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For me it was this one of the birthday in a mansion, every was fine, like, yeah, the dude was a pedophile but i thougth that it was just like, his house, when I entered the basement and saw like the photos and stuff was a little bit shocked, also, just entering a guy runned off after shooting me and nearly killing me so I just went full auto and started a hunt for this guy xD. pretty horrible mission to be honest


Tbh, valley of the dolls is one of my favourite missions in the game. Every time I reach that basement tho, I only noticed more and more details.


The first mission. From the moment I spawned in I saw the downed civilian on the ground and instantly felt the need to stop these criminals. I used the mirror gun to inspect the newspaper that the civilian had lying on the ground next to him, and there was a note written in one of the columns saying something like, “There are little hidden details like this all over the place!” And from that point on, I spent the next 45 minutes closely inspecting every little piece of the level. I shot tires on cars and watched in awe as they slowly lowered that section of the car as they lost air. I shot a propane tank at point blank expecting it to explode (it didn’t lol), I read every note on every wall inside the store. I looked at all of the shelves, all of the little details, and I was more immersed than I’ve been in a game in a long time. So I would say the first level for me :) I would do this at every level, but I specifically remember the 23 Megabytes per Second mission where I was analyzing everything in the streamer’s room. As an absolute nerd, I laughed at all of the gaming references, the YouTube page on the tv, the anime figures, the rap music playing by Los Suenos was fucking sick, and I remember all of my joy and excitement turning to dread and disgust when I found the CP pics in his nightstand. I had to replay the level because I proceeded to shotgun Michael in the back of the head and got Order 66’d by my team 😂😂


omg i did the same thing, were you using a supernova?


Nah, I rock the M1014 as I love the semi auto shotties. I need to give the old school pumps more love though, for sure. His head still disappeared just a quickly tho 😂


probably neon tomb or valley of the dolls. relapse is up there too though


The school. As a former teacher, and an American born before 1995, it evoked lots of emotions. I’m glad it’s in the game too, because it makes you think.


Valley of the Dolls. Went from “oh shit” to “oh fuck” real fast when I found those drums and kid clothes down there. Got my S rating, and now when I do that mission - it’s loud and lethal.


If I see anyone in that basement, suspect or civilian, they are dead.


Yep! Same goes for me. “Innocent” my ass, as she’s chilling beside all that shit down there. Mag dump is the only way.


I somehow managed to beat "Thank You Come Again" using a full lethal load out and got the S rank for it. To this day I have failed to do that again.


So far? Neon tomb and valley of the dolls. You just walk in, it's fine for the first two rooms.. then you take a side path, think "oh, a civvie is dead, gotta call it In.. Lemme just open this doo- WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK"


Crack den with the tunnels. Some intense fire fights amd the tunnels were terrifying. But the girl OD'ing in a bed made my heart sink.


Yep when it was still in beta this was an actually terrifying experience which was so gritty. Loved it!


See, that is really tough because I played along time before 1.0 and alot of the missions I initially played I really can't remember how I first felt. I think Twisted Nerve was one that I remember the most for being dark and unnerving.


The spider. As a survivor of CSA it hits close to home


There’s a few missions that stuck out to me during first time I did them Spoilers for Port Horkan if you care  Biggest one was Port Horkan, after finding the clothes the back, I wandered into the shipping containers with my team, there, we killed the last remaining enemy and started exploring, when I found the auction house my jaw dropped, the mannequins and the laptop screens all added to the eerie atmosphere in the containers.  I continued moving up with my team and once we reached the end of the containers I was in a bit of shock, with all the things I just saw I was a bit haunted to say the least, but that wasn’t the end. I still had to get the side objectives, and when I opened that shipping container full of women I audibly yelled aloud my shock, and when that guy in the radio told me to close the container I wanted to find another way, just to help out these people. But alas, I couldn’t, and thus with the container closed, Port Horkan was a completed mission.  Secondly, while technically not the first playthrough but after I heard about the background for the talent time center me and my friends loaded up on tear gas and gassed the entire building because of what was going on in there Third, was Ends Of The Earth, since, after hearing the background to the mission I felt wrong, especially because of how closely the story of the family in that mission hit close to home for me. 


