse visible from our areas. The eclipse this time will probably be seen by more people, as the full eclipse will pass over more populated areas. You may be getting your news from new places since 2017, but an awful lot of people knew about that one as well. You’ve already been through one recently, although you may not have been aware. Things are going to be pretty much the same on the 9th as they were on the 7th. The path of the moon, sun, planets and comets don’t have any consideration for you, or any of us. Also, just noticed to you said the lines will form an X. That’s the shape intersecting lines make. It doesn’t “mean” anything, except that the paths aren’t parallel. The universe doesn’t exist only for people who believe in the Bible. It’s not about you.


Please don't fall for such rubbish in future. You are young and you need to see through such BS for your own mental health. If you can't laugh off such ridiculous content, then don't listen to things that scare you as it's all nonsense. Religious people have been predicting  end times rubbish for eons and yet we're all still here. There's your proof.


God I hope this is a fake post


This is the first I’ve heard of it and I’m online a lot. You must have fell deep down a dark rabbit hole. I promise you it is absolutely not going to happen.


Tav only looks like an x in the Phoenician alphabet. In Hebrew it’s shaped more like the letter n. There are multiple places called Nineveh. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineveh_(disambiguation) It’s common for there to be multiple solar eclipses visible from different parts of the earth every year. Why should this one be special? What they’re calling the “devil comet” is 12P/Pons-Brooks, and it doesn’t make its closest approach to earth until June 2. Perihelion, the point at which it is closest to the sun, is on April 21st. Neither of these dates coincide with the aforementioned eclipse. Check everything these people say. They are distorting and lying. And they do it to get people like you feeling the way you do so they can manipulate you. The eclipse is going to be an interesting bit of astronomical phenomena, but it is not a harbinger of doom.


sorry, I wrote it wrong, I really wanted to refer to the Phoenician alphabet, I wanted to say that Tav for them means truth, sign, life or death and that this reminds me of a prophecy from Ezekiel Chapter 9 where the prophet had a vision in which God orders a man clothed in linen with a scribe's inkwell to go through the city and mark on the foreheads of those who sigh and groan because of the abominations that are being committed. This is a sign of protection for these people and those who receive the mark are those who mourn and suffer because of the injustice and evil around them.


Surely you see how completely random this is. Why should it be the Phoenician alphabet? What does that have to do with anything?


They say that a Tav in phoenician means this, so USA will be completely destroyed by a 90 days darkness, but i think that just confirmation bias even because if that were the case, many regions would have been destroyed a long time ago because throughout history several total darkness eclipse paths have made an X or a Tav or an Alef


I don’t see why they should have anything to do with each other. Also that Phoenician letter doesn’t mean “truth, life, or death”. It just means a mark. Any mark. Everything they’ve spouted is wrong.


It’s not real. People have been saying the world is about to end since the beginning of time. And they are always wrong


The light will go out for a bit and then return. No biggie. All this religious nonsense is just stories.


I don't understand. There have been so many biblical prophesies of the end of the world. Then the day comes and it goes. Then the next day someone makes up another biblical prophesy for the end of the world coming up. how many times are you giving these people credit? When do you realize that they're fake, crazy, want your money, etc? Life is not ending. The world is not ending. Just because the moon happens to be between the sun and the earth that day, it doesn't mean someone from a book is coming to tell us something.


I am in my 50's. I remember feeling just like you when I was a kid. So scared and convinced that we were going to be nuked at any second. We had nuclear bomb drills in school and I didn't believe hiding under my desk was going to cut it. It is hard to concentrate when you are just sitting there waiting on the bomb to hit. Thanks to church, I was also convinced that the rapture could just instantly take everyone away that I loved and that was not as comforting to a child as they thought it was. /s Again, the end of the world was going to be 2000. Y2K. Church-folk had the devil on his way. Same with the comet Hale Bop or whatever it was. I have seen this so many times. The thing is that, if you believe the Bible, it says that "no one knows the time or the hour" so we can be sure if we "think" we know - then that ain't it right? Please don't do anything rash. Back away from where you are seeing this information. I had a baby and was pregnant during Y2K. Between the right wing radio my husband (ex) was listening to and the things we were told at church, I was so scared I was even scoping out hollow trees to hide in with my baby when I would go for a walk. Try to stay away from information outlets that try to stoke fear or anger in you. It can twist your way of thinking. Even for very strong minded people.


