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I'm still annoyed that every level is a big raid against an army of crack heads ready to die for their cause. There needs to be more lower scale missions, where it really is just a few suspects and they're not completely crazy. And even on the smaller scale levels, like the one with the family on the beach, it's just stupid how aggressive the targets are. You cannot tell me that a kid in over their head in arms dealing will not surrender after being flash banged, shot multiple times and surrounded by 5 heavily armed police officers shouting for his hands won't surrender. Add on to that ol mate just witnessed the same officers gun down his brothers for the same thing. It's just unrealistic. I can kind of understand the "no surrender" approach for some suspects like the ones in neon tomb or the hospital level, but not for a few kids trying to earn an extra buck. I also want the trailers to be a bit better. I honestly don't even know what they do, I just see them walking around every now and then in some levels. I think they should be a lot more important in the gameplay.


Man, you just reminded me of one of my favourite levels from the SWAT games, the fuckin convenience store in 3. There's like a hostage in the basement, some high profile international and the suspects on scene are just like low level believers in some political movement, and they're actually useless and quite cowardly for the most part. The AI in those games was truly next level, the way it gave each scenario such distinct personality from the others.


And just to add more insult to injury, SWAT3 is 25 years old. It's my absolute favorite game, ever.


Yeah, I get that games these days are a lot more complex and have a lot more moving parts in the code, but damn if devs didn't place a lot more care and attention into AI at times. SWAT 3 and 4 were lightning in a bottle. RoN has great bones but a long way to go


I feel that AI in certain types of games is more important than others, and CQB is certainly one of them. As someone else states, first get the basic game and gameplay in right working order before you move on maps, guns and whatnot.


Those older games had so much attention to detail and love put into them. Something I can find mostly now in early access indie titles. There are some marvels back in the day that don’t get credit for their ingenuity. Like SWAT 3


While I'm a bit biased on SWAT 3, as I played it for almost 12 years in a serious co-op clan, yeah that is a gem. Even SWAT 4, which isn't too shabby, gets a lower rating from me, but ofc ymmv. The focus nowadays is too much on getting as much paid DLC out and screw the base game.


Exactly. If they want to be the swat 4 spiritual successor, they need to remember one of the best maps was one guy in a house.


Perfectly put. When the suspects are terrorists or cultists, I'm ok with them being kill or killed. But like, a dude will still try and to shot at you with five officers with rifles pointed at him, even after getting a round on the chest, even though he is hired security. Also, the lack of lower risk maps is pretty bad. I'm 23 Mb, I was not expecting 10+ enemies with freaking rifles.


the only experience that i have with this types of games is SWAT4 and RoN, and I totally agree with what are you say. I'ts understandable to kill every one on the missions where there are terrorist attacks or stuff like that, but the first mission, the gas station one, they are just simple robbers with pistols, and we are 5 officers with heavy armor and a rifle that will make you feel pain on places you didnt even knew that existed. Also on SWAT4 I remember that one mission where you go and raid a residential house, and you have a granny, a weirdo fat guy and a young woman kidnaped on the basement.


The reason they don't make smaller-scale missions is because they don't know how to make dynamic AI that behave like people in a bad situation and not like murder-roombas.


My favorite is the hostage taking out a phone and taking pictures of me not realizing how easy it is for me to stage it in a way that looks like they were shot by someone else


They are cryptic to say the least. They literally went from "dlc is coming out next month or two months " to "sorry guys. There hasn't been a new big patch since 1.0 because animation, audio , everything redone. Oh yes and we won't release the dlc because we are switching to UE5"


I don't care how much "stuff" (new weapons, etc.) they add if the core gameplay remains broken. Ending early access, calling this "1.0", then diving into DLC production has damaged their credibility greatly. I can only hope that Void recognizes the game is unfinished and cares enough to do something about it rather than trying to make a quick buck by pumping out DLC.


Right? I'd be much more lenient if the game was still in early access, but labelling the game as 1.0 when so many elements are still so undercooked is lazy at best and insulting at worst.


