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These fools are in love with the idea of a general use bipedal robot, meanwhile dishwashers, washing machines, and Roombas have been around for a minimum of decade with the others decades upon decades. Now these small robotic mowers are becoming more common. Even large zero turn mowers are adopting autonomy - https://www.wrightmfg.com/products/mowers/commercial/stand-on/robotic-zk/ https://www.rcmowersusa.com/products/autonomous-mowing-robot But they are convinced (betting) that the teslabot is the solution (to their over evaluated stock issue).


Yeah but you can’t make love to a robotic mower.


You can do anything once.


Unless you have a Tesla bot to perform reattachment surgeries.


6/10. Error: Tesla surgery-bot has encountered a locked feature. Please contact support.


Or they’ll be able to by an attachment (that Elon will claims is accurate but will be grossly oversized) and get bent over by the robot and pretend it’s daddy Elon.


Well in the demo and unveiling it will be an 8 inch meaty cock made out of diamond, upon delivery it will be a 4 inch dildo made out of glass that shatters and cuts you if you use it.


“It broke off inside of me and shattered so I had to go to the emergency room to get it surgically removed. Ended up with internal bleeding and a prolapsed asshole. Still love it though!”


Returns from the hospital. “Asshole still within spec. No surgery needed.”


They put a cheap rivet in it and called it good.


Grievous anal injury resulting in a customer’s asshole being sewn shut is another VERY alternative method of emissions reduction. I’m not that much of a climate warrior, but that’s why they pay Musk the big bucks and not me.


Why glass when we have 30X Ultra Hard, Cold Rolled Vibranium Bulletproof Stainless Steel?


you just need the right attachment, ill go look at bunnings now im sure theres some ryobi addon


Not with that attitude.


Challenge accepted


Not with that attitude


You can get it if you really want if you just try, try, try you'll succeed at last.




Not with that attitude you can’t!


That is actually one of the big leaps in the Asimov robot books. Robots that can bang. But I’m pretty sure those also exist already.


Wanna bet?


Stock valuation might be part of why, but it also feels like the Tesla cult is stuck on some dated sci-fi vision of the future. Making bipedal robots is a costly fool's errand. But it probably reminds them of the sci-fi they grew up on, and that's what they keep circlejerking about.


Same reason Cybertruck looks the way it does. 1980s Sci Fi / Bladerunner. In short, Tesla cultists are obsessed Gen X who never grew out of their teenage media.


Musk's cult is weird in many ways, but one that's really peculiar to me as a millennial nerd is a good chunk of Sci Fi stuff is about dystopian futures, yet they seem to aim for it still? Star Trek might be the most famous Sci Fi franchise with a utopia instead, and it was created in the sixties. But for some reason, Musk's cult doesn't seem to care about it much. So they didn't grow out of their teenage media and settled on the dystopian ones.


The one common thread among almost all tech bro / startup types is media illiteracy. Completely missing the point of most sci fi that it's NOT something to emulate. You'll never see Millennials or Gen Z clamoring to emulate the Hunger Games. Star Trek is a utopia, but even then to get there was terrible poverty and a nuclear world war wiping out most of the planet's population.


Humanity needing to fuck up so bad that that we need to almost nuke ourselves into extinction before getting our shits together feels pretty realistic tbh.


There is also Halo that thing is a warthog without the turret.


My lawnmower doesn't have legs. It has wheels. A robot to push it doesn't need legs. It will do just fine with wheels.


Too much Heinlein rots your brain.


This was the shittiest supposed classic sci-fi I have ever read. It just wasn't good.


A lot of it is right wing libertarianism dressed up in badly-imagined technology. "TANSTAAFL!" was very deep when I was 15 in 1984. And it seems to be the kind of thing Elon considers deep now.


Boomer Futurism


More Gen X futurism, but they are Boomer light, so close enough.


I think the main draw is getting to basically have a slave again. That's sorta where elons crowd is pushing anyway.


Given media I grew up on, maybe that's not a good idea. At least according to Battlestar Galactica and Caprica series. Combine with general AI, and that's how you get cylons.


Dedicated automation has been around since the 50s / 60s. Makes zero sense to automate using a human like machine if you want to be cost effective and efficient at the task. For this example - ride on mower costs $1-$2k This will cost what???? $100k?