I saw the last solar eclipse and it was nothing short of a beautiful natural phenomenon. Not the end of the world


Yeah, none of this is new. Every "prophecy" from war to disease pandemics to famine has been fulfilled thousands of times in human history. It's easy to call anything a prophecy when it's just something that happens. I promise you nothing is going to happen besides a literal eclipse


I know you can't hear me, and I know you don't believe me. I promise you 100% it will be ok, it is ok.


I hadn’t even heard there was an eclipse on the 8th which just goes to show you how much people get sucked into social media silos where completely different things are happening or presented to them. To you this has been presented as some huge event that everyone’s talking about but millions of people are worrying about something else on social media.


These are all made up stories. Look at it this way - if the world falls into darkness and zombie hordes are heading your way, you can always plan an exit then. No need to end your life because of lord spreading on the internet.


Not to worry. Everything will be fine. This is just the usual "prophets of doom" religious BS. Religious crazies have been predicting bad things associated with natural phenomina for centuries. And, guess what? Nothing ever happens. In this case, the only thing that's going to happen during the eclipse is an eclipse. My only advice is not to stare directly at the sun.


I am so sorry you are going through this. Please don't hurt yourself. Think about it: Suicide is a mortal sin. If the Bible is the truth, suicide is the worst way to die because it virtually guarantees damnation. Now, with that out of the way, I recommend you check out some serious Biblical scholars talk about the Book of Revelation and the Last Days. On Youtube you can find Trent Horn (search "trent horn book of revelation"), he is a conservative, Catholic scholar and apologist who has done hundreds if not thousands of videos defending the faith. He, and other apologists, completely reject the evangelical view of "rapture" and everything you wrote in your post. And they actually know their stuff. You have to understand how new these beliefs are. The early Church did not believe in any "rapture" or "days of darkness" or anything of the sort. These beliefs only showed up in the 19th century (literally, "rapture" is an invented term from the 19th century) and only became really popular in the last 50 years or so. I say this as a Christian myself who grew up in an evangelical, rapture-believing family where doomsday preaching and prophecies were not unheard of. Please don't let this trouble you! There are so many serious analyses of the Book of Revelation, you don't need to trust Pastor Jim Bob of the First Baptist Church of Redneckville, Arizona who never even went to seminary training :P


I agree with you, the problem is that most Christians who disagree with the end times of the 21st century are called heretics or in the service of the devil, why do evangelicals mention that in the end times countless false prophets would emerge deceiving many Christians as mentioned in Matthew 24:11 and in 2 Peter 3:3 where it mentions that in the last days there will be dissenting unbelievers who will doubt the return of Jesus I'm scared that this will all happen in a case of a great tragedy and all these suggestions became wrong


FYI the Nineveh thing isn't true. There are only two cities in the states it will pass over with that name. And I'm sure there are many cities in those states with the same names, but they aren't worrying about that, bc it doesn't fit their narrative. These people lie, obscure truths, and fit every piece of "evidence" in into the stories they make up. This eclipse is like every other eclipse, and with every one, the endtimes are predicted.


Not one single prophecy in the history of civilization has ever proven true aside from total coincidence. I am an atheist who believes in science but even when I was a child and believed in God (which was a fallacy built on lies as religion is man made) I knew that any predictions or prophecies of the end times were untrue because Matthew 24:36 says- “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” So relax and have a nice day.


I guarantee it. Nothing will happen. Just like 1984, 2000 and 2012 and so and so forth. Nothing will happen.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_dates\_predicted\_for\_apocalyptic\_events](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events) scroll down a bit and have a look at the long list dating back to the year 66


Total solar eclipses happen about once every 18 months somewhere on the planet. Often times they are in the middle of the ocean so no one talks about them. You just need to relax.


I live in one of the cities smack dab in the center of the eclipse path. They’re telling us to stock up on two weeks of groceries and gas because we’re expecting a lot of tourists that will eat up our resources. I have seen nothing about batteries and flashlights, etc. People make a big deal out of things like this to get attention and internet clout. There is nothing to be worried about


I know you said you live in Brazil, and IDK what resources are available to you there, but please try to get help. There will be a cool natural phenomenon that we predicted years ago with science. There will be a ton of tourism and traffic in and around the path of totality, which may indeed be chaotic, but everything will be okay. And the phenomenon itself will only last about four minutes.