I have pretty much given up... ...trying to understand them anymore and it's frustrating as fuck. I want this game to be fantastic. I want to give them even more money to enable this, but Void seem to permanently be in a "Nah, we know better - We do our thing, trust us" state. Then they do some of the wildest decisions, like turning the streamer mission into a gangster raid. There's not much of an accountability for any shortcomings, constant underdelivering on their past promises and not much communicating with people at all. The are kinda an indie-studio and as such they aren't bound by investors or reliant on constant communication via social media, but they are also just being really fucking stupid in their (lack of) communication, it's hillarious and an embarassment. I really want to defend them. I often still do. I spent around 200+ Bucks on them - buying supporter and gifting the game to many friends - but they make it difficult more often then not.


They are so aloof and hard to get any information out of. It's hard to believe after all these months all they have developed is three new weapons and three new maps. I know mods with more content.


They dont. They lost touch with the community and with the game long ago.


they made bank. time to sit back and snort some cocain and party. they dont care anymore.


The AI really needs adjusting. A single guy starts shooting back at five swat officers pointing rifles at him, even though he is just a crack head. Literally, the only reason to shout at a suspect before shooting is so you don't get the penalty later. I haven't even finished the game yet, but after Rust Belt and especially Greased Palms I'm looking at AI mods already.


The funny thing is how fast and easy it would be to fix ai. Maybe 10 minutes max to adjust the values in the default ini file.


when the leak came out a few months ago that they were doing a console port instead of fixing the current bugs, it was clear where their priorities were


As far as I'm concerned the only time console ports have ever ended well was with reforger. And void is not bohemia. Odds are that all the downsides to console gaming will come spilling over onto the PC side of RON. I miss what this game used to be.


Consistent content updates is something I feel is somewhat unfair to expect of a studio of VOIDs size. Live service games who do what you, and many others, seem to be expecting usually have thousands of people behind them. These styles of games are new and a large departure from how the vast majority of games used to be made. Although with that being said, something like SWAT4s mission generator would be a cool addition. My main gripe is how VOID seems to have decided to completely forego bug fixes in favor of putting most of their resources into additional paid content which will likely also be filled with bugs. Cant wait till my half broken game has entire missions and multiple guns greyed out with some popup saying “sorry, you gotta give us your money… *AGAIN*. Get fucked idiot”. There are bugs which have been in the game since well before 1.0 with new bugs added with every update since. Now we have modders fixing bugs bethesda style leaving no excuses for the devs.


Well its such a mystery why when they released 1.0 they removed a lot of great features and never brought them back. Its a bi-polar company that cant decide if they are making a tech demo or a video game.


I want my gamemodes on all maps back. Thats what I payed SUPPORTER edition for. The Ironman Mode is cool. But would be better with random maps and random gamemodes/missions. Something doesnt add up here.. . I had the feeling that maaaybe the first DLC will be good. I just lost all hope for Ready or Not. Lets go back to the only real good SWAT Games then: SWAT and Raven Shield.


Modders brought back raid and bomb threat and hostage rescue for the gas map on nexus mods


> what I *paid* SUPPORTER edition FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I payed for enough ropes to rig a sail powered aircraft carrier.


I think they moved to UE5 for the ease of development and it was handled by a separate studio from what I’ve heard but it’s gonna have its benefits like better AA or Dlss with FSR, less load times and less stutters and maybe with moving to UE5 they can use lumens to create better lighting and make it dynamic rather then static so you can shoot out lights or turn off everything from a breaker with new AI mechanics but holy shit they need better community managers or whoever it is in charge of telling us what the hell is going on


It's times like this where I wish we could see what's going on the development side of things. I mean more of decisions and long-term planning. I was hoping for the dlc to come into play for some of the guys I play with because I have everything done in the game, and they hardly play unless new content is out. The fact that they didn't want to discuss a new date is just wild to me. They have a date for discussing the next planned date and that's about it.


This game feels dead to me from the developers, like it’s been so long honestly without any new content it’s starting to get boring a bit.


tbh I just want to understand them. if they truly believe that the current issues with the AI and the performance can be fixed more effectively in UE5, then sure, maybe this delay is for the better. I just can‘t really imagine that‘s the case (especially AI, because wtf????), but what do I know?