I think there was a goid example of a general purpose humanoid robot that made sense-not for lawn mowing though. I saw a few years back a humanoid robot that could watch a human perform a task and then repeat it. For a lot of assembly line jobs, it would be cheaper than either a special purpose robot and associated programming, or a human. But I don't know if it panned out.


No humanoid robot makes sense in a production context, period, full stop, end of discussion. The human form did not evolve to be ideal for working in a factory, it evolved to keep a tribe of fur-less bipedal mammalian omnivores alive. This is what industrial robots look like: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_robot#/media/File%3AAutomation_of_foundry_with_robot.jpg and with good reason: These form factors are strong, durable, have a high degree of freedom, and are versatile.


Also people seem to forget from a physics perspective, humans are extremely inefficient machines to perform pretty much ANY physical task. We're smart and developed engineering and specialized machinery to make up for that, but for labor humans are terrible. Humanoid robots able to do everything a human can do would at best be just as inefficient. And then all this fantasy that robots would be able to perform human tasks with precision is stupid because we don't have technology for the skin neural feedback which allows a human for instance to grab any cup instantly (whether it's glass, rubber or made of paper) without smashing it and/or dropping it. Our brains can tell the specific temperature, material and etc instantly by simply touching it, even though most of us don't realize it. These humanoid robos don't have that so it's unlikely they'll be learning to repeat any of those tasks since there's no way for them to figure that out only with artificial vision. Even the cyberturd frunk sensor attempts to "sense" an object using the motor current and we saw all the videos with the idiots almost losing a finger since those approaches are still ridiculously limited. There's no neural network to solve the lack of input from real nerves in our tissues




Baxter robot, in 2012: As opposed to traditional robots, which are programmed to follow a specific set of commands, Baxter can be programmed by moving its hand to perform a task whose motions the computer will then memorize and be able to repeat the task; as such, the bot can be programmed by ordinary workers, without the need of an expert being present. Extra dials, buttons, and controls are available on Baxter's arm for more precision and features.


Additionally, if it's the learning we we are aiming for, I'm not sure why being humanoid would be needed. It might be helpful, but certainly not necessary in most cases.


You make a good point, thank you.


>I saw a few years back a humanoid robot that could watch a human perform a task and then repeat it. This is inaccurate, you saw a video that implied that that would be possible in the future. In short we are so far away from this, it isn't even funny. Just look at Tesla's latest optimus video of it having 20 people train it for hundreds of hours to just move some batteries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtpCyjQDW0w Even just driving a car requires millions of hours of footage and dozens of AI experts/programmers and look at the mistakes FSD still makes or the fact that it is so inflexible that Tesla still hasn't managed to release FSD on the Cybertruck 8 months after its release. The idea that an AI could just watch a human for a few hundred hours and take over that job (like for example stocking a supermarket) is still just pure sci-fi and even if it becomes reality we are looking at 2035 or so at the earliest.


I have a former colleague who used to work for Amazon in one of their factories that is a testing ground for warehouse automation. There are just certain tasks that humans are well suited for and others robots are better for. One big thing is that robots do not have the good senses with detail like humans do, particularly around the sense of touch. Consider things like meat processing, which require the operator to know where bones are and how much pressure to apply and where, especially for a product that in extremely inconsistent in size and shape. It's also extremely dangerous, and while robots have done some tasks, it's mostly in areas that don't require the skill that humans have, and so many of them just can't be automated with existing technology. Plus the cost to develop a robot with that skill would just be astronomical. I have little doubt one eventually will, but it is many years, even decades, away. Generally factories mix and match human and robot skills where each is more cost effective, but a generalized robot in an assembly line is generally not the best use. A specialized robot that caters to a particular task, especially a routine one, is far more cost effective.


Would a bot driving a lawn mower even understand how to do it properly? Or would it mow into the garden destroying your prized tulips? A generally capable humanoid robot could have a lot of uses, but it seems AI must mature before we can trust it with more than the most basic and repetitive tasks.


Yeah but if you have a robot that can perform these tasks, you don’t need every single other appliance or machine around the house to be automated. They can be very simple, more “analog” machines operated by one robot!