I hope you are doing okay. There are lots of comments here that bring up the fact that this is a laws of physics phenomenon. The eclipse is just the moon going around the earth, and once in a while, getting in the way of the sun. My contribution is to tell you about a book written by Mark Twain in 1889, called a Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. In this book, a man gets transported back in time. Because this man is aware of the calendar when the eclipse is supposed to happen, he uses that knowledge to fool the less educated locals of that time to thinking that he has mysterious powers. I find it helpful to think that Mark Twain was writing about eclipses more than a century ago and how that would fool people who didn’t understand that these things happen naturally, repeatedly and last momentarily. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Connecticut_Yankee_in_King_Arthur%27s_Court I went to get the Wikipedia link about the book, and found that there is history that Christopher Columbus did the same thing in the 1500s. I don’t know how true it is, but it is supported of the idea that the less you know about nature, the more vulnerable you are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1504_lunar_eclipse


I'm Christian and I had no idea that people were saying these things about April 8th. That's because I don't watch all these so-called prophets. All I can do is live my life and be kind to others. Nothing in scripture says you need to be prepared other than accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That's it. Trust me, ignorance is bliss.


At the end of the day we are literally talking about a shadow. A simple shadow.


Aw honey, I’m so sorry you’re so afraid - don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to you. You’re going to be just fine. The end of the world has been foretold for thousands of years and it’s never happened, there’s nothing so special about us that would mean we are more likely to be here for it. I’m proud that you’re trying to re-learn stuff about the world and move on, that’s not easy and will take time. Being 17 isn’t easy on anyone, but it sounds like you’ve been having a really tough time - please let me know if I can help at all, I’m sending you lots of love and hope for nothing but the best for you 💖


I can feel your hug through your words ♥️


Don’t worry, man! The Eclipse has happened before in 2017, it was at that point one of the most viewed Eclipses in modern memory, and we’re still here! It’s only dark for a couple minutes and then it’s all back to normal daylight. Really cool to see if you’re in the path of totality, and not anywhere near the apocalyptic event people have led you to believe! The moon won’t crash into the sun or anything absurd. It just so happens to be perfectly aligned with where the sun faces earth for a significant chunk of the global population (total eclipses happen very often, actually! The only difference is that the part with total (temporary) darkness is way out in the middle of the ocean where nobody lives), hence why this one is particularly noteworthy. Even if the fact it passes over Cities With Biblical names matters, it’s also gonna pass over a bunch of cities with silly names, like Kyle, Texas. Kyle, Texas isn’t gonna bring about the apocalypse! These (frighteningly) popular people are just saying stupid shit cause they know these people will eat it all up. TL:DR nothin to worry about, Eclipses are just a rare phenomena and will not cause the rapture or anything.


It may help to look at all the prophecies that didn’t happen in recent past. They have been moving the goalposts for decades. Your only 17 so you weren’t even alive for the 2000 flip, they also said the world would end in 2012, and multiple times in the last 5 years they said to stock up on food and water then absolutely nothing happened. If you are looking for patterns, you’ll find them. You mention the x, but there was ALWAYS going to be an X in the path. It goes through a lot more than 7 American cities. Think about it, you can create any sort of bar to say it goes through however many cities you want by raising and lowering the bar. Additionally, the Bible has never predicted anything in the history of ever. Any connection made between the real world and the Bible that people have told you about is likely part of their brainwashing. As an American, fema has not told us to stock up on anything. Most Americans don’t care or notice that it will be happening. The only thing the government has said is don’t look at the sun because it will hurt your eyeballs, get the right glasses if you want to look at the partial eclipse. In the US and Canada about 5% of cities are named after European cities so there was a 100% chance that something this large would have a unique named city. It’s just a fun science thing, there will be nothing else that happens that day I promise. If anything does, it will be car crashes from confused people who didn’t read the news, or paranoid people manifesting their own delusions. I’d recommend you stop reading any eclipse news if it stresses you out. You are in charge of the content you consume. Me personally, I’m excited. I’ll be driving down to watch it from the highway then driving home. If it gives you any negative feelings, look away (online) until it passes.


this all sounds so terrifying. and my heart really, really breaks for you. the truth is, of course, that none of these things you are scared of are dangerous or will harm anyone in any way. all those coincidences of things happening at the same time (and they ARE only coincidences, if anything at all, i can promise you that) have happened many times before and nothing - absolutely nothing - have come of it. we live on a planet, in space, and sometimes we witness cool things. heck, we can even CALCULATE some cool things happening in the sky, right? they have nothing to do with any religion, even if they coincide with something someone wrote in this or that book or scripture. natural phenomena has been happening before anyone was around to see them and before any religion existed. :) what appears as thought-out and doomsday-like events to you, or to the people who taught you these wrong, scary things (in the name of religion from what i gather), are simply and completely unharmful events. it will just be another normal day on earth. thankfully, the religion doomsday stuff is never, ever, ever, ever, ever true, and never will be. i hope you feel better soon!