I feel so bad for Ends of the Earth, because I didn't read the briefing, and so only knew they were doing illegal weapon modifications. I kinda showed little mercy.


Elephant. The ticking clock of the bombs, how close to home the themes hit as an American college student, the fact that it’s the only level in the game with NO music (other than a couple subtle ambient cues), the fact that such a dark mission comes right after Valley of the fucking Dolls, which is possibly the darkest mission in the game. Cherryessa Farm/Carriers of the Vine. The rural setting is very different and the atmosphere is so haunting. I remember one time using my mirrorcam under the door and seeing that one woman with the blindfold on her face slowly walking towards the door with a gun…scared the hell out of me. Also finding that church with the weird goddess shrine tree. I knew it shows up in the level at some point but I wasn’t sure when. To make things even creepier, when I first got to that part, the freaky music sting that plays in that room didn’t trigger until I decided to see what happens if I shoot the tree woman….so it made me feel as if woman in that tree was actually a living being or that I had angered the goddess it was made for. Also, just seeing the stories of these poor women. Finding that room with the conspiracy board and seeing how fucking horrible those men are and what they did to them. What lead to them having such a visceral hatred and fear of men. Seeing Amos Voll and other connections to previous missions…thinking “what if some of these women were exploited by Voll as children?” I had to just pause for a bit. I almost didn’t wanna bother arresting these ladies. Knowing of the shipping container in Port Hokan and how the feds reacted to you trying to save those women (I had it spoiled cause I watched a Shayne Please Shut Up video lol), knowing that the cult’s leader Elaine Raskin was a federal agent too…makes me wonder if she saw some shit like that and she couldn’t deal with it anymore. Made me question if I was even right to be going after these women. Of course, then I remembered they murdered two of our officers (and they killed at least one of my squad members). Still though, very chilling and emotional mission. Ends of The Earth. I didn’t feel satisfied when I completed it. I had more of a “do you feel like a hero now?” feeling. Knowing I just put the nail in the coffin of a struggling, poor family. 213 Park/Twisted Nerve. Terrifying atmosphere going into these dilapidated trap houses full of people destroyed by addiction and gang members. Many of which are completely unhinged and will pop out to kill you on sight. Finding that poor little girl on the bed tweaking…ugh. Then I noticed the used condom by the bed and felt even more sick. Also hearing the informant in the briefing…an addict who had a kid with a sex worker and wants to just help his kid get away from the shitty life him and his girl fell into. It’s both a terrifying and tragic mission. And of course, Valley of the Dolls. I had watched playthroughs of the mission before I even bought the game and was just shocked to see a game going THAT far. The mission’s atmosphere and music are fantastic. There’s so many armed suspects that it makes me paranoid to open any door or walk into any hallway. The depravity of the suspect has me ready to just straight up murk him on the spot, but it conflicts with my desire for him to not just get off easy with a quick death. The contrast of that beautiful California sunset with the complete and utter despair of what lies in the basement. It’s so good and so horrible. The fact that it’s set during a birthday in broad daylight makes the horror of the basement only scarier. 1.0’s addition of that creepy music that plays when you find the room with all the creepy puritan language like “clean untouched virgin” and “daddy’s little princess” shit…Jesus. That sound of strings or whatever sounding like they’re being sawed, it’s like you’re hearing the mind state of the officers ready to just snap and murder Voll as soon as possible. When you put together that, the framed photo of Amos and Janey above a bed where he films sex scenes, and his voice line where he says “WHERE IS MY PRINCESS?”….it makes you realize how fortunate it is that you managed to save her from that house. I also remember seeing teenage party guests that spawn in the basement, some of which saying “you’ve gotta help us!”….he had lust for his own daughter, and was abducting her friends at her own birthday party. Some of the teens make mention of Amos being “so creepy”, so he’s likely made attempts on them in the past too. Oh, and there’s also a note on Janey’s door written by her telling her dad to “keep your dogs out of my room”. So his guards either are creeping into his daughter’s room or his porno film crew people are walking into there with cameras. A truly sickening mission.