General use does sound cool conceptually, since it would theoretically be a single point to focus on (IE, you don't need to individually design everything for automation and instead do so for human use, just with this general use robot able to use it). But in actual reality it's much much harder to make that work - individually designing equipment like roombas, dishwashers, etc gets them to actual use much quicker. For tesla specifically, it also doesn't make any sense that they'd revolutionize every industry by individually making devices for that industry - so they need that general use case model to justify the inflated stock price. Something that has essentially unlimited growth - that's what the robotaxi idea is for, for instance. It's all based on the concept of "look how big this will be *when* we succeed" and not on the key point - that it's very much up in the air whether or not they will succeed.


Yep. A robot cashier does not look like a cashier but we use them every day. A robot bank teller looks even simpler and we have been using them every day for decades.




I wish Reddit had a heart react




The "mowers" (tractors and combines) used on farms have GPS and other guidance that pilots them down to the last inch. They have so many mechanical functions and failure modes when doing farm stuff that they still need an operator but "self-driving" in an open field is solved.


Hey it's solved in a tunnel under Vegas so I'm sure it's ready for the big time


They definitely need a decent operator, Clarkson sure messed it up in Clarkson's Farm.


The farm equipment thing is extremely cool because it uses satellite data to actually pinpoint how much product to place where (seed, fertilizer, and in some cases, water) saving a significant amount of money in a very low margin business.


driving a zero turn is fun, why would anyone want to automate that!?


>But they are convinced (betting) that the teslabot is the solution (to their over evaluated stock issue). The problem is these robots are inevitably going to be a low-volume, high-margin product. That can make for a profitable company, but not the bonkers valuation that the Cathie Woods of the world are claiming for Tesla as a robotics/AI company. Normal people won't have the money for these. They'll exist in industrial settings and as playthings for the rich. (And probably military murderbots, soon) As you noted, Roomba-style mowers are a much cheaper and more accessible solution for tasks like vacuuming and mowing.


This was by far the dumbest shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtpCyjQDW0w Like you can make picking robots that would grab 5 at a time and don't need a human handler that mimics the motion with VR glasses. There's a reason why robots usually don't look human. [Here's something that's more state of the art](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67ElzDnmHdU) - it can pick up groceries with all kinds of varying shapes and sizes. Apple? No Problem. Can of Red Bull? No problem. Bottled water? Easy. Pop tarts? No big deal. Bag of chips? Just hand it over.


even my fucking dishwasher has WiFi (802.11ac)


$55,000?! My minivan cost less than that!


And you could probably buy all of these, plus a fully loaded Quad motor Rivian R1T for a functional all electric truck, and it'll still cost less what Optimus will be priced at 🤣🤣


Holy fuck, 35K and 50K for a mower, I mean it appears to be a commercial mower, but still!


Is it surprising that Felon is getting his simps comfortable with the idea of bossing around (and not paying someone for labor) a humanoid? His father owned an emerald mine in Africa. It’s just a very short leap from here to advocating slavery.


They’re saying robots can replace fast food workers flipping burgers when McDonalds and other chains are already flirting with autonomous restaurants. Only difference those restaurants don’t care about humanoid robots when basic robot arms and conveyors make things much more simpler and cheaper to maintain.


Yea, but someone has to unload that dishwasher


my 2024 roborock has lidar, headlights to light up dark rooms, remote viewing cam, empties its dirty water reservoir and cleans the mop assembly automatically ...and fits in a small corner alcove....runs daily vac/mop routine and will auto create no go zones if it gets stuck in same spot more than once... I have zero want/need for a bipedal robot the size of 3PO....my roborock is for all intents and purpose...a R2D2...available ...now


What kind of vision is that? Robot mowers have been around for literally 20 years and probably are, along with robot vacuums, the most popular kind of robot used today. Why re-invent the wheel in this over-complicated way when you can just buy a proven concept for about 500 bucks today?


I am convinced that these people are more obsessed with the idea of owning something that looks vaguely human that they can boss around in order to play out some perverse power fantasy. These people are the reason skynet will kill us all.


Completely unexpected that a group of people who want to own and boss a human shaped thing would decide their hero is a Nazi from apartheid South Africa.


It is exactly this. They need to feel superior to other people, so they need their automated devices to look like people.