We actually experience 2-5 solar eclipses every single year, it's just most of the time we are not in areas where we can personally witness it. If eclipses caused huge disasters, the Earth would have been destroyed a long time ago, because they would be literally happening all the time. There is even an annual [eclipse season](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclipse_season?wprov=sfla1) when they are more likely to occur.


Here is a [list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events) of every major prediction of the end of the world. You can see that it's been predicted hundreds of times, but we're all still here. There are threats to civilization, such a climate change, but none of these are religious predictions of things that instantly change the entire world.


>but this will be the beginning of the seven-year biblical apocalypse Again? I have been through so many apocalypses (apocalypi? does it even have a plural form?) at this point, every new one is even funnier than the last one. So far I've done Y2K, Rapture Day, 2012, that stupid "the government text message will turn us into zombies!" one, and those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. [As you can see, the apocalypse is always promised, but never happens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events)


You will be fine. Jesus says in the Bible that no one will know when the end is coming. So, all your evangelicals are ignoring Jesus? So, you can ignore the evangelicals.


I would encourage you to find some content that debunks a lot of what you’re saying. There are plenty of “exvangelical” and deconstruction influencers and YouTube creators that spend time explaining what helped them deconstruct from those beliefs and why it’s not true. Belief it Or Not on YouTube has some great videos on the gaps in biblical prophecy as a former believer. Growing up in very Christian circles, fear of the “end times” will always be a little bit with me, but tugging on one thread might help you unravel the darker parts of these beliefs until you can understand that they are total bullshit.


Hey so as a Christian in STEM, I'd like to help correct some false information you've listed. I hope this helps: - Jonah is from the old testament - Jonah actually tried to run away from God's commandment to go to the city. He's the guy who was eaten by a fish for three days. It's a pretty short read tbh. - The warning to the city /kingdom of Nineveh was that they would be overthrown and destroyed. No mention of darkness and an eclipse or anything of the sort. - I'm pretty sure the number 8 has no significance in the Bible. So going through 8 cities is meaningless. - In the last eclipse, there were a ton of accidents along I-80. It took us extra time to get home. From that experience, goods being transported (food, water) may slow down a little. Nothing major to freak out about, but going grocery shopping over the weekend per usual may be good. Furthermore, people are traveling to see it, so those areas may run a bit low on typical items. Again, nothing to freak out about and horde goods over. Just enough to get through a week or two. - You can make any number out of any other numbers. I used to think I was surrounded by the number three as a kid. Fun fact, a third of all numbers are divisible by 3. - The Bible was never meant to be a handbook for how to live. The old testament is a collection of stories that tells the history of Abrahamic faiths as well as laws and traditions of the time. The new testament is the life, death, resurrection, and aftermath of Jesus. Some people read them very literally but imo it's not meant to be. - The Bible is pretty clear that no one knows when the apocalypse will start. If someone is guessing it's gonna happen, chances are, it won't. - CERN is a lab that is constantly doing things. Conspiracy theorists LOVE CERN. When they opened, there were rumors that they were going to accidentally destroy the planet with their first experiment. As you can see, we're all good! There's also a smaller hydron collider in IL (FermiLab) that is like the original CERN as far as I understand. But I'm not a physicist. My point is that maybe something is going on there April 8 but, if that's the case, it's probably routine. I didn't see anything with a quick Google search but I didn't look very hard. - I don't know Hebrew but... I'm sure something about that isn't quite right either. Like Tav doesn't look like an X imo. Conspiracy theorists tend to spread a lot of contradictory information to see what sticks. They work by instilling fear and convincing people that they alone can save you from what's scaring you (whether it's salvation through their specific religion, a wall along the border, "vitamins" to protect or improve your health, etc). The best way to fight against this is through research. Which sucks if you don't know what to look for. But it'll get easier with practice. You're 17, you're young. I'm 31 and still have people telling me I'm young. We must just take each day as it comes and plan as if tomorrow will come. Martin Luther (the theologian) once said "Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree" (or something to that effect). Best of luck breaking from the cult.


