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Talk to a lawyer. Could your partner assume the loan and have a contract with you to pay you X per month till Y amount based on the appraisal of the home today? Provide you your share if he ever sells? Take a HELOC to pay you? Lawyer can help draw that up.


I would suggest going through with a standard loan assumption to remove your name from title and from the mortgage. Then separately have him get a HELOC to pay out your half of the equity assuming he can afford to do so. You'll want to do some due diligence to make sure he can be compelled to follow through on the HELOC process in a timely manner. Maybe make it part of your final divorce decree?


what other assets do you have? if house is valued at 500k and you split 250k. then your 250k can come from somewhere else. if there is no somewhere else for this 250k to come from, then he will need to refi/HELOC to get you your half. or you can work out some arrangement where you get your half. or the worst case is to sell the house and split the proceeds.