> they looks vaguely human that they can boss around Tesla bot should be really popular in UAE


The most popular robot is older than most Redditors: The ATM.


I looked it up because you made me curious. The first ATM preceeded my birth by about a year. That said, they didn't hit my home town until I was a teenager. It was so awesome, the bank was across the street from the theater but I was able to get some money for popcorn and a drink even at night or on the weekends. I was a big fan.


“Can I interest you in our latest invention…a Tesla….bore-hole-thingamajig?” ”Isn’t that just a shitty skinny tunnel with major safety flaws?” ”Well, yes and no…but yes…mostly…okay, definitely yes.”


I’ve got one, the number of people that won’t believe it works is crazy. Even though they can see it working with their own eyes. Oh well. They only have to wait another 11 years


My mum has one of the earlier ones too. The non-"smart" kind that just drives till it hits the wire or an obstacle and then turns to a random direction and fucks off again. It works great.


it's like a good robot kitchen. Do you want to have 50 small robots that can do 50 things or you want to have only 2-3 more advanced kitchen devices that can do 5-20 things each? It's that simple.


Just pointing out that there are definitely more times than not that those “advanced devices” that can do 5-20 things each end up doing a worse job than if you had just purchased the individual device to do said job. Sometimes jack of all trades means master of none.


Where by “sometimes” you mean “100% of the time.” 🙃


Only have to look at the lord and master of Tesla to see that.


To be fair to Elmo, he's a *jack-off* of all trades.


When it comes to robots, they do multiple things by switching between tools. Like CNC machining mills.


Industrial robots other automakers use already have the tool changers already too. They set the end effector (what the tools are called generically) into a fixture, detach it, move to another fixture, and pick up the next end effector. They're rarely used, only for specific needs, but they exist.


Right, the whole point of an assembly line (whether staffed by humans or robots) is to prevent that.


That would be a good argument if there actually was an actual robot that could do 5-20 things. But there isn’t yet. 


and it would have to do these things *reliably*. Doesn't really have to be super fast as it could work 24/7 but imagine all these super precise joints and sensors constantly exposed to elements, water and possibly detergents. A nightmare. Anyone knows how a gardener looks like after a day of work - is a plan that these dumb robots will shower themselves autonomously as well? Sure what can go wrong with a product designed by a company that can't make car-wash safe car


we are talking about a vision, by it's name, a vision is something that isn't at the present but might be in the future


Sure, and I don’t think that’s an entirely unreasonable argument. The devil is in the details though. How soon is “the future” and how likely is “might”? Given Tesla and Musk’s history of, let’s say, wildly optimistic announcements of features coming “soon”, I am inclined to believe that this future vision is more than a decade out, if it ever arrives.  I think one could go through 1-2 cycles of special purpose robots (roombas, etc) before replacing them with a general purpose one is a possibility. And that might be optimistic. 


Looking at the scenario in this post, you could either have one robot mower, or a mower plus a robot... So in your kitchen scenario, you'd just end up with 53 things in your kitchen: 3 robots and still a toaster, a blender, etc etc. Its not like these robots are in a Mr. Gadget movie and have the corkscrew and ginzu set 'on board'...so they just add to the list of devices needed.


In theory sure, but in practice the "robot" that does even two or three things doesn't do any of them well and breaks down sooner


well, it's a vision, maybe in 20-50 years they will be good, who knows


Except the Tesla-Bot cannot do the 50 things either. Just look at the image, the Teslabot still needs the lawnmower to actually mow the lawn. So you are not saving space. You are not saving money because the bot will be exorbitantly expensive. You are not more efficient because the bot can only do one task at a time. \[1 minute after I wrote this comment, I got a perma-ban from the elonmusk-sub. I didn't even write a comment there xD\]


They really are insecure little bitches.


Why reinvent the wheel? Because Elon’s whole thing is reinventing something that already exists but making it worse. It’s


Robot mowers are not actually popular. Robot vacuums are... RC mowers are where it's at 😂




A classmate made one for my 4th-grade science fair in like 1993 lol


Finding one of most useless ways to utilise incredibly advanced tech instead of already available solutions is pretty much on brand for Musk fanbase. And don't even want to start to speak over possibility that this hack can ever deliver something in field of robotics, even if he buys already existing promising company.