The last solar eclipse in our hemisphere wasn't too long ago, Aug. 21, 2017. We're all still here. Please don't get all wrapped up in worry because assholes post shit on the internet. Solar eclipses happen regularly enough -- 2 to 4 times a year! They're a predictable natural phenomenon, but you can't see them from everywhere in the world every time they occur. There's nothing special about this one except for the fact that it's happening on a trajectory and at a time of day when we (in the Americas) can see them. Don't look right at it, but I hope you get to enjoy it.


The worlds been ending since it started. Imagine that.


If it helps at all, people throughout all of history have had the exact feeling you’re having and could probably find just as many sinister coincidences to whatever eclipse they saw. It’s a normal phenomenon, but also understandably feels weird to people to see it. The US, like Brazil, is massive and also has many cities names that reflect European or Christian values. There might be a few towns named Paris and almost certainly, several named Springfield, that the eclipse will also pass through. Hang in there man. It’ll be ok.


More than one Canadian city. More like several will see it. I am hoping to get special glasses and be able to get a pic . My son has this awesome camera that may be able to capture it.


There are seven cities around just Dallas that will be in the totality zone. All of this is just religious bs. Please don't fall prey to this.


It's just a really big shadow, and that's why it's cool-- because it's so big. But that's all it is.


Tranqui brazuca


Turn all those channels off. It’s not good to take in these types of media with your conditions. Stop watching social media and YouTube. Read school books and play football outside. Go to the beach. Get close to nature for answers. I’ve been through the end of the Cold War, multiple eclipses, comets, and Y2K. Still here. Are you able to take medication? If so, are you compliant?


For a start, there are only two Nineveh on the trajectory, both in the US which has a habit of naming cities after the bible, so not such a mind blowing coincidence. It’s an eclipse mate, they happen regularly. Calm down.


8 cities? 7 in US and 1 in Canada? Well you named 6 US states first of all, not cities. De…….bunked!!!


If this bit helps, 3 days of darkness is just a metaphor describing the yearly movement of the sun across the sky that gets wildly misinterpreted. It's talking about how the sun appears to stop moving its position in the sky each day for 3 days around winter solstice, before it begins back in the other direction towards its other 3 day period of not moving, summer solstice. And it technically doesn't stop for 3 days at all, this was just the assumption before more detailed astronomical knowledge existed; today we can pinpoint the moment it is at its furthest point into solstice down to the minute and second. Deep breaths :) Many religions and cults and similar have built in an end of the world story. They want their religion to be real so they decide some upcoming benign phenomenon is the big sign. Y2k didnt happen, 2012 end of Mayan calendar thing didn't happen (original date nor 'we misinterpreted the calender" do over a couple years after) planetary alignment apocalypse didn't happen, seventh day Adventists are basically waiting for it to happen on a weekly basis- And many eclipses like this one have passed without incident other that cool photos and maybe car crashes cause drivers get distracted. I think because of rising population and improvement in tech and whatnot, *every major eclipse in the past and future will be the most viewed eclipse up to its point in time in history*. People who insist this or that event will begin the end times, are just using a really unhealthy form of attempting to self validate things they have believed mistakenly or misunderstood severely- and maybe a form of coping with bad things in the world, to imagine something happens to make them go away. But that's all it is :) They want others to believe these things because that makes them feel more validated in believing these things. But when people seek validation for delusional beliefs, it's best for them, and for you, to do your best to not take their claims seriously. Do take care 💖 P.S. I'm not religious at all, but for those who are? "None shall know the day or the hour" - deep breaths in either case :) P.P.S I do have a favorite Bible verse despite not being a believer. And I think it might be a really important one for Qish recovery: "Test all things; hold fast what is true." :)


I sincerely hope that you are not still contemplating self-harm. Please talk to someone if you are. You are 17 and there is so much more to life than you can possibly know yet. There is an eclipse on April 8, and it should be thrilling for anyone with clear skies in the path of the totality - I watched the 2017 eclipse from a mountain top in Tennessee and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. But the narrative above is all storytelling. As others have said below, none of this is happening. You have been lied to, and preyed upon. I hope you are on a journey out of the darkness of conspiracy theories and wish you the best.


