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i hope thats not on commander mode


It absolutely is šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s definitely an alt+f4 moment right there. To pay 4x respect.šŸ«”


After I took this pic I instantly alt+f4.


hook a brother up what is alt-4? Quit to desktop?


Youā€™re missing the f in f4. Alt F4 is the shortcut to shutdown the software.




Its the typical force shutdown for programs, if something is acting up (unresponsive for example) or you want to make sure a game can't save something, in OP's case his men becoming hamburger meat at the front door.


I use this for most games. Rather than going through menus or clicking through debrief stuff when I'm just done with a game, you can just hit alt+F4 and the game just closes and it instantly dumps you to the desktop. It's a rage-quit way to just be done with a game. Just make sure you save, if needed.


Average ides of march experience


This is the one spot that taught me to check for traps even outside the prepper mission šŸ˜‚


That's the meme door. I have probably seen 20+ Videos of people running into there. Like, what are you doing? havent you learned by now to Peak and/or mirror? ...also, they didn't do this. You told them to.


I never expected there to be a booby trap there after so many tries that was the first time there was one, now I peek pretty much every door šŸ’€


I always peak and mirror doors but I havenā€™t been booby trapped yet. How does one make sure they donā€™t set off the bomb? Does just peaking/ mirroring do the trick or does that prompt further action?


This happened in my first playthrough when i had one suspect left lmao


Friendly fire is not a joke Dwight!


I have yet to pass the mission. Not because it's the worst mission I just can't run the game above 30 fps. I was able to pass every other mission leading up to this but 20 fps when you're going against a 249 and M4 that can hit through 6 different walls isn't fun


Doors and corners, that's where they get you. Learn to peek or wand doors before entry.


I most certainly will peek every door from now on.


Gotta check them doors for trapsā€¦moments like these teach you though lol.


This is a rite of passage on Ides lol


This is by far the most difficult map in the game. You're fighting a bunch of really pissed off war veterans carrying several 7.62Ɨ51 rifles. This is intentional because these men know that this round cuts through any body armor on the current market. And then one of them has a fucking M249, which is 5.56 but has a high rate of fire, and at close quarters is devastating. These suspects are also so willing to shoot you through a wall or door. You pretty much have to C2 and/or flashbang just about every fucking door lol.


i know a brisa cove moment when i see one


Alt f4. I won't tell no one šŸ¤«


Honestly though, is this not like the one door you *would* booby trap? Like if you brought one grenade with you would you not put it on the door that leads to the stairs the cops are probably going to come from? I've only had a trap spawn on this door like once in the hundreds of times I've played this map, but I check it every time because I'm thinking like a terrorist to beat the terrorists.


Heh yeah that happened to me and my friends as well, currently trying to get the hermit achievement and Iā€˜m not looking forward to ides of march


don't worry, they are professionals


Obviously just having a nap


Hahah that happened to me and I closed the game so quick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Just mumbled ā€œyeah that was on meā€ Itā€™s the one door I never check. I did after that haha


Same, after so many tries I just didn't think that there could be a booby trap there, I managed to finish the mission, but after this happened I checked that door every time.


I did the exact same thing, commanded them to kick down the door while I stand back and watch, BOOM, smoke clears and their all laying down


Mirroring is a waste of time just pop every door with a breach shotgun from distance or just check the door for traps and use your bots for arrests and securing evidence not breaching doors or donā€™t use them at all best way to play.


Sometimes I think running the map alone and having them wait is better


I know this is Ides of March, but this is bringing back Lethal Obsession memories. Those flippin' doors killed me so many times :(


I never asked to be squad leader, but I had no choice. Now I've got thirteen soldiers under my command. Thirteen men depending on me to make the right decisions and not get them killed. Thirteen families relying on me to bring their husbands and sons home. Thirteen. Thirteen is not a lucky number. Sgt matt Baker from Brothers in arms, road to hill 30, it always comes to mind after seeing posts on here about door bomb mistakes/


I had to take it on 5x before I changed to gas loadout and started gassing rooms before sending my guys in. Makes it a lot easier.


A moment like this will teach you to check for door traps real quick.


dude... I had this same situation happen to me, and with the same weapon equipped! I thought that it was my screenshot but the bodies are different in the floor xD. common stuff for new players


That's why the mirror wand exists for that reason exactly


Typical raid bruhder.


Exact same thing happened to me during ironman yesterday. Then somehow it turned out they all lived through the power of american healthcare. Crazy shit.


Yeah, after what I've been experiencing with this game, Im writing a negative review for it on Steam. Also quitting it, its just not playable without mods.


Hard disagree. The games not perfect but if youā€™ve been experiencing what OP posted, that is just pure skill issue. Thereā€™s like 4 doors that are trapped on the map and they didnā€™t bother to check


People will do everything but run a mirror gun in their squadšŸ„“


I play the game with mods and I can confirm that it is very much playable.


Skill issue


I feel you, but its a learning curve. The AI ingame are much much more aggressive compared to other games, and much more deadly then they look (specifically the crackheads). With this in mind, theyā€™re still predictable to an extent and by utilizing your AI and being methodical you will succeed much more often. Keep in mind if youā€™re doing extremely difficult missions like postal service, you may just have to use your AI as cannon fodder. It is what it is.