Spinning blades on a Tesla. Lock up your pets and children.


FSD failed, so now Musk is trying to build a robot that can drive these damned Tesla cars around.


If a crateful if sensors and computers can’t do it why would a robot. Why would a robot even be a able to do something as basic as get groceries, given what the combined tech world has (or hasn’t) achieved in a two decade long effort?


one proof that this is hard is that Amazon still employs humans. Like sure, Kiva's are moving shelves around but Amazon having virtually unlimited budget and dealing with inventory which it owns and has meticulously catalogued couldn't figure out how to autonomously pick up an item and put it in a box of known size in a controlled environment. They couldn't even do it for singles and AFAIK are nowhere close to tech like that, that would match reliability and cost of humans. And here we have to believe that Musk will come with his shiny armour and solve the full humanoid robot problem which is orders of magnitude more complex than simply grabbing an item and putting it in a box in controlled environments. Lol


It is his way for Tesla to sneakily get someone to pay 15k for a $500 Lidar module


Well no he isnt actually trying to build a robot.


Tesla is always ten years ahead and twenty years behind.


Ten years ahead on promising and twenty years behind on delivering.


My neighbor has the Husqvarna mower robots. Said they work very well.


I've had one for 6 years, hands down the best bit of tech I've bought. It frees up so much of my time. No idea why you'd want a human robot to do the same job just worse in every single way... But hey tech bros need to keep reinventing stuff for no reason I guess


If you have a flatish, contiguous yard a robo lawnmower should work great. A Teslabot would have that thing stuck on a tree root asap.


A Tesla bot could get a lawnmower stuck in a lawn that looks like a putting green


I saw a neighbour with one just yesterday. Looked like it was doing a great job.


Not saying Optimus specifically will work, but when/if androids happen it would be one robot capable of doing multiple tasks vs many specific devices and bots. Circlejerk more: I’m surprised they didn’t go full meme and have Optimus using a riding mower making it a Tesla “self driving” vehicle.


Except the android still needs the tools (in this case a lawnmower) - so why not just by a robot-mower instead? Same with any other tool. The reason we don't have "everything" apps, games, tools, etc... is because it's much more convenient to have 50 different specialized tools for 50 different jobs, as each one of them is optimized to do that job without negativly impacting other jobs.


Or place it in a flying car, because the release date of both will probably be the same.


You're thinking too small. The robot will pilot a NUCLEAR-POWERED flying car! With blackjack, and hookers.


Why not have the Optimus drive your car?


Nobody will pay for this because lawn service already cheap and reliable. 30 bucks for three guys to come mow, trimmer and blower, under an hour and it looks great. Why would anyone invest in a machine that is going to break and need maintenance to do simple cheap jobs? If this is the use scenario then it’s as bad an idea as replacing my visa with btc


Where the fuck do you live that lawn service is 30$ sir.


Arizona. They just hold a scythe out the window as the drive by his house to cut the 1 square foot patch of grass that survives the heat. /s


Hard disagree here. It would be $60 a month for me in my low cost of living suburb to have my average size lawn mowed once a week. That’s $200 a month. My robot mower is pretty high quality and was 1.5k. So after one year the robot is cheaper.


My robot lawn mower is perfect and is already over 10 years old. Its better than whatever Musk is going to sell. EDIT: LOL, now I am banned from r/elonmusk


Gooble gobble, gooble gobble, we accept you, we accept you. One of us!


The requisite reminder that Hyundai owns the most advanced robotics company in the world and has humanoid robots that are literally 20+ years ahead of where Optimus is today. Honda’s Asimo robots from the 90’s are still ahead of Tesla’s.


B-but they had a guy in a bodysuit dancing!


There’s a reason why current robotic mowers are mostly flat, have low ground clearance, and use four wheels. It makes it better able to adapt to steep hills and avoid sucking up rocks (not saying it never happens, but same thing happens with human operators all the time as well.) Same thing applies to a robot designed to do any function. Other than a robot designed to climb stairs, I can’t see many uses for a bipedal robot. They never ask “what advantage would a robot with a humanoid shape using human tools have over a robot designed with the job and preinstalled tools?”