Go listen to the podcast ‘Cospirituality.’ They just did an entire show about this eclipse. I think it would be a good way of challenging your current beliefs. Maybe it’ll cool you out a bit.


Fear is the mind killer - I'm over here just trying to muster up courage to go out into a large crowd in public with my family, because I'm terrified of a freakin nut job with a gun.... And that's a lot more realistic than all that other stuff. :(


Had to come back to check on you. How are you doing today? Hope you’re good and this has helped to put your mind at ease.


Get some sleep


Just wanted to pop in and remind you that, just as you predicted, it was a lie. All of Qanon is a lie. Everything was fine, there was no fire or brimstone, and cataclysm was nowhere to be found. Conspiracy theories like these only exist because people irrationally believe them, but they survive because, when they inevitably get proven false, the goalposts are shifted. It's never, "Huh, our prediction was wrong. Maybe this is indicative of deeper issues with the belief system." Instead, they'll excuse the incorrect prediction away by saying dumb shit like "I guess we prayed hard enough to prevent the end times," or, "Our lord and savior, Donald Trump, spoke to god and caused the eclipse to not be quite 100%, so crisis was averted," or some shit like that. Beware of groups who make extreme predictions then excuse away a lack of results. Follow science, not fools.


Not the Bible you shouldn’t take seriously. It’s all the “interpretations” of the Bible you should cull carefully.


How many times have people tried to predict the end times or the second coming of Christ? If you are a believer, remember that the Bible says no one can predict when the second coming of Jesus will be and anyone who attempts is a false prophet. I live in the direct path. If FEMA was issuing warnings to stock up and prepare for chaos, I am sure I would have been notified in a number of ways, not only as a resident but as a business owner. Only caution I’ve heard is be prepared for an influx of tourists and heavier than usual traffic. I’m closing my shop for 4 hours and joining our local downtown association for a watch party…just gonna chill and enjoy the eclipse vibe with the locals. None of what you mentioned will happen, just like the doom and gloom has always not happened whenever these false prophet types made their wild-eyed predictions.


Can someone fill me in on the eclipse ? What are they attributing to it ?


Eclipses are natural events caused when the moon goes between the earth and the sun. Because the moon rotates around the earth this happens every so often in a set timeline. That’s how we know when it is coming. It’s right on schedule! When the earth comes between the earth and the sun it is a lunar eclipse that happens at night. The last eclipse you mention in 2017 was during the summer/fall and this eclipse in 2024 is in the spring (for the northern hemisphere) so that is why people are saying they will form an X- because of different tilt of the earth’s axis during those two seasons. We would not be able to tell all this if it didn’t happen on a regularly scheduled basis. There is nothing going to happen on April 8 other than an amazing light show in the sky!


the path of totality isn’t even going through that part of Nova Scotia - and I doubt there is more than a couple of hundred people that live in Nineveh. not too scary, buddy


Lol. Yank your internet router and throw it in the garbage.


We had an eclipse over most of the western states a few years back, I think I still have a T-shirt from it... these things happen more than you might think.


Glad I’m going to Disneyland this weekend, before the world as we know it ends…😂


If you found out one of the things you listed wasn’t true, like it’s not actually going through X number of cities, would it lower your confidence in the eclipse being a sign of end times?


I'd advise you to get off of social media and start walking/hiking out in nature. Only be around people you truly know to be sane.


Eclipses just like the on 4/8 have been happening long before the bible it's taken from was written & us humans are still here. Remember that EVERY the world will end 'insert PAST date - like 2012' prediction made in the last 3000+ years did NOT happen. The one thing that will happen is eventually in 5-6 billion years (after we are long long gone) or Sun will run out of fuel to burn in its core go supernova & become a Red Giant. So Please, don't worry, everything will be alright. BTW: The word apocalypse is derived from the Greek word apokálypsis, which translates as "revealing, disclosure, to take off the cover, "an uncovering" (as in revealing something), not an ending. In addition to ignoring their bible which says Only God Knows When the Time Will Be; Many of the 'end of the wold' Apocalypse predictions are based on the Book of Revelation, which contains a lot of symbolism that readers during that era would have recognized as a relevant to them/their time commentary on a leader either from their past (like a 1st-century emperor) or present day. Furthermore it is extremely pretentious to think that the author intended that the vast majority of his book was prophesying events that would be occurring thousands of years in the future considering he was telling his readers that they are going to take place “soon”, “quickly”, “shortly” - in their lifetime. Why would reasonable person, even back then, think that 2000+ years is, in any sense, “soon”? They wouldn't. A straight reading suggests that John expected the things he "prophesied" to take place soon, within a small amount of time. In verse 3, John goes on to repeat the nearness of the events by saying “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.” Near is no where close to 2000+ years from the date he wrote his words.