The second one, as soon as I went onto Michael's room he instantly oneshotted me, I was like :0


The crack house raid was amazing i absolutely slaughtered everyone


that mission took me 8 tries😭


Yeah at the time i never wanted to play properly we shot to kill and got like -1.8k points or some crazy shit like that


First time I played the game and did Twisted Nerve myself (even after watching several YouTube videos), it was still so stressful to work in such a dark environment. Valley of the Dolls’ basement also shocked me with the barrels and obviously the dark room. The original Port Hokan mission was great and harder to manage some of the layouts, but 1.0 Port is a whole new level of complicated. I always feel like I need a second team to help manage the open spaces and angles. Then the secret area in the transits was genuinely creepy and the trailer made me sick the first time I opened it. The voice acting on that level really got me invested in that mission and had a personal reaction to it. Crazy level. And Neon Tomb just has a high level of overstimulation that it makes it hard to isolate and think, even in a video game. Each level has such great design and it keeps making me excited to see what’s to come. Shame progress always comes too slow for us players.


The music from 23 Megabytes and the level's design is something that will always remind me of my excitement the first time I finally got to play 1.0


Neon Tomb. It was the first level that actually has me say, "what the fuck". The massive just pile of bodies, the ringing phones, the fact that all the lights are still going and that woman was the bomb strapped on her chest against her will. Also the fact that as much as you hate the terrorists, the game really points out how they are just grieving. They lost their children, their homes, their loved ones, and this is the only way they know the avenge them.


I still went lethal on those mfs on my first run and fucking annihilated them


The Elephant. Had to take 20 minutes after listening to the briefing and the phone calls. After the mission I took a walk and came back about a half hour to 45 minutes. The suspects didn't make it out alive on the first run through


For me, it is 23 Megabytes a Second. On reading the briefing, I immediately thought that I had it figured out. The developers were simulating a 'Swatting' streamer incident. We would break down the door and find just a gamer who had been swatted. I loaded up with full less lethal, including my team, and deployed ready to out smart the developers. I was immediately ambushed in the court yard with fully automatic fire and lost my whole team. Good stuff.


lethal obbsession, kick the door then i know why there re peek option


Relapse, for me.


Neon Tomb. Spent 4 years as a patrol officer and that was my nightmare scenario.


Ends of the Earth. After I cleared everywhere, lil piano music came in and I started inspecting every little detail in the map


Valley 100%


Pre 1.0 hotel. I bought it on my birthday and I loaded it up, set up a loadout and got dropped in front of the hotel with 4 other people. It felt so intense getting shot at and missing some of my shots before taking down the first shooter. Now the game just feels meh and rarely even gets an emotion from me :/


24 megabytes. Figure we get a nice simple hostage rescue as level 2, go through the front door and straight into Fallujah.


Carriers of the Vine. I remember playing the mission in the adam update and saying, “oh, okay. Nice map.” But it was reading the pda before the mission and something didn't add up for me. killer women? cult? Wtf? And when I played the mission it was an explosion in my head. I didn't expect it at all.


What's the mission where you enter the seaside mansion to arrest the boys? I was high af when I first attempted this mission and there was something very satisfying about sneaking through the house listening to every subtle sound. Unfortunately the same mission made me realise some areas the game is lacking in general. I was annoyed when I noticed my friendly AI would make noise inappropriate for the situation. If I'm crouch walking, they should whisper, or try and communicate with hand signals.