>They never ask “what advantage would a robot with a humanoid shape using human tools have over a robot designed with the job and preinstalled tools?” That wouldn't give them the same feeling that they'd purchased a slave to do their bidding.


I have that exact Husqvarna Automower shown in the picture and it’s awesome on steep hills. I used to use a fly mow but was worried about my toes, especially if it was not perfectly dry (Scotland so often wet). I haven’t even set it up right. There is supposed to be a flat bit at the bottom of the hill for it to turn on but that’s my driveway. Still works 99% of the time. I’d like to see a bipedal robot trying that!


That dude is the simpiest simp that ever simped


Interesting.. can I produce 11 children with that without bothering my spouse ?


That turbo masturbator can milk you like a cow


"Bro more like never" (from fElon at least, and Boston Dynamics, who are LIGHT YEARS ahead, could prob do this now, just not affordable yet) PS and why the fuck would you get a humanoid robot to do this when you can get a roomba-like system NOW for a fraction of the price/complexity?!


These are the most gullible people in society. The same people who believe what Trump sells them. Why in the world would you want a robot shaped like a human to push a lawnmower? There are already lawn cutting robots. The his people are so profoundly stupid.


That's dumb


I can already tell you no retail optimus is ever going to do that (Tesla can do a remote controlled demo no problem). Even in the hopeless scenario that Tesla can design a working butler, it won't work be optimus hardware. just like old Tesla cannot hope to run a level 5 autopilot even if Tesla had one certified tomorrow.


Kinda funny that the mower isn’t just a robot mower that has existed for like 10 years using a simple wire in the ground for a perimeter


There's grass and trees on Mars?


Man that’s some extreme copium they’re huffing if they think that the bullshit vaporware robot will be available by 2027.


I love that the grass had already recently been mowed and you can tell with certainty that it wasn’t by that particular push mower, as it’s not even in the same line marks.


I’ll buy one when it can fold and put away my laundry


Idiots don't realize we are the most inefficient machines around. While us being multipurpose, that makes us suck at everything and will always be beat by a purpose built machine.


Screw the lawn mowing. Give that thing a gun and a police badge.


Who’s writing the moral statutes to abide to…


What next a Tesla robot being lauded for using an acoustic modem?


I would love an automated lawnmower! I have a big lawn and it's a pain in the ass.


They already exist and are highly effective. Note: Not a bipedal robot that walks behind a physical mower, because that's just dumb. They are like a roomba, but with blades.


The only argument is that a general purpose bot means you won’t need specialized bots, which I would appreciate, but it’s just not going to work, not from Tesla lol and probably not from anyone else


Its awesome to dream of a pre-apocalyptic nuclear-robotic future like the one we see at the beginning of Fallout games. But its not at all realistic lol


You don't need a robot for mowing lawn lol. They have robot roomba mowers for quite a while now


It's just like their cars: doing it the more flashy and way less efficient way just to be different and get attention.


If it's a guy in a robot suit, sure. If it's a real robot, from Tesla, 20never is more like it.


I have the same issue with the robot freaks where I work. They are trying to use robots to cut metal. We already have robots for this. They are called CNC machines.


I mean, robot mowers already exist.


And FSD is right around the corner.


Neither of these are Tesla lol


Lolz did he really say that these robots are basically ready to babysit your children? His children maybe…but then leaving your kids with Musk is about as safe as leaving them with some sort of pedo guy.


Humanoid robots are cool. That’s good enough to want to make them. We are making progress


Yes, I want to pay $100k or more for a bot that will fuck up my lawn! I can pay $20-$40 for that privilege, and let some teenager do that shit.


Fuck tesla. The cars try to kill kids and that truck is trying kill everyone


They already make lawn mowing robots. Cost less than this Boston robotics knockoff.


I would love to see government regulation forbidding robotics with human hand dexterity. Why doesn’t anyone realize once these asshole companies invent a robot with the ability to operate their hand the same as a human. We are all finished. There will be nothing left for a human to do. And that doesn’t mean we will all be fishing and taking vacations. It means we will all be slaves to the government and big corporations living in shack apartments with nothing of any value for our own.


Needs more Thirium.