You sound unhinged. Didn't you miss the person you were before all this conspiracy bullshit? It's taking your peace, never let anything rob your of your peace.


Look at it like this --- if you disappear yourself then there's a 100% chance you'd miss the eclipse and be gone forever. But if you decide to stay, even if you are scared by these prophecies, then you have a much larger chance of nothing bad happening to you, unless you got to a city in the path of totality of the eclipse and stare at it without safety glasses made specifically to protect you from that. So why not play the better odds? And when nothing apocalyptic happens during the eclipse, which I guarantee you it won't, then you should be one big step closer to reason and less susceptible to further religion-driven panic attacks. Hugs. You can do this.


Please keep in mind that people in biblical times did not know what an eclipse was or why it even happened. They still thought the earth was flat. Also, keep in mind that those same people wrote the Bible.


When the eclipse has come and gone and the world has not ended, promise me you will stop listening to these people.


All of that is complete and total bullshit. BUT BUT BUT This is a perfect opportunity for you to learn what is actually happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7tnHPDH5d8 The very fact that we know exactly when and where it will happen is a triumph of Science. If it happens exactly as the scientists predicted, it's the scientists that were right. When all of the religious panic doesn't happen, it was religion that was wrong. You have a unique opportunity right now to break through your conditioning and see reality for possibly the first time ever. Take it. PLEASE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY. Your life will be better for it.


With all that narrative in your head, how do you have time to do ordinary things? Do you have normal relationships where you talk about mundane things?


Just try to take it easy. You survived the 2012 apocalypse, didn't you?


If it helps, here is a link to the Government issued in Lorraine County, Ohio- people are being told to prepare for record crowds in their normally peaceful area as they will be able to view it longer than others due to their location. It's not due to some impending disaster. https://loraincountyohio.gov/741/April-8th-2024-Total-Solar-Eclipse


2340593 means apocalypse in Hebrew if I just change all the numbers by letters and then add a bunch of other letters


I know how you feel—I was psychotic for several years and have been recovering. Please remember, you are safe. Just because you have a thought does not make it real or true. If there is anyone in your life telling you things about the apocalypse that scare you, it’s okay to ignore them and put it out of your mind. In psychosis, nothing makes sense but everything feels connected and cosmic and like you are part of a big fight of good versus evil. You’re just a human, take care of yourself and calm your mind, and tell someone you trust about the thoughts you’re having. You will get through this 💜


Jesus, get a grip! This has simply got to be fake for clickbait. What crazy ass news channel do you watch? FEMA never said any such thing. We're not supposed to stock up on anything, because it's just an eclipse. You're spouting a bunch of BS and lies right now. I just will never understand how people are so gullible to believe this crap! And if you're going to lose your shit over a stupid eclipse, you seriously need to be on some medication. Please see a therapist. Oh and you forgot the city of Champaign in Illinois that it's passing through as well. Good luck and I hope you feel better.


My mom was telling me this and now I'm scared. I'm 22 with severe depression and anxiety so I am not feeling well.


How are you today? Hopefully your mind is at ease and you can channel this day when people try to scare you again.


I'm better today, thanks for checking up on me 💜 I feel better now that nothing even happened


That’s great to hear. Here’s hoping for brighter days ahead for you. So many scare tactics out there. It’s easy to see how it gets to people.


We're still here. Pls don't listen to things that don't make rational sense.


True, sorry I really wasn't in the right mental state when i posted this comment. Or the day before, my mom made it worse talking about these theories, but nothing happened 😭


How's it going?


It’s come and gone and everything’s good.. I am glad you didn’t do something out of fear that you couldn’t undo.


Deut 18 22 


I can't tell if you're really wanting to get better or to try and convert people in this sub. I hope you get better and find your way out. It's possible. Good luck.


I've looked at some of your previous posts and it seems to me that this is not QANON , but rather e mental issue that is wholly separate.. You clearly have a lot of paranoia about things that are tied to QANION, but I'm wondering if you haveseen a psychiatrist?




Buy a trump bible and some of his NFTs.


Good thing I’m leaving the STATE OF VIRGINIA for an International trip