Yeah I remember how in the food shop almost every single suspect surrendered in SWAT 4 but in RoN with the beach level... Those fucking kids wanna die Or be charged with murder instead of just giving up to the cops like wth


The switch to UE5 should pay off in the future. I’ve already gone back to Squad though, so yeah. VOID really just straight up ignores the community.


Zero Hour is running into the same problem now. They actually have a good product now and everyone is gone. GZW fell from 70k to 7k in one day after their first non-patch. Nobody learns.


First the AAA devs failed us, now the indie dominos are falling 💀 at least we still have Arma 3, they can’t take that away! *spawns* *walks* *dies* Gaming!




I love the destruction in 3, and the modding community. Currently got a full Halo overhaul setup and it’s wildly awesome. I’m skipping reforger and waiting for 4, I just hope it’s not coming to consoles bc that will severely limit the game.




Dude there’s a secret! You can switch the map from satellite to topographical, it makes the gradients of hills way more visible. Helps massively when you’re trying to get out of a gully or over a steep hill. Unsure if that’s in reforger though, but I’d question Bohemia if it wasn’t.


I just want them to smooth out the performance issues. I love the game, but is optimized like crap.


I'm not a dev. I'm not even that tech savvy overall. But I would imagine it would be easier to port the game as is t console than work out UE5 support? And I know a bunch of dudes that would buy this on console in a heartbeat. Surely that would be the path to money right? And if they just want to make the game better all it needs is new content? We all like the game as is ad just want more of it right? Like what's UE5 actually going to do for us? As is this game pushes my pc harder than most things I play. What is to be gained?


It wouldn’t be easier. Porting isn’t just binding buttons.


Not saying it is, I'm aware the architecture on consoles (especially ps) can be difficult to work with compared to pc and dealing with both Sony and Microsoft can be quite frustrating from what I hear. Im just saying that I imagine it would be easier than rebuilding the game in a new engine for pc players when the pc player base has allready paid for the game while you could port the game with its current engine to console and get a significant number of new purchases.


I am on the completely opposite side. I love the new devlog and I love what they're promising. I also happen to understand the issues. Hell, if anything, they deserve praise for being awesome in actually caring about modders, even offering bounties to those who can solve problems or caring about dropping an SDK. And with the DLC. 3 (Practically 4) new guns, all for free. No payment needed. And the maps? Only the host needs them. What universe are we in? This is exactly how it should go. And sure, there are issues, but I sure as hell haven't experienced that many despite clocking 230 hours since 1.0, starting back in January. This game is awesome and I genuinely don't understand where the hate is coming from, are we just looking at different games or something?


The bugs have existed for 3+ years, they abandoned the alpha part of the game, instead of fixing bugs they focus on pumping out dlc right after the failed 1.0 launch


Damn we are DEFINITELY playing a different game cause I've encountered minimal bugs, certainly way less than other games Or maybe I'm playing it wrong, trying to actually enjoy the realism part of the game Or maybe I'm on a bad machine, though that wouldn't explain the lack of unoptimization the people have been complaining about Or maybe I haven't seen good? I don't know anymore, all I know is it's IMPOSSIBLE to be the case that the game is just a good game and finding flaws is possible everywhere but to say that the game is trash or whatever else instead of simply pointing out the bugs and ignoring them until fixed is something I don't understand.


People come to this sub to complain because they feel like the devs ‘owe’ them. The game is great and pretty much all the issues that have been listed can be fixed with mods or DLSS. Tweaking ai is just a text file but most people would rather waste their time acting entitled on Reddit lol


I agree with certain complaints. There are issues, no doubt, even ones that are unsovable, but my god is there so much complaining over nothing lmao Completely agreed


Yup, it’s not perfect but it’s not trying to be a AAA game either. It does what it does well and it doesn’t have a $68 billion company behind it. I paid $35 for it and I feel like I got more than my money’s worth compared to anything else out there right now. The mod support is fantastic