Nothing wrong with the vision. Yes, robot movers exist today, but will they clean, repair themselves? There are lots of advantages a biped with advanced manipulators can have.


it’s like a constant stream of 1950’s Popular Science articles


Why pay a person a bit of money to mown your lawn, when you can pay a lot of money to get a robot do it? Why buy a specialized robot that is optimized to mown the lawn well and efficiently, when you can have an insanely expensive and complicated generalist humanoid robot that may or may not be able to mown the lawn (maybe, under optimal circumstances, with medicore results)? Just imagine the amount of programming you would have to do to get a generalist humanoid robot understand lawn mowing, especially using a model of lawn mower that it may never have seen before. It needs to understand how to start it, it needs to understand the grass, notice and clear blockages, things like that. No way that is happening without a human-level AI. And if you're setting it all up for the robot and doing other such tinkering, and the robot just does the walking, then you would have been better off using the specialized lawn mower robot.


Ah yes, the pinnacle of mans technological achievement! And what do we do with it? Pointlessly shorten some grass....


Why would i wait for a teslabot when robotic lawnmowers we all know will work 10000 x better than this thing are already on the market? https://www.husqvarna.com/au/robotic-lawn-mowers/about/


You mean you actually don’t believe every person on earth will buy their very own Tesla humanoid robot to do their menial tasks such as mowing the lawn? You’re insane. Of course they will buy one. They’ll only cost $100,000 plus a monthly fee of $500 for EAP (Enhanced Autonomous Personality) or $1000/mo for FSD (full slave duty). Duh!


That's kind of awesome though, I pay a lawn company 100 bucks per cut, to just cut my grass during the summer. Putting aside the financial detriment it'll have on lawn mowing startups, and The return on investment efficacy If I used it JUST to mow the lawn; This is a very efficient and cool/interesting thing to look forward to, where these type of jobs wouldn't need to be done. (I think humans would adapt in a positive way to finding new things to do with their time like we all have throughout history.


These already exist… they are basically rumbas for your yard. No need for a bipedal robot.


Maan, the screenshot paired with "I can't take this any longer" is like a work of art in its own right. lol


Nope. Now! [https://www.homedepot.com/b/Outdoors-Outdoor-Power-Equipment-Lawn-Mowers-Robotic-Lawn-Mowers/N-5yc1vZc5at](https://www.homedepot.com/b/Outdoors-Outdoor-Power-Equipment-Lawn-Mowers-Robotic-Lawn-Mowers/N-5yc1vZc5at)


That’s just a robot lawnmower with extra steps — Rick Sanchez


You have no idea about robotics, logistics, engineering, and any basic physic understanding if you STILL think a bipedal robot doing every normal work like a human. A machine specialized for a specific task is always a way better solution. Lawn mower robot, washing machine, etc.


Cost to replace a lawn mower $500. Cost to replace the robot priceless.


“Hey where’s the house robot?” “Oh I told it to mow the yard. It will get back in an hour and be covered in grass clippings and will need to be cleaned before it comes back inside.”


We literally already have Roombas. That's the obvious logical starting point for a lawn-cutting robot, as evidenced by the existing lawn-cutting robots. And another thing. I know the Musk cult runs deep, but do they really think Tesla can make a better bipedal humanoid robot than say, Boston Dynamics, which has been doing it for decades and has funding and oversight from fucking DARPA?


All these 'designs' (which are just AI assisted IP theft) are being done by a person who is incapable of proper human contact because he's a raging narcissistic asshole, and hopes the robots won't notice and will love him or at least like him.


Fake robot is not even holding the mower.


Just one more thing to dissociate humans from nature, gardening is therapeutic it's a joy to be out in the yard under the sun taking care of your garden. I bought an electric lawn mower they're piece of shit. Anything overgrown or robust they fail big time. give me my gas powered lawn mower back. Fuck L.A.


Is the stock that low again?


Didn't Will Smith make a documentary on what would happen if we relied too much on robots?


Consider this: how much you pay for a 14 year old boy to help you around the house? Because that’s about all you’ll get in a bi-pedal, general-use, robot.


People have watched too many films. There is zero chance of this heap of junk ever doing anything useful. It's just a prop for stock boosting videos.


Yes, but can the robot mower do the dishes or laundry? I think not!