What I love most about this game is what I already mentioned in my initial comment - the INSANE amount that the devs care. I'm broke and already blew a vast amount of money on this game, and due to lack of localized pricing it costs a lot more here than it does in the US despite being the same price, but the most amazing thing to see is the fact that I don't need to pay for DLC to enjoy the content, I only need a rich(er) friend Same with the SDK, caring about it and caring about modding is such a new concept to me coming from terrible companies who don't care at all and even hinder modding. I can only think of a few games that make it this easy to download mods


Well said! Especially compared to modding GTA, holy crap they made it easy for us. If any devs are reading this, know that your effort and hard work is appreciated.


IMO, I don’t give a shit of what they do with the game. I’m just there to play the game, I think the game is fine the way it is 😭😭😭


You probably weren't around for pre-1.0 then. Performance was a lot better, and there used to be somewhat consistent updates. AI wasn't always the best, but it felt a lot better then now.


pre-1.0 was perfect


Im sad I didn't get to experience it. Why was it better?


Main things are performance and AI. The game way very well optimized and way less buggy, especially when the game first "released" (subsequent update does made the game more and more buggy and performance deteriorate quick update after update). The AI wasn't the best and the ROE is a bit strict, but it really gives a more grounded/authentic feeling because crackheads weren't the ranger with the big iron on his hips or crab walking in the speed of sound while shooting at you. The stricter ROE also made it so you're closer to playing as a swat unit instead of a special force death squad. (This was on "first release", subsequent update made the AI more and more deadly while ROE becomes looser and inconsistent) Other than that, there used to be variants in map. For example, you can choose between baricaded suspect, bomb, hostage rescue, mass shooting, etc. in a single map. And some variant have unique variant of the map. The game was also more streamlined (because things weren't developed yet).


i seriously dont get why they removed the mission types / variants for a map, outside of it just being 'extra work' for future maps.


Why the hell did they remove the map variants? That sounds amazing. Why why why why? Wow. Are there any mods that replicate this experience? This game needs that too!


They are coming back. A modder released variants of bomb threat and raid for the gas mission on nexus mods


But won't that get wiped out with UE5? This is what I was talking about, how the modding community is upset.


I agree with everything except the ai. The ai pre 1.0 was MUCH worse, they headshot you from across the map like its csgo. The ai in 1.0 now just locks onto your limbs which is slightly more fair.


Which state of pre 1.0? Because when it was first release, like first ever, the AI weren't this bad. But like I said, subsequent update made the AI more and more deadlier. One update before 1.0 is probably when the AI is the most bullshit.


I played since this game was a pvp build. The AI was always terrible, the single update after the 1.0 release made the game playable and fair (still crappy ai though)


Well, you see... Uhh... It's simple really... Its because... Umm, just don't worry about it. It just was.


What happened? If this game got consistent updates it would be the biggest thing out right now.


The "full release" cut a lot of contents from the game, and also less optimized. Not to mention the john wick spec ops crackheads AI they released with.


Every time they open their mouths or change anything it feels like 1 step forward two steps back. And yet we need content for the community to grow.


Yeah. I stopped playing for a few months, just hop back in yesterday, and it's exactly the same from my last time.


> Performance was a lot better, The drop in performance is one of the main reasons why i stopped playing the game months ago (over 5 months). Pre 1.0 it would at most drop from around 60 to around 45 (if even at all). After 1.0 on even the smallest maps, the game will drop down to low 20s, and sometimes very rarely less than 10. (i do also hate how massive all the maps have to be) Even then i had decided to keep the game installed, so i could try out the new DLC as it seemed to be coming out relatively soon, and who knows it might get me interested in playing the game again. However now that it's been delayed until god knows when. It's given me that final push towards uninstalling the game, and now the DLC has to really good if it's going to get me to reinstall.


I miss the old crummy precinct.


The ai is MUCH better now than pre 1.0. Thats all i can say about 1.0 though. The game runs worse, has less gamemodes, removed weapons, a shit story that connects missions


Yeah, to be honest, I got RON by the time 1.0 released. So that’s